Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Breather on Samovar

Wearing: Dress

Armed with: Decoy's Blade (Black core, green aura Lightsaber)

Current Configuration: Public (See Bio)

Came to Samovar in: The Blessing of Loste

007 days after the events of "Wrath of The Amalgam"

With: Westenra Mina Westenra Mina (Gladiator Configuration)

"Laertia, sweetie...put it down." Moya said, nervously as she approached with Westenra.

Laertia Io, skin white as snow, scars on her face, including a deep trench of one on her scalp, normally hidden by ebon hair, yet still beautiful, held her own sawn off shotgun in her mouth, sitting on the edge of her bed.

Moya had just walked in on her, having sensed deep despair in her through their bond. Westenra, in her Black Haired Gladiator form, flesh made to look like she wore a gold catsuit had a look of genuine terror. She had never been in this situation before. She had no idea what to do since her psychology programming was in another Configuration.

Moya's current form had psychology programming however.

"Laertia, please..." West pleaded. "Don't end it like this..."

Laertia's face was tear streaked and frightened and resigned all in the same breath. Moya had never felt such emotional agony from her. She had been like this ever since learning the truth. Ever since learning The Amalgam The Amalgam had actually been Ursula Sandraven all along.

Her "Jedi Master" had been one of the most psychotic, homicidal Sith Moya had ever personally encountered. The Witch was in a whole other league in terms of cruelty. And she had done the cruelest thing of all, telling Laertia the truth.

Laertia had stopped eating. Didn't get out of bed. Didn't speak much. She still wasn't speaking. West had come to help Moya care for the bedridden former Shadow, and had been for the past few days.

"West...get a rabbit..." Moya said.

"What?!" West asked, on the verge of total panic.

"Get a rabbit." Moya repeated.

West nodded reluctantly, leaving the room. Moya went closer.

"Sweetie...Sweetie, don't." Moya pleaded. "Give me the gun..."

Laertia said nothing, snot coming out of her nose, eyes bloodshot from crying. She was in her spiked biker leathers, body shuddering with despair.

"You have so much to live for. If you pull that trigger, that beast wins."

I don't care anymore. Laertia said through their bond. I don't care if I lose.

"Yes you do." Moya replied. "Because if you lose...I lose. And I don't want to lose you. And I know you don't want to lose me. I know you don't want to leave everything behind. I know you don't want to lose West. I know you want to help protect The Galaxy. But you can't do any of that dead."

Laertia looked at her with a pain and fear in her eyes, that struck the Force Sensitive Android with dread. She didn't know if she could prevent Laertia from doing it. Because all her facial analysis programming indicated Laertia wanted very emphatically to die.

Moya loved her Pseudo Daughter. To see her die like would utterly destroy Moya emotionally. She would never recover and she knew it.

West at last arrived with Cortosis, her pet rabbit. One of many.

"Laertia..." West called out. "Don't...your rabbits love you. We love you."

She let loose the rabbit. Cortosis, sensing his Master's distress, immediately hopped to her, crawling up and licking her face.

Moya's went still. She saw pain everywhere on Laertia's face and didn't know what would happen. Her finger was on the trigger. The next few moments would decide everything.

Laertia's will broke. She removed the shotgun from her mouth. Moya carefully, gently took it away as Laertia started to tentatively pet her rabbit. Westenra rushed to her side, cradling her.

Moya went to take the shotgun out and immediately put it away in the armory.

Then Moya collapsed, having a panic attack...

Hours later.

"She can't recover here. She needs to spend a few days on an actual world." West asserted after Laertia had been medically sedated.

Moya sat at the edge of Laertia's bed, fingers running through the pale, unconscious woman's black hair.

"I know...but where?"

"Samovar. I've been there before." West asserted, sitting at the edge of Laertia's bed. "I bought an estate there under one of my cover identities. We'll go there and figure something out."

Moya nodded without a word, continuing to stroke her Pseudo-Daughter's hair.

"Did you know?" Westenra asked. "Did you know The Amalgam was Ursula all along?"

"I suspected..." Moya admitted. "I suspected ever since me and Laertia first engaged her at Canto Blight. Fighting Style was too similar in execution. There was also the fact she seemed to have an answer for almost everything Laertia threw at her, in a way that went waaaay beyond merely being experienced. Some of those counters were only ones that Laertia's own instructor could have known to use."

