Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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seraphina sheltah

  1. Vrak Nashar

    The Greatest Challenge

    Stygian Caldera - Unknown World [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] Vrak Nashar had killed Sith Lords, he had conquered worlds, he had built an entire Empire, and yet he had never felt quite as challenged as he did now. It had been several months now since he and Seraphina had fled from the Fall of...
  2. Vrak Nashar


    Kaas City [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] Vrak stood quietly, his gaze dropping on the scene before him. Hundreds of thousands of workers labored throughout the city, an uncountable number of droids worked through dozens of different work zones. Each of them seemed focused upon their set task...
  3. Seraphina Shel'tah

    Approved Tech  Continuum Sabers

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an updated pair of lightsabers for Seraphina. Image Source: [+] Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] Model: Continuum Sabers Affiliation: [member="Seraphina...
  4. Vrak Nashar

    The Old Ways

    Athiss [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] Vrak stood quietly before a small holo-table within the Central Temple of the Sphere of Intelligence. The room was devoid of all life save for himself and one pink Twi'lek who stood eagerly at his side, or perhaps she was slightly bored. The Pureblood could...
  5. Seraphina Shel'tah

    Holding Gear

    Grime beneath her fingernails was dug out with the tip of a blade as the assassin sat, leaned back in her chair, musing over a decision. A large one at that, but Sera took most things in stride. Her life was her own, and decisions made carefully. She had grown G.E.A.R from its' infancy, a...
  6. Connor Harrison

    Doing It For Themselves

    The Tyrant The Korriban Hex; Outer Rim -- To those bred for war, one battle won was just a memory. The next call would soon come and that would be the here and now. The Korriban Hex would be there for the Resurgent Empire, and Joon had played her part. Now, she stood on the deck of a viewing...
  7. Vrak Nashar

    Strike Back

    Dromund Fel [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] Vrak stood quietly on the balcony of his palace, gaze falling on the jungle before him. The Palace here on Dromund Fel had only been constructed recently, a few months before when he'd first brought Irid here to train. The structure had been built just...
  8. Vrak Nashar

    Approved Tech  Ancient Lekku Rings

    Image Source: N/A Intent: To create a neat Artifact to help Seraphina in her work. Development Thread: If Requested Manufacturer: Ancient Sith Model: Lekku Rings Affiliation: [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] Modularity: No Production: Unique Material: Sith Alchemy Treated Aurodium Strengths...
  9. Vrak Nashar


    Athiss [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] "My Lord." Ryal gave a deep bow as he entered the doors of his home, the golden doors parting before him to reveal a mass of commotion and movement. A dozen servants scrambled every which way, twice their number of warriors stood guard all around the lobby...
  10. Vrak Nashar

    Things In The Night

    Coruscant [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] Vrak let out a curse. "What do you mean, the Senator is dead?" He stared at the servant that brought him the news, the woman fidgeting slightly beneath his gaze as she tried to keep from being killed. His rage was palpable, hanging in the air by thin...
  11. Alric Kuhn

    The Foundry; Part 7

    [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] Just two more. Two more calls to make today. Nineteen hours had now passed since she had first taken over Vanir Technologies, and every one of those hours had been filled with holo-calls, meetings, and everything else she could have ever imagined. She had met...
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