Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Callum Saville

    Approved NPC  "COB" White Claws

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide an elite force of starfighter pilots. Image Credit: (x) Artist: Mitch Miller Role: These are a special strike force to protect the Armored Walkers, as well as others. These are the end all starfighter squadron for the Court of Blades. Permissions...
  2. Kaida Taldir

    Approved Location  White Maw Mining Facility

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Expand on the Shadows. Image Credit: Here. Canon: N/A. Permissions: Blanket permission for all subs made by Laira Darkhold's writer here. Can use Archangel stuff because I own the company. Links: To Hell and Back, Eldorai Exodus, Twin Exiles, Eldorai, Xioquo...
  3. Milla Kryst

    Faction  Her Great White Hunt (Open to DWC Mandos)

    Location: Dagobah This was a long time coming for Milla, literally. Spending almost two-hundred years as a slave, to killing her master. On the run from slavers and criminals alike, only to be caught in the fists of justice called Mandalorians. She only wanted a new life, one to live out her...
  4. Tann Po'rah

    Private  My White Crystal

    MY WHITE CRYSTAL Ilum had been a place of discovery. The young Padawan -escorted by her dear friend- headed to the cold frozen planet of Ilum in search of kyber crystals. Specifically, for Tann Po'rah's lightsaber. It had been a journey for sure that Tann was eager to retell to her master. That...
  5. Darth Ophidia

    TSO Tournament: Round 2 (Darth Abyss vs. Darth Lykos)

    Fresia - Temple of Pain. In the glory days of The One Sith, this humble place had been on the cutting edge of Sith Alchemy. Since then, it had been attacked, burned, looted and scavenged into a crumbling husk of its former glory. Where once fires burned bright there were cold ashes; where...
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