Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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open thread

  1. Vergessen Contii

    Public  - | INTERLOPE (CH.1) ] Expedition to the Forgotten Moon

    Now Playing - Dirge From Dark Side Location - Erdhenne Occupation was quick to begin on the moon that encircled the planet Gefängnis. Vergessen Contii's squadrons of mining droids landed on the planet and immediately began burrowing into the planet's crust for preliminary inspection. While...
  2. Darth Strosius

    Campaign  Shadow Over the Rim: Tund

    Shadow Over the Rim Chapter 1: Tund An ancient world with a long and storied history of Sith rule, Tund was one of the obvious first targets of the Inquisition's campaign. After a few days of covert landings to meet with the populace that lined the fringes of the world's society and population...
  3. C

    First Reply  The Galaxy Provides...

    Jedi Knight Caedyn Arenais sat alone in the cockpit of The Repertoire, his eyes closed and body motionless as he meditated on the Force. Instinctive Astrogation was an advanced form of space navigation where the pilot relied solely upon the Force for direction and traversal across the many...
  4. C

    Public  Come What May [Open]

    Location: Svivren, The Jedi Enclave. Seated within the centre of the empty courtyard, Caedyn Arenais was alone, surrounded only by the Force as he sat within meditation. It had been a long time since he had last returned to Svivren, and not since his time of service under the Outer Planets...
  5. Paragon of Virtue

    Public  The Knights' Tomb | Agents of Chaos | The Wild Hunt | +Open

    Ondoher. A small and insignificant planet in the Unknown Regions, shoved by galaxy nature almost entirely against the rim, and 'tis in constant danger of simply falling off the edge of the galaxy' as the locals put it. For numerous millennia it had been left alone in piece, mostly because of its...
  6. Scherezade deWinter

    Public  Space Race: Journey in the Unknown Regions

    Who's up for a Space Race in the Unknown Regions?! A few teams, three planets, and ground missions in between. Rules are super simple: Teams must consist of two or more people. Teams can be of any faction, or of no faction. Or a combo of factions. Bring your friends, just make sure to sign...
  7. Evaelyn Zambrano

    Serennotime Sadness

    Crowds gathered on Carannia. The city hosted its annual food festival. It was a week of laughter, games and secret agendas. The park and surrounding marketplace grew by the hour, as more and more came out to the event. The sun and clear blue sky helped too. It was a welcome sight after what...
  8. Alexandra Feanor

    Holding Our Ground [Open Thread]

    Location: Carida, Republic Senate Halls. Two Months after Corellia's Secession. Alexandra leaned against the wall with her eyes closed, the great chamber silent now as few politicians remained after the last two months. Worlds had left on their own accord, seeing that the Republic would need...
  9. WolfMortum

    [FMAT] The Jedi Code [Open to Jedi]

    The Silver Rest, Kashyyyk Temple of the Silver Jedi Order. This thread is open to all Jedi Characters. [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Jerek Zenduu"] | [member="Elizabeth Skywalker"] It was the first time that Veiere Arenais has stepped foot into a...
  10. Alexandra Feanor

    Trial of Reverance (New Republic Dominion of Alderaan, Open to All)

    Location: Alderaan, Aldera City Alexandra leaned against her hand as she threw a small fruit into her mouth, something purple and barely bigger than a marble. It was connected on some vine and Alexandra loved the taste, but that thought was brief as she looked at the room she was sitting in...
  11. Alexandra Feanor

    The Imperial Bastion (The Anaxes/Corellian Campaign, Imp Prep, Open to All)

    Warlord Xeren That was the name of the man who gathered people to his forces, who gathered ships and soldiers from the One Sith, or from the worlds he had brought his ships to and taken people from just to join his army. It was this man who control Anaxes and it was his soldiers who had...
  12. Alexandra Feanor

    The Calm Before (Open to All Factions, Part 2 of Corellian Campaign)

    -- Four months after the Liberation of Corellia, and Defeat of Admiral Koth-- --- Location: Firebase Gladius, Wakeelmui System --- Alexandra smiled as she sat on a crate and ate from the nutrition bar she had pulled from the meal that the soldiers were getting here. The woman was not in...
  13. Tobias Dracks

    State of the Union [Open to Invitation]

    In a large open chamber that was flanked by elongated banners with the New Republic Symbol on a red setting. A podium was well lite as many dressed figures sat in their podiums around it and looked out to the holocameras. Within the central podium sat two individuals on an lower covered desk...
  14. Tobias Dracks

    State of the Union [OOC Thread]

    Hello, You are invited to the State of the Union by the newly elected Chancellor of the New Republic, Munnu Fati. Please join the New Republic in celebration of the first democratically elected senators and Chancellor while they give their state of the Union at the Carida Academy. After there...
  15. Lyla Quinn

    The Areta: Never A Dull Moment (CLOSED \ Scrapped Thread, See OOC)

    [After much deliberation on the matter, I've decided to close and scrap this thread. We've lost too many to offline hiatus (myself included, it happens, life gets crazy, not blaming anyone <3) and to try and explain why most of my crew is now gone at this point in the story would be too...
  16. Kaile Vera

    Bimmisaari Crisis

    Location: Bimmsaari - Glastro [member="Kurt Meyer"] "MEDIC!" Kurt's voice would lash out to the scattering crowd, echoing as other refugees were also making their own pleas and demands. It was chaos on a world that had been known for pacifism and the attempt to maintain the beauty of their...
  17. Miss Blonde

    Middle Men [Ship Heist]

    We have a new thread set up where we will be stealing a 2000 meter ship to sell on the black market. The thread is here Middle Men
  18. Voices of The Deep

    Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

    Chaos theory said things fall apart, chaos theory said everything is random, everything is atrophy and unknown and there is no way you will ever control it or understand it. That it's all just guessing, you can't even count the possibilities you can never know, you can never prepare, you can...
  19. Aithne Charr

    Red Sun over Ryloth (IC Thread - Open)

    A Red Sun over Ryloth Solan yawned a bit as he sat hunched over in a cantina, eyes glued to the screen of a video he had been watching. It was some news agency, one his eyes tracked but mind was not focused on in the least. He could not tell you what was said, or what he saw. He was...
  20. WolfMortum

    First Steps.

    [member="Syndri"] | [member="Zetha Vesh"] | [member="Acaleus Thorn"] The Baccara remained adrift within the Corellian Run, the route arguably one of the largest trading and smuggling passages used between the outer-rim territories and the core-worlds. At the controls of the Modified YT-1300...
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