Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Fresh Start

Ijaat stood in a conference room as a secretary type exited. He had managed to bribe, bargain, and in some cases intimidate his way past the various barriers between himself and a one Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau . Normally he wouldn't be caught dead in such a place, far too stuffy and airy for his taste. But such was his need, he resorted to come himself. He had seen to it his armor was freshly painted and polished, though a handful or so of wear marks and paint rubs were already evident, an occupational hazard when one was a Mandalorian. His grey and crimson helm sat on the table he stood in front of, black T-Visor reflecting the chandlier light almost ominously.

Availing himself of the offered refreshments, Ijaat stood by the window of the conference room taking in the view of the building he was in, sipping a Corellian made whiskey he was sure likely cost more than he wanted to think of. The urge to smoke one of his cigarras grew, as it was only proper after all. But relaxation rituals could be set aside. He was here to meet with the Queen of Trade, arguably one of the sharpest business minds in the galactic scene. He needed to be sharp and make a good impression. Were it not for the conontations his armor carried to civilians, he would have likely dressed more in his usual Adumarian fashion to put his host at ease.

Today there would be a chance for a fresh start, or so he hoped. And with her reach and resources, Danger was a key part of the growing plan in his mind.
The hiss of a door slid open, revealing the expansive conference room and one Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel standing by the window. With a full-hipped slow saunter, Danger ambled her way towards Ijaat.

"Well, it is a pleasure, Mistah Mereel." The only reason why Ijaat was able to get such a meeting on short notice was by the name-dropping. Back in the early years of Arceneau Trade expansion with the Southern Systems Bazaar, one of the major highlights was the Mystery Auctions that brought in a wealth of participation and profit from the traffic into the Southern Systems Bazaar itself.

Ijaat Mereel, was a name she remembered well. After all, it isn't every day that the Mask of Mandalore the Ultimate is submitted for the mystery auction. One Ijaat Mereel had done nearly two decades past, and now, she was keen on seeing just what else would come out of meeting the one responsible for the said submission. Aeri had pulled up the reference and confirmed that Ijaat had accepted the bid for one Meyer Engine.

"Greetings, welcome to Arceneau Trade. How may I assist you?"
"Mistress Arceneau, it is good to put face to legend. I won't waste your time. I have heard from mutual associates that you and Arceneau Trade were instrumental in the restoration of Corellia to being a habitable planet after the Netherworld Crisis. I come seeking that same aid for my people, and our homeworld of Mandalore. I have secured leads for technology that will allow seeding plant life with samples of native flora, and have other resources to bear. But I need help healing the atmosphere and more besides. I am a metallurgist by humble trade, and the fragilities of ecosystems aren't beyond me, but are outside my current expertise... And so... I come to you to ask you what your price would be for such aid."

Here he stopped. Usually he was terse almost in his communication, but here the Iron Father spoke plain and long without reserve to hide intellect and curiosity. He hadn't affected his usual accent, since she obviously wasn't. A low, slurred drawl common to natives of Concord Dawn rolled as he had spoken just now(think cultured version of Appalachian accent) and he took in a breath. He waited, eyeing the woman before him with the gaze of an equal, noting the curves and attractive, sultry demeanor, but not being taken in by it. It was appreciated, but he had a mission this day. Pulling off a glove Ijaat flexed a chromed looking hand that sheened with a bronze light, the 'skin' rippling and rolling with the movement.

"I assure you, I am no simple war monger come to play king. And that there is much I know that could be of use to your craftspeople."

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau
There was a slight arch of surprise at such a revelation. After a few moments, Danger gave a cordial gesture for Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel to sit. "Please, make yourself comfortable. I see you are already enjoying a drink. Let me get my own, and we can discuss options. I would be more than happy to help."

At this point, the rejuvenation of ravaged worlds and terraforming had expanded within Arceneau Trade since Corellia. What Ijaat asked was not outside of Arceneau Trade and its subsidiaries. She was glad he was forthright. It made conducting business easier.