"I was hoping she would see it. I tried to nudge her in that general direction. I think even she herself knew on some level, but couldn't consciously admit it until she was directly confronted with the reality of it. Damn The Amalgam..." Moya cursed.

She turned to Laertia's friend. "Set a course for Samovar. I hope your hideaway has lots of room and plants."

"It does..." West assured her, blinking back glowing red bloody tears, for an Android like Westenra couldn't produce natural ones. "She'll need round the clock care when she arrives."

"I know. By the way, Samovar has certain brands of tea with very potent painkilling properties. Something to look into..."

"The last thing she needs right now is another headache..." West agreed, crying.

"Keep her surrounded by her rabbits when we get there, don't let her dwell on anything violence related." Moya advised, glowing green tears falling down her face freely, no more able to produce natural tears than West could, being an Android herself...

Moya planted a kiss on the unconscious Laertia's forehead.

007 hours later...

The Dynamic Class Freighter set down on an isolated landing pad close to a small mansion on the outskirts of Samovar's capital city, which was constructed of blue brick in a Romanesque style. The inner halls had a bright set of floral patterns as Moya carried Laertia off the ship, following West (Now in her cover identity of Lorna, see her Bio for details) through sparse, but still tastefully decorated halls to West's master bedroom.

The unconscious, broken woman, someday to have a complete schism with The Jedi Order she had once defended so valiantly was carefully laid to rest atop the bed, the rabbits brought in by servant droids and allowed to cuddle next to her as she slept. Moya finally let herself drop into a nearby, expensive looking chair out of sheer emotional exhaustion.

"Moya, I can handle her..." West said, clad in a silvery gown.

"She's my responsibility..." Moya trailed.

"You've been working yourself to the bone for over a week trying to stop her from getting any worse. You need rest too. Or you won't be any good to her. Take a walk. Look for the tea we talked of earlier. There's this shop that sells it...exotic brands." West advised, handing her the address on a piece of paper after writing it down and handing it to her.

Moya was reluctant to leave Laertia but deep down she knew West was right. She needed a breather. A small one.

The beautiful android took the Address, and about a thousand credits and left the mansion, heading on foot into the Capitol of Melekiss.

It was a forty minute walk from the forested lands Westenra had purchased, and it gave Moya time to compose herself.

Unfortunately there were checkpoints. The natives were suspicious and Xenophobic of outsiders, despite their capitol open to trade with the Galaxy. Moya sighed as a couple of the guards went to scan her, detecting the Lightsaber on her belt. They instantly became wary. Even on a place as backwater as Samovar, The Lightsaber was still the universal symbol for Oh Crap...

"State your business in Melekiss, Outsider." One of the uniformed guards ordered.

"Shopping. For Tea." Moya answered

Moya waited patiently at the checkpoint on the cobblestone streets, their scans giving off a number of beeps.

"Whoa, Sir..." one of them said. "She's not human. She...she's some kind of Flesh Droid..."

The Leader of the guards looked at the gorgeous Biot in her long black gown with a mix of disgust and fascination.

"What's a flesh droid want with tea?"

"Its for a friend..." Moya answered.

"I'm gonna call this in with Central. I dunno the regulations for allowing whatever you are to roam the streets..." The Guard said suspiciously.

Moya released military grade pheremones into the air.

"Oh, come now. Surely one Flesh Droid couldn't cause too much of a problem in your city, right?" Moya asked slyly, watching as the guards around ger swooned from the thought over-powering chemicals.

"I...I guess not. Go about guess. But...but we'll be watching you!" The head of the guard warned.

"You're a darling, all of you..." Moya replied softly, striding past them...

