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Private A Dark Inquiry


"Investigator Ceinder is here to see you, SIr."

The voice of Maldor's receptionist droid sounded through the desk intercom of his office. It was only Maldor's first week as a Senator of the Galactic Alliance, but he had already made himself at home. His office was lavishly appointed, with expansive views of the surrounding Senate District of the planetary city of Coruscant. His large office with its ceiling-to-floor windows would have cost a fortune in any other part of the city's top level. As a Senator, he was provided the space for free. Even better, official Senate residences were in a luxurious building within the same district.

One of the perversions of the Galaxy was this: The richest and most powerful people also got the most freebies, despite needing them the least.

It was good to be on top.

Maldor reached out and touched the intercom button, "Send her in."

Although he hadn't had long to make the appropriate inquiries, this investigator had a good reputation in her field. Until Maldor could establish his own intelligence network, professionals such as this were essential to discovering the things he wanted to know.

And the things he wanted to know today were on a particularly sensitive subject...

Aerona Ceinder Aerona Ceinder
Location: Coruscant
Outfit: Work Attire
Equipment: Blaster, interlocking Lightsabers
Objective: Meet with some big shot senator about a job
Tag: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

Aerona sat in the chair, looking over her files, senators were always secretive types. Apparently politics was a minefield of lies, deception and subterfuge. Aerona was of two minds about it all, it was the perfect list of clientele since they were all willing to pay ridiculous amounts of credits for a chance to gain some small knowledge over the other senators. However, it was dark, nasty business and not always black and white, which was harder than say, hunting down the Sith who murdered your whole family. For now, Aerona was going over the notes she made on this Senator Mecetti that requested to meet with her.

Hapan had only recently joined the Galactic Alliance and her job was on extended to those of the Galactic Alliance after that. She had been cautious about working with a faction that relied on the Jedi but if they were good enough for the Queen to accept them, then Aerona would as well.

The receptionist looked to Aerona and informed her that the senator would see her now. Standing up, she gave a kind smile to the receptionist before walking into the room. It seemed that senators were definitely well paid officials. A lot more than she would usually charge. Meaning she had to increase the cost of her services for this job, whatever it was going to be. A tax for the wealthy, that only seemed fair in her mind, if he had the credits to spare for something this luxury, then he had credits to throw away on her services.

"Hello senator, how might I be of service today?" Aerona asked as she took a seat opposite him.
Maldor smiled across his desk at his prospective employee.

"You come recommended as an individual of discretion and capability," Maldor said, not beating around the bush, "and I have a matter requiring both talents."

He paused, and glanced over his shoulder. Then he reached under his desk, touched a control, and the beautiful view darkened and disappeared. It was exceedingly unlikely that anyone in another building was using an optical device to peer into his office, hoping to read the lips of the people within. But he didn't want to take any chances.

Returning his attention to his visitor, he said, "I am an avid amateur historian, and my current position demands a good deal of additional attention to certain uncomfortable aspects of history. The Galactic Alliance at large seems to think that the galaxy's Sith problem has ended with the expulsion of the Sith from Imperial affairs. I do not share that belief."

He stood, and moved across the room to a liquor cabinet. "Can I offer you a drink?"

He waited for her reply as he mixed his own. He had found that serving someone with your own hand- particularly when you were in a position of power- fostered goodwill.

Once he was done making beverages, he returned to his desk with his own and any she might have requested, sitting down again.

"I have found that the key to understanding the nature of the Sith threat lies in the religious artifacts they leave behind. Sacred objects. Alchemically changed materials, imbued with the Force. But especially Sith holocrons, reservoirs of their knowledge and teachings.

I am working diligently to collect such artifacts, studying them for insight into this threat."

He took a sip of his beverage.

"I believe there are... others of high station who also collect such artifacts... but for their own reasons. Such objects are rare. Some see them as collectible due to their value as works of art. Others derive value simply due to their sheer rarity. A few place value on them as an expression of counterculture edge.

But due to the nature of the Sith, these collections are private, shared with few. Public knowledge of such collections would create consternation. Particularly if someone in a leadership position was thought to be involved with such materials."

He set down his glass.

"But if I am to pursue my studies, I must have more samples. And so, we come to you.

I need to find out who, among my peers, holds such a collection. Then I can reach out to them and make suitably discreet offers to purchase or inspect the Sith artifacts, and multiply my knowledge of the enemy."

He folded his hands over his desk.

"What would you charge to make the appropriate investigations, and get me intelligence on others in the Senate who possess Sith materials?"

Aerona Ceinder Aerona Ceinder
Location: Coruscant
Outfit: Work Attire
Equipment: Blaster, interlocking Lightsabers
Objective: Meet with some big shot senator about a job
Tag: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

It was normal for clients to expect discretion and to work effectively while on missions. Aerona had made sure to hone her skills into such desirable traits that ensured that clients knew what to expect from her and that she would be offering them the very best when it came to her services. "Well, I am glad that my reputation proceeded me." Aerona stated simply, looking over the senator, she wanted to wait to see what the job entailed before she casted judgement on the time of man he was.

