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Faction A Good Lord Is The One That Brings The Fire [Kainate]

It was a festive atmosphere.

Bonfires burned bright in the dead of night, trails of embers scattered into the sky as a rancorous choir filled the air with blasphemous hymns amidst dark sermons. The ritual ecstasy was intoxifying, like each person had taken hold of a live electrical wire and wouldn't let go. There must have been hundreds of them, possibly even thousands. Their faces were illuminated only by the searing glow of the great pyres, painted with both blood and bone, or obscured behind a leering mask carved with runic symbols.

Some wore scraps of clothing, others were completely garbed in elaborate robes, while others yet were completely bereft of clothing. They all swayed to the same primal rhythm that reverberated through the ground beneath their feet, that slow ominous drumbeat like the beating of a titan's heart. Only the priests did not move, standing closest to the flames as they recited words in a language ancient beyond reckoning. The priests were composed of both men and women, their bodies bearing the scars of ritual branding. But no matter where they were or what they looked like, they all spoke the same message with the same voice.

At the center of the gathering was the largest of all pyres, constructed on a truncated pyramid of basalt bricks, with every cardinal face tiered by steep steps from the base to the very pinnacle. Several priests and priestesses stood on these steps, constantly speaking above the crackling roar of the flame and the chaos down below. Standing behind them were two hooded and cloaked figures, each one massive in appearance. Between them was the head priestess, her fire-kissed hair woven into immaculate braids and her body clothed in ashen garb.

She was the Sword of Vahl, the chosen champion of the goddess Vahl and the recipient of her hate and vengeance. Clasped in both of her hands was a sword etched with flames along the intricate and serrated blade. The cross guard was likewise carved to resemble licking flame, and a massive fire-red ruby was inset into the pommel. She angled the blade down to the basalt bricks and tapped the edge once, twice, and then a third time.

On cue, the priests began to drag bound and gagged prisoners up to the steps towards the roaring inferno. They had been stripped naked, and from the various states of abuse inflicted upon their bare flesh it was clear that they had been extensively tortured. But what set them apart from any other prisoner was the lightsaber that had been tied around their chests.

These were not mere civilians, or even soldiers, they were members of the Jedi Order.

And they were being led to their doom...


WEAPONS: Purple Lightsaber
EQUIPMENT: Personal Robes
TAGS: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Akhuul Sautra Akhuul Sautra Darth Haryx Vandra Zambrano Vandra Zambrano Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Nerissa Wyrmstone Nerissa Wyrmstone Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano Skorvek Skorvek Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Gunnr Zambrano Gunnr Zambrano Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Zeptepi Zambrano Zeptepi Zambrano First Sister First Sister
LOCATION: Outside the Ritual

The shadowy form shimmered against the firelight around the center of the gathering. Almost as tall as the being that had arranged for this whole matter to be made into reality. The trio of eyes watching the dancing and solemn motion of the jedi being led to their end. Between the flicker of the embers that danced into the sky and cast their orange hue about the gathering, the tall shadowed form slipped around the assembly, taking an interest in the faces of those gathered.

She would not intervene on the matter, merely observe for the sake of knowledge. Rituals steeped in such fervency were never something one should ignore.

Reason and rhyme something that would reveal itself if there was one besides just the bloodletting of the sith's bitter enemies. Or perhaps it was just that. She wasn't in a position to make heads or tails of the matter having avoided for some time now appearing where the sith hung their robes. The small glance around the gathering reminding her that more than a few had opted to leave the majority of their robes behind for the event.

Not that she was complaining. Even being a force entity hadn't seemed to quell the appreciation she had for those around her.

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex || Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis || Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull || Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah || Darth Haryx || Akhuul Sautra Akhuul Sautra || Nerissa Wyrmstone Nerissa Wyrmstone || Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano || Zeptepi Zambrano Zeptepi Zambrano || Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf || First Sister First Sister || Skorvek Skorvek || Gunnr Zambrano Gunnr Zambrano ||

Enormous wings glided silently in the dark skies above weaving through plumes of smoke and raising embers. It would be near impossible to spot the woman or even hear the wings beat when they did, even if not for the throaty chants the woman was all but a silent predator in the night sky. Roling off to the side and diving down as low as the flames reached her path began to take the route of a line of pyres, each time the fire splitting into two then curling in on its self returning to the random patterns of chaotic art. Each time her eyes would look around place to place searching for a good space.

