Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Hessai Venscythe

    New Contacts, New Chemistry

    The efforts of going through Hutt-Space was always entertaining-one that came through the area with the bigger and nastier looking vessels always paid either higher bribes or longer wait times of inspection-one that made one definitely curious and wary of any of them to make sure things were not...
  2. Kix Tal'Verda

    Old Memories Die Hard (Tal'Verdas and Verds)

    Mando'yaim was a small place and so rumors circulated it quickly. There were rumors of a new Clan out in the hinterlands, constructing an old village, they were supposedly refugees from the Galactic south that bore strong Mandalorian trappings. The rumors were blunt in one fact, they were being...
  3. Alan

    "He doesn't have a name anymore" (PAST RP)

    OOC: Please read. The recording has been tampered with, and in some parts, destroyed. The audio cuts in and out at certain parts, and goes dark for several minutes at some points. "PRISONER 4897-"The audio cuts out at the obvious mention of the name, and the lips of the guard are blacked...
  4. Abaigeal Burke

    Kalia's Past

    I was hoping to do a few past rps and perhaps even current ones to flesh out Kalia's past. I thought it would be fun to explore how she got to where she is today. The only real thing you should know is that she didn't join the Jedi until she was 21. Before that she was working with smugglers. In...
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