Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Droid and a Jedi walk into a Spice Mine


Location: Coruscant, Upper Levels
Equipment: Casual Wear, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: B1-176 B1-176

Jax forgot that there were sheriffs who patrolled the areas of Coruscant. With crime being rampant in the city planet, it was best to have elite lawmen patrolling and administering justice as they see fit. The sheriffs thought that they were similar to the Jedi since they both keep the peace, the major difference however, was that Jedi always seeks the peaceful resolution while there were many reports of sheriffs shooting first and asking questions never. Jax arrived at the Marshal and approached him.

"Hey there Marshall," Jax said waving to him. "I was busy building my Pizza business until I got word from my Jedi responder that you needed help. I've heard that this level has been hit hard due to gang wars. It's popular place to smuggle spice in."

Jax took a deep breath. "I'm Jedi Master Jax Thio," He said. "I'm here about a possible Spice deal taking place?"


Location: Coruscant, Upper Levels
Hat and Jacket, A180 Blaster pistol, Holster, Hyperspace Backpack

Could droids dream? I mean... Wouldn't it be cool if they could? I don't know, and I don't think they wouldn't dream the way that organics do with pictures and sound. Their dreams would probably just be data, or probably binar-

B-176's lenses quickly powered online as the shaking of atmospheric entry began. Immediately Bee began screaming as the first thing he saw was fire engulfing around him. As he coasted through the air at atmospheric speeds he screamed, "NO NO NO NO NO!" The cityscape below him became closer and closer as he spread his arms to stop his midair tumble that had begun. As he sent the signal to his backpack for the jets to come on his interface was flooded with error messages, Quickly thinking Bee decided to send the override protocol to get the pack thrusters operational. With a loud hiss and spray of fluid, propellant shot from the pack and blasted him forward towards a fast-approaching occupied street down below. Bee began screaming in terror as he shot towards the platform, aiming for the trash to break his fall. Down below the people walked completely oblivious.

Bee smacked into the trash at high speeds, causing an explosion of garbage and multiple citizens to scream, the noise produced sounded like the blasting of a cannon, and those who were close to the noise no doubt had ringing ears. B-176 slowly stood from the now-exploded trash heap and looked around the street. This was far from his worst landing, but definitely his most public. Looking around he spotted a Sheriff's Department across the street and began walking towards it, his diagnostic read that, aside from minor cosmetic damage, he was okay.

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Location: Coruscant Lower Level
Equipment: Casual Wear, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: B1-176 B1-176


"Howdy pardner," the sheriff replied tipping the brim of his hat towards Jax. "Name is Sheriff Tyf Statorn and I patrol this level."

Jax chuckled at the cowboy's introduction. "Ah so you one of those shoot first and ask questions never guy?" He asked. What was it with sheriffs acting like they were some legendary gunslinger from the Outer Rim? Jax always found it amusing seeing the Courscant sheriffs adopt the same aloof demeanor. Then again, Jax himself served as a Jedi Sheriff of sorts at Alderaan.

"You can say that," Tyf said. "I got one rule in this level: Be good or I'll shoot ya dead."

Now Jax wished that Cowboy stuff was an act "No offense my friend," Jax responded. "But that sort of judgement can be a little faulty. To truly uphold the law, one must always make sure that they have all the facts before administering justice."

"You Jedi have your way and I have mine," Tyf responded. "Under my watch, crime on this level has fallen over 45 percent."

"And how many people were arrested under false charges I wonder," Jax thought. Even the Sheriffs in the Rimward Trade League were less trigger happy than in the Alliance. "Well enough about the views of justice," Jax said. "There's a spice trading being conducted here?"

"Not just spice trading," Tyf said. "But I have credible sources that there's a Spice mine in the fringes to Courscant. Instead of paying Smugglers to get past security, they can easily make the spice and transport on the planet."

"I though-" Just then a crash was heard from behind Jax and Tyf. The two took out their weapons and ran to the source where Jax saw what looked like to be a Clone Wars era B1 Battle Droid coming towards them.

"Hello there!" Jax said motioning Tyf to lower his Blaster Pistol. "I presume that you're lost? Do you need a hand?"


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