Finally finding what she wanted, her wings angled harshly up kicking up earth in a trail. It was a fast landing and even still not all the speed had been bled as she had to come to a running stop. It was easy to see Teresa was enjoying herself having the freedom to move, the air to feel against her face and under the feathers. No doubt the little retainer Komi would find Teresa soon, for now she would make her way onwards to the center. This was perhaps the first time coming along to such a display.

The place was loud and even crowded. For someone so solitary Teresa was surprisingly fine with the environment, perhaps from how deep the dark side swilled around the place. Like a glutton there was no resisting pulling on it as if it was a nutritional meal. It was a sensation that sends goosebums along pure white flesh. As usual much of that flesh was on show adorned by minimal black clothing. Already a few sneaked glances her way, perhaps it was the wings or the view alone, either way she was well noticed already.

Teresa's feet began to carry her towards the basalt brick Pyre till reaching not far behind Carnifex. She did not approach, rather she simply watched again studying the man from afar till called over. However for once something in the back of her mind to perhaps behave some, even if the woman really wanted to misbehave a little. With so many around a time like this would have been perfect to muse her impulse.

It was certainly hard not to take note of the people in binds, each of them radiated fear, pain even pure anguish, only a few was different. They had a calm demeanour a sense of acceptance to what was about to happen. Teresa wondered how long that would last. It was easy to guess that these blades would soon meet an end that would never been imagined, a funny thing that. Dreams and reality, as much as one dreamed of the ideal future the ideal death, reality was nothing more than a cruel mistress that crushes anyone when it pleased. Perhaps that was why the woman always had a vauge idea of what she wanted as to never be surprised when something became wrong. These days it was much easier to be more absolute about what her future looked like, but nothing was ever certain and dreams changed constantly.

It was not just dreams that changed things. New emotions plagued the woman, feelings not yet understood whilst they pulled her around in mysterious ways. If she was able to explain, it felt like a drive that made no sense.




It'd been a long time since he last wore the armor of old. It needed to be adjusted here and there. His body was far from the scrawny, frail form he'd been when consumed by the Dark. But it worked. That, and the Taozin Amulet he'd been given on the first day he fled from the Sith let him blend better into the crowd. For all intents and purposes, Dubiety was back.

Kahlil kept to the rear of the precessions. Watching from under the far more stuffy than he remembered mask. The Vahl and their rituals had always been a little too hot for his liking. Maybe it was the fire that made the mask so warm? Didn't matter. His eyes narrowed as he watched the Jedi step out. The horrors enacted on them he could very well imagine. All Zambrano knew that torture.

<Shall we, Valery?>

A doorway materialized beside him. One he stepped through.

In an instant he was floating above the main pyre, snuffing out the flame in a burst of air. Arms extended the skull like mask stared down at the mother of his sister. A distorted voice echoed from beneath, enhanced to carry far and wide.

"This farce is done. The Dark Lord of thrice failure will be put down, once and for all!" Lightning erupted from it's fingertips, arching through the sky in a dazzling display of.. Well. Lights.

The figure, of course, wasn't real. An illusion. A distraction. It could neither harm nor be harmed. That was the point, though. A moment distraction was all it took. Kahlil stepped out beside the Jedi prisoners as most eyes turned upwards. The light tap of his hand to the forehead of the priestess at the back and she fell unconscious.

Kahlil pulled off his helm, smiling to the already broken Jedi beside him.

"I'm getting you out of here."

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax | Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Valery Noble Valery Noble

Appearance: Link
Weapon: lightsabers (Concealed)
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

<T> "I hate this armor,"

Valery's words echoed to her husband through their bond. There was a time when she was younger when other Padawans called her Sith because of her eyes. Now, she actually looked like one — dressed in proper black armor and masked. But still, the only real reason that she couldn't be recognized as a Jedi was because of her skills as a former Jedi Shadow. Better than most, she was able to completely suppress her presence in the Force, which helped her play along with her husband.

Finally, the rituals started and she no longer felt any desire to joke around or make comments about her discomfort. She could see and feel what had happened to her fellow Jedi and frowned underneath her mask as a result.

<Shall we, Valery?>

<T> "I'm with you, love..."

Valery stepped through the doorway that materialized alongside him, and allowed him to deafen the flames. She could have easily manipulated the fire herself, but his amulet was very good at keeping him concealed even when he used the Force. If she were to make use of it, the risk of exposure was far higher.

"They are in bad shape. How do you propose we move them?" Valery asked as she removed her helmet and shook out her long hair, which cascaded down behind her back. She then offered the other Jedi a kind smile and looked at her husband again, "I'll tie up the priestesses as well." It likely wasn't necessary, but she wasn't going to take any risks. She quickly made sure that when they woke, they wouldn't be able to move or scream for help and then rejoined Kahlil again.


