Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Taheera Sollo

    Marsh Haunts

    [member="Vexen"] The Mirialan waited on Platform 29E on that small galactic alliance port near the Tion Cluster. It'd been a week or so since she'd parted with Val. The Jedi Academy had sent her to the Alliance. Perhaps they'd been too disturbed by her story of what occurred on the Star...
  2. Vexen

    Vile words

    [member="Allyson Locke"] It was very rare that Vexen thought ill of Micah. After all he had done for her there was room for little more than affection, adoration and the need for scratching time. However, if there was one facet of the youth she would perhaps tweak it was his boundless...
  3. Micah Talith

    Approved Tech  Vexen's Armor

    Image Source: Here. Intent: To create an armor set for [member="Vexen"] Development Thread: The Pathfinder Chronicles and stuff Manufacturer: Micah Model: Vexen's Armor Affiliation: Micah Talith | Vexen Modularity: Yes Production: Unique Material: Alchemized and Force Imbued Taozin Nodule...
  4. Micah Talith

    The Pathfinder Chronicles and stuff

    Kalee's Shadow Ithor Some few seconds after [member="Vexen"] wakes up... "Micah!" The voice was high-pitched, a bit out of breath, and came from the entrance of the ship. The Defel would be quick to surmise that there was someone else on the ship besides the tiny, peach faced youngling...
  5. Micah Talith

    Approved Tech  Vexen's Goggles

    Image Source: Here Intent: To Create a pair of goggles for his friend, the Defel, Vexen. Development Thread: N/A - If required Manufacturer: Micah | Marrow & Illskin's Model: Defel Goggles Affiliation: @Vexen Modularity: Yes Production: Unique Material: Force Imbued Solarium Glasteel...
  6. Micah Talith

    Approved Tech  Vexen's Brush

    Image Source: Pinterest Intent: To Create an interesting and basic artifact for [member="Vexen"] Development Thread: N/A Manufacturer: Micah Model: Hair brush for Vexen Affiliation: Micah Talith | Vexen Modularity: Yes -- Vexen can Bedazzle it I guess? Production: Unique Material: Alchemized...
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