Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Aliris Tremiru

    Private  You Want Me To Wear What?

    She was uncomfortable. Aliris stared around the medic tent, clutching at the blanket she'd been provided. She was covered in bandages, and her body was at least in better condition than what it was when she was beat up by that Sithspawn. The one she wanted to make hers, no less. How much did...
  2. Aiden Porte

    Private  This is a what?

    Few days after Gala Hapes Palace-Guest Room Blaire Sal-Soren Hapes truly had its own beauty, much like Naboo did. The palace on Naboo was not as extravagant as the one here. Brandyn was nice enough to set up Aiden with a guest room, which he didn't need to. He would have procured something...
  3. Iris Arani

    Private  He Did What?

    Iris clicked her tongue as she looked over her X-Wing. It was, surprisingly, covered in toilet paper of all things. She'd never seen something like that on her ship. It was.. Kinda funny. Would've been funnier if it wasn't her own ship, but hey, that's how it worked, right? One of the dock...
  4. Lothaire

    Private  Based on what?

    (Fabled phone post) Miri Nimdok Lord Bosnak had accrued quite a fortune for himself over the many years of his career. Spice was an extremely lucrative business, though the risks associated with it had often given the old lord sleepless nights. Dangers aside, the shipments flowed smoothly...
  5. Primeval Architect

    Faction  Reap What is Sown (Bryn'adul & SJC)

    Two Days After the Events of Broken Jewel Within a Super-Construct on Caerdar Captured and Imprisoned within a vile Bryn'adul Facility! Thousands of civilians and military personnel have been taken captive following a brutal raid upon the world of Nal Hutta. Utilizing a strategy developed...
  6. Lark

    Private  What Could've Been

    Lark had always wondered what it might have been like to attend school. He never truly had the chance when he was a child, and as he was finally the age where many people determined what educational path they would follow, he thought he might as well give it a brief shot. His studies so far had...
  7. Okkeus Dainlei

    Discussion  What kills your interest in a character?

    Hey y'all, I had this thought pop in my head recently while I was looking through your character list. I had lots of good ideas for characters, made only a handful of posts for them, and haven't posted with them since. I'm not sure if I just lost interest, the character's story/idea sucked, or...
  8. Ashin Varanin

    Recon Run: Fresia (One Sith territory)

    Ke'dem had been paid over twenty-two million credits and a holocron to take a serious swing at a particular set of coordinates. Those coordinates turned out to be on the planet Fresia. A pretty basic HoloNet search turned up some anecdotal evidence that something nasty had been built there, in...
  9. The Talatheen Amalgam

    Post Formatting Issue

    So I've taken up the job as an IC leader in a new, pirate-esque faction, the Empire of the Line, and have been tasked with establishing a Marine Corps. After a few days of narrowing down a outline that everyone approved of, to both net new recruits and provide authenticity to the group, I began...
  10. Darth Yamato

    I wuv you guys....

    Hey, what's up? How's it going?
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