"Must you intrude so boorishly?"

Suddenly, the flame roared back to life like an exhalation of scorching hot breath. From beneath the crackling flame emerged a shadow, a wicked darkness whose edges seemed to undulate as though the black mass was a living creature rather than obstructed light. But as that which cast the shadow moved further into the light, the shadow at their feet appeared to distort and not lead back to one individual, but two. Both were garbed in heavy zeyd-cloth robes, their amorphous silhouette indistinguishable against the bright glare of the blazing pyre at their backs.

The one light brighter than that which obscured both of them were the pairs of glowing halos that leered from beneath their wide hoods. Together, they reached up and drew those hoods back so that their faces were no longer concealed. Both were nearly identical in appearance, the same facial structure shared between them. But distinct details, such as scars, tattoos, and even the lengths of their hair, clearly demarcated their physicality. One was even broader in stature than the other.

Carnifex and Demiurge.

The Two Who Were One.

"But it is unsurprising that you have come, like moths to the flame." Beams of light ignited from their hands, one scarlet red and the other a brilliant green. With a synchronized flourish, the two Dark Lords unclasped the broaches at their throat and let their cloaks be carried into the flames behind them. Both were even dressed identically, black and gray overtunic and undertunic specifically, cinched at the waist by a wide leather obi. They were traditional Sith vestments, not the highly specialized armor that the Dark Lord was known to wade across battlefields in.

"And so you shall be burned."



"Mm." Kahlil hummed in thought, glancing the group over. He hadn't expected them to be this broken. Most that were broken were turned to agents of the dark. It was those who still had fire he could see his father executing. Then again, maybe it was the execution that had them so beaten down? His gaze flicked over to his little illusion, which was still cackling madly and shooting lightning through the sky.

That wasn't going to keep eyes away for much longer.

"Lead them out through the back. When eyes fall on us, I'll keep their attention away. R6 should be on standby."

Together was how they always fought, when they could. But Kahlil would be lying if he said he wanted Valery in the line of fire of who knows how much of his family. Asides, he had some new tricks he wanted to test out. Fire erupted close by. No, not close. His gaze shifted to his illusion, which did at least look like it was consumed by flame to keep the act up.

"Must you intrude so boorishly?"

Well that was good timing. Kahlil gave his wife a single nod and a wink. For the first time, there wasn't a hint of fear in the man as he heard his father's voice. Or at least one half.

"But it is unsurprising that you have come, like moths to the flame."

Nope, both halves. Fear of his father? No. A little fear of a pair of Sith Lords appearing behind him, blades drawn? Yeah. And excitement, in it's own way. The Jedi stood, shrugging off the boorish armor he'd once worn as Dubiety. Turned to face the pair behind him with a faint smile.

"And so you shall be burned."

"Am I still not allowed to attend the family gatherings?" Heedless confidence as his own green blade sprang to life. Despite the smile, despite the tone, his eyes stayed bound to reality. Focused. "C'mon dads, I'm still a person even if I'm just a copy."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Appearance: Link
Weapon: lightsabers (Concealed)
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

When Kahlil proposed his plan, Valery looked at him and frowned — she hated the idea, and she wasn't hiding that. To split up when so many Sith were around them was risky for both, and she didn't want to leave his side. She also knew that he did it to keep her out of trouble, and was something she could appreciate for what it meant, but it wasn't something she liked either. They were Jedi, and this was the kind of danger they signed up for.


She turned away to the broken captives and offered them what she hoped to be a comforting smile, "Everything will be alright, just stay close to me and I'll get you out of here." The feeling of a familiar, darker presence was approaching, which meant that a clash was inevitable. "I'm leading you out through the back, this way."

Together with the group, she moved for the doorway in the back, where she stopped and glanced over her shoulder at Kahlil one last time. A soft sigh escaped her lips that did little to hide how she felt, but then she turned away and left along with the others, who she began guiding back to R6 and the ship.

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

Dark Valkyrie Armor (being Delivered)Revans Lightsaber
New lightsabers (yet to be named)

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex || Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull || Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble || Valery Noble Valery Noble
Engaging: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Such.. commotion has befell the event so soon. There Teresa was hoping for a splendid evening of sacrifices. However she could not help but feel glad, there was now another kind of entertainment that was more her style. Her hand delved into the cup of her top pulling out a communicator it had only two people on it; her mentor and her sweet little retainer. "Komi dear, run along back to the ship go in in my room and get my armor. Make sure to get someone to bring it to me, I would like you to stay with the ship, last thing I need is you been kidnapped by those evil people that killed your mom and brother."

