Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Friend Courtship?...A Friendship?

Iko looked around the streets of Ukatis, as he shoved his hands into his pockets and whistled a small little tune to fill the silence. Well, there wasn't much actual silence. It was more, Iko didn't like being quiet but at the same time, he felt like his constant talking would annoy Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell alongside her droid. "But yeah. I've...'ad no pets. Not even at the Jedi Temple. Though the Temple is a bit weird. Plus there's some weird conversation going on about us all getting onto a ship and 'eading off...Wait. Am I allowed to tell you that?...Eh. I dunno." Iko trusted Persie enough to talk about that stuff. Though...maybe he should stay away from talking about Wars and moving away from places for a conversation like this. Yeah. Yeah. That's a smart idea. Well done Iko, you've had your first ever smart idea...Wait! You need to start talking again, or Persie is going to think you're weird. Well, she probably thinks you're weird anyway...Yeah but still!

"So...erh...Oh yeah. I forgot if you answered but if you want...You can wear my 'at for a bit?" He reached up to his head, taking the hat off once again and holding it out in Persie's direction with a small smile. "And...sorry if I'm not talking a lot. I'm normally used to talking a lot. Sometimes it can be aaaages before I actually take a breath. I wonder if that means I 'ave good lungs...Does that mean I'd be good at swimming...Wait. I'm talking again. Sorry. I should let you talk. You 'ave a nice voice anyway. It's...nice to listen to. Yeah. Totally." Iko nodded to himself, breaking out into a bigger smile. Was he rambling, mostly to fill the air? Yes. Did he also mean every word he said? Also yes.

It was nice to be making a new friend. The last new friend he could think of was Braze. And they were best of friends now. At least...that was what Iko thought about the pair. Braze was the smarts and Iko was the muscle!...Wait. Did he even have any muscle? Iko glanced at his arm for a moment, rubbing his hand along it to feel for muscle, before pouting to himself...Wait. You're being weird again Iko. Just look at Persie. Smile. Nod. That's what people like, right?
"Why would y'all be packing up your tent poles and movin'? Is the Temple in the Core Worlds? I've heard Miz Ar-sin-new talkin' and she says there's a lot of fighting and war tryin' to break out. Bad for her business. Folks needin' toilet paper but blockades and stuff."

A lesson on supply and demand came one evening in the form of toilet paper for the teenager. Although her commentary had been a little off-color, Myra had praised her for getting the basic ideas down and being able to communicate them accordingly. Iko Vel Iko Vel continued to mention how the Temple was weird and how he shouldn't tell her anything about it.

"Don't worry, I ain't goin' to tell anyone."

Well, maybe Miz Ar-sin-new in case they needed toilet paper on the ship, but other than that!

Persie looked at the offered hat and then back towards the boy, studying his hair. The teenage girl was very concerned if it appeared Iko was washing his hair regularly. Not only did it seemed soap had touched his hair, but also some type of styling product. Maybe to make it casually messy? Or maybe that was from the hat? Either way, she deemed it safe and placed the little hat on her head, adjusting some strands of hair.

"How'd I look? Cunning?" Mentally she noted the color. "Clashes sorta with the outfit, but..."

A small blush at the nice voice comment. Persie had been in the backwater up until a few months ago and had a very, uh, drawled out speech pattern. Self-conscious now that she was out of that environment, there had been efforts to correct it. If she thought really hard then her speech would be more controlled. Nervousness, being flustered, or being comfortable with someone brought back old habits.

"Me? Speakin'? I doubt it. Most times it might be best for me justa stay quiet." A small pause. "So, what'd do everyday? Jedi stuff?"

Never mind she still didnt have a clear indication of what 'jedi stuff' was.
"The temple is on Coruscant. Feels wrong to be leavin' my 'ome planet...A whole bunch of different Jedi were arguing about where we're going to go, yadayada, blah blah blah. A whole bunch of boring stuff. They want to kick all of the young Jedi off to somewhere where they won't 'ave to get involved in the fightin'"

Iko's bright demanour faded slightly at that. Scowling to himself before shaking his head to turn his attention over towards Persie, brightening up again at the sight of her wearing his hat. He liked it. Or did he like her? Well, like how she looked. That was it. Yeah. That was it. She looked cute and sounded cute. But then she mentioned something about it clashing with her outfit and Iko gave Persie a quick look up and down before shaking his head afterwards.

