Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A City Planet of Dreams


Location: Lower levels of Coruscant, somewhere outside of Jax's apartment
Equipment: Leather Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic


If there was one thing that Jax hadn't seen in a long time was the sunrise over the city planet of Coruscant. Not that artificial chit that was used for the lower levels but a natural one that shone bright while the people were getting ready for their day. Jax walked out of his apartment heading for the city square. He smelt the scent of noodles and turned around to see a Protocol Droid inside of a food truck. Big neon lights began to flicker as the words "HOT FOOD" began to slowly pan. His stomach rumbling, Jax headed over to the food truck, slapped some credits onto the table and received a hot cup of noodles.

The Jedi Master plopped himself onto a bench next to the street and observed. Despite the conflicts it endured over the years, Coruscant still remained a planet of dreams, a planet where people go to make a name for themselves, a planet where you can find the very best or worst of people. Slurping on the long noodles, Jax frowned thinking about Jairdain Jairdain and her children. He thought about Jair raising all those children by herself and without Jax's help. It bought shame to Jax, he wanted to keep his distance from Jair's children. He didn't want her children to think that Jax was taking her away from them. If anything, they're probably still mourning their father.

Jax never knew Yuroic but with the way Jair talked about him, he sounded like a better man than he'll ever be. Jax was like the many people who didn't make it on Coruscant, lost and broken. Floundering around while cursing at the mirror, hating the reflection that was staring back at them. Jair's children wouldn't want a self-loathing individual like Jax in their lives, it was better to have them not know Jax. He sighed while continued to eat, Jax really wished he was at a battle right now.

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Location: Lower levels of Coruscant
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio
Equipment: Lightsaber

Dreidi had been estranged from her mother, Jairdain since she joined the CIS. However, while she had kept her distance and stopped sending messages with no response, Dreidi had been keeping tabs on Jairdain and in turn had keep tabs on Jax Thio. It seemed that not long after her father's passing, her mother had moved on and quickly developed a strong romantic connection to another man, a Jedi warrior it seemed. Dreidi hadn't been able to get loads of information, they were charging much more than Dreidi could afford for all the information but she had gotten a decent impression of the guy. What left the sour taste in her mouth wasn't that he jumped into a relationship with a mourning widow, Dreidi put that more on her mother than she did Jax. It was after all these years, Jax seemed content in only enjoying a part of Jairdain's life. Paying no attention to her children nor taking the initiative to be more active in Nitya, Marcus and Dreidi's lives. She wasn't wanting him to replace her dad, no one could ever do that but she knew it was wrong to just not be active in a partner's children's lives.

Why she decided to come to Coruscant was partly because she had heard from Nitya that Jax had been teaching her so she knew that he was starting to be more active in Jairdain's life but she had not heard a word from him. She was curious to understand why he was not interested in learning about her life, was she that boring or was he that afraid of actually committing to her mother that he didn't want to connect. It was early morning and she was finishing her jog, her limbs stretching as she checks her pulse and breathes in deeply. Her clothing was simple, just training gear, with her hair tied into a loose braid. She wasn't sure where it would be best to approach Jax but she was here and it was best time to do so. She wasn't exactly approving of the relationship, she felt it was a simple rebound on her mother's side of things but like she did with Caedyn when he was dating Asaraa, she might as well have fun and grill the guy.

There was apparently a noodle store not too far from his apartment, ideal in Dreidi's mind, not evasive as knocking on his apartment door and open space so he can't really run away without looking like a coward in front of people who would know him. Dreidi took a seat at the noodle place, ordering herself a meal. "Put it on Jax's tab, he owes me since he is apparently dating my mother." She didn't even give him a glance, just acting as if everything is normal. "I'm Dreidi by the way, in case you were wondering which child I was. Doubting you have met Marcus yet either." Dreidi stated in a cool tone with barbed intentions.


Location: Lower levels, Coruscant
Equipment: Leather Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Jax nearly jumped at the young girl's voice when she sat next to him asking the Droid to put it on her tab. He wasn't the type to be caught off guard but the moment the girl spoke, Jax sensed that it was Jairdain Jairdain daughter: Dreidi. The Jedi Master's heart was placed into overdrive beating rapidly against his chest. Jax heard that Dreidi was the more.... defiant sibling and she had a strained relationship with Jair since her husband died. Jax didn't want to interfere with familial affairs and Jair understood. Still, it was sad to see Jair's family starting to drift apart.

