Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kelios Shara-da

    The Way of the Saber: Training in Soresu with a Jedi Ronin

    The Tython Temple, outdoor training Ring. Kelios stood and awaited his new Master's arrival, he had know Yasuo for a little now and was surprised when he was assigned to be trained under the Jedi as a Padawan. He was actually hopeful about it, he had gone to where his new Master had instructed...
  2. A

    The New Page

    | -TYTHON- | | ~Jedi Temple~ | (I hope I am right, that there is a Temple on Tython) Jasmine, a new, young Padawan, walked in the halls of the Jedi Temple on Tython. She had been a Jedi Youngling for most of her life, so she didn't even imagine a life without the Jedi Order. All of her dreams...
  3. Felicity Sage

    Trial by Combat: A Padawan's Tale

    OOC: Please refer to this]thread[/url] first. IC: "Eleven, twelve, thirteen," Jedi Master Erisi Airhart counted as she stood off to the side of the path while each padawan passed her by. "Fourteen and...," she stopped...
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