Jax Thio Jax Thio
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Location: Samovar
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
<Samovar is boring now,> BB-12 beeped while Jax landed his Clone Wars Era Starfighter onto the spacesport.​
"BB-12 we haven't even landed yet," Jax said taking one last look at the landing cycle before shutting off the Starfighter. "Samovar isn't a bad place you know?"​
<It's bad if we have to come here,> BB-12 moaned. <Why we have to arrive at this chitty place?>​
"Mainly because it's the best planet for increasing the Holonet bandwidth," Jax grumbled. "Because it's hard to watch a good Holoshow because it keeps lagging like chit."​
<I wonder why it does that?> BB-12 said popping out of his chute. <I've had problems accessing my favorite shows for the past few weeks.>​
"Maybe because of the amount of Droid porn that you've been downloading on the Holonet," Jax said as they headed for the market. "Again."​
<I can neither confirm nor deny that statement,> BB-12 beeped. <Why don't you go on your own and find the service while I stay with the ship?>​
"Good," Jax said rolling his eyes. "I don't have to deal with your bullchit."​
<You'll miss me organic,> BB-12 whirred. <And make sure to give me a large Pepperoni Pizza! They got a good Pizza place here according to the articles I've read about this planet!>​
"Get it your self," Jax said walking over to the marketplace.​

Moya strode through vast crowds, all of whom gave the outsider odd looks. It wasn't that she wasn't a beauty, but there was something too precise in how she moved. How perfect her skin was.

Moya wandered through the marketplace in the black gown, smelling foods she couldn't eat, drinks she couldn't swallow. The curvy Android could not enjoy it. All her thoughts were still on the fact Laertia Io had nearly killed herself.

Her heart started to pound in anxiety. She had almost failed Laertia completely. She was in a crisis phase. The next few days would be critical. Laertia would need to be on constant suicide watch. But Moya was frighteningly uncertain if she could really stop Laertia from doing it if she really wanted to.

Moya was kind of morose as she wandered the market, looking for that Tea Shop, and finally found it in one corner of the market place...

Moya sensed anxuety, faint, but there, and fury.

She cautiously approached the door, the curtains were drawn. Didn't make sense. Wouldn't you want to advertise?

Moya sensed pain and distress. She tried the doorknob. There was faint cursing.

Nine millimeter armor-piercing rounds ripped through the door and through her chest, drawing glowing green blood as she waa knocked backward.

Her black bladed Lightsaber with a green aura shot out and Moya got up to the surprise and horror of a gathering crowd.

"She lives!" one gasped.

"By the Gods! Her blood glows! What is she?" Another asked

Moya didn't stop to answer, all she did was crash through the window, dodging more gunfire from a pair of masked thugs...

(Character Theme Song Power Up)

(Theme: "Angel Of The Morning." by Juice Newton)

The Android used its limited access to the Force to dodge the next few incoming shots, black blade slicing through one pistol and a few fingers, followed by a burst of electric judgement from her hands, the green lightning stunning him and knocking him out cold.

But she took a few more rounds to the chest which knocked her back and allowed the second thief to flee out a back door.

Moya rose, cursing, wounds already closed. She went to check on the shop owner. Alive but tied up. They had panicked. Moya cut him loose only to find he recoiled from her, having witnessed her unnatural nature.

Moya sighed and took off running after the thief, her wounds mostly closed at this point as she chased after him, using the Foece to dodge over his shots until he was out of ammo.

He kept running, apparently knowing Parkour as he bounded over walls and fences, running rails, pulling out a repeating blaster pistol and firing at her as she made jumps, only for Moya to expertly swat them to the ground with her blade as she flipped, twirled, and sprinted with The Force, running by Jax Thio Jax Thio as she was shot at.

Moya's Electric Judgement surged out of an arm, stunning him, but not knocking him out as he ran into an alley.

He tumbled to the ground. Moya walked up to him, irritated as he rolled over, afraid as he stared up.

