Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Voices of The Deep

    Public  Drifting in The Deep [Open/Enclave]

    Some things are better left at rest~ You know why habit rhymes with rabbit? Because your whole life disappears down a rabbit hole. When you grow long sensitive ears to better hear the sounds of sirens coming for you, it becomes an instinct to escape down that hole before your predators find...
  2. Cruk Tuk

    Approved Starship  Katitik Hive Industries Operator

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A space station used by the Katitik Hive as bases of operations. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: (No space station used as source but I did use the Providence-class_Dreadnought for some of...
  3. NauOne

    Public  Fancy Eats [A Spacestation Restaurant]

    Yellow-green Nautolan Mieczyk is dressed like a fashionable Jedi, though his clothes are big on him. Perhaps to grow, or perhaps that's the aimed for style? On top is a dark brown, sleeveless robe with a hood designed to accommodate Nautolan headtails. Not that he has much need for it yet, as he...
  4. Cyrus Tregessar

    Approved Starship  Goliath-class System Defense Battlestation

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Fractal Art. Make bote. Image Source: [FractalSponge] Canon Link: [x] Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: First Order Naval Engineering Affiliation: The First Order Model: Goliath-class System Defense Battlestation...
  5. The Third

    Approved Location  Takiik Starship

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: It is the home of the Kkak clan, and for my character Tek, it is also a place for all Jawa PC's and NPC's to rest and meat fellow Jawa Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Image Credit: /...
  6. Raziel

    Approved Starship  KS1 Arbiter Station

    Image Source: Affiliation: The Kathol Outback Manufacturer: Hoersch-Kessel Driveworks Model: KS1 Station Modularity: No Production: Unique Material: Durasteel hull with Quadranium reinforcement and ablative ceramic plates Classification: Large Military Station Length...
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