"Ummm," thankfully Jax knew enough of Mechu Duru to force a memory wipe since Droids have an annoying habit of storing unnecessary information inside their databanks. "Yeah, it's good to finally meet you Dredi."

Jax felt like a drunk stumbling over his words like that, he didn't meet Dredi's gaze and neither did she. What the hell was she doing here? No way Jair put Jax up to this and he doubted that Dredi would willingly want to talk to him given her cold tone. "What are you doing in Courscant?" Jax said slowly craning his head to see Jair's daughter for the first time. She definitely looked like her father compared to Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic . "I haven't heard anything from the CIS ever since they've....."

He sighed gripping his fork while trying to find the right words to say. "You know....." This is not going well at all........

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Location: Lower levels of Coruscant
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio
Equipment: Lightsaber

Dreidi sighed, torturing this guy seemed like it would be way too easy. He jumped in surprised by her presence, which was good, it showed that the stealth skills that Jairdain and Asaraa had taught her were still of some use. Using traditional chopsticks, ate her noodles as she listened. Was this really the man that her mother wanted to be with for the rest of her life? Dreidi was seriously questioning her mother's taste in men outside her father, she seemed to be dating awkward weirdos. That is what she thought of Marcus's dad and how she was forming her first impression of Jax. She was of course having some strong biases colour her opinion of the guy but she was aware of them and curious to see if he would even attempt to counter the bias opinion she was forming of him.

She looked at the door as she slurped up some noodles, "these are pretty good, not the best I have had but if you try using some less salt and add some other things then it might be even better." Dreidi wasn't much of a chef herself but her father was really skilled and she would try baking with him when he was doing treats and cakes. She hadn't responded to Jax as he tried to talk about the fall of CIS. It had been a few years ago now, it was still on her mind since she had fought and given everything she could to keep Naboo but failed. However, she also had time to move on and also was working on building a new home with members she had come to see as family on a new world. Finishing her dish, she licked her lips and placed the dish to the side, thinking on her words carefully.

"Naboo was hard, but not all has been lost." Dreidi uttered after a long pause, "but I am not here to discuss things that happened years ago. Here to talk about the fact you have been seemingly avoiding my siblings and me. Is being with my mother something short-term to you or is she not worth the effort to actually know her family and support her in raising children?" Dreidi asked in a pointed manner, there was no subtly or careful wording, blunt forwardness was her only approach. "Cause, leaving it years and me having to make first contact to meet you is not a good look on you." She hadn't answered his question yet but she was smirking to herself, "I came to Coruscant to see what this supposedly great city world had to offer. There is a Jedi temple here and NJO has a questionable history at best but the archives would hold interesting amount of knowledge on the Force and maybe some on Magick." It was a reason she had come here but she was also curious on Jax and what he was like as a person.


Location: Lower levels, Coruscant
Equipment: Leather Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Jax wasn't the type to be easily started, throughout his life as a Jedi he seen many gruesome to downright strange things. Yet the only things that phased Jax was Jairdain Jairdain family. He heard that of all Jair's children, Dreidi took Yur's death the hardest and judging by first impressions it didn't look like she cared for Jax that much as he predicted. "I can cook some noodles," Jax said while he continued to eat. "I just got a little lazy this morning."

He smiled at Dreidi. "But you're right," Jax said. "This cup of noodles is.... average, lacks seasoning, doesn't have any texture to it. It's as if it's made by a Droid."

The Jedi Master quickly looked up at the Protocol Droid who was watching he and Dreidi diligently. "No offense," Jax said with a chortle.

<None taken,> The Droid replied with a mechanical tone. <If you like I can remake your noodles free of charge.>

"That won't be necessary," Jax said smiling before turning to Driedi. "Yeah, the Galactic Alliance was so broken up by the collapse of the CIS," he said. "That they've decided to take over the planets, with all the other factions like the Mando Enclave, and the Eternal Empire it's open season in the Outer Rim territories."

It was hard to believe that a faction that valued freedom above all was gone in an instant. Jax was always intrigued by the Confederacy, a faction built by the people. "What?" Jax said snapping out from his thoughts when Dreidi accused him of having a short-term relationship with Jairdain Jairdain . "No," Jax stated bluntly. "You and your siblings were mourning your father, I wasn't going to intervene, and your mother is a great woman, and I would never abandon her. I love Jairdain and I will always take care of her just like she's taken care of me."