"A tea shop? Really? Couldn't you have tried for something more ambitious, like a Bank or something?" She asked before punching him hard in the face and knocking him out, and stripping him of his weapon, tying him up with a strip of fabric she tore from his shirt. She then tossed him onto the sidewalk for the authorities to find. Then she began the long trek back to the Tea Shop to take care of the other criminal...
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Location: Samovar​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
It was strangely quiet in the market place, Jax would've thought that there was at least some chatter going on especially on a beautiful day like this. The Jedi frowned a bit as he continued to approached the market, his entire body became rigid as Jax felt a disturbance in the force. "Here?" Jax muttered his eyes darting the many buildings. "But where?"​
He would get his answer with screams and sounds of blaster fire from afar, wasting little time the Jedi rushed towards the source of the noise seeing a shocked crowd witnessing a fight between what appears to be a man and a woman. "Not just any woman," Jax eyes rose up in curiosity his gaze falling upon her. She was beautiful sporting a curvaceous figure accompanied with a form fitting black dress. Her light brown hair fell past her shoulders as she continued to fight off the man with a.... Lightsaber?​
"Wait a minute?!" Jax took a step back trying to comprehend the situation. A fellow Jedi here? No that can't be it just because one wields a Lightsaber doesn't necessarily mean that they're a Jedi. Since the Galactic Empire's fall, there has been plenty of force factions that rose up and many of them had Lightsabers as weapons.​
The man retreated and the woman followed in hot pursuit pushing Jax out of her way. "Ah chit," Jax shook his head sighing he can already see the crowd looking at him imploring Jax to go and do something about it. "All I want is one day without something outlandish happening, just one day." This was a terrible time to be wearing Jedi's Robes, It'll be nice to NOT be the galaxy's police and actually let the local law enforcement do their jobs.​
But such is a Jedi's life.​
Jax ran after them effortlessly jumping and flipping over obstacles as the chase ended in an alleyway where the woman was interrogating him. "Hang on there!" Jax said placing his hand on his Lightsaber. "Let the man go."​

Moya had barely started walking out of the alley when she spotted Jax Thio Jax Thio telling her to stop.

He had a Lightsaber. Moya had her own of course, but she was not in a mood to fight. Laertia had nearly killed herself.

"Look, that guy? He was robbing a store, and he had a partner who I knocked out. Of all the days to run into a Jedi..." Moya muttered, rubbing her face in frustration.

The stresses of Kar Shian had all boiled over, and she was in a crisis situation and her specialized brain was overclocked and trying to juggle it all.

Moya looked at Thio again. Cute. But Moya, who might have toyed with him a little normally, needed to see about that shopkeeper as soon as possible. So no toying. Unfortunately.

"You wanna help? My name's Moya, and I need to check on that shopkeeper. I'd keep the saber ready if I were you. Locals ain't friendly. You can ask any questions you like afterward."

Oh why, oh why did she have to get held up doing the right thing now, of all days?


Location: Samovar​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
"Moya," Jax muttered. "Beautiful name for a beautiful woman." A blush immediately tinted his dark cheeks. That was surely unprofessional of Jax especially for a Jedi. While the rules of romance was more lax for the order now and days, it wasn't right to flirt with someone he didn't know especially when that person had a Lightsaber in front of a man wanting to kill him. "Apologies for that," he said.​
"Who was he?" Jax asked trying his best to remain focused. "What the hell was going on in that market place that caused such a ruckus?"​
Sighing Jax resigned himself to follow Moya to whatever she was investigating. Even though she was attractive, Jax still didn't trust her yet. "So he was a thief?" Jax asked. "I'm gonna need more than your word if I'm to believe that. Do you have any proof? Or is this proof is gonna come from the shopkeeper?"​

Wearing: Naiad Combat Armor

Armed with: Chimera (Yellow Bladed Lightsaber)

Came to Samovar in: The Tombstone

Current Persona: Vivian

Arianna Belasko slashed viciously at the Assassin that had broken into her mansion on Naboo, A Mandalorian that had been hired by an irate businessman she had stolen a holocron from recently.

He had given her quite the fight, hadn't brought anything less than a machinegun. Only the Light Adept hiding in Arianna's flesh prevented her from tearing him to pieces, and she had taxed herself attempting to kill him, Her youthful appearance fading to middle age as she expended more and more of her energy, tossing water spells at him, high speed condensed spheres of moisture ripped from the air and hurled at her blue armored attacker, who used microjets built into his armor to dodge the high impact shots, retaliating with his chaingun.

The Sorceress screached as a few of the shots hit her, sparking off it and knocking her backward, her flesh wriggling everywhere disgustingly as she rose, sprinting out of his return fire.

Arianna's power built in her. The surface Persona perceived herself as channeling the Rage of The Dark Side, but it was the hidden Lightsider's determination and focus that was the real source.

The False Force scream erupted from her bubbling, melting mouth, slamming into the Mandalorian. In reality it was a disguised Force Bellow, and incapable of doing any permanent harm.

