Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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open hand

  1. Prodigy

    Private  Sacrilege

    Kesh Arlo Renard Loneliness was not an emotion Prodigy ever expected to feel. Most machines never would. Right now, he envied them. Cursed his own knowledge. Pontificated the value of a simpler life. An ignorant life. One in which truth did not batter the gates of his mind, demanding to be set...
  2. Percival Io

    Faction  Collective Dreaming [Open Hand]

    The civilization of Chaldea, long a bastion of Open Hand-esque ideologies, has been destroyed by dragons. The valuable anti-Force User technology of the Chaldeans is now up for grabs. Objective I: The Winner Takes the Spoils Loot taken during the planet's evacuation has found its way onto the...
  3. Prodigy

    Faction  The Axe Forgets [The Open Hand]

    Prodigy wondered how many Jedi actually remembered the Path of the Open Hand. In eons of Jedi conflict, the Path’s existence was a brief candle. A footnote on the annals of history. How many feared the return of such an ideology? How many thought about it at all? The old Path wasn’t strong...
  4. Ziso Kus

    LFG  Open Hand Shenanigans

    Ziso here is as she looks, a Grevious cyborg. With the whole fantastic ideal of beating up Jedi, taking lightsabers for trophies, and generally just hating on Force Users in general (this is more an Open Hand thing). Which, is more or less the types of threads I'm looking for. People to fight (I...
  5. Kehl Thraxx

    Character  Kehl Thraxx

    Kehl Thraxx From Gladiator to Warlord [ Theme ] " They will bleed as I have, and pay their debt to me with their lives. " | Name | Kehl Thraxx | Aliases | N/A | Titles | The Betrayer | Allegiance | The Open Hand, Independent Warlord | Age | 54 | Species | Morseerian | Homeworld |...
  6. Aymeric Prendergast

    Character  Hakkon Graft

    NAME: Hakkon Graft FACTION: The Open Hand - Iron Gotra RANK: High Admiral (Iron Gotra) ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil SPECIES: Besalisk HOMETOWN: Ojom CURRENT RESIDENCE: Nomadic AGE: 28 SEX: Male SEXUALITY: Heterosexual HEIGHT: 7 ft 10 in WEIGHT: 564 lbs EYES: Yellow HAIR: Black SKIN: Brown FORCE...
  7. Prodigy

    Faction  What Was, What Will Be [The Open Hand] [Introduction Thread]

    Abandoned compound, Myrkr - Open to members of the Open Hand faction - Deep in the woodlands of Myrkr, a signal calls to a select few. Some have been in contact for some time. Others had never received such a message before. None had met in person before, not for a call like this. But each of...
  8. E

    Character  Edrick Edo

    EDRICK EDO Theme Ending Alias(es) Eddy Ed Class(es) Jedi Knight (Fallen) Gunslinger Birthplace Genetia Residence Aboard the Tribunal The Complex, Koethe Age Late 30s Personality Traits Suspicious Iconoclastic Expectant Bold Rank(s) Agent Faction(s) NJO (Formerly) Open...
  9. Prodigy

    Character  Prodigy

    SPECIFICATIONS Name: Prodigy Model: Unique Creation: After the Second Battle of Empress Teta Gender: Masculine programming (He/they) Height: 7'1" / 2.16 m Force Sensitive: No AFFILIATIONS Homeworld: Empress Teta Residence: Mobile Faction: The Open Hand OOC Voice: Ramon...
  10. The Open Hand

    The Open Hand

    MISSION The Open Hand is a secretive radical syndicate comprised of individuals from a variety of backgrounds and affiliations. Together, they have aligned under the common ideology of ending all Force use across the galaxy. Their work is clandestine, and achieved through a variety of methods...
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