Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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tenloss corporation

  1. P

    Approved Starship  Wanga-Class Cruiser

    Intent: To provide a tough, reliable, powerful, and affordable cruiser-class warship to interested factions, corporations, groups, and wealthy individuals. Development Thread: I can complete one if desired. Manufacturer: Tenloss Corporation Affiliation: Tenloss Corporation, Hutt Cartel, open...
  2. P

    Approved Tech  The Wheel Arena

    Intent: To host, contain, and record gladiatorial matches on the Wheel for profit and prestige for both the Wheel and the Gladiators. Development Thread: I can do one if you want. Manufacturer: Tenloss Corporation Affiliation: The Wheel, Open to All Production: Unique, only found on the Wheel...
  3. P

    Approved Tech  PTS-N "Partisan" Submachine Gun (Tenloss Corporation)

    Intent: To provide a cheaper, simpler, and more reliable slug thrower sub-machine gun to interested buyers in direct competition with higher end slug throwers and blasters in similar roles. Manufacturer: Tenloss Corporation Affiliation: Tenloss Corporation, Everyone. Modularity: Silencers...
  4. P

    Probably Not the Right Place, But...

    I need to get in contact with whoever is in charge here, at the moment. I'd like to set up an arrangement between the Guild and the Cartel.
  5. P

    Approved Tech  HWK-I "Hawk-Eye" Facial Recognition Program

    Intent: The Hawk-Eye system uses state of the art facial recognition systems to identify individuals of various species with 99.9% accuracy when compared to the system's database. This allows the user to monitor and keep tabs on individuals anywhere within "eyesight" of the program, whether...
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