"I think it works. You look great. I mean, you already looked great. I mean better than great! The 'at just...makes you No. No. You already looked approachable. I just...I think it makes you look good. You can keep it if you want. I 'ave loads of 'ats...but erh...if it's not your colour, I can find you another one. Do you like blue? Blue is pretty good."

Nervous rambling. Well, it wasn't really nervous. It was more mindless. Iko didn't know how it felt to be nervous. He was mostly offering the hat, since he wasn't sure if or when he'd ever see Persie again and a small part of him wanted his new friend to have something to remember him. Though a small frown came as Persie said it'd be better for her to be quiet and he held his hand up for a moment as if to try and interrupt her, even though she had already finished speaking.

"Ah! Ah! No! I've known you for all of an 'our and I already prefer you talking to you being quiet. It's nice. If you're quiet, I think I've said something stupid. I mean I'm always saying something stupid. But if I'm always talking, then you should always be talking. At least with me. You don't need to worry about me thinking your voice is silly or anything. Like I said, I like it. It's...unique. Sweet. Maybe a bit rough...but it's you. And you shouldn't 'ave to change yourself for anyone, Persie."

The Kiffar gave a firm nod at that. Taking in a deep breath to finally relax for a moment before proceeding to about Jedi business. Not that he's done a lot.

"Yeah. It's mostly Jedi Business...or well, student business. Learning stuff about the Force. Different cultures. 'ow to fight. Though...that part is a bit more of an issue for me since I refuse to use lightsabers. I want to use swords, specifically ones that I've made myself. Maybe I'll show you one someday."

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"If they put y'all on one planet, ain't that dangerous? Seems to me bunchin' y'all up is rife for problems. Cause then if you're on one planet together its real easy to just glass that planet and then more Jedi kids. Guess that's one way to really keep ya out of the fightin'"

A little dark but maybe it was something they hadn't thought of. Or maybe it was something they'd thought of, who knows.The idea of someone her age heading off to war or some type of fighting was odd to her. She wasn't even really trusted with a credcard, let alone a weapon that could kill someone. Wouldn't that psychologically scar someone? Well Iko Vel Iko Vel seemed fine, just talkative, which wasn't at all unusual. Lost of people talked non-stop. Get her brother on the right topic and he wouldn't shut up.

"Whatcha mean you're always sayin' something stupid. Who said that? The Jedi? Well they're stupid then if theys told you that."

Obviously Iko didn't say the Jedi, she just assumed it was them since he did live on their grounds. An odd concept to her. Then again, she did live currently on a space station owned by several megacoporations while work continued at a breakneck speed. Supposed they both had a bit of an odd arrangement in life if one looked too deep into it.

Another blush and she didn't comment besides a demur 'thank yous', really trying not to draw attention to herself.

"Yeah, I think it would be neat to see....What kinda swords? Why don't you wanna use a lightsaber? Is somethin' wrong with 'em? Just tryin' to be different? They don't fit your aesthetic? Whatcha doin' to do when someone is trying to blast you from yards away? Don't seem practical."
"I know right! It's either some kind of planet that is super secret and can only be found whilst flying backwards and on a certain day!" Obviously he was overexaggerating with that part, but it was mostly because this situation was something that Iko wasn't a huge fan of. "Or we get stuck on some kind of ship that just constantly floats through the Galaxy and that's totally lame! We're meant to 'elp people! 'ow can we 'elp people if we're all stuck on some ship."

He threw his arms up into the air as he finished speaking, just being overall frustrated about the situation. He wanted to be cool. He wanted to be a hero. Running away like the ways he had suggested were anything but cool. They were lame. Cowardly. And Iko was no coward! He rushed straight into situations without thinking about them!...Which might not actually have been a good thing...Oh well.

"Oh. My dad said it all the time. Always used to say I was a few cards short of a pazzak deck up 'ere. It's fine though. I know I ain't the smartest. I leave being smart to other people. I just leave being cool to me! Don't need to be smart to be an 'ero! All I want to do is put smiles on people's faces! It's even better when their smile looks great like you!"

