Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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resurgent empire

  1. D

    Private Eyes

    ATHISS CASA DE NASHAR Quite some time ago, Maleagant had agreed to act as an information broker on behalf of Vrak Nashar. It had been an agreement reached while under great duress, so one could not be terribly surprised that specifics had not been ironed out. Since then, the Resurgent Empire...
  2. Yidhra

    Approved Starship  Udraitor (Scepter)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Terror of the seven seas. Image Source: Marvel, LucasArts Canon Link: X | X | X | X | X Restricted Missions: / Primary Source: / PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Resurgent Empire Model: Udraitor Affiliation: The Sith Empire (Yidhra, PCs with FA...
  3. Yidhra

    Approved Tech  Nairidira (Fearmonger)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: An artifact that empowers Illusions. Image Source: X Canon Link: X | X Restricted Missions: / Primary Source: X PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Yidhra Model: / Affiliation: Yidhra Modularity: / Production: Unique Material: Alchemized Mustafar Obsidian...
  4. Yidhra

    Approved Species  Zûtadasi (Cursed)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To crew the vessels of the Resurgent Empire. ​Image Credit: Shane Baxley Canon: / Links: Sithspawn | Sith Purebloods GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Zûtadasi Designation: Semi-sentient Homeworld: Athiss and Raekkar Language: High Sith, Sith...
  5. Yidhra

    Approved Location  Asijisis diâ Miara, Ari ant Ansi (Mastery and Domain, Lord on High)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To establish the history and location of the Dottash dwelling. ​Image Credit: Matt Rhodes Canon: / Links: Yidhra, Ananotia SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Asijisis diâ Miara, Ari ant Ansi Classification: Palace/Fortress Location: Athiss Affiliation...
  6. Yidhra

    Approved Tech  Wisa-ziji tzihra

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A useful tool for Hidden Hand agents. Image Source: X Canon Link: X Restricted Missions: / Primary Source: / PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Yidhra Model: / Affiliation: The Resurgent Empire (Sphere of Intelligence) Modularity: /...
  7. grammaticus

    The Muster

    A small fleet of twelve ships hung in the void at the edge of the Thule system. Dozens of shuttles were flying between the fleet, as well as numerous fighter patrols flying around and within the fleet. Corin watched all of this from aboard the flagship of the fleet, the Star Destroyer Harbinger...
  8. Connor Harrison

    Clipping A Little Bird's Wings

    The Imperial District Coruscant, Core Worlds Joon hadn't forgotten. Not at all Twice she had been to the very same plaza, with the destryoed statue of an age-old Jedi, framed by the large domed sensate building on the horizon. Skylines contines to whip around the heavens, industrial pipes ran...
  9. Connor Harrison

    Doing It For Themselves

    The Tyrant The Korriban Hex; Outer Rim -- To those bred for war, one battle won was just a memory. The next call would soon come and that would be the here and now. The Korriban Hex would be there for the Resurgent Empire, and Joon had played her part. Now, she stood on the deck of a viewing...
  10. Yidhra

    Approved NPC  Hidden Hand

    ​Image Credit: [x] Name: Hidden Hand Intent: A secret police for the Resurgent Empire Affiliation: The Sphere of Intelligence (TRE) Availability: Uncommon Quality: Mostly C. Higher-ranking operatives tend towards B. Type: Secret Police Strength: HH rarely operate in units. If they do, these...
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