Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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project rebirth

  1. Marlon Sularen

    Rise to Power Part I : In the Shadows of Ambition

    O'REEN, UNKNOWN REGIONS Sularen stood in front of the viewports of Raptor Base, his hands clasped behind his back as he observed his flagship docked within one of the shipyards large external dry-docks being retrofitted with new exotic technologies he had gained access too thanks to his new...
  2. Marlon Sularen

    Private  Eye to Eye

    E Y E_T O_E Y E FINAL DAWN CRAKULL, UNKNOWN REGIONS Never underestimate the importance of old alliances. Those were the wise words of the former High Regent of the Final Dawn Derix Tirall during a recent meeting with Sularen. Since his ascension as High Regent of the Final Dawn, Marlon...
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