Jax was little hot under his skin but for Jair's daughter to be this cross with him, well it wasn't right. "I didn't want you all to think I'm stealing your Mom away from you," Jax said. "I'm not your dad, I'll never be him. In fact from what your Mom has told me."

He closed his eye and sighed. "He sounds like a better Jedi and a better man than I'll ever be," Jax finished. "I just.... didn't want to hurt you Dredi, not you, not Nitya or Marcus. I wanted to keep my distance because I wanted you all to feel like a family but-"

Jax turned to Dreidi. "You haven't talked to your mother in a long time," Jax said. "I know things have been tense between you two, but she misses you Dredi. It'll be nice if you visited her one day."

That was a load off his chest, but it felt good saying it. Jax took another bite of his Noodles before continuing. "The NJO isn't perfect," Jax said. "But we do what we can to defend the Alliance. There's a wealth of knowledge in the Jedi Temple but there's a lot of things that are restricted to non-Jedi. I can show you around if you want?"

Jax looked at Dreidi, he had no choice he needed to stop running and bond with Jair's children. Funny, Jax had defeated gaggles of troops on the battlefield but trying to form a bond with Dreidi was like pulling teeth. "Come on Dreidi," Jax said. "They have a good kitchen as well better than chit in my apartment. I can cook us some real noodles in there as well."

Location: Coruscant Underground
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio

Dreidi looked over as Jax gave comments on the fact he could cook noodles and then gave some comments to the droid about what he thought of the food, even commenting that it tastes like a droid made it which made Dreidi tilt her head and look over to him finally. "There's a specific way that droids cook? Because in my experience, droids have just as much diversity in skills as any being. Had droids cook some of the best food ever tasted and know organics to cook worse than this." Dreidi made a pointed comment, she was surprised at the way she felt it struck her since she wasn't that passionate about droid rights but she felt that it was certainly peculiar to make a comment the way that Jax did to the droid.

"Galactic Alliance needing more innocent lives to drag into its endless war with whatever Sith faction it is fighting now?" Dreidi asked with a stifled yawn, she knew the Galactic Alliance were not the peaceful kind and fuelled itself on war, whether it was the Sith Empire or Brotherhood of the Maw or anyone they deemed to be evil. "Power vacuums often cause others to attempt to rise and fill that void, often never works out but be amusing to see all those others attempting scramble more power. Even Jedi are scrambling to gain more power." Dreidi scoffs, clearly very judgemental of others who claim to be a Jedi.

She shook her head and sighed, "you don't get the right to decide how we mourn, for how long and when we mourn. I might have not accepted you as a father figure, and I never will, but you divided my mother's attention. We needed her, we needed support from her and she needed support as well, but you decided that staying out of it helped. But meant Jairdain had to split her time travelling to see you and keep you separate from us and attempting to support us, though she didn't do a great job doing that either." Dreidi then stared at him, her eyes were intense and cool as she leaned on the counter, "your actions in trying to make us feel she wasn't stolen away, stole her away because she had to lead a double life where you didn't exist to her children. So maybe, just maybe, you should have thought about that first. And no you will never be my father, no one will ever be him and I don't need anyone to be him. He left his family to go to war and die because he thought that was better than sticking around." Dreidi knew that as much as she loved her father, there was also hate and hurt for the way that he left them.

"How could we feel like a family when our mother vanished on us? Left us to mourn alone to find you and begin a new relationship. We were going to be hurt either way, at least if you acknowledged us then it wouldn't make it like you wanted our mother to cut ties with us to start some new family all over again." Dreidi then snorted when he talked about the fact that she hadn't talked to Jairdain in a long time, the snort transformed into a deep laugh before slammed the counter and looked at him, "one moment you say that you don't want to replace my father, then you try lecturing me into speaking to my mother like you are my father. Way to be a walking contradiction. If Jairdain really wanted to speak to me then she knew how to contact me, but right now, I am not going to make the effort. I tried to find out where she was when she left Kashyyyk, abandoning Nitya and me in our grief, eventually Nitya had to live on Kashyyyk completely alone for Force knows how long when I left to join the CIS." Dreidi growled, she was curious to see his reaction to that fact.