"Y... yes Teresa. I... I'll get on that right away." The girl replied as the com ended abruptly.

The woman crouched as her 29'4" Wings unfurled. With a leap into the air she took flight. The man was loud indeed, drawing much attention to himself. Her life before taught her many things about a situation knew when something stood out like a sore thumb. He obviously dressed the part to blend in could have done much damage in the shadows, so what reason would someone blow their cover if not to be a distraction.

Oh how her eyes scoured the ground looking for out of place patterns. Her eyes caught onto the silhouette that was leading the sacrifices away. A simple grin ran across the woman's lips. All three sabers left her belt, one came to her hand as the other two trailed with her as she dived with speed. Both sabers been gripped with the force ignited a red blade with a black core, the blades then shot down with speed aimed at the sacrifice both in front and at the back.

The woman landed with some impact that made the ground tremble around her. Slowly turning around the Teresa would look towards a woman with long brunette hair and orange eyes. Almost a similar to her own blazing orange eyes surrounded by orbs of black. "My my, leaving the festivities already..." Teresa's hand reached out to the sabers that had once been sent flying to hover in the air once more. Both wings furled back inwards against her back as she stood towering the woman who was before her. "We cannot have that now can we?"

The Lightsaber in Teresa's hand ignited, unlike the other two that dripped with darkness, this purple blade did not drive either way in the force. "Now that two are... prematurely dead I suppose you will have to take their place. However continue to try and liberate them, you may force my hand to end them quicker. After all there seems to be plenty of their kind." As the winged Epicanthix spoke she was readying herself to wonder how the opponent would react.



"Your bravado avails you nothing," rumbled Carnifex, the towering tyrant being the only one of the pair to step towards Kahlil. While the height difference between father and son was not as drastic as it was between those of average Human height, the Dark Lord was still quite a bit taller than His wayward child. With His scarlet blade ignited, the Dark Lord of the Sith struck a terrifying image amidst the darkness and fire of the ritual grounds. In contrast, Demiurge seemed to meld into that backdrop of flame, almost as though the heat radiating off of the pyre distorted his appearance.

Suddenly, and without warning, Carnifex lunged towards Kahlil with blade extended. The crimson beam smacked against Kahlil's emerald saber, sparks flying from the impact as the two closed circuits of energy met and then snapped away from one another. The strength put behind the blow would have been enough to send any normal man to their knees, but Kahlil was made of sterner stuff than that of normal men. He was a descendant of a lineage of warriors, it would take more than a single strike to send him down to his knees.

"Ungrateful whelp, you spurn your destiny to roll around with inferior wretches, little better than animals." The Dark Lord renewed His attack, striking fiercely at Kahlil's every limb. His command over the Dark Side and His mastery of His blade were flawless, almost without peer. This was not the same as those distant training sessions had been, where Kahlil's father had held His power in reserve so that He could teach His son the ways of the Sith.

He wasn't holding back this time.

If given the opportunity, He'd kill His own son.


"Wrathful god. Master of Death. Bringer of Silence. Unleash your fury. Fire. Fire and death to the followers of the light."

Quite suddenly at the utterance of prayer and the outbreak of sudden combat all present would see the fires of the immense pyre flicker and suddenly turn a bright cerulean blue. Their fury burned so hot the latest sacrifice's flesh sloughed off their bones and rapidly turned to dust. Out from the blinding flames came a storm of black energy. It was a living black hole that devoured the light, a churning wound in the force that burned with the dark presence of a star. In the epicenter of the pyre a dark form took shape then, visible through the dancing flickers of malevolent flame and scattering of burning embers. A giant that rose his chest unbelievably wide bare chest covered with all manner of alien tattoos, scarred from a thousand wars. In one of his hands was an immense runeblade with its edge over six and a half feet long pulsating with the power of the dark side, a twisted sentience that craved the devouring of souls.
Its kiss was the final moment. The ultimate end for even the greatest sith lords and jedi masters barring them from the power to defy or transcend death itself and return to influence the world proper. Deep within these fires stood the father of Darth Mori, Great-Uncle of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . The Lord of Lies. A deafening roar that shook the ground ripped from his lips blazing a wave of energy outward, from the pyre itself fire followed it in a swirling cyclone towards any would be interlopers. Down from the fires he came stepping out into the open air as if emerging from some distant gate his skin smoldered, smoke trailing off his body as he moved with the visage of a towering demon from hell. No words came from his mouth. This time there were no silver tongued wordcraft or poison poured out into the open air to manipulate and twist everything and everyone. There was an unnatural silence that took its place then and that was perhaps even more concerning.
The Dark Dyad between himself and Kaine Zambrano ebbed magnifying as they had come together, one in the dark in a way few theorized but ever thought possible opening up the Black-Iron Tyrant to new reservoirs, new levels in his fight. As the fight was still a distance away from him the Dark Lord pointed his runeblade forward toward the form of one Valery Noble Valery Noble as she engaged Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax and out from it came a destructive blast that caved in the earth beneath it. An absolutely monstrous arc of the highest form of sith lightning in purest crimson that could've laid a starship low hurtling towards her. Somewhere between the two fights of Valery and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble he had emerged and yet the Dark Lord was a potential threat to both.

