Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Pact in Trade


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
A message had gone out to The planet of Nubia. The trade world wasn't far from Commenor and was closer to some of the trade routes that they shared. No doubt various companies and governments had dealings with all of the planets in both of their sectors, yet the two in question had yet to make a pact of their own. True they could be competition to eachother, but Kay saw them as more of potential allies and trading partners. Hopefully they felt the same.

Kay had her Minister of Foreign Affairs, [member="Riven Black"] and her Minister of Trade and Finance [member="Darben Skirae"] join her in one of the large drawing rooms in the Presidential Palace in Chasin City.


She stood waiting for each of them to arrive. A place setting of tea rested on the centre table, as well as some light snacks. A few bottles of Commenor Brandy, of which the planet was famous for, were set on the table as well. Hopefully [member="Eliala Tallera"] and her delegation would find their visit to Chasin City to be both pleasant and profitable.
As soon as Darben Skirae heard what kind of planet it was, he was excited. A trade world. He had been overlooking some documents on how the trade of Commenori Brandy and other Commenor trade items were going when he got the call. But he did not go right over. He went and picked up his 'assistant' Mute. She seemed to enjoy her new job, or so he thought. She made no physical argument against it.

After getting into something neater, the type of clothing he usually took on in something rather formal, a grey smooth jacket and black pants. And for Mute he bought something more formal, a green dress. They arrived and Darben Was surprised to find he and Mute were the first of the invited. "[member="Lady Kay"]" he greeted over to her. "I brought her, if that's all right." He offered a small smile before going to her side of the table, looking to the door and waiting.

[member="Riven Black"]
[member="Eliala Tallera"]

It was a fine planet and even more so, a trade world that matched their own. Commenor had a lot going for it, allies were stacked in their favor. It wasn't the first time Riven had to address matters at hand. He looked over the documents and as soon as he noticed the request, he grinned. Looking to the other document he grinned even more.

Requests came at price and if he decided to go through what was on the papers in front of him, he would have to involve others. This wasn't something he enjoyed and at best, usually never went through with it. Dealers always wanted a piece of the city, capable of spreading their products about Chasin. Riven knew many ways to take care of them and today wasn't any different. He grabbed the utensil in front of him and stroked the paper firmly. Slamming the stamper onto the top of the document, he closed the file. It was only for him to decide what was appropriate for the future of Chasin City, when it came to those they affiliated with.

A knock at the door made him stand from behind his desk.

"Come in." Riven said.

The door swung open lightly, the official dressed in a full white attire.

"Minister, [member="Lady Kay"] would like you to meet with her now. The Nubian representatives will be here shortly." The offical sounded nervous, a tiny high pitch reaching her throat.

"Thank you, Jane. I'll be on my way in a moment."

Riven reached for his jacket on the back of his chair, his attire showed hours of work and no time for outfitting. He stepped toward the door and looked at Jane.

"One more thing, the file on my desk. Tell Mister Jacobs he was denied, we won't have a peddler of his kind in our city. Take a few officers if you must. Thank you."

He stepped out into the large hall of the palace. It's white a gold decor made him smile as he walked to the other end of the building. The Conference room was just on the south east end of his wing, hurriedly he reached the large wooden doors. The smell of peppermint seeping through the small cracks of the doorway. It had to be Lady Kay's tea, Riven had been around her long enough to know. Pushing the doors wide they swung ajar.

He nodded and spoke.

"Evening to the two of you, I apologize for the appearance. However, things are looking up. We have a lot going for us. Excuse my rush, I'll need some tea to stay awake."

He snatched a small cup from the center of the long table and poured a hot cup for himself. taking a sip he sighed.

"So, Nubia. I think this is an excellent choice. We could both benefit greatly from each others trade routes. Darben, is there anything about them that worries you?"

Riven took another sip, his hair grazing the top of his forehead. His posture showed respect, even in his rushed antics. A minister never slept, something he quickly began to realize. Gripping harder at the cup of hot tea he hoped things would move along quickly. Looking to Lady Kay he smiled, they worked in the same building, but rarely seemed to talk. When they did, it was fruitful conversations about the progress of the planet.

"Nothing but forward, Lady Kay." He said, confident in the relations that she had begun to procure. a small wink came soon after. He was in a good mood, even in his tired state.

[member="Darben Skirae"]
[member="Eliala Tallera"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay poured herself some tea just as [member="Darben Skirae"] and Mute arrived. She smiled at them and nodded to his question. "Yes, that's fine. She is your assistant, afterall. There's tea and snacks for you to nibble on. Riven and our guests should be here shortly."

No sooner had she said that than [member="Riven Black"] walked into the room. She noticed the lack of sleep in his eyes and in the way that he moved. "A bit of rest will do you some good. I'm the one that should barely catch a wink, not you. Now please, Riven, get some sleep after we are done here this evening. And I don't mean a power nap. You need a full ten hours to rejuvenate." Hopefully he would listen to her, otherwise she had ways of making sure that her orders were followed. And not in a mean way either. She was only concerned for him and his health.

Kay smiled a little to his comment of them moving forward. But if only they knew of some of the goings on that had to remain under wraps. There hadn't been time to bring them up to speed, and some that she had sworn not to talk about. But it was not selfish of her in any way. Her job was just to do good for Commenor and that is exactly what she was doing.
He nodded his head and gestured to Mute that she was free to eat, even though she technically was already. But lately, he had been teaching her etiquette, as well as teaching both himself and her sign language. It was much easier, since she could in fact hear him. She went ahead and grabbed herself a snack and then came back, taking huge bites which earned a slight glare from him. He had no idea if [member="Lady Kay"] knew how they had come across each other, as he had not mentioned it before. He made a mental note to do that, as he thought Mute would feel more comfortable if people knew about her.

[member="Riven Black"] came into the room, looking rather tired. He made no comment about it, as he sometimes was tired as well, with the unpacking of goods in his Emporium. However when addressed himself, he shook his head. "I have heard good things. It is successful in business and trade. A trade agreement would surely help our economy, and make our produce just a little more known." It wouldn't draw as much attention as a military agreement, and attention of that kind was something they could do without. "Never been to the planet itself, however. Space travel never goes well with me."

[member="Eliala Tallera"]

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