Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA A kick to the gut

Factory Judge
As some may have noticed, I have not been posting here or on discord for almost a month now. I wish to explain myself and to make this an official LOA.

This month, my wife and I are working on moving to an actual house. The apartment complex we are currently living at is raising the price of many of the admontites that are provided to us, as well as increasing rent costs. So much of my time has been absorbed in trying to find a house to move into for the past couple of weeks. Almost every house we look at, the next day, gets taken before we can even do an open house. Considering I have a second shift job, and my wife is in the military, our conflicting schedules makes this even harder.

Furthermore, I have found out that my grandfather has terminal cancer. Despite the rest of my family wanting him to get chemotherapy for it, he doesn't want to do so. (I have to agree with him on this one.) regardless, the stress of family calling me to try and talk to him, to convince him to do this is adding stress to my life. Because almost everyone in my family knows that my grandfather and I are very close. He is pretty much my second father.

More health issues, my mother went to the hospital for mental problems. She has had depression for years, but it has gotten worse to where they have classified it as a severe case of bipolar, as well as some other problems where she has auditory hallucinations. So I am helping my father and brother in taking care of my mom when I can.

On top of all this, I myself have been dealing with medical issues with my lungs. (I used to do some hard stuff years ago, and its catching up to me) so I am going in and out of hospital visits to try and make my own problems go away.

All of this is hitting me while I am on the ground at the moment. Its very difficult to find time for me to sleep or eat because of everything that I need to do. I am currently running on 75 hours with no sleep, I have only had three meals in that 75 hours, and I still have more to do. Needless to say, I am not going to be posting on Chaos, discord, or even anything remotely enjoyable for the foreseeable future. I am incredibly sorry for those who I had been in conversation with and not responded, falling behind on my factory judge duties, as well as my Faction Adminship within the Warlords of the Sith.

I do not have even a remote idea of when I will be returning to chaos, let alone discord. Again, I am sorry for whatever problems this may have caused.
Vora Kaar Vora Kaar

I'm really, really sorry to hear that. Please pass on my well-wishes to the Mrs. and I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts. I hope that everything improves soon and that life gives you a break.

Thank you for all you've done in the past. You're an excellent writer, judge, and friend.

Be safe, be well, and we'll be here if/when you're ready.

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