Location: Dark Ritual Area
Tags: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis
Attire: Dancing Dress
Equipment: Amulet of ManyDancer’s WheelsSpirit Anchor

The heat of the nearby fires coaxed a glistening sheen of sweat from the dancer’s pale skin as her body twirled in sync with the primal rhythms sang by the choir, her performance going beyond the limits of what was possible through physicality alone as the torrential power of the Dark Side flowed through her limbs. Her body had been painted with ritualistic tattoos for the occasion, which glowed with ever-increasing luminosity as the dance progressed, the speed and intensity of the routine ramping up to the point that her movements quickly became a blur. All the while, the choir came to a fortissimo, their voices raised in spiritual ecstasy as the prisoners were brought to the central pyre. Falling into a fervor of devotion at the sight of the weakened Jedi, the dancer’s movements became wild and unrestrained, pushing past the boundaries of the choreography in favor of improvisation. Borrowing elements of Trianii, she performed a series of aggressive stalking and pouncing movements that resembled the bearing of a predatory feline before it pounces on prey, albeit with a salacious character that might have drawn some attention away from the Jedi prisoners. Nevertheless, with the choir approaching the climax of the hymn as the last prisoners ascended the steps to the pyre, the dancer fell back into the routine, initiating a series of dizzying spins as the final prisoner reached the inferno, before suddenly…

The fires cut out and darkness consumed the area.

Immediately, Quintessa ceased her routine, sensing danger as silence fell over the ritual.

"This farce is done. The Dark Lord of thrice failure will be put down, once and for all!" Lightning erupted from it's fingertips, arching through the sky in a dazzling display of.. Well. Lights.

While a few within the crowd of worshippers and ritualists fell into panic, Quintessa did not delay in leaving the stage, for she was not only a dancer, but also a Sith-in-training. Projecting her Farsight to seek out the source of the danger, the speedster moved into the backstage area and reached inside her bag, pulling out a pair of chakams and in exchange, kicking the high heels off of her feet before stuffing them inside the bag. It went without saying that without her bodysuit, she would have little protection, but the dress would not inhibit her movements even in the slightest.

Nevertheless, without hesitating, the speedster sped off in a blur towards the intruders, kicking up a a whoosh of disturbed air in her wake as she set off to punish them for committing such an unholy transgression.
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"It helps with the fear."

He muttered that mostly to himself. Kahlil would be straight up lying if he said even the sight of his father didn't fill him with dread. How could it not? He had been born a vessel for the Dark Lord and nothing more. His own existence had always been on a knifes edge, waiting for the day his Father would decide he needed a new body and made use of Kahlil's.

The boy who spent his life in the library, separated from his siblings. Stuck only with the ability to learn the Dark and try to survive. That boy had always been a part of the man. Even back on Panatha, when he tried to help his friend only to run the moment Carnifex and Prazutis made their war against the Eternal Empress, he'd tried to deny that fear and move past it.

Not any more.

Kahlil's blade spun with an unnatural accuracy. Not for striking, but for defending. Even in this place, so dark and desolate, he felt the Force. Accepting all parts of himself, the fearful boy he once was. The cowardly smuggler avoiding war. The husband. They all were part of the Jedi he'd become. Even as another darkness boomed itself into existence, he didn't falter. His blade deflected the heavy strikes, the green of his blade brightening with every strike. Elaborate flourishes accompanied each strike.

All so the Light could shine. Runes, little more than simple spells, flashed in the air with every flourish. Blasts of light shot out of them like little darts. Sorcery, turned to the Light just as Kahlil had been. And with his father's lacking armor, Kahlil wasn't above trying to exploit it.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

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