After pouring herself a drink, she moved to sit. Her wrist gently rotated the glass she held. Musing.

"I can provide you the technology utilized in Corellia for the restoration of Mandalore." cut and simple, " What I ask in turn is the payment for labor for my employees and to allow Arceneau Trade and its subsidiaries the ability to continue trade, fueling, and expansion with Mandalore as before. Allow us to also use what we find on Mandalore during restoration to create new technologies and enhance our products. Not to mention respect our neutrality and trade routes." sure, she could price gauge for the use, but this wasn't about getting as many credits as needed.

Forging goodwill and the publicity alone would shine her business in good light as well as allow the knowledge that Arceneau Trade could handle such a task.

"However, I do want to make clear the understandin' that work like this does not happen overnight. You will also need additional resources beyond my own companies for such a task. I can recommend a few should the agreement be agreeable to you."
Nodding, Ijaat took a seat and watched Danger as she spoke, nodding in agreement. She was a businesswoman, through and through, and he could see the benefits to be reaped as she spoke. With a gesture to his host, he began to speak after a sip of the drink he held casually in a hand.

"I cannot guarantee all Clans will abide by my agreement. But I can guarantee that those under my sway will respect our accord, and can tell you that restoring the planet would go much towards winning you accords with the other major Houses and Clans. The only thing I ask you respect and leave off the table is beskar. That is for my people alone, and while we might enter into trade agreements to manufacture it for or with you, it is not to be take off world or it's workings taught to your people."

Here he drew breath, and nodded to her. He spoke again.

"Any resources you have I would gladly take. And I will also share what I know of metals beyond beskar with your engineers, which is no small amount. I can make a mean carbine or knife, after all."

A crooked grin as he drew a knife and pricked his finger, the mythosaur bone blade passing easily through his living-metal fingertip.

"For an accord like this, it is tradition in my House that one seal it with an exchange of blood to mark the occasion sacred. If we are to partner as you suggest, we will need to learn each others ways in some fashions."

He offered her the knife next, nodding.

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau
Danger immediately leaned forward, wanting to ensure that she did not risk any miscommunication. "Forgive me, Mistah Mereel, if my terms may have made you think that I have any inklin' of asking for beskar. I am well aware from my previous negotiations and understandings that its relevance is wholly sacred to the clans, and I do not want to have you believe that I aim to reach for it. I am more than happy to discuss a partnership should there be a need of beskar for a project, but it will be upon the clan's terms and for our mutual benefit."

Clarifying, she added, "When I meant resources, is that every world is different when it comes to rejuvenating it. Any data or methodologies that we may need to develop I ask remain under Arceneau Trade's ownership. "

"I will gladly take your offer to be a resource on metals and ores. My daughter Myra Elspeth Arceneau Myra Elspeth Arceneau , has recently taken over my subsidiary MaraTibx & Fuels in preparation for inheriting my entire legacy. If you would assist her now and then with your experience and knowledge as a subject matter expert, I would greatly appreciate it. "

As it was, as long as he was okay with this, she'd agree to his terms. That is until he mentioned a blood mark.

"Would you explain to me what exchanging of blood entails and signifies?"

It wouldn't be a surprise she would want to know the full details. She learned the hard way how others had taken the genetic material of female Jedi Masters to create clones for select clientele in the sex trade. She rescued those clones on Kamino and took them under her wing.

The last thing she'd want would be something similar happen to her.
"Just a prick of the finger, and a touch of said pricked fingers. At least for my House and Clan, it signifies a sort of adopted kinship to the task at hand. Within the bounds of our agreement, each will treat the other as if family. That is to say, we are agreeing to total honesty, fidelity to the promise, and a united purpose and such. We would not expect you to ride to our defense, nor expect special treatment in other affairs outside our agreement. It is merely saying that by our separate bloods becoming one, so too in the defined purpose do we become one."