Dreidi chuckled, "defend the Alliance? Is that how the NJO is calling the murder of civilians and politicians? News travels and gossip surrounding another morally questionable Jedi Order travels faster still." Dreidi sighed as played with her Magick, allowing the green Magick twist and wrap around her fingers. "Well good thing that I am a Jedi then. Might seem difficult to believe since I haven't gone around and committed any war crimes, but I am actually a Jedi. Defending lives, peace and democracy whole deal. Even if that means defending those whose ideals are opposite my own." She was attacking the NJO but she did so because of what she had heard and that had her concerned deeply about what others were doing to twist and ruin what it meant to be a Jedi. "Think I have had enough noodles, don't need even more carbs before dinner." Rolled her eyes hard, "but sure, show me around this temple of yours if you really want to." Deciding to throw a bone at Jax, for no other reason than to avoid an earful from her mother if Jairdain decided to finally contact her.


Location: Lower levels, Coruscant
Equipment: Leather Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

"Not to lambast Droids," Jax said. "But their cooking lacks..... something, It's not bad don't get me wrong but it lacks a creative touch if you get what I mean." A few years ago, Jax and BB-12 had a cook off in Jax's apartment. They made a bet to see who would made the better Pizza, after spending all day cooking with Jax having to fend off BB-12's sabotage attempts the two of them presented a slice of Pizza to the landlord. He didn't think much of BB's Pizza saying it was average, but he loved Jax's Pizza. It was the same thing across the Galaxy, Droids had cooked some okay food while people created food that can be amazing. Jax was sure that Droid manufactures are looking at Droids to eventually surpass people when it comes to cuisine and other creative pursuits but there's something that can never program in to make them better than people. Jax doesn't know what it was but it was that it-factor.

"Tell me about it," Jax sighed looking at his soup. "I actually agree that the Alliance should be more focused on recovering rather than put themselves countless wars. We should never have interfered in the Sith Civil War, but instead we interfered for no reason and paid for it dearly."

The Jedi Master closed his eye his hand curled into a fist. Even today, it was still hard to talk about the Stygnan Campaign and the failures that Jax endured. Nearly killing his first Padawan Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin , killed by Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé and seen the GA commit many atrocities throughout the war. Even though the GA was triumphant it came at a heavy cost. The former Chancellor had her reputation freefall, the NJO was accused of war crimes. "The Brotherhood attacked us first so of course we had to respond," Jax said. "But still getting ourselves entangled in Sith conflicts was never going to end well especially when we allied with the New Imperial Order. Had a feeling they'd turned their backs on us the moment the Sith Empire fell."

Jax then frowned when Driedi accused him of being the reason that Jairdain Jairdain disappeared. "Wait a minute," Jax said. "Your mother wanted you to see you Driedi. She felt that you were hurting but she wanted you to come to her when you're ready because she doesn't want to force anything on you."

The Jedi Master leaned closer to Driedi. "Your mother always wanted you to come back to her, to talk to just be a family."

Jax got up from the table. "Come on Driedi," he said. "Let's get to the temple but your mother was always open to talking to you. All you need to do is to take the first steps and do it."

Location: Coruscant Underground
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio

It seemed that Jax was going hard into his views that droids were always inferior to people when it came to the creative arts, which was a view that Dreidi just found limited and completely untrue with her experiences with the droids within the CIS. Some of them were a lot more creative than people she knew and displayed high levels of skills. "I think you have a limited view and experience with droids if that is your views. Droids are just as diverse and skilful as organics, to say that droids are limited to their programming is to say that they have no autonomy, ignoring the sentience that droids display on a daily basis. They have the ability to be as creative and artistic as any organic, if we just recognise it will be different in ways we aren't always able to comprehend then we won't be seeing droids as lower beings." Dreidi shrugged, she was commenting on the issue without feeling too strongly either way but seeing issues with how Jax thinks droids would never be better than organics. That was never the way of life that Dreidi was taught, there was no one being better than another.

However, it did seem that he agreed with the direction that the Galactic Alliance and the NJO was taking was not the best path, "so if you don't feel that the NJO and the Galactic Alliance decision is the best way forward, why do you continue to be a part of this faction? Jedi factions are popping up all over the place and sure becoming a Silver would be easier for you and mother." Dreidi mentioned, curious to know why any Jedi would remain with a faction that is quickly becoming more war hungry than seeking peace in the galaxy. "Violence is choice. Just because the opposition strikes with violence, does not mean you must respond in kind." It was something she had read when researching the Jedi in her own time. It was a stance that few adapted and in her experience there would be little in terms of practical use but it was a comment she felt could ire Jax most since it was arguing against the way of life he was currently leading.

