Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Mig Gred

    Faction  New Clients (CST/EI/NPC)

    Mig sat in the port hanger of the Keros' Kad as it, two Shield-class Escort Cruisers, and a pack of Neebray-class Cargo Frigates loaded with new HF-3 Aran Long Range Heavy Escort Fighters reverted to real space near the delivery coordinates given. Ah it was his second time seeing the station...
  2. Faith Organa

    New Senator for Alderaan

    Everyone please congratulate Alicio Organa he is the new Senator for Alderaan for the Galactic Alliance. woohoo!!! I've been meaning to thank you for taking on the role !
  3. Judah Lesan

    Private  Something Old New Borrowed and Blue

    . R E F L E C T I O N Wearing: xxx Tag: Cambria Zadira Ilum had been close, too close for comfort. The Empire had almost succeeded, and in so doing proven to be more of an evil than the Galactic Alliance had wanted to give them credit. The old Jedi had seen it coming. He had warned an assembled...
  4. Melvain Braxis

    Work In Progress  New Junction

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To update an old codex sub and explore the idea of the Imperial Mission Chapter of the Imperial Knights Image Credit: Imperial Sail Barge - Christian Piccolo Canon: New Junction Grand Terminal Junction City Gordian Reach Thesme Trace Hydian Way...
  5. Darth Pizzahutman

    New member

  6. Shem Spinner

    LFG  New Sword Lad - Looking for interaction

    I've made a new character, Oni. He's a Pantoran from the past, but like really from the past. When the force wars broke out, he stole a Rakatan ship to go fight the Infinite Empire and ended up getting lost in hyperspace, so now he's in the future. I'm looking to get him started as a Padawan...
  7. Ivan Cestius

    Approved Location  New Massada entrenched camp | Dvar Imperial Remnant

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To restore Dvar’s main fortification to a combat-ready state Image Credit: Dien Bien Phu Red Star Miniatures; Caustic Soda Podcast [x] [x] Canon: n/a Permissions: n/a Links: Found throughout submission SETTING INFORMATION Military Base Name: New Massada...
  8. Skorvek

    Private  New paths

    He continued to remain on his throne on Lahos for a time, there was a great deal needed to be done between managing Lahos and Erebos and its moons while keeping an eye on his nethergates to make sure they stay intact and containing whats behind them. He was curios about the nether again despite...
  9. Angelus Hafey

    New Star System (Phkalt Metal deposit)

    The nature of the metal I created is difficult to obtain. Variants I planned in small amounts got destroyed after Haons death. With one system going on lockdown and the other having Elysium controlled deposit, another system will be made. But I want to hear ideas on kind of system to be made...
  10. Iris Arani

    Private  New Hobbies

    Hobbies were a good thing. In Iris's opinion, it was as important for all Jedi to have something they can relax doing. Some did that with meditation, but meditation wasn't for everyone. Iris wasn't the best at it, not really. The colors were too constant and too swirling in most places for her...
  11. Tefka

    Request  Cool New Ideas For A Codex Contest

    The Codex team has been informed they can fight for a 25$ applebees giftcard by next Saturday. I'm not going to offer that to all of you but I will say the worst two Codex Judge ideas are getting fired and banned and you can help that happen. Post your suggestions below and we'll be choosing at...
  12. A

    LFG  New Imperial Knight

    Greetings everyone There is a new Imperial Knight on the board that would like to engage in a variety of situations. I've already signed up for the Last Hour Thread and are currently looking for an opponent for that. Other than that thread; I am open to the possibility of doing threads with...
  13. Zoraya Dara

    Private  New Opportunities

    NEW OPPORTUNITIES Location: Corellia With her hands clasped behind her back, Zoraya stood in her office on the top floor of the massive skyscraper and glanced across the city's skyline through the large window. So much had changed here in recent years. The seemingly endless war with the Maw...
  14. Valery Noble

    Faction  [NJO + Jedi] A New Journey

    A New Journey Coruscant Temple Music Introduction Ever since the Maw attack against Coruscant, the Temple had been in a state of reconstruction but now, years later, the doors were finally opened to Jedi alone to gain access to specific areas. During this Era of Reclamation, the opening of...
  15. Thebigreddog

    LFG  The new empire

    Around 760ABY There’s been no sith for YEARS And finally a new sith arrives Darth var Believed to be concieved by 2 jedi making his midi-chlorian count around 19-22k His story begins where he’s looking for current jedi to go take back to base etc 1/2 force sensetives would be nice 2 non sensitive
  16. Amani Serys

    Private  Old Scars and New Wounds

    Cinnagar Royal District, Outskirts However Amani had envisioned the battle on Teta ending, it hadn’t been like this. Once their duel with Ishani Sibwarra had come to its melancholic end, she and Alicio had made a quick exit from the front lines at the Count’s behest. They had done their part...
  17. Diana Sophistica

    Private  Meeting New Faces

    -=Diana Sophistica=- Location: Verun - Medjai Temple Tags: Dreidi Xeraic Ship: "The Red Hare" Equipment: Prosthetics, Diana original lightsaber +attachment rods, Diana's master ligthsaber, training objects, Battle armor. Droids: Orange Kitten, Blue Squid Objective: Train Inspirational music...
  18. Ibra Sest

    LFG  New

    I'm new to the rp scene and this site, I really wanna get into doing some stuff with folks here but I don't exactly know how to do anything.
  19. D

    Work In Progress  Injunction-Class Dreadnought

    "But I would also warn against diverting too many of the Empire's resources from a flexible navy of capital ships and starfighters to massive projects that can bring the Imperial presence to only one system at a time." - Grand Admiral Thrawn fa-play fa-pause OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION...
  20. Hollis Orenn

    Private  The Best Time for New Beginnings

    Approaching the Jedi Temple Outfit Hollis watched out the view-port as her transport approached the temple. Though she kept her expression as impassive as she could, so as not to frighten her seat neighbor, she was positively giddy. This was indeed the start of something new. Very new. Hollis...
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