Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ashin Cardé Varanin

    Private  One Long Heartbeat

    THE BEZHARL EN ROUTE FROM SVOLTEN TO SOMEWHERE SECURE The silence in her own heart unsettled Ashin more than the carbon-freeze itself. Any time she'd ever waited for anything, her pulse — fast or slow — had been a thankless, unrecognized companion. Its absence struck her as forcefully as the...
  2. Arthakk

    LFG  And Another One

    Well, here I am looking to do more threads, be it social, investigative work, mercenary/bounty hunting, perhaps fishing? or maybe help a kid that fell into a well?. Whatever it is, feel free to shoot em in here or through chaos/discord dm, whichever works for ya. Also here's a small summary of...
  3. Amani Serys

    Private  Square One

    Iziz Starport, Onderon Kal Amani didn't make much of a habit out of heading to the Inner Rim these days, but suffice to say, recent events had given her reason enough to start trying something new. The once-Jedi had long since made peace with the possibility of continuing on with a 'normal'...
  4. Saraya Arenais

    Artist  One of those Art Things

    N A M E | Anika Tau'ri H O M E W O R L D | Ord Cantrell F A C T I O N | New Imperial Order S P E C I E S | Human A G E | Twenty Nine H E I G H T | 5ft 9in W E I G H T | 123lbs H A I R | Brown with Caramel Highlights E Y E S | Light Brown [Golden When Utilising the Force] S K I N T O N...
  5. Arcturus Dinn

    Private  One Deal Is What We Made

    "No, no, I really must insist against it, Mister." Even as the stout creature continued to chide him, words barely gracing his ears, Arcturus finished pulling the stopper off a bottle of some drink or another and brought it to his lips. It was a decidedly large bottle by Tynnan standards...
  6. Tefka

    Staff  The Vault Opens | Day One

    "All hope abandon, ye who enter here." Dante Aligheri, The Divine Comedy Vault rules added. Vault categories added. Vault determined operational and ready for public release. ***bugs expected, pls report them Vault button added...
  7. Cartri Keswoll

      Cartri Keswoll: One year later

    Evening folks, for almost a year and a half I've played the ginger kid known as Cartri Keswoll. Since joining I haven't really asked for any feedback on how other people think of the character, nor had the confidence until now. Other than the char profile which obviously needs some work, I'd...
  8. Briana Sal-Soren

      One of those feedback threads

    I've been writing Briana for about a solid month now and I've found her to be rather enjoyable to write but, that doesn't mean others necessarily enjoy reading her. Ultimately, I want my writing partners to enjoy the experience as much as I am. So, here I am, seeking out the advice of other...
  9. Kahlil Noble

    Private  One Year Ago At Life Day

    It had to be irony that brought Kahlil to a cold planet. Still freshly severed from the Force he continued his travels from planet to planet, experiencing a life free of burden. All while still searching for signs of Valery Noble. Yet as he stepped off his ship and the first snow of this...
  10. R

    Any one want to create a slave trading concern?

    I have a second idea for a character: a slave trader. Any takers for his associates?
  11. Traden Avarice

    Private  THE WAR HOGS - Episode One - "I Accept You're Resignation"

    THE WAR HOGS: EPISODE 1 "I ACCEPT YOU'RE RESIGNATION" BACKGROUND MUSIC: INSTRUMENTAL JAZZ LOCATION: MOMMA A's HOUSE IN TYTHON Traden's Attire: Casual THE WAR HOGS: Traden Avarice Phaineve Halseigh Dagmar Kortu Gorthalon (Other Character?) Mela Keiran Varn "Traden, have you seen my...
  12. Tefka

    Staff  General Rule Addition #8

    Link for the lazy: This is not retroactive, disciplinary action will not be taken on anyone who recently logged into each one of their 17 subaccounts to love react a blog post. However, sir, you know who you are and you sit on a throne of LIES.
  13. Travot Ravenna

    Private  All Stars Burn as One

    Inside Carbon Fifteen, Roche Asteroid Field The recycled air still felt cold against his skin, despite him wearing an thinsuit underneath his armor. The Bryn'adul make it too hot, and the Verpine come back and make it too cold. His eyes darted around the enormous cavern, making out of the...
  14. Kranak Vizsla

    Private  Shooter, By Eye, Go To Sector One

    P R E C I S I O N S H O O T I N G Location: Kaddak, 200 Clicks Away From City, Unnamed Mountain Range Local Time: 17:47 Date: -DATA CORRUPTED- Primary Objective: Target Practice, Train Gwyn Secondary Objective: Help Gwyn Get Her Mind Off Eliz’s Arm. Equipment: Loadout 2 (No Medical Backpack)...
  15. A83

    Game  One Word Story!

    (Everyone posts one word at a time to make a chaotic story) Once
  16. H

    Alliance One: Plenipotentiary-class Dreadnaught

    ANS Alliance One, Plenipotentiary-class Dreadnaught OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a suitable vessel for the exploration of the Unkown Regions and defense of --- Image Source: Jack Sananikone Canon Link: Star Dreadnaught, Consular Ship Permissions: Technoid Republic Engineering...
  17. Ladybug

    Private  To Sith Felacat's Freedom

    The planet of Felacat was a broken peaceful society under the rule of the CIS Government; whose governing body was designed to collect the cats into a rule of happy slavery. The rich, like most enriched planets, thrived under a structured thumb of government, whilst those classes beneath the...
  18. Coren Starchaser

    LFG  The Seven Jedi - Fun(?) one shot

    Hey all So, Visions has me thinking, because, well, of course. A world on the Outer Rim, rich in history and the Force, kyber and Force sensitives. A roaming band of Sith enter, taking young, taking kyber crystals, and demanding fealty. A call goes out, Jedi and other do-gooders to come...
  19. Jademar Eurisa

    LFG  Threads - One on One roleplays.

    I am searching for a few threads that can be one on one with my character. If anyone is interested. Message me and we can dicuss it. i hoping to start some threads up again
  20. Faith Organa

    One year later

    A year ago on this day I got the worst phone call I could ever receive. My mother had been killed. The why about why the man who killed her I will never know, I can assume many things, but I'll never know the reason. The reason probably wouldn't make sense to me anyhow. Today I have spent a...
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