"Of course I was hurting. I lost my father. Doesn't mean I wanted to lose my mother as well. Jairdain left us, she abandoned us in her grief and then ignored my calls, my pleas for her support while she was hurting. Now that she has everything sorted, I am just meant to run to her and beg for her to act like my mother again?" Dreidi was angry at that she was being told to make the effort with her mother after all this time, "there is nothing. Nothing. Stopping Jairdain from contacting me, there has never been anything stopping Jairdain from contacting me. But I am not going to crawl and beg to a woman who abandoned her children because she now misses me. So don't tell me what to do when it comes to my mother because you have no idea what we are going through or the situation we are in. If Jairdain wants to meet and talk, she can contact me and then I will decide if I want to, not send her new karking boy toy to try guilting me into seeing her." Dreidi was pissed, her arms crossed her chest as she was clearly done with being told what to do when it came to her mother.

Snorts and scoffs deeply, "How about we just go to the temple and you realise how much you are over stepping grossly and need to stop." Dreidi stormed off in the direction of the temple, leaving Jax in her wake.


Location: Lower levels, Coruscant
Equipment: Leather Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

"I don't doubt that," Jax responded to Dreidi. "Droids have always been helpful, it's just that they've fallen short in a few areas." It's not that Jax hated droids quite the opposite in fact. "The problem is that if Droids could think," Jax thought. "The Galaxy will be fracked." He thought about the Omega Wars and how the Galaxy was bought to its knees by an AI. People will have to be cautious in advancing Droid technology if they want to avoid another crisis like that.

"The Confederacy was heavily on Droids," Jax said. "I understand why you're attached to them, maybe it's just me trying to defend organics. It's ingrained with my views of the Living Force."

He shrugged. "Besides," he said. "Your mother always wanted to see you Dreidi, I'm not trying to guilt trip you. She never disappeared on you she just wants you to come back on your own volition."

Jax sighed. " Jairdain Jairdain loves you," he said. "She always missed you Dreidi but she knew that you had a lot of your father in you and needed some time to process it."

She was stubborn that much was true, Jax wondered how stubborn Yuroic was when he was alive considering that Dreidi was more like him. "It's your choice whether or not you want to come back to her," Jax said. "But Jairdain never gave up on you even when she was mourning."

The Jedi Master remained stoic trying to stand his ground but also trying to understand Dreidi. "What do you want Dreidi?" Jax asked. "Just tell me what is it that you really want? Why come to me? Something tells me it's more than just trying irk the new boytoy."

Location: Coruscant Underground
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio

Dreidi rolled her eyes, "I'm not attached to droids, I just don't limit my views on the old, stereotypical ideas of what droids can and cannot do. The galaxy is far too wide and diverse to think that anyone or anything is superior to anyone or thing else." Dreidi then looked at Jax, "why are you so attached to organics and the Living Force? Thought Jedi were told that attaches were bad." Dreidi commented. "The Force is also very diverse, the Living Force doesn't explain everything, and how other cultures and beings use the Force so differently to Jedi and Sith." Her teachings in Magick had broadened her views past the simple teachings of the Jedi and had her questioning a lot of the Jedi ways since she found them restrictive and stilted at times.

There was an anger that growled from Dreidi as Jax kept pushing the Jairdain issue, ignoring her wants to drop the discussion. "No. No, you are guilting me into making the first move and making the effort. I told you, she wants to talk and see me so desperately then she can karking do it herself. I have long since given up on her. She left. You don't get it. She left us on Kashyyyk. Left her grieving children with no idea in how to contact her and no understandings in how to deal with our grief. I spent years, years, in therapy helping to move on from all that trauma." Her anger was shining deep in her eyes, Jax was forcing her to connect with emotions and feelings towards Jairdain that she had tried leaving to one side.

"So, no. I make the terms now. I decide whether or not she gets to be in my life and that starts with seeing if she has the nerve to contact me. You get to stay out of it and never tell me what to do. Because you are some stranger that knows nothing about my life and the chit that I have had to deal with when it comes to Jairdain." Dreidi growled loudly, jabbing a finger towards Jax. "I gave up on Jairdain. Asaraa acted more like my mother past few years than she has and she does not deserve my effort into reforming something. So, if you want to be some message boy, then you tell her that she has to make the first move and that if she really loves me, then she better come up with some better reasons for abandoning me than the chit you are coming up with. Because your excuses for her are pathetic." Dreidi was seething with anger by the time that she finished her point. Her breathing attempting to control herself as she just wanted to launch her Magick at Jax for ignoring her wishes to drop the matter.