Once again, Iko did a little pose, shoving his hands on his hips and holding his head up high before breaking out into a grin. If he had been in one of his more fiendish moods, he might have teased Persie about her blush...but he didn't want to ruin it. He meant what he had said, and that was it. No point teasing her over it as he just walked around taking in the sights around them.

"I normally just use two swords. Have them sheathed on both sides. I just think...lightsabers are lame, y'know? Plus so many people expect you to fight with a lightsaber nowadays. 'Ow many people expect you to come at them with a sword? Plus, if you use the right material, swords can stand up to lightsabers, and still beat bolts. Maybe it can't reflect them back, but you can still block with one."

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"Could do'a mutiny, wait 'til all y'all are on board and just take charge of the vessel on your own, ya know? You say its to get the kids outta the way of fightin', well, that means most of the real adults will be busy. Just old folks, like my Governess. Not sayin' it will work but all the young adults will be off fightin' and the old ones will be too tired and slow to resist. Just'a thought."

They were walking along now, hugging the side of the festival streets, taking in the sights. It was quaint, cute even. Persephone was having more fun than she originally intended, perhaps it was the company. She had just expected to do a little people watching, eat a massive amount of unhealthy food, and a little shopping. Oh, and time away from her guardians.

Persie chuckled at his pose, looking like a gallant hero, before getting serious, her brows knitting together in mild anger.

"Wait, your Papa called you stupid?" Persie couldn't believe it. Her Mama never treated her ill, didn't know her Pa of course. Myra and Makky? The same, although she knew her presentations at breakfast on fashion and trips she wanted to take were irritating to the young couple. "Well I think your Papa is stupid. Shouldn't be callin' his own boy as such. Plus you're plenty smart. I ain't seen ya stumble and drool since we've been talkin', gotta have some measure of brains."

The teenage girl was fired up a bit, written clear as day all over her face. It was hard for her to reign in such emotions sometimes, Persie was Persie, and speaking her mind was one of her qualities.

"No...'suppose no one would expect a sword comin' at them. I know I wouldn't. Element of surprise then for ya."

Iko Vel Iko Vel
"Nah! Messin' with an old Jedi ain't a good idea. They can do more...Force stuff. 'pparently some people can use the Force to read your mind. Sounds lame to me. Why'd I need to know what's goin on in someone's mind? Everyone is allowed their own thoughts! Your mind is meant to be your safe space. No-one should know what you're thinkin'"

Iko was a big supporter of people having their own free will to do what they want and to keep their own secrets. He didn't need to know everything in the Galaxy. He was happy having his own little bubble of knowledge. Sure, it was a super tiny bubble but it was his! Oh. He was starting to daydream again. No. Focus on Persie. He tilted his head at how...fired up she was over Iko saying his dad called him stupid, and Iko gave a short nod.

"'e ain't wrong. Bein' smart just...isn't for me. I don't like learnin'. I prefer to do stuff. Run about all over the place. Used to cause a lot of problems for 'im and the other people at 'ome, since I'd rush into 'elpin' them without thinkin'. Spilled paint, broke glasses, knocked over ladders. It's why I ended up joinin' the Jedi. They're meant to be smart...but thanks Persie. It means a lot to 'ave someone say I'm smart."

There was a faint blush on the lad's face as he looked off to the side for a moment. A part of him had wanted to give Persie a hug for saying that. It meant a lot to have someone say that, even if he didn't necessarily believe it. He had plenty of things on his mind for once, instead of it being empty. Looks like the hamster that was meant to be running the cog in his head was going on overtime right now. Iko turned his attention back over towards Persie, breaking out into a smile again.

"The element of surprise is great. Plus I just like makin' the swords myself. Gettin' to use my 'ands. I like...makin' things. you want me to try and make you anythin' when I head back to Coruscant? I ain't sure how I'll get it to you...but you're nice. I like that. So I want to give you...somethin'."

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"Knowin' whats on others minds sounds real dangerous. 'Cause what if you were just thinkin' something wrong but not plannin' on doin' it? Then they can just jump down your throat for no reason. Seems real sketchy."