"I don't mix pleasure with work."

She politely rejected the offer of the drink, however, when he mentioned Sith her attention rose significantly. She looked over him once more, the man was curious about Sith artefacts. Attempting to frame it as a way to understand the enemy but Aerona severely disagreed with that mindset. It was one of the few occasions that she agreed with the Jedi, such items should be either cleansed by a powerful Jedi or simply destroyed. Such knowledge did nothing but bring dangerous and dark arts, luring evil.

There was nothing more she despised more than Sith, most knew that of her.

"Do the Jedi know that you have such a collection? Given the fact they make it clear any acquisition of such artefacts should be done with their approval since they can be dangerous items." Aerona raised an eyebrow, she might be discreet and she might be effective but Aerona worked within the laws and rules she believed just. A senator hoarding dangerous Sith artefacts was screaming dangerous and problematic.

It wasn't even a request to destroy such items or discreetly obtain them and take them to the Jedi to be handled. This man wanted to simply buy more or gain the opportunity to see more items and know which senators held Sith artefacts in possession. It seemed outrageous and deeply corrupt that senators would be doing such things. Especially since the Sith were clear enemies that would always seek a way to undermine the justice of the GA.

"So, you tell me to handle this criminal activity of having dangerous Sith artefacts, what stops me reporting you, any other senator with one and ensuring all of you are brought to justice? No amount of money can pay me to ignore the dangers of collecting dangerous enemy artefacts and potentially aiding Sith spies." Her eyes were fiery with fury that someone would seek such items, items that were from the most despicable of people. Items that were horrendous in nature.

All Sith must die, all Sith items must be destroyed.

That was all she believed, those who possessed the items and did not seek good intentions and were aiding the Sith cause. Intentionally or not. "I give you warning to either gain Jedi approval for this study of yours or pay me to discreetly destroy and handle these items. I refuse to help you study dangerous, evil items and I will be working on gathering all those within the GA in possession of these items and reporting them to the Jedi Council. For free."

Aerona would do any job to weaken the Sith for free.
Maldor stopped moving as the investigator made her impassioned declarations.

It was as though he had been transformed momentarily into a lifelike statue. Even the strands of his hair seemed to reside in absolute stillness upon his head.

He had made a misstep, here. And quite a serious one.

What kind of private investigator was she? He'd only heard good things, but she sounded much more like a police officer than an investigator. Perhaps he should have hired an investigator to look into this investigator, rather than relying on his own inquiries.

His mother would never have made such a mistake.

He needed an intelligence officer. Perhaps he'd contact his mother and ask for one. It would be humiliating, but it might also be necessary.

The private sector was just not going to suffice. Not for the kind of work he needed done. Too many scruples, it seemed.

And foolish scruples, to boot.

He couldn't kill this woman. This was not Obulette. And too many people knew she was here.

Finally, as though a decision had been required to set him in motion again, he began to speak. Whatever preternatural stillness had overcome him, it passed, and he was a human being once more.

"Well, I must apologize to you, Detective," he said, but there was no warmth in his words to suggest an honest apology. "I had no idea how strong your commitment to ignorance, or the destruction and censorship of knowledge, would be. A surprising trait in an investigator."

He waved her off, "You must of course do as your conscience dictates. I will certainly consult with the Jedi, as you suggest. My receptionist will pay you a fee for providing this counsel, and you have my appreciation for your time here, today."

He sat at his desk and folded his hands, watching her with an impassive face that somehow still conveyed malice.

Aerona Ceinder Aerona Ceinder
Location: Coruscant
Outfit: Work Attire
Equipment: Blaster, interlocking Lightsabers
Objective: Meet with some big shot senator about a job
Tag: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

"Sith murdered my clan. Anything they own, created or instruct is in the pursuit of death, destruction and fascism." Aerona was not accepting that anything the Sith had was worth anything to the Galactic Alliance. "If you truly believe that I would ignore my moral compass for credits and simply help you collect what the New Jedi Order considers a dangerous artefacts. I might not be a Jedi and I might be a personal investigator but if you are hunting down Sith artefacts to own and hoard, it is you who is playing a dangerous game, a game that I will ensure you fail."

She rose to her feet and stared him down, leaning on the desk, there was a intensity in her eyes as she studied the senator. There was something she heavily distrusted about the guy, anyone seeking Sith knowledge, she believed that was a person who was dangerous. "I will take the fee, just be warned, if you are determined to continue down this path, I will be around stopping you. This path that you seem determined to explore is one that I hold dubious and something with Sith ties would be more interested in than someone actually wanting to be part of the Galactic Alliance."

It was a bold claim and while she might feel this way, she held no evidence to back this claim up to take the senator down. Yet at least. She knew that she would deep dive to prove her claim true.

"Hopefully, senator, you learn from this to drop your quest. Because while I might not be working for you, I will be using my talents to keep a very close eye on you. If your intentions are purely intelligence and knowledge, then I will find out and I will know where you truly stand." Aerona pushed back to her full height and gave a fake smile to Maldor, "I appreciate your intrigue senator."

She turned around and began walking to the exit.

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