When he asked what she was doing here, "I was coming here to see why you suddenly decided to make an effort with Nitya and not with Marcus and myself. But I can tell this was a mistake, you don't wish to know me or accept that I have made my own decisions when it comes to Jairdain. Seems that you are just some basic middle man." Dreidi had her fists clenched hard as she stared at him, "if you are willing to drop the Jairdain chit, apologise for pushing the matter after I made it clear that I did not want to continue the conversation then maybe, just maybe, we can still head to the temple and I'll allow you to show me around."


Location: Name (optional)
Equipment: Leather Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

"The Living Force is the root of all life and cultures," Jax said smiling. "We are all connected to it, but that's enough of my babbling about the Living Force you probably think I sound like a religious nutcase." He didn't need to agitate Driedi further, she is quite the firecracker almost reminded Jax of his first Padawan: Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin oh how he missed her.

"I'll relay the message to your mother," Jax said shrugging part of him wanted to leave due to the fact that it seemed that Dreidi couldn't stand him. Then again, Driedi is just a kid trying to assert some independence trying to act tough. Jax had seen one too many kids try act mature when In fact it was just all an act. In Dreidi case, she was hurt and angry. Hurt that Jairdain Jairdain didn't immediately come and comfort her, and that Yuoric was dead. Angry that Jair was spending more time with Jax and probably feeling useless at the fact that she couldn't help her Dad. Jax knew that helpless feeling when he couldn't save his Master.

"I'm sorry Dreidi," Jax simply.

He sighed should he tell Dreidi that he died once and Jair bought him back to life somehow? No, it would make her angrier she would've asked why Jair didn't do the same for Yuroic. "You're a Padawan and a Witch in training and in a way, you are making your own decisions out there in the galaxy. I apologize for not respecting that. I was just afraid of how you reacted and by finding out by not seeing you, Nitya, and Marcus sooner I've made things worse. Thinking that Jairdain was paying more attention to me."

The Jedi Master shook his head. "I never had a family before Dreidi," Jax said. "Never knew who my parents were, all I know was that I was dropped off at Silver rest when I was barely a month old. But with Jair now, I think it's time for me to at least form something of a bond between you all."

Jax turned around. "Come on," he said. "Let's get to the temple."

Location: Coruscant Underground
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio

She sighed deeply as he mentioned the Living Force and rabbited on about it. Dreidi couldn't see it working that way, it was too convenient and idealistic of the Jedi, that they knew the workings of the Force. She wasn't going to push her argument since she was done fighting, she wasn't going to touch the matter with him anymore, she had said her piece and she remained firm that Jairdain had to make the effort moving forward. She hadn't been the one that sent Dreidi to therapy for support, her mother didn't spend the time helping Dreidi move forward, find new friends and gain new hobbies and interests. That had all been her older sister, Jairdain was an absent mother whether Jax would accept it or not. Dreidi felt that she would get nowhere since he was being blinded by his love for Jairdain to see the flaws in her.

Dreidi rolled her eyes, "really like to make excuses for your behaviour. Everyone has family issues, it is how we deal with that and treat others that matters. You treated me poorly by ignoring me, making me feel that I wasn't worthy of your time or interest. That you only wanted Jairdain, and maybe, you were hoping she abandoned her kids to start some new family." Dreidi never assumed that really, but she had thought it briefly when she first heard about them but rationale took over and she realised, there were likely other reasons.

Looking around the city, her hands were in her back pocket, "So, I heard that the Jedi Temple was attacked by the Sith. Heard this whole city was recovering from a Sith attack." She shrugged as she was idly walking around, not really taking much in but also feeling the vibe of the city. "Heard the nightclubs around here can be intense. Might have to ditch you later and see if I could get in." Dreidi commented aloud as she walked.


Location: Coruscant
Equipment: Leather Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Dredi was stubborn just as much as Jax was, there was no used butting heads with her. The best way was just show her around and maybe get to know her at least she was allowing Jax to spend time with her. "We still are," Jax answered walking along side Dredi. "Even though this is not the first time Coruscant has been attacked but...."

