Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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renaissance era

  1. 80Y

    Private  Warning Sign

    JAKKU | SPACE STATION PROBABLY Annasari Escorted and presented, Sesi bowed her head when she was finally before the Vice Chancellor. "I appreciate you meeting with me, Vice Chancellor." Even if it was on Jakku. Senator Todra had not left The Core in a while, and making it out to the dusty...
  2. Spirit of Patience

    Dominion  Reytha Without You | GA Dominion of Reytha and Terrijo

    REYTHA and TERRIJO AFTER THE WAR | THE RENAISSANCE ERA Covered in oceans teeming with fish, and productive agricultural fields, Reytha has enough food to feed an army. And to prove it, and show their dedication to contributing to the Alliance’s infrastructure, Reytha’s representatives and...
  3. IVI

    Private  ://UMBRA_Terminus

    THE DIRECTOR CORUSCANT | SIA HQ | DEBRIEFING ROOM Jand Talo The Alliance’s borders were, for now, free from enemy contamination. And it was the Intelligence Agency’s sole duty to ensure that dormancy remained just so — ideally through proactive measures. Measures that were constantly active and...
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