Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Bernard

    Public  Results - Character & Alignment Survey

    It took longer than I wanted, but I went through the results of the survey. There's a TL;DR of points I found interesting at the bottom, don't worry. We had 46 total responses. The survey assessed number of active characters and character categories per writer, meaning it's not a character...
  2. Bernard

    Public  Character & Alignment Survey

    In the style of more specific surveys about alignment that we had on Chaos a long time ago, I wanted to run a small one of my own to get insights on the distribution among the broader alignments of Light, Dark, and Neutral. How many characters fall into which alignment groups? Do we have more...
  3. Kitter Bitters

    Game  OOC Survey

    This is about you the writer What type of food do you like? What type of food do you hate? What type of music do you like? Do you have any pets? (Pics welcome) Who would you want to narrate your life if you had the choice?
  4. Kitter Bitters

    Game  IC Survey

    This Is for your character Who is your enemy? Who is a really good friend? What type of food do you like? What is your opinions on droids? What is one interesting thing about you?
  5. Veles Oshu

    Discussion  The Great Galactic Economic Survey of 875 ABY

    Or whatever year it is now. Anyway, working on a small project to get a blanket statement on galactic economic situations. Rising war tensions, stock markers, star wars crypto - etc. Feel free to take a small survey here, and post up your replies. Any joke posts will probably be cut from the...
  6. Jerec Asyr

    Question  SURVEY - Which of the new Star Wars stuff have you watched?

    There's a TON of new Star Wars thingies on Disney+, and I'm wondering which ones attract how much viewership among this eminent sample of Star Wars fans.
  7. Enyo Typhos

    Approved Starship  Omniscope Survey Station

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Surveillance-industrial complex. Sub a big station that fits Enyo. Image Source: Here. Canon Link: N/A. Permissions: Blanket permission for subs made by Laira Darkhold's writer here and here. Blanket permission for Kal's stuff here. Primary Source: N/A...
  8. Bastard

    Minor Faction  Minor Faction Survey

    Hey there, folks. Given the recent goings-on regarding minor factions and their activity, it's caught the attention of many writers within the community. A few of those writers, like Kitter Bitters and Bao Quayan have shown a willingness to address it from a place of higher visibility, such as...
  9. Dagon Kaze

    Public  Zef's Jedi Alignment Survey

    Data is king. or a Jedi in our case. The question is what Jedi. With the help of notorious Jend-Ro Quill, we introduce you to the GREAT JEDI ALIGNMENT SURVEY. Very short, very simple. Hits the spot just right. Hint: Jedi Enclaves are peak...
  10. Amea Virou

    [SURVEY] Motivations and Factions (Closed)

    Hello! Having been inspired by Jend-Ro Quill I have decided to give this statistics thing a shot. So, in an effort to branch out of the more personal "Who will be Chaos' next top model" I have elected to go for something a bit more generic and simply ask what grants you "muse", what faction you...
  11. Taru Cadera

    The Armoury Survey - What type of weaponry are you most interested in?

    ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± The Armoury Survey What type of weapons would you like to see next? Blasters Slugthrowers Railgun/Magnetic Propulsio Verpine Shatter Rifle Tech Plasma weaponry Electrical EMP or ION Disruptor Sonic Particle-Beam Pulse Cannon or Ion...
  12. Xero Wran

    Federation of Unov-Geographical & Historical Survey #1- The Slopes of Mount Umbris

    Personal Log of Federation Councilor Wren of Unuovri, as recanted and contained, in his own words. Later presented to the Unov Planetary Commission of Nature & History to individual members. ***Raw DATA and recorded FINDINGS can be found in detail report on physical surveys, the following is...
  13. Valiens Nantaris

    SWRP Writer Survey

    With 2016 coming to an end, I figured this would be a good time to get a gauge on our members and find out a few extra things about you. We come from all different corners of the world and all different backgrounds, so please do share! This is voluntary, of course, feel free to discuss your...
  14. James Justice

    How Many Characters Do You Have?

    Hey, all you fine people with fine-ness, and fine-role play. How would you like to be involved in an academic survey for the board, yourself, academia, get a shiny, and for the future of--everything! You'd love to? How great! The question is simple: How many characters do you have, active and...
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