Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Vaylin

    Private  A Silent Void

    Her time along the Solanaceae had been an interesting one. Back when she was Sith, Vaylin had never invested much time in the witches that existed within the Empire. Fought alongside them sure, but never delved too deeply into their teachings. But now the Zabrak was desperately searching for...
  2. Vaylin

    Private  To Help Those Lost

    Back when Vaylin was Sith and actively hunting Jedi down, she kept an up to date list on notable Force Users. As a Sith Valkyrie she was always on the lookout for potential converts, either to the Brotherhood as a whole, or to the Valkyries themselves. The majority of them were Jedi, but she...
  3. Vaylin

    Private  Neutral Ground

    It had surprised Vaylin just how easy it was to go back to a ‘normal life’. A part of her wondered if it was just because she had thrown herself into it immediately, or had it been a matter of running from her past? The latter had been quickly dismissed, as the Zabrak felt little guilt towards...
  4. Vaylin

    Private  One Becomes Two

    The secluded beach Vaylin found herself on had always been a bit of an oddity on Mygeeto. It was tucked away, hidden from the naked eye, even obscured from above. Dwarfed by a towering cliff face, to which bordered the area where the Valkyrie Fortress once stood. Even this far down, it was...
  5. Vaylin

    Private  Hush the Storms Away

    These days there was no personal vendetta behind Moirai’s motives. She simply saw Allyson Locke for who she was, an enemy to the Sith Empire. And the fact the Zabrak had trained herself to track her down, knew how the Corellian managed to sneak around. So when she caught wind that Allyson was...
  6. Vaylin

    Private  Deceptive Visage

    Whilst Vaylin was busy keeping herself entertained with her prisoner, there was still one significant piece of the puzzle that she required. Zaavik Dagoth, Allyson’s Padawan. She had been introduced to him during the Galactic Alliance’s invasion of Korriban. How long they had been Master and...
  7. Vaylin

    Private  Overdue Payback

    Sith Space Unknown Location Days after the Korriban Invasion When Allyson awoke she’d find herself in a mostly dark room, with only a couple lit braziers illuminating it. The first thing to be noticed was the fact she was being suspended by something. Not by some fancy bit of tech, but by metal...
  8. Vaylin

    Private  Recollection

    Onboard The Serran Private Training Room They had been at this for hours now, as was routine when it was time for the Master to teach the Apprentice. Vaylin ducked beneath the swing of a sword, curving her own downwards and slamming the practice blade into her apprentice’s left shin. The force...
  9. Ardana Vorco

    Private  Into the Nether

    Benûwia Antares / Darth Xanesh / Ireria Antares Sith sorcerer, alchemist, historian, Archon of the Primyn Group, Owner of UAAK and GBATS Location: Aboard the Serran, TSE space Equipment: Red blade lightsaber (Benûwia) | Red blade lightsaber (Ireria) | Multispectrum disguise suite Tag(s): Vaylin...
  10. Vaylin

    Private  Looking Into A Mirror

    The Royal Academy of Bastion Docking Bay It had been years since Vaylin had last set foot in the Royal Academy. Well, that wasn't an entirely accurate fact, but it certainly felt like it had been that long. Typically Sith Lords came to the academy to look for prospective apprentices. But as a...
  11. Vaylin

    Private  Face Your Demons, Sever the Past

    Prior to the NIO's Siege and Invasion of Mygeeto, the Sith Valkyries had been contacted by an individual who was interested in joining their ranks. Generally speaking their ranks were formed by former Jedi who had been captured, subjugated and brought to the Dark Side. But this person had sought...
  12. Vaylin

    Private  Descent into Darkness

    It had been an ordinary day for Vaylin these days. Aboard the Valkyries' new home, The Serran. It had become a place of refuge that Kaalia Pavanos had sent to the Valkyries in the wake of the Sith Empire's defeat on Mygeeto. Their Fortress had since departed from the icy planet, but it's flight...
  13. Vaylin

    Private  It's a Hell of a Time

    When Vaylin had first woken after crawling her way out of the Netherworld, she had been very confused to find herself within a tank. And peering through the glass she found a particular visage staring back at her. That of the Dark Councillor of Scientific Advancement himself; Adrian Vandiir...
  14. Vaylin

    Private  External Affairs

    Saaraishash HQ - Yavin IV Vaylin had a list of things she needed to do now that she was finally free from her recovery. At the top of the list was to speak with Jorryn Fordyce at length about recent matters. But while the Zabrak had managed to be up on her feet already, Jorryn was still...
  15. Vaylin

    Private  Trouble in Paradise

    What do you get in the wake of a drunken Zabrak and Echani, idly browsing the HoloNet one night? Apparently winning a legit-not-bogus competition for an all expenses paid trip for two, to a vacation resort. It had come about from their latest get together. Vaylin had travelled to Jorryn's place...
  16. Vaylin

    Character  Darth Moirai (Vaylin 2.0)

    Vaylin - Darth Moirai, Lady of Subjugation Identification NAME: Vaylin RANK: Sith Lord TITLES: Darth Moirai | Lady of Subjugation AGE: 29 FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes HOME WORLD: Iridonia OCCUPATION: Hand of the Empress, Elder of the Sith Valkyries, Captain of the Crimson Valkyrie (Formerly)...
  17. Ihsan


    Saka blinked groggily. This wasn’t where she’d been when she was cornered like a beat dog. It took a moment for her to be able to see anything due to a harsh overhead light angled directly into her face; she winced and turned aside, squinting at her surroundings. Her attempt to shield her...
  18. Vaylin


    Undiscovered Planet A few months ago. Captain Dumarr; hair thick and heavy with grey, stood at the foot of a landing pad as a shuttle softly settled itself down. There was a silence until the ramp descended and Vaylin appeared, adorned in her armour. Dumarr's posture immediately tensed as he...
  19. Kaalia Pavanos


    Valkyrie fortress Undisclosed location, Mygeeto [member="Vaylin"] [hr] When times changed, one had to adapt. It was a simple concept, yet in practice change was often overlooked. The Sith philosophy said to avoid the pitfall of believing that what worked yesterday would hold up today as well...
  20. Vaylin

    Between a Rock and a Hard Place

    Some months ago... The Crimson Valkyrie exited hyperspace, appearing in view of their target. Before them was a sizable planet, an aquatic world that had several sizable islands as its only landmass. Although it wasn't the Valkyrie's main target, but rather the derelict ship that was hovering...
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