The Mandalorians shields, however, were reinforced against sonic attacks. She had only wasted energy and was getting weaker by the moment. The Mandalorian however, was wise, and had not stopped firing his chaingun, forcing Arianna to expend more energy dodging his fire. Her Lightsaber style was not well suited to deflection, so she relied on the suit to take the worst of the energy chain gun's shots, the armor sparking and blackening at the upper torso area. But Arianna's blade entered the Mandalorian's skull...

He fell, dead on contact.

The witch looked down at the corpse, satisfied at her victory. But in that moment, with so much satisfaction at survival, Arianna lost her last remaining scraps of energy to remain in control of the body. The melting flesh resettled on the skeleton, but not in the firm of the youthful blond that had battled The Mandalorian.

Instead her flesh settled into a pale, elderly, redheaded appearance. Arianna was paused, effectively non-existent at the moment.

Only Vivian remained in control.

The Elderly looking Force Spawn opened her eyes, stared at the ruined interior of her mansion and then at the dead Mandalorian.

"Feth, I overdid it..." Vivian remarked wearily. She still had enough reserves of energy that she wouldn't have to feed for a day or so. But she was still winded.

The Force Spawn wearily summoned the servant droids to start cleaning up the mess as she went to Arianna's bedroom.

Five minutes later.

Arianna's private suite, for lack of a better word was completely white in its color scheme. Vivian had plastered the walls with photos of Laertia, and Arianna simply thought it her idea.

Vivian had been the one originally assigned to protect the young Laertia, only to have her original body destroyed, the only thing surviving being the alchemized shard inhabiting this new body, having killed its original owner, an extremely vile and depraved witch named Arianna Belasko when Vivian had taken over.

Vivian didn't feel anything for Arianna. She had seen inside her head as she obliterated her mind from this flesh save for a few scraps to use as a mask. Arianna had been grade A vile.

At least she had Laertia back.

Vivian had meditated to recover her strength when she had sensed Laertia's deep pain and distress in the Force and had immediately experienced a panic attack as she felt the suicidal intent. Not to her surprise, a communique had been sent by Westenra, asking her come meet Laertia at once.

Vivian had gathered only essentials, rations and a change of clothes, and had immediately ordered her pilot droids to board her newly acquired Cathedral Class Yacht for Samovar worried sick and pacing about the lavish, almost church like interior with stained glass windows depicting The Star Forge War. She couldn't sleep, and she aged a little more in her worry.

She had been permitted to land after flashing a few credits the port authorities way and immediately landed the vessel close to the location of Westenra's estate, marching over in a red dress,almost running to the front entrance.

"Where is she?" Vivian asked as she rushed into the estate...


Moya Virtu Moya Virtu scowled at the unconscious thief.

"The shop keeper will verify will the thief I left knocked out and tied up there..." Moya said, handing him her Lightsaber rather than ignite further suspicion. "C'mon, I'll lead the way..."

Moya began walking back to the crime scene with absolute confidence in her stride, proud and irritated at the events of the day so far, but not Jax Thio Jax Thio . He was too cute to be irritated at...
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Location: Samovar​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
Jax couldn't get his eyes off the beautiful woman though he rose an eyebrow when she held out her Lightsaber as a sign to trust her. "Well then," he said taking the Lightsaber and clipping it on to his belt. "Lead the way Moya," With the way she moved even though Jax couldn't be helped but mesmerized though he did his best to maintain discipline. "They say that trouble follows Jedi like a bad habit," he said. "You can never relax anyway Moya what are you doing here in Samovar?"​

Moya turned her head slightly as Jax Thio Jax Thio asked what she was doing here.

"I was buying tea. Staying at a friend's place..." She admitted.

The Android struggled to not hyperventilate. First her daughter nearly committing suicide. Then chasing a theif after getting shot.

Usually, put a hundred stormtroopers between Moya and a goal, and what you got was a hundred unconscious stormtroopers.

Put two hundred stormtroopers between Moya and Laertia and you got two hundred dead stormtroopers.

But this....this was a whole other level of psychological pain. Not that Jax would feel it. Her design rendered her naturally very difficult to detect with the Force.

