Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Anna Sachae

    Private  Try Not To Cut Yourself On That Edge

    SOME BUSTED OLD HYPERLANE STATION Middle of Nowhere, Local Time 1715 Another week, another decently successful run. Unlike her recent, more lucrative hauls, most of the salvage this time was for ship repairs. Junk and desh, circuitry and wiring, nothing too old or rare. As a result, Anna would...
  2. Kaili Talith

    Private  Imposter Syndrome

    The pamphlet spoke of warm sun, calm seas and sprawling verdant forests that were teeming with wildlife. As the plastic-laminated three-fold guide of the island that Kaili was visiting closed beneath the pressure of her thumb she couldn’t help but raise her brow at what she was actually seeing...
  3. P

    Private  A Godless Endeavor

    The trip had been a short one. Chandrila was not particularly far from Coruscant, though it was enough for Cedric to have gotten some sleep first, at least. They'd come to scout out the world. Chandrila had always been a bastion of democracy, and even Chancellor Graf's sycophants could not...
  4. Abel Forsworn

    Tea Overdose

    Altiria was one of those planets that didn't matter to much. To anyone. Even to the people on the planet. Divided between continents, the governments of the planet preferred the distance or else they would perpetually be at war. And don't even get started on the two moons and their occasional...
  5. Darth Empyrean

    Private  The First of Many

    [hr] [hr] The table was large, specially made and lifted into the building through once open balcony; now self contained in a room surrounded in holo panels. The world around it was eccentric, placing them dangerously close to a massive multicolored sun with arcs of jet flying from its...
  6. Jairdain

    Fading Light

    Jairdain had been given all the time she needed to recover from her meditation. A few days and she was almost back to normal. Maybe a little skinnier than she had been, but that was fine with her. Leading a life of a mother sometimes put weight on where it wasn't wanted and that was usually the...
  7. L

    Convergent Evolution

    Lisilla Post 1 Location: Far Water Village, Sorgan Wearing: xXx Time: Morning [member="Harli Hayes"] For most of the villagers in Far Water, morning was still a period of slumber since the best time to harvest the krill from the ponds was during the middle of the afternoon. However, whenever...
  8. Mygeleto

    Private  Job of Mineral Wealth

    Location: 244Core, Relaali -- Negotiations with the Eeook Corporation had finally wrapped up, they would support his cause in the building of his forces. The Eeook Corp was a strong backer in their part of he galaxy for their pure turn out of resources. -- This meeting had pissed off several...
  9. Mygeleto

    Private  Debacle on Saleucami

    Location: Abandoned Outpost Talos, Saleucami Objective: Slave Raid, Collection to Processing before leaving system. -- The raid had been a mighty success, the conflict between the Sith and Jedi in the near by system had pulled away much of the boarders protection set by the Silvers. He and his...
  10. Sussh

    Does Anybody Have a Laser Pointer?

    The dense forests of Cholganna were chilly. The reptile was far out in the Outer Rim, on his first of many trophy hunts now that he was experiencing more of the Galaxy. Sussh shivered, his cold blooded nature was slowing him down, and he had to be careful he didn’t become the prey. In fact as...
  11. Riamah

    A Day in the Life of One Who Belongs

    These past months had been almost like a dream for Ra. Something that had been lacking throughout her life was a family. Now she had one and was just taking the time to adjust to that. She stayed with Josh, Jason and Vincent and felt like returning to some semblance of duties outside that of...
  12. Kade Seyta


    Location: The Imperial Palace, Coruscant Objective: Remember. Equipment: Storm Commando Armor, SE-14C, E-11 Wearing: Cloak, covering the neck down Tags: [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] As I looked up at the old, now condemned palace, a dark and confusing feeling of loss took me back to another time...
  13. Energeticus

    In The Footsteps of Shadows

    Seat of the Obsidian Order, Geonosis Lonthor was welcomed once more by the Masters in their chamber. The purpose of this second gathering was to inform the Jedi Knight of the final decision the Council took regarding his position as part of the Order. To Moriwant’s surprise, the Grand Masters...
  14. V

    Private  The Stardust

    Setting: A cramped, cheaply-rented hangar bay on Coruscant. ~*~*~ The Stardust was a luxury yacht—or at least, it had been considered luxury at the time of its manufacture some thirty five years ago. Now the ship’s hull was spotted with rust, and had clearly not been properly cleaned in some...
  15. Vytal Noctura

    Strike the Golden Dawn

    Location: Ank Kit'aar Primary Objective: Construct two dams to ensure year-round water supply for two cities, and upgrade an existing dam to prevent calamity at a third. Secondary Objective: Explore several subterranean networks located during geological surveys. Determine how they were formed...
  16. Rygo Ghast

    A Hard Earned Meal (Kay Larr/Rygo)

    In the shade of the earthen enclosure of this cantina, Rygo's body could finally relax and enjoy some down-time. It was pretty busy that afternoon, and there were many different aliens from all over the galaxy surrounding him. A Cathar was dancing on a pole, wearing nothing but faded rags, while...
  17. Darth Morrow

    Private  What Remains in the Ruin

    Mandalore Mining Sector [hr] The sound of drilling filled the air, other than that there was only silence. It had been months since The Empire invaded Mandalore and burned its cities to ash, slaughtered most of its people and took it for their own gain; since then, well it was relatively...
  18. Trextan Voidstalker

    The Cult in the Scar

    [member="Romi Jade"] It was hard to believe that the crater stretching beyond the horizon had been made by a machine. A holy city had stood here for generations, he had seen the weathered statues half buried on the shuttle in. An imperial battle station known as the Death Star had wiped it out...
  19. K

    This is Bigger Than You

    Kierra was pleased with herself, not only for the bodies and terror she’d left in her wake but for the live ones she’d managed to bring with her. She sat on the deck of the cargo hold, humming happily, stroking Balthazar’s neck. Energy cages lined the walls, filled with slavers sitting in their...
  20. The Red of Sinner

    Don't I Know You

    [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] Nar Shaddaa had many nicknames throughout the galaxy, some were a little more insulting than others, but they usually hinted at one thing. Coruscant, but turned inside out. To Romeo, however, the place had a nice coffee spot, a little man who was constantly with good...
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