So Jedi could move stuff with their mind, read others minds, and fight with swords. Persie was trying to take mental notes in case she had to reference them later. She didn't typically meet any Jedi that she knew of ; Iko Vel Iko Vel was one and another was Casaline Ryiah . Beyond that, Persie was fairly certain her pass didn't cross with these folks on the regular. Yet she didn't want to seem like an ignorant, backwater urchin.

"Of course you're smart."

Again, Persephone didn't see the issue of why Iko went to the Jedi if he was dumb in the first place. Again, more she didn't understand. If one was stupid in the first place, why would the Jedi take them? A lot of questions but ones that in the end, didn't matter. Persie wasn't a Jedi and her path was going to be one much different. It was more being curious how the entire process worked.

"Oh...I couldn't just take anything from yous..."

Persie blinked, finding the declaration unexpected. No one wanted to make or do anything for her. Granted, her new guardians were the exception. Before that? Well, her Mama. No one where she came from did anything nice for just because they liked you. There were always strings attached and she hesitated. Yet she didn't want to offend Iko, especially considering he could be a long-term friend.

"....hows about we meet in the middle? You only make something if yous allow me to pay for it. Then I can pick it up....travellin' around for me is easy."
"Exactly! As long as you ain't actually gonna do somethin', it shouldn't matter if you think about it. I mean, I've thought of whackin' my brother across the face with a 'ammer before. Doesn't mean I'd ever do it...Maybe. I mean if he 'urt someone...Maybe...but...well yeah."

Iko had started to ramble again, before shaking his head. He didn't want Persie to think he was crazy for wanting to his siblings. He barely knew how Persie's family life was. Maybe she loved her siblings and the idea of hurting them was abhorrent. Or maybe she didn't have any siblings and didn't understand how that could feel...

"It ain't takin'. A gift is a gift. You give those to your friends, right? And you're my friend...I think...Unless you don't want us to be friends! Which is alrighty with me! I shouldn't just assume we're friends."

He held his hands out almost defensively at that, letting out an awkward chuckle. It was true that he shouldn't have assumed. But for him, giving a gift was just that. Giving a gift. You didn't need to jump through hoops just because someone was going to give you one, and you shouldn't have to jump through hoops because you were going to give one. He didn't want any friendship that was based just on money. Because...well, money wasn't much to him.

"If you 'ave to pay for it...Then I'll only take one single credit. Or...a 'ug! Yeah. Either one is fine with me!"

Part of him was curious as to how Persie was able to travel around easily. Before joining the Jedi, he was just stuck on Coruscant, but now that he had joined the Jedi, Iko had gotten to see more of the Galaxy. Sure, the first...or was it the second time? Either way, it was either the first or second time that he was off the planet that he saw one of his friends stabbed...but eh! It was a good reason to be friends with Persie. She was less likely to get hurt like a Jedi.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"No, no! We're friends. Like I says, only friends I've got are the bed bugs."

A joke in reference to an earlier point in their conversation. Wait, did she have any friends? There was Rue, they had gotten fairly close despite a bit of an age gap. There was Makky and Myra, her new guardians. Myra was more of a friend than Makky, but both weren't horrible to be around. After that? That was about it. Danger, but she was more like a loving Aunt rather than friend. Beyond that? There was no one. It would be nice to at least know someone near her age, even if it was Jedi who lived on Coruscant.

Hand stuck out for Iko Vel Iko Vel to shake at the mention of payment for the item. She didn't like taking gifts. One could argue Makky and Myra were the exception but they were family, they were supposed to take care of her. Gifts were an exception in that case. Especially when it came to a piece of clothing, and especially when they surprised her with a new pair of boots or a fun accessory.

"We's got a credit. Don't think I got access to the other. "

Waiting for the handshake to seal the deal, Persephone continued.

"So when do'ya wanna meet up again? Imagine you're busy with Jedi...stuff. Sword makin' and all."
Iko's eyes went to Persie's hand, giving her a firm handshake alongside an even brighter grin. Whilst most boys his age might have freaked out over the idea of even being near a girl, Iko was just happy to have a new friend. Persephone might not have realised it now, but she had just gotten someone who would always be planning on making her smile! Or at the very least brighten her day as much as Iko could.

"I mean. It's pretty easy to give someone a hug. I think. I don't actually get or give that many hugs now that I think of it."

