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new jedi order

Threads that involve the New Jedi Order of the Galactic Alliance.
  1. Aran Finn

    We Like Balls [Galactic Alliance Fund-Raiser Gala]

    There were two things that Alen Na'Varro was known for these days. Fighting people and throwing amazing parties at his volcanic manor/lair in the heart of Sullust. Tonight he'd be doing the latter, and for the benefit of the entire galaxy. Or at least those who were on the list or could afford...
  2. Choli Vyn

    Das Kno' W're [ Galactic Alliance + Open ]

    Das Kno W're ::: Somewhere where yo Momma won't like. ::: Shadow Port Das Kno W're was a rather curious little shadowport. Let's just say that it lay smack dab between a massive nebula reminiscent of the Hapan Transitory Mists; it took some effort to find this place - b-uttt, it was worth...
  3. S

    The GA Dominion of Naboo - Open to the public

    Liberation of Naboo The Galactic Alliance expands into former Union territory. Having long suffered under the inequalities and unemployment brought about by the technocracy, support among the populace for the Alliance is on the rise. Some of the higher echelons who enjoyed the Techno Union...
  4. Jacen Voidstalker

    Alliance Dominion of Naboo

    Liberation of Naboo The Galactic Alliance expands into former Union territory. Having long suffered under the inequalities and unemployment brought about by the technocracy, support among the populace for the Alliance is on the rise. Some of the higher echelons who enjoyed the Techno Union...
  5. Nia Siroc

    Arriving On Sullust

    Six Months Ago.... Sitting in a small side room, Nia clutched her burlap cloth bag. Her eyes were wide as she watched the hustle and bustle of the hangar bay through the view port. It was easily as busy as Bartyn's Landing on a market day, but it had an organized quality the ramshackle...
  6. Jacen Voidstalker

    The Galactic Alliance Dominion of Belsavis

    Objective B The tomb was deep beneath a thick crust of ice. It hadn’t been exposed for over a thousand years, but a shifting glacier had revealed it not that long ago. Unfortunately the Alliance hadn’t even existed at the time. Qorbin Fal had been here with his Vanguard. The brief skirmish in...
  7. Jacen Voidstalker

    Emergence of the Light (Jedi Meeting Sullust - All Light Jedi Invited)

    [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="George O Rourke"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Suravi Teigra"] [member="Mantic Dorn"] [member="Avalore Eden"] [member="Ryan Korr"] The New Jedi Order had invited many of its allies to join them in the great glasteel dome of their primary...
  8. Jacen Voidstalker

    The New Jedi Order

    The New Jedi Order The New Jedi Order, is the Jedi order of the Galactic Alliance. The NJO is headed by Grand Marshall Omai Rhen, a fifty seven year old Human Jedi master. Within the Galactic Alliance those within the New Jedi Order serve a multitude of roles including diplomats...
  9. Aela Talith

    A Strange People[Naboo]

    Naboo-Southern Swamps Naboo. She had been here before, though her reasons had been far more self indulging then. It was nearly a decade ago now, when she had just turned sixteen and her Great Oma had first given her The Rising Tide. She had come to this planet for one reason and one reason...
  10. Jacen Voidstalker


    Galactic Alliance only, mostly aimed at Padawans and new members Tl;Dr; some cyborgs and overpowered, glowing red, Sith acolytes causing havoc on Fondor. Go deal with them! Security Hub, Oridin City, Fondor The Security Hub on Oridin City was comprised of a vast wall where countless...
  11. Aela Talith

    The Padawan(And One Master) Adventure!

    Space The Converging Tides Well, this was certainly an ordeal. Aela had never imagined herself to be in a situation like this, had never thought that it was particularly her skill set, but for whatever reason Master Rhen had given her this particular assignment. She didn't mind it really, but...
  12. Faratain

    Studying and How to Build a Light Saber

    Faratain had been sitting in the library of the Academy for hours at this point. His master had set him the task of researching the art of saber crafting hours ago, and the Eldorai had tackled the project head on. He had searched through hundreds of holocrons, consulted many a file and drawn...
  13. Jacen Voidstalker

    Throwing stones

    [member="Quinn Byrne"] Jacen had been reluctant to take on a padawan. His recent trials had tested his control and made the very worst aspects of his self-doubt resurface. Yet Quinn had made the task exceptionally easy. His lack of a preconception on the training was a boon rather than a bane...
  14. Gabriel Sionoma

    Approved Tech  Procursatores Armor

    Source Intent: A unique modification to the VT-Jedi Vanguard Armor Development Thread: -For Construction: If needed -For Cortosis Obtainment: Cloudy with a Chance of Sith (The Revenant vs Darth Vornskr) Manufacturer: Vanir Technologies, [[member="The Revenant"]] Model: Procursatores...
  15. EmKay

    Ancient Acquisitions and Antagonist Annihilation [GA Domininon of Ord Vaug]

    ORD VAUG WOOKIEEPEDIA LINK OBJECTIVES DISPENSING JUSTICE Pirates have, as they've done with most worlds in the Outer Rim, set up a base on the world. Intercepted communications reveal that these pirates have been attempting to coordinate with the First Order to eliminate the Alliance...
  16. Coren Starchaser

    Approved Starship  Champion Light Corvette

    Image Source: Star Wars: the Old Republic concept art. Found Affiliation: Members of the Jedi Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corp (Updating a Rendili Vehicle Corps vessel) Model: Champion-Class Light Corvette Modularity: Yes...
  17. Adele Adonai

    Group Training - Available masters?

    Hello everyone! I know we have a lot of new faces, and alot of those are Masters and Knights with a wealth of experience under their belt! For those who are in the New Jedi Order, I would like to invite you to please volunteer to lead group training classes for all available knights and...
  18. Aela Talith

    Approved Location  The Sullust Temple

    Name: New Jedi Order Sullust Temple Image Source: Mickael Forrett Classification: Jedi Temple Location: Sullust, Southern Hemisphere Affiliation: The New Jedi Order Description: The New Jedi Order Temple on Sullust is a grand architectural project under taken by half a dozen organizations...
  19. Calum Leon

    A New Order and Master

    Calum walked around the New Jedi Order temple, inspecting the architecture in awe. Nothing on Corellia was like this since the Sith took that planet. Now he's here, amongst the Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order's ranks. As he walked amongst the holo-books in the library, he was sent a notice...
  20. Judah Lesan

    What Am I Doing (open to 2 GA and or NJO)

    Judah wasn't dressed like a Jedi at all. Everything was changing. All the technology and armor made being a Jedi seem to be, well, old fashioned. Who was he kidding? He'd looked in the mirror, the man of mid fourties had grown his beard, and was always drawn to the lines of gray in his hair. Kat...
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