Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Garza


    || THE BASICS || Full name: Nathanual Kirson Preferred Name: Winter, Winters, Alias: Winter Titles: N/A Species: Near-Human Race: Vahla Homeworld: Space Born Faction(s): Freelancer Rank(s): Agent, Freelance Soldier, Mercenary Class: Agent Master(s): N/A Padawan(s): N/A Force Sensitive: Force...
  2. Riamah

    Dark Hand Rebellion of Ancient Eye Hold of Winter

    The Dark Hand had been a long time forming and coming together. Slowly it had happened in the shadows, as governments rose and fell. Unnoticed by the larger and smaller. Sensing a weakness in The Ancient Eye, the Hand was sent out on their first mission. Their target was Winter, home to the...
  3. W

    Winter Sovereign - The Ice Queen

  4. Voices of The Deep

    Family Matters (Sovereign Family)

    "Royal Families Are All The Same." - Winter All her observations were correct, every single one of them, for The Queen appeared shrunken into herself somehow, a percentage of that disturbing solidity she portrayed sometimes as though she had no blood vessels or organs beneath the womans...
  5. Ember Asch Igantaus

    Ember 'Asch' Igantaus

    Queen of Embers "I'm coming for you Winter...and i can't wait to watch you burn." PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Ember 'Asch' Igantaus Alias: Em - Cinder - Coal - Firefly Title: Queen of Embers - Dragon of The East Age: 485 Years Sex: Female Faction: None Faction Rank: N/A FU Rank...
  6. Alric Kuhn

    Everyone Gets Old

    11:31 pm Danger had always hated the cold, and in truth, he had never much liked it either. Yet there was something to it, something indescribable. The crunch of the snow beneath your feet, the smell of the air as each flake slowly dropped and accumulated on the ground. Winter brought a sense...
  7. Voices of The Deep

    Approved Tech  Winters Wrath - The Queens Lightsabre (Guard Shoto)

    Winters Wrath Image Source: Wookipeida - Guard Shoto Intent: To provide Winter Sovereign with a unique weapon design suited for her style of combat. Development Thread: If Needed Manufacturer: Winter Sovereign Model: Winters Wrath Affiliation: Winter Sovereign Modularity: No Production...
  8. Nyx

    A Witch And A Rat

    How many times had Nyx been to Utapau, now? Twice, actually. Once to pick a fight with a Gorog, and once when she crashed in a ship. Which was totally not her fault, by the way. Still, she supposed it could be worse. She could be on Tatooine. Now that was a dump. Utapau, on the other hand, was...
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