He spoke freely, easily, but it was clear he was assembling the words to express something that to him was native and just... Understood...The Mandalorian culture was often strange to outsiders, indeed a more traditional sect like his own House might seem quite strange even to the crusaders of the Enclave, bound by curios of honor and oath. But he found that, while the words didn't come per se easy, he was almost enjoying explaining himself to the woman in front of him. She seemed genuinely curious in both the professional sense and otherwise, and he could respect that.

"As for your daughter, she is welcome to my knowledge and the aid of my House. Mereel is famed for it's engineers and makers. Our current base of operations, Gardius, is not a lush paradise but could offer much in the way of such learnings. Any data or methods we use in this project I will gladly allow to be kept by ATC, unless developed in joint with someone else's company. That I would then leave to your more than keen mind and negotiating skills to set the terms between you and they, if that is acceptable. Though I would lean on any other partners heavily to be favorable to you in such. It would just hardly be fair to speak for other parties by edict. I am hardly Manda'lor, nor do I wish to be. And even then, my edict would be polite suggestion at best."

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau
Danger gave a nod. From this explanation it made sense. After mulling it over, she agreed,” Alright. Those are fair terms.”

With a nod, she followed @Ijaat Mereel’s instructions on how to proceed with the sharing of blood.

With that in place, she would recommend to him to seek out other contractors and businesses to assist. Salacia would be one of them.

“I’d recommend you reach out to Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell , from Salacia Consolidated. Perhaps even stop by the up coming Ecosystems of the Future expo. Might provide others who would have similar interests.”
Sheathing the dagger without removing the mingled blood, he nodded, taking in the advice. As he keyed in notes to a datapad he produced from one of many pouches on his 'gam, he frowned.

"Have any resources for restoring extinct species? I've an idea to that end as well that could be both profitable and portentous for our efforts..."

Draining the whiskey, he keyed his pad's projectors and slid it towards Danger, smiling as the image of the beast hovered between them.

"Unless you think it unwise, of course."


Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau
"May I?" Danger asked Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel if she could get a closer look. At his confirmation, the Trade Queen gave the image of a beast a closer inspection. Brows rose; one didn't need to be a Mandalorian to recognize it.

"A Mythosaur?" the only reason she knew was that the Rendalli Museum provided an exhibit on extinct species. "While we have a cloning subsidiary that works along with PharmaTech.. it is my understanding that there is little to no genetic materials left."

Green eyes flickered over to Ijaat. "Unless that is incorrect?"
He smiled, producing the bone-bladed knife again and setting it next to the datapad.

"I have hide remnants, sinew from ancient jewelry and weapons, and a small collection of bones. It's incredibly rare, but I made it a hobby to learn to shape and hone the bone for more ceremonial pieces. I will provide anything I can to help in the effort. If we are to restore Mandalore, I would like to see some of it's fauna reintroduced as well. Most should be easy. But some, as the Mythosaur, are distant hopes that I understand the difficulty in."

With a smile still present, he watched the woman opposite him. Beyond obvious physical charms, he was discovering a sincerely keen and well versed mind, and a fierce spirit. She would have made a fine Mandalorian. Leaning back, he shook his head as the grin spread.

"You would have made a fine Mandalorian, as fierce as your mind and spirit are, Lady Arceneau..."

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau
"Now that is a mighty fine compliment, Mistah Mereel," Danger replied with a broad smile, inclining her head and giving enough of a bashful expression to convey that she was mighty pleased with the compliment.

"Well, if you don't mind allowing my research and development team to get samples, we can see what we can come up with. It may not be perfect, as the results are dependent on the original strain, but perhaps we can cross reference enough to be able to get good results."

It wouldn't be the first time anyone post-gulag times attempted to bring an extinct species and raise them from the dead.

"Again, give us some time. This will be a more delicate process with the reconstruction. Based off findings, we can follow up with you on the progress on a quarterly basis and perhaps, we can bring you a viable mating pair with luck."

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel

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