Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Adenn Kyramud


    Verd'goten, it was the even that marked a Mandalorians rise from a child to an adult, usually held at the age of 13. Every clan had a different way of doing their verd'goten, but sometimes these things mixed together, such as today. Several Clan Cadera and Clan Mortui children were coming of...
  2. T

    Victory on Kiros

    Imperial forces have triumphed in the Kiros system, driving off the Mandalorian forces defending the system and establishing a small garrison to help oversee the reconstruction of the colony. It has been a day long remembered - it has seen the toppling of a Mandalorian regime, and it will soon...
  3. Adenn Kyramud

    Approved Location  Mandalorian Hanger Complexes(x8)

    (The hanger complex is the front part, the surrounding area and building/vehicle in the back are not there IC) OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Explain/Create several massive hanger complexes for Mandalore. Image Credit: Canon: N/A Links...
  4. Adenn Kyramud

    Approved Starship  Mosquito Fighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a fighter that can be used to swarm the enemies of the UCM. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: MandalMotors Affiliation: UCM and approved...
  5. Adenn Kyramud

    Minor and Mand'alor vote stuff

    So, as many of you know I put up a vote a while back in the discord to see about staying major or going minor. However, been told I should also put it in here to make it official. So, here we go. Should we stay major or go minor? Please say "Major" or "Minor." Note, if it's minor, it will...
  6. Asaraa Vaashe

    Victory at Azure

    It was the kind of invasion we all dreamed about, low on the salt high on the fun and co-operation to tell a great story. I want to thank everyone who took part, and everyone who helped make this invasion what it was. The members of the Order, our friends and the UCM and their allies for...
  7. Auburn Sioda

    A Light Within [UCM]

    Sliabh na Seanóirí. A mountain named from Before, and has lived on through the Return, but shrouded in fog at the base most of the time... But today was different. Auburn stood facing the mountain, dressed in simple clothing. Soon the Mandalorians would arrive, all called by one...
  8. Taozi Fuyuan

    A Return to Home [UCM Dominion of Taanab]

    Taanab was lost. Homes destroyed. Landmarks desecrated. But the Mandalorians will not falter. The Mandalorians will not kneel. Clan Tal will not kneel. They lost their home once, they would not lose it again. Alor Taozi has partnered with the government of Taanab to put in motion efforts to...
  9. Ascendant Muse

    Crown of Sorrow | Invasion of Tanaab - CIS Victory!

    C I S V I C T O R Y After a vicious battle over the agriworld Tanaab, the Confederacy has emerged victorious over the United Clans of Mandalore. On this day, the bloodied hands of Mandalore were made to answer for their crimes. On this day, the dead have been avenged! From the CIS Staff...
  10. T

    Invasion  Divergence; Imperial Confederation Invasion of Kiros

    It was always the same, and now all this. The bloodlust that had encapsulated the high chancellor was far from over. They had tried to kill his daughter, the only person worth a damn in his pitiful excuse of an existence, the anchor of his mortal coil. They had attacked his very being, and now...
  11. Adenn Kyramud

    It's not Obroa yet! (UCM dom of Obroa-Skai)

    Objectives: 1: See to any wounded and give the dead Mandalorian funerals. 2: Begin rebuilding any lost defenses, then any lost infrastructure. 3: Secure the airspace and ensure that all orbital facilities are operational. 4: Ensure that any and all archives of any kind are still fully...
  12. T

    Divergence; Imperial Confederation Invasion of Kiros

    Obroa-skai...Bogden… Both systems have fallen to the ruthless efficiency of the Imperial military. But that theatre was only the beginning of the Lion's Roar Offensive; at any rate, this minor thrust into the Mandalorian territories has guaranteed a staging ground for a further sweep into the...
  13. Willan Tal

    Victory at Obroa-skai/Bogden

    VICTORY! After much trial and bloodshed upon the fields of battle, the Imperials and their allies have persevered on the field of battle. Special shout out to our partners in the exiled Mandalorians, the Golden company and our boy Vexen in delivering a decisive victory for the Imperials. We...
  14. Asaraa Vaashe

    The Eyes of the Galaxy | SJO Invasion of the UCM's Azure Hex

    hgh The violence of the Galaxy never ceased. Time and time again, tyrants rose up among galactic society, seeking to dominate the rest and drive forward their personal vendettas. Yet the Galaxy has never been forced to fend for itself whilst there are Jedi willing to take on that burden...
  15. Asaraa Vaashe

    The Eyes of the Galaxy | SJO Invasion of the UCM's Azure Hex

    The violence of the Galaxy never ceased. Time and time again, tyrants rose up among galactic society, seeking to dominate the rest and drive forward their personal vendettas. Yet the Galaxy has never been forced to fend for itself whilst there are Jedi willing to take on that burden, keeping the...
  16. Ruus

    Concord Dawn , Maritime Command Vessel

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a amphibious but mostly ocean going vessel to act as a mobile base for the Mandalorian Guard of the UCM, specifically for operation by Ruus. Image Source: - Canon Link: - Primary Source: - PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: United Clans of...
  17. Onrai

    Waterpark Funtimes (Qiilura)

    Qiilura A small crowd of Mandalorians had been gathered for this 'soft opening' event of the Mandalorian Hot Springs and Waterpark. Through careful terrestrial sculpting, a large entertainment complex had been crafted on the planet, one that had relied on large numbers of geothermal vent...
  18. Ascendant Muse

    Crown of Sorrow | CIS Invasion of UCM-held Tanaab

    C R O W N . O F S O R R O W Local Time: 0730 We thought it was over. We were sadly mistaken. In the wake of Eshan, the Galaxy had descended into a state of delusion. There were many who believed that, after the monumental loss of life upon the Echani homeworld, there would finally be peace...
  19. Asaraa Vaashe

    The Eyes of the Galaxy | SJO Invasion of the UCM's Azure Hex OOC

    Eshan was the calamity to pull the gaze of the Galaxy to the World of Mandalore. Attacks on Umbara and H’ratth quickly followed, targeting innocent beings living within the Silver Jedi Order’s jurisdiction. The Jedi never asked for war, but as keepers of the peace and defenders of the galaxy...
  20. T

    Hear Me Roar; Imperial Confederation Invasion of Bogden

    War. War was eternal. Just when the galaxy held its breath, waiting to see whether or not the fragile peace would last more than a few months at most, did it seem that another conflict sprung from the darkness and enveloped all of them in chaos. But when chaos ran rampant, order rose to...
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