Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Sitara Qin

    Now watch me whip

    Heyyyyy guyssss! Not sure if anyone remembers me :P It's definitely been awhile and I feel awful for leaving without saying anything. Life has gotten in the way. On the bright side, my semester's over and I have a month till next term! I shall be resurfacing Sitara so I hope to start roleplaying...
  2. Tyr Caalgen

    I'm someone.

    If you ever knew [member="Ulfric Draycon"] and [member="Marcus Rann"], that's me (twelve months?) ago. Gosh, it's been a long time since I have posted here. Happy to see the forums growing because of the upcoming movie's hype :)
  3. Ariadne Van'Shelaq

    I have returned!!

    Hello all! It's been a while, around 4 months by my calculations and I am happy to inform you I will be making a steady return to posting here. Basically, uni/life took a massive toll on my muse and left it bleeding in the gutter but now that I am on holidays I can return to form and plot with...
  4. Nyx

    It's Been Awhile

    Hey, Chaos, it's been awhile. (Around three months, to be exact.) Turns out, you guys are straight up addicting. While the last few months of my activity here were rocky at best, (and I apologize for that) this time, I should be back for good. Well, enough with that. I'm ready to dive back into...
  5. Vee Dawnburner

    Uhh, back again.

    Not sure if anyone remembers me, but I had gotten occupied with real life, and was suffering from addiction issues, but I'm recovering and have some time now on here. What's going on in the story?
  6. The Red of Sinner

    The Shadow Dynasty's Return/Advertisement

    The Shadow Dynasty is the Aftermath of what was once a kingdom ruled by a Force Hound left behind the Infinite Empire, and though the Dynasty has no remnants of the Infinity within it, it holds it's own, and very unique sense of technology. The dynasty is ruled by one Queen, or King...
  7. Alexandra Feanor

    The Return of the Order of the Grey

    So hello everyone, taking a break from political factions like the Confederacy to revive something i still hold a great love for and hope to revive with the schedule becoming more and more free as well as the oncoming holidays. Of course from the title you understand what that thing is and that...
  8. Nyte Ignis


    I'm back, so there.
  9. Zayani Brin

    I'M BACK, SHUTTAS!!!!!

    Your wondrous Queen of Procrastination and Confusion has returned! BOW BEFORE HER GREATNESS!!! :P [member="Malachite the Shoki"] [member="Akabane Jarvik"] [member="Jak Sandrow"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Nomad Crimson"] [member="Nyx"]
  10. Darth Ayra

    Order of the Sith Lords

    Order of the Sith Lords ~ "Our history is rich and plentiful. All of it could be yours, if you only submit." "The Grand Plan is in motion." "We shall have our revenge."
  11. Warren Century

    I'm Back

    So yeah, after a period of inactivity I've returned to SWRP.
  12. Ellie Mors

    Return, maybe?

    We just hired a new dishwasher who should be starting his training sometime this week, and the person who was on vacation is back, so hopefully (and I say this with conflict because I love the money) I won't be doubling up shifts/jobs at work. This means a slight increase in activity, depending...
  13. Taeli Raaf


    So back from my LOA, will be replying to things in the morning as it has been a very long day
  14. Alan

    [Marine Corping Intensifies]

    hey look who just dep'd in it's this guy I'm back btw I'll catch up on my posts and shit
  15. Ellie Mors


    So I probably overreacted when I went on an LOA, I was kind of in a state of shock and anger, but I'll be slowly returning to posting over the next few days. Still in a less than happy mood, but writing helps me get away from that. @Anyone I write with [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Alric...
  16. Nyx

    I Expect A Party

    Well, Chaos, how's it going? I know, I know, I JUST left, and there was sadness, and feelings and whatnot. Well, my situation has improved quite a bit in the last few weeks (or however long). I was going through some pretty dark times, and was convinced I had to leave forever. Luckily for you...
  17. L

    Testing the Waters

    By the post I put out last night, I'm just testing to see how I feel about writing again. I can make excuses, and go on about the many reasons outside of here but I'm not and I won't. I can honestly say there are certain things I am looking to avoid outside of the writing (Not people) in...
  18. Jacen Cavill

    I'm Around.

    Some of you know me, some don't. I have this crazy schedule that gets in the way of roleplaying, but I've dialed it back. The reasoning is simple, I'm competing in my first physique competition and I can't do much other than train, eat, and work. With my remaining time I'd love to have an...
  19. Noxu Za'tire

    My Inevitable Return, but With Questions

    All right. This is going to be a third attempt to return here and post far more actively and actually take part in the community. The last couple of attempts at my return have been a failure, not only due to work getting in the way (doing graveyard shifts suck) and a lot of management issues...
  20. Zerrene Torran

    It's Been Awhile, Chaos

    So, I was active on this site awhile back, but left due to issues I had in RL at the time, and dissatisfaction with RP in general. However, due to insistence from a friend of mine and others, I have decided to give RP another shot. I'm probably going to start completely over, as I don't expect...
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