He held his chin in his hand for a moment before shaking his head and tilting his head at Persie when she asked whenever they'd want to meet up again. A mental debate having in his head. He was only properly able to get out of the Temple and get to Ukatis because of the festival and how one of the Jedi was closely connected to the planet. Plus, it was probably going to be difficult to get transport anywhere away from Coruscant soon. So it'd be hard to find a reasonable excuse to get away from the Order to explore...But at the same time...

"...Whenever you want! I can always come up with an excuse to get away from the temple. Especially for a friend. As much as I love making swords and learning...jedi stuff, I prefer making sure my friends are happy!"

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"Oh... hugs. Er...uh..I'm not the hugging type...only my Mama when she was alive."

Persephone wasn't too sure about hugs or overly physical displays of affection. Hugging. Holding hands. Kissin'. Cuddlin'. None of it seemed appealing. Perhaps it was partially her age. Perhaps it was also her nature. A difficult nut to crack.

She laughed a little, with Iko Vel Iko Vel wanting to travel her way. Centrality was boring. Lots of construction and hard work, very little in the way of fun or civilization. Of course, organizations and governments and companies were working hard on fixing such a thing.

"Where I live is borin' right now. Centrality, on a space station. Everything was razed by invaders. Unless you want to hop around refineries and rubble."

There was also another motivation to visit Iko on Coruscant : fashion. There was also a new boutique to visit, racks of fashion to scout and get inspired by.

"I can come visit you. Well...for as long as y'all are livin' on Coruscant. Til the Jedi make you go to your own personal prison planet."
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"...Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't remind you..."
Blast. Iko was worried that he had upset Persephone now. Dozens of thoughts running rampant in his mind. Was she going to hate him now? No. No. She'd be fine...He thought. Wait. Why was he panicking? So what if Persephone might have been mad at him...Well, maybe it was because he didn't want her to be upset...

Though he felt himself relax at Persephone's laugh. It was nice, though he tilted his head as Persephone described Centrality and he shook his head after a moment when she said it was boring.

"Nuh uh! Any place is fun when I'm around! I'm sure I can find some kind of way to make it fun!...Somehow...Though it might involve gettin' in trouble with maybe that's not a great idea..."

He shook his head at that. Yeah. Silly idea. No point getting in trouble just yet. Though Iko blinked at the idea of having Persephone come to Coruscant instead. If she was allowed to do that...Then...

"Yeah! That works! I can show you my dad and 'is shop! 'e cooks stuff! It's not really tasty...but I yeah! It's better than nothin'. I think. 'E'll love the fact I found a new friend! 'E always thought I couldn't make proper friends."

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"Of course I can come. Gotta take the ol' protocol droid with me."

Thumb hooked back towards Thirty-Seven, who was watching at a bit of a distance. Optical sensors were scanning the area, searching for any potential threats that may head towards the general area Persephone was in. While it wasn't an ideal situation, the teenage girl much preferred Thirty-Seven to her last bodyguard, Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. . Who the hell dressed in full armor to go to a fashion show? Why would someone go to such an event dressed looking like a tuna can?

Persie still wasn't over the entire event.

"Your Pa's shop? 'Course I'll come. Sounds like we can make a day of it."

There was some concern that perhaps his father couldn't cook but she could acquire some credits for a meal from her guardians. Just in case. Especially since Iko Vel Iko Vel stated the man's food wasn't tasty. Odd thing to mention about one's father. Then again, she watched Makky and Judah get heated on the Farm over his gettin' hitched. Seemed every family was different.

"I'll....uh...get your comm code? So we can communicate? Is that what friends do? Makky and Myra....theys always sending each other messages and stupid jokes. So...that's....friendship?"
"That's fine! Thirteen-Seventy Seven can come as well. I'm sure my dad can give him...some oil or something. I dunno if droids need to eat anything. Do they? Where would their stomach be..."

Iko was back to his nonsensical rambling as he stared off into space. Various different ideas of how droids could eat popping into his head. Would they suction it up like a vacuum? Crush it up into paste? Dip it into an oil sauce? Eh. That wasn't important. Well, it might have been for someone in the future, but that someone wasn't Iko. He didn't have any interest in learning about droids and how they work.

"Comm code? Yeah! That works. I've erh...never gave anyone mine though. So give me a minute to...figure out how I'm meant to do that..."

