Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Minerva Fhirdiad

    Private  Company Unexpected

    Planet Takodana, Western Reaches Mid Rim Territories, Tag: Jenn Kryze It was early evening at the spaceport of Kanata. People of multiple species and cultures move about, or stand amongst themselves haggling or just talking. Nearby construction droids were repairing a burned down shop as an...
  2. Darth Mavelk

    Public  I have a bad feeling about this…

    Hoping out of his ship, Darth Mevalk looked at his surroundings. He wasn’t impressed. It’s not like Takodana had anything impressive but… He grabs his lightsaber and his DH-17 and begins to trek down no certain path. He didn’t know where he was going. He also couldn’t stand the colour. Green...
  3. Ender

    Public  Dangerous Runs, Part 1

    Ender sits in the transport with his squad mates. He looks around at the bolts he has already studied several times this trip. He waits and waits… until he hears the pilot come over the communications link. "Okay everyone, we are approaching the drop zone on Takodana , I hope you have your...
  4. Amani Serys

    Private  Residency

    Takodana Shan Pavond One of the last planets on the border of the unknown regions, Takodana has long been celebrated for its remoteness and neutrality in galactic affairs. A haven for frontiersmen and fugitives alike, that in recent years has found its position challenged. The Second Great...
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