Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ket Van-Derveld

    Approved Tech  The Masque of Ahroun

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To forge the personal signet ring of Ket Van-Derveld Image Source: The Sauce Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Alchemization Approval - Ingrid L'lerim Primary Source: Force Illusion PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Ket Van-Derveld - The Spear...
  2. House Van-Derveld

    House Van-Derveld

    The central hub for members of the Van-Derveld family and their associates.
  3. Ket Van-Derveld

    Approved Tech  Model KVD-04 "Big Iron" Heavy Slugthrower

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a custom slugthrower for Ket Van-Derveld Image Source: The Sauce Canon Link: RSKF-44 Heavy Blaster, Protector Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: BlasTech Industries, Barimoq Industries, Ket Van-Derveld...
  4. Ket Van-Derveld

    Approved Tech  Ket Van-Derveld's Leather Duster

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To fashion a custom piece of outerwear for Ket Van-Derveld's personal use. Image Source: The Sauce Canon Link: N/A Permissions: AEL Spring Line Terentatak Duster - [Original Purchase] - [Receipt] Primary Source: AEL Spring Line Terentatak Duster...
  5. Ket Van-Derveld

    Faction  The Beauty After Midnight (The Family)

    [Ket's Soundscape for the Evening] A garish nightmare of neon and lives not worth living. That was the Lupine's impression of the Uscru Entertainment District. He'd make no bones about it, being around the pulsating throngs of humanoids and droids alike was almost distasteful to him these...
  6. Ket Van-Derveld

    What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been...

    So, it's been a fair few years since I've been around anything Star Wars, let alone tried my hand at writing again. So, I'm thinking a brief explanation is in order. I'm going to get this out of the way right now, as if I don't, I feel I'm doing everyone here whether I know them or not, a...
  7. Krayzen Dratos

    Private  A New Beginning

    Coveway 00:00 Looking on my datapad, I clicked on a button and summoned a 3d map of the region. Wearing nothing but a small blanket over myself, I felt the winds breeze through my hair. I didn't know much about this part of the galaxy. I had only been in the First Order for a limited time. It...
  8. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Private  We Will Never Be Alone (Aston)

    Aboard Nocte Aranea, near Figaro Favoura VII | Wearing this | Aston Jacobs "The plans are ready," A.K.R.I. informed Katrine as a hologram emitted, coding flashing quickly as the Lupine observed, arms crossed over her chest. "You know I don't read code," the Lupine pointed out after looking at...
  9. Madalena Antares

    Private  Magical Things

    Katrine Van-Derveld Madalena sat in the center of her gigantic living room, legs crossed, eyes closed, and tried to focus. The invisible tendrils that only she could see danced upon her skin as he tried to force her attention on them, make them move by her own will and not by yet another...
  10. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Demon Summoning is for Children

    Time: All Hallows' Eve, Midnight Location: Figaro Favoura VI, deep within the forests As a child, Katrine vividly remembered All Hallows' Eve with her Mother. A family holiday, an eve to honor the ancestors of the house and come together, Mother would say. She remembered it all the well, more...
  11. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Revolution of the Heart

    She was the sum of things. Sum of her parents, sum of the spirit’s desires, the sum of her past experiences, the sum of her capacity to love. When she had embarked on this journey, she was different. Drugs made her voices quiet, her emotions dormant, her true nature only slightly reaching out in...
  12. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Monsters Among Men

    Coruscant. Katrine had no intention of going back here. It had fallen to the Sith. There were reports of Sithspawn, of Sith, of the Galactic Alliance, falling. All this paled in her eyes in comparison to the loss she suffered here. The rest of the galaxy didn't concern her right now. She loved...
  13. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Return to the Dead | Mandragora

    We will march through the fire, We will run through fire, As the flames get higher, In a strange, young world, Ryloth Sector Ryloth Nightlands Late hour Doashim was roaring towards the skies, summoning his children, his call loudest to [member="Muad Dib"], his shaman. Jart and Lylek were...
  14. Katrine Van-Derveld

    New Moon Rising: Part Two

    The Nightlands seemed so quiet from the Altar of Spirits. Katrine sat at the very edge, her feet hanging over the edge as she studied the valley ahead. She could feel all the spirits here, even as their fires burnt brightly at their pillars. You are troubled, the spirit pried as she felt him...
  15. Ket Van-Derveld

    The Force, The Blood, The Legacy

    There the Old Wolf sat. There were so many more who came before him, those he knew, many more he never met. Yet for all their glory, the once glorified line of the Van-Derveld sat in ruin. Ruin. Their very blood was ruined. Their reputation was ruined. Everything they in ruins...
  16. Ket Van-Derveld

    The Force, The Blood, The Legacy

    (Moved to private forum, here.)
  17. K

    Kastis Van-Derveld

    Social Information Name: Kastis Van-Derveld Alias(es): Kas Title(s): N/A Birthplace: Nar Shaddaa Homeworld: Figaro Favoura VII Current Residence: TBD Sexuality: Heterosexual Gender: Feminine Marital Status: Single Force Sensitive: Yes Force Rank: Master Force Alignment: Dark Physical...
  18. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Age of the Lupine

    "Look out the window, missy. You can see Figaro Favoura now." Her Mother's voice sounded almost too real in her head as images of the moon flashed before her eyes at the same time as her eyes saw the green moon on the window ahead. It was as it was in her memory, every detail, even from this...
  19. Curupira Hawk

    Curupira D'Arr Hawk

    {{ General Information }} FULL NAME: Curupira D'Arr Hawk KNOWN ALIASES: Curupira Draclau (as per adoption), Curupira Van-Derveld NICKNAMES: Ruu (by Ti'Cira), Cura (by Seth), Curu and Cu (by others), Morsel (by Ket), Aunty Ruu (by Dominique) SPECIES: Human RACE: Dathomirian AGE: Thirty-four (GST)...
  20. Katrine Van-Derveld

    New Moon Rising: Part One (Completed)

    It was only the next morning of meeting Pebble that the Lupine’s eyes fluttered open, her brain taking a moment to sort itself out before she remembered. “Pebble!” She squealed almost immediately as she jumped out of her bed and progressed her usual morning routine at a far faster pace than...
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