Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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the exchange

  1. Zark San Tekka

    Approved NPC  Exchange Tac Teams

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit special operations units for the Exchange. Image Credit: Frontier Buccaneers by Johnson Ting Links: / GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Exchange Tac Teams Affiliation: The Exchange (Salvatrucha Economic Development Corporation) Classification: Special...
  2. Zark San Tekka

    Approved NPC  Exchange Black Hats

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit teams of slicers for the Exchange. Image Credit: adike, shutterstock Links: / GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Exchange Black Hats Affiliation: The Exchange (Salvatrucha Economic Development Corporation) Classification: Data Security EQUIPMENT...
  3. Zark San Tekka

    Approved NPC  Exchange Fixers

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit special operations units for the Exchange. Image Credit: Frontier Buccaneers by Johnson Ting Links: / GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Exchange Fixers Affiliation: The Exchange (Salvatrucha Economic Development Corporation) Classification: Black...
  4. Zark San Tekka

    Approved NPC  Exchange Enforcers

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit the main enforcers of the Exchange. Image Credit: MCRN Marines, The Expanse Links: / GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Exchange Enforcers Affiliation: The Exchange (Salvatrucha Economic Development Corporation) Classification: Security Officers and...
  5. Zark San Tekka

    The Prince's Court

    Esfandia-class Carrier Corvette Beneath the Raptor's Wings Deep Space, Several Lighthours from Point Nadir Outer Rim "He'sssss late," Hakar hissed, the Trandoshan's frustration with their present circumstances evident even upon his reptilian features. "He'll be here," Ifan ben-Mezd, newly...
  6. Arage Bao

    Approved NPC  The Regulators

    Name: The Regulators Intent: To establish Khal's inner-circle. Affiliation: Khaleel Malvern. Availability: Rare Quality: [B] Type: Infantry - Special Ops. Strength: 24 Description: A decade ago Khaleel Malvern was a Jedi Knight serving the Republic, after being saved from a future of...
  7. Jairus Starvald

    Approved Tech  Red Spice

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit an alchemized spice to corner a market. Image Source: Wookieepedia Edited Development Thread: If needed. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Korribean Caf Model: Red Spice Affiliation: Open Market Modularity: None Production: Mass-Produced...
  8. Arage Bao

    An Exchange of Trust (PM to join)

    Nar Shaddaa Jimmy’s Afterhours, that special twilight period between busy as feth and no man’s land. The last few locals and patrons were slowly filling outta the bar, giving Khal a nod, a wave of the hand or a shouted thanks for the good drinks. Didn’t matter how far the Exchange had come, how...
  9. Arage Bao

    Sin City [PM to join]

    ~Nar Shaddaa~ ~Jimmy’s~ Jimmy’s ain’t the biggest bar in town. You won’t see a hundred people sitting in it at a time, there ain’t no steady cash flow of a thousand credits an hour. Nah. Jimmy’s ain’t like that. What Jimmy’s has is a reputation, one that celebrates neutrality, a place where...
  10. Arage Bao

    It's all in the little things

    Nar Shaddaa, approaching night-time. Little Coruscant had its own charm. Well, perhaps charm was a bit overstated, it was more a cesspit, but instead of literal crap it was filled with murderers, rapists, guys who run around with dragonwings and… then you have those other type of guys. The...
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