She did not say much more until she reached the shop that had been robbed. The Civilians that had been present when the commotion started were still there, along with the investigating city guard.

They all backed away as soon as they spotted the woman who didn't die. The tea shop owner spotted her after giving his statement and walked up to her.

"I dunno who you are but I owe you my life outsider. I thought they were gonna kill me!"

"Don't sweat it." Moya replied.

The city guard walked up to her.

"The shopkeeper told us what you did for him." One of them said. "We aren't...fully certain what you are yet, but you risked your life for one of our citizens. You have our thanks...whatever you are..."

"One of the jokers is knocked out a ways down. You can scoop him if you hurry." Moya advised.

The guards nodded, on running to go get the other crook.

Moya turned to Jax.

"Satisfied that I'm telling the truth now, Jedi? Can I have my blade back?"
Laertia awoke on a soft bed, in an unfamiliar place and room full of bright flowers and plants, next to her rabbits, who snuggled next to her.

Laertia saw a familiar face. A somewhat elderly, red-headed woman with fair skin and chocolate eyes wearing a red dress.

"Daughter..." Vivian said, placing a hand on her wrist. "I'm here. It's ok. You're safe."

"Wherr amz I?" Laertia asked quietly, head hurting.

"Samovar. Moya brought you here. The Android you trust, Lynda, owns this place..."

Laertia cuddled with one of the rabbits.

"Laertia, why did you try to kill yourself?" Vivian asked gently. "Is it over The Amalgam?"

Laertia hugged her rabbit Pyronium, who licked her face.

"Yes..." Laertia confessed.

"Julia..." Vivian said slowly. "Sweetie. That schutta isn't worth it..."

"Yooz evuh luvved annybuddy but meez?" Laertia asked, hair unkempt as she hugged her rabbit.

"No." Vivian admitted.

"Dhen yooz donn'tz knowwz wut itz luke whenn duh purrsunn yooz luvvz breakz yorr harttz."

Vivian was given pause at this, but was forced to concede this.

"And you believe breaking our hearts solves your pain?" Vivian asked.

Laertia stared at her, as though stricken.

"Do you understand the pain you would have caused us, caused Moya, if she had watched your head explode from your own shotgun?"

"I...I wuzzint thynkyngz dhat farrz ahed..."

Vivian reached over and hugged her.

"There are too many in this world who still love you...and far too much evil left to punish before you drop." Vivian said quietly.

Laertia hugged her back. She couldn't help but cry...

"Ursula..." Laertia breathed. "I...I luvved hurr! I kylled forr hurr! Shee wuz nevuh reel! Nevuh reel!"

"Let it out Julia. Let it out..." Vivian whispered as Laertia broke down and wept even harder. "But know this: The harshest truth is better than the sweetest lie. (It's just BORIS!: 200 XP)"

"Thiss...thiss iz diffrunt. Shee wuz diffrunt." Laertia hissed out through bitter, choked sobbing...

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Samovar​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
Jax stared at Moya for a moment before tossing her the blade. "Sure," He said beginning to walk with the beautiful woman. Jax didn't quite believe Moya's story about buying Tea for a friend. What was she hiding? Jax didn't know but it was best to stick close to her for now. "Well," Jax said. "That was one less criminal to worry about. So where you headed?"​

"Like I said..." Moya began. "I'm looking for tea. But not just any tea. It's special. It numbs pain. And the friend it's for is in constant pain...she...she tried to..."

Moya stopped. Even saying it out loud caused her pain.

"She tried to kill herself a few hours ago." Moya finally said, holding back her sorrow and terror at the horrible event. "I have a friend watching her...but I need to find that tea before the pain makes her current state even more miserable."

Moya eventually found another tea shop as she walked with Jax Thio Jax Thio . She went inside, paid the merchant for a bag of strength, glittering blue tea leaves.

"Anyway..." she trailed continuing to walk with Jax. "Between that and getting shot today, it's been rather miserable..."

Miserable didn't even cover it. She had to often convince Laertia to eat now. The rabbits seemed to share her depression and didn't seem very active. Moya hadn't been able to go to her low output mode, the closest something like her got to organic sleep, in a week. Not that she needed to sleep, but it was a luxury of not having to move or think hard for a set time period.

"So what brings you to Samovar, Jax?"
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