Jax remained silent memories of battling Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé in the Netherworld and saving Spasa Spasa resurfaced as well as the many dead younglings that filled the halls of the Jedi Temple. The Jedi Master's hand began to shake, his eyes zoning out while his lower lip trembled. It was a still a painful event to relive. Taking a deep breath, Jax allowed the Force to calm him down before gazing at Dredi. "Don't think so," Jax smirked. "One most of the Night Clubs were either destroyed or infested with Sithspawn after the attack and second, you may be independent but under the eyes of the law you're considered to be underaged."

Jax smiled. "There are some places where you can hang out," he said. "I'll show ya, lived here most of my life and seen it all if you can believe it."

Location: Coruscant Underground
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio

"Well jumping into wars can make it hard for a place to recovered." Dreidi idly commented as she looked around. "Unlikely to be the last time either, as long as this is home to the New Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance capital world, then it will always be targeted by enemies. Same issue that Naboo had." Dreidi commented as she remembered the day that the CIS fell, the war coming to Naboo and how it was devastated, brought the home around her to ruin. She shivered as the memory lingered longer than she wanted it to. Looking around, she sighed and shuffled.

Dreidi's eyes darted around, taking in all the sights as she understood the feeling of recovering from the war. "You know, for someone who keeps saying that they aren't trying to replace my own father. You are constantly defaulting to acting and talking like one. I didn't ask for permission, I do as I please. If you don't like that, then too bad. The obvious ones might be destroyed but I know that there are plenty of underground, illegal and secret clubs. Always are, especially for those recovering from war. People need relief and a place of solace, nightclubs tend to be that."

Walking by herself, she place her hands on her hips, "surprised you even know my age. Though could always do some illusion Magick to fool the bouncers." She knew that currently her abilities in Magick were heavily limited but she knew her potential if she ever got the chance to learn from another Witch again. She stretched her limbs, "sure the places you go to are soooooo exciting." Dreidi rolled her eyes hard, it was predictable thinking from an old man to take her to boring locations that he found fun.


Location: Coruscant
Equipment: Leather Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

"I'm just saying," Jax shrugged feeling a little more comfortable with Dredi now. "I'm not the one who made the laws, you're becoming an adult and it's good that you're experience independence but don't think you won't experience the consequences for your actions."

Jax paused. "I'll just leave it at that Dredi," he said. "I really don't want to bail you out of jail." Jax thought.

The Jedi Master laughed when Dredi said she was surprised that he knew her age. "When you get as much experience of being a Jedi," Jax said. "You tend to pick up on a few things."

Dredi once again mentioned how Jax didn't know any good places. "I'm not that old," he thought. "I like you Dredi," Jax laughed. "You're a pretty funny girl, I've been around Coruscant most of my life and I know good place or two that's not a nightclub. There's more to life than just partying everyday."

Location: Coruscant Underground
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio

Dreidi could feel how hard she wanted to roll her eyes. Becoming an adult talk, that was the worst talk in existence. She knew what was happening and she knew the changes her body was going through, heard it all before but it seemed every adult wanted to talk about consequences and how things changed when she became an adult. However, Dreidi knew this and she fought against hearing it again and again, hard. She had seen consequences and felt the pain of them before, she knew from an early age how the galaxy was cruel and unjust, how else did you explain that her father was given a terrible disease that made him forget she existed and made him believe he could go off fighting Sith Lords when he was malnourished and his prime well behind him.

She kept wondering and let the thoughts about the harshness of reality fade away behind her, "uh huh. And there I thought it was because Jairdain might have talked about me to you, but seems she doesn't discuss her children with you then." The barbed remark at her mother's expense pleased Dreidi somewhat, twisting his experience as a Jedi into neglect from her mother was somewhat skilful in her mind. "Yeah, well when life tries to break you, you either laugh it off or allow it pull you into its dark depths." Dreidi explained, it was something her therapist had informed her about using jokes and snide remarks as a defence mechanism.

"You know who says there's more to life than partying, old people. Old people who need to get to bed at sunset so they can get 40 hours sleep or whatever." Dreidi joked as she walked around, "old people who think the nightclubs play music too loud, or that music nowadays has nothing on the music of their era." She was still making her way to the Jedi temple as she wondered around, "but you can remain in denial of your old age if you want. That's totally fine. And people party everyday because they can avoid dealing with the harsh realities around them, to avoid accepting the pain and suffering this war causes them. There is a reason for everything."

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