The lad started to check around, trying to figure out how he was meant to find his code. Fiddling about for a few moments before eventually finding his code and giving it over towards Persie, keeping a big grin on his face. As much as he talked about being a great friend, Iko...actually didn't know much about friendship. You just do nice things for people right?

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
"Oh, no...theys don't eat. Oil is for maintenance."

Oil baths and such. Persephone wouldn't doubt that there might be some type of droid that ate. Maybe a torture droid or some type of machinery droid. Thirty-Seven was fairly low maintenance when it came to her ; she wasn't responsible for such a thing, nor would Thirty-Seven bother her unless it was an emergency. Thankfully the weird protocol droid was still giving her a decent amount of space.

Comm was pulled out her pocket and she carefully typed the code into her contacts with Iko Vel Iko Vel as the name. Persie sent a little 'hi' message over so the teenage boy would have her contact as well. Her first friend. Persie didn't know how to feel. On one had it was exciting. On the other it was terrifying that she would somehow mess up the budding friendship.

"There, sent'a message. Pretty cool,uh, congrats on bein' my first non-family contact..."

Wow, way to embarrass yourself Persie.
If Iko was smiling before, he was utterly grinning and glowing with joy, as soon as Persie said it was pretty cool! The lad was suddenly bursting with energy, evident by the fact he kept hopping back and forth on his feet. He was cool! Wait. No. He was...always cool. Yeah. Totally. There was no need for him to get all embarrassed over it...Even if he was blushing bright red at the compliment.

"Yeeeah. It's like...super cool. The coolest. I'm the coolest...No! You're the coolest. I mean...Yeah! You're my first non-family contact as well...Mostly because I only started makin' friends at the Temple...and I don't need their code to talk to them...I mean if they're off on a mission maybe, but I might ruin their cover..."

Once again he was rambling, but he was able to bring himself under control as he gave Persie two big thumbs up. He was just beaming with joy at someone actually calling him cool! Now he just needed to make more and more people consider him cool...but he wasn't sure how to do it.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
Persie laughed a little at the antics of Iko Vel Iko Vel .His energy was quite different than her own, full of boundless energy and eager to express himself. She was more than likely the opposite, a bit more reserved and collected. She learned quickly to blend into the background as a child and it had molded a bit of her personality as she grew up.

"Nah, I'm not real cool. You though, I think yous probably got the lock on coolness at the..."
Persie paused, trying to remember what he called the place he lived, despite the face he had just said it. "Temple, yeah. Suppose it makes sense since y'all live together, no need to comm people. Well...unless y'all got some set bedtime and can't wander around."

Locked down like prisoners in cells maybe? No, that didn't seem right. Especially since they were all out here at the Festival runnin' about.
"No! No! You're like super cool! But in a different way! I'm cool in the whole...unlimited energy way! But you're cool in the whole...quiet and smart kind of way! You're great!"

Iko kept the grin on his face and stepped forward, as if to hug Persie. Normally, he wouldn't even hesitate but he could remember that Persie wasn't into hugging people and he actually managed to take a step back, nodding to himself. Feeling a sense of pride, even though he was just...respecting what someone preferred.

"I mean, sometimes we 'ave a curfew. We 'ave dorms that we 'ave to stay in. Sometimes they're shared dorms....Those suck. I always prefer sleeping in a room by myself...They can be pretty strict 'onestly...but maybe I only feel like that since I ain't be a Jedi for too long."

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell
A mental sigh of relief when Iko Vel Iko Vel didn't hug her. In time, sure. She was just getting comfortable with her brother and Myra, and she known them for months at this point. Just an overwhelming fear of getting too attached, besides, it just wasn't her personality to immediately just start huggin' folks and jumping in to be all touch-touchy.

That was okay though, Iko didn't seem to mind.

"You don't get yer own room all the time? So what happens to your stuff? Or don't have any? Or they just switch whens you go back after this Festival, your room could be a totally different room? With someone else too? Y'all are ...uh...interesting."

Iko had shared a bit about himself, maybe she should do the same. That was friendship right? A bit of give and take and talkin' about things. Seemed that is how it was portrayed on the holovision anyways.

"I hafta share a room right now too. It ain't all bad, we get along alright."

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