Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A soldiers Bond never falls

Frank would leave one of the many markets on the planet having purchased a couple drinks fallowing some Tabaco for himself since he managed to. Today was rather special though He figured he would go hangout with a fellow soldier one that could use the company all things considered. Walking up the steps of Ingrid's palace Frank wore a simple white short sleeved shirt and grey cargo pants with boots. Letting himself into the darkened palace of Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim most wouldnt be so brazen but franks just there to hang out a soldier to soldier chat and share a drink.

"You Busy Ingrid? figured we could hang out and talk.....i brought beer if your interested."

In all honesltly it had been a long time since he was back from being a pow, then returning to the CIS to fill out all that bloody paperwork and then solving a pirate problem over in mando space. However it was a treat to be able to visit those he cares about while hes going to be down here reviewing progress and such with the lady of blood.
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Grjótharður, Vengard, Kalidan
Equipment: Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag: Frank Sterling Frank Sterling
[ Just Inside My Head ]
<"High Nelvaanian language"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

Ingrid was working in her office when Frank arrived. The man was escorted to the woman's office by Frost Company's men after screening. Today they were on duty, not the Shadow Company. The two elite military organizations could not be in the castle at the same time, but not even close to each other. Over the centuries, it has more than once turned into a bloody and deadly war that the two organizations hate each other. Whatever the cause, those have been forgotten, only their hatred remains for each other.

The woman, as always, was in uniform, true to her habit, without rank signs. When the man entered, she looked at him with a cold gaze, without emotions. If she had been able to do it, she would have been angry with the man for made an idiot out of the woman in front of the full CIS, he undermined her competence and authority and humiliated her. That was the thanks for the help to rescue him. She was actually able to be angry, but she only had such feelings for those in whose direction she was able to show her emotions, Frank was not one of them.

<"To the best of my knowledge, we are not in such a close relationship as to allow you to call me by my first name, Mr. Sterling. Why did you come? To humiliate me even more? Wasn't what you did on Riflor enough?"> she asked without emotions, in a colder voice than the coldest night on Kalidan. They hadn’t spoken since the treaty, so she had no further information about what happened or why the man did so.


Frank let out a shaky sigh, he expected this but it didnt make things easier for him. "I came to apoligise My lord, Theres alot about what happened that day that I was unable to show. As you know you killed Ty the traitor to not only the empire but to hades corp as a whole. and as such he had one last trick up his sleave that I nor those from hades corp you jailed upon saving me..." Frank took a knee For once is his life he was bending the knee to someone and leaving himself at their mercy and whim.

"In truth there was a line of code to be enacted upon his death between the CIS and EE to use me as a sleeper agent of sorts the objective of said code was to start a war pinning both nations against each other in a war that would cost billions of lives. however when I saw you stick up for me the way you did a part of me broke in such a way that it overridden the programming. My actions were not of my own until that moment and I'm sorry, its also why I distanced myself from both the Eternal empire and CIS until i was sure that with the help of my trusted units could scrub the programing from my system." Frank couldnt bare to look up at Ingrid after what had happened especially now that he has given this info to her.

"I didn't want hurt the men and wemon on both sides of a war of such caliber and I certainly didn't want to hurt you or humiliate you. unfortunatly i could only do one of those objectives with the damage i had caused." Frank lost his stowic military emotionless attitude as he said these things remaining absolutely genuine. "I shattered your trust my lord and for that im sorry and i care far to much for you and your family to hurt you again hence why i distence myself into my own self exile until today....I thought you have every right to know this."

Its no secret frank had a crush on ingrid But after everything that has happened he wouldnt blaim her if she were to kill him on the spot for his actions. heck a part of him wanted her to so as not to feel the burdon and pain hed put her threw during the diplomatic meeting. so he sat there head hung low and kneeling waiting for whatever the empress deemed nessesary to do to him.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Grjótharður, Vengard, Kalidan
Equipment: Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag: Frank Sterling Frank Sterling
[ Just Inside My Head ]
<"High Nelvaanian language"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

She was still looking at the man coldly, without emotion. Would she have very much asked what he hoped for? Does an apology solve the situation? The Empress wanted to give an example where they had to grab a plate, smash it, and then apologize to it. Has it improved or fixed? No. This, of course, was not about Ingrid’s feelings, she was used to being betrayed by others many times throughout her life. Not to mention that since she managed to be well again, she had been even colder than before.

She wasn’t well on Riflor yet, but she hasn’t had the slightest emotional swing since, not because of Adrian either. Ever since the ritual was successful and not physically weak, she has not been on the verge of death, Ingrid has been able to control herself again, in spiritual and physical meaning as well. It also meant that she was even colder, even more distant than before, even though she used to be a spacer person. In holofilms, books, it was then that the protagonist stood up and forgave the other person when they fell to their knees.

But that was the reality, not some holofilm. The woman remained motionless, like a marble statue.

<"Do you think that will be enough? Does all this fix anything?"> she asked in an still ice-cold but emotionless voice. <"Get up from the floor and sit in the chair!"> it was a short and cold command.

She didn't know if the man was lying or not, but she felt it was too easy to hide behind the fact that the Hades Corps are responsible for everything. Forgiveness wasn’t one of the woman’s strengths anyway because she remembered almost everything, so it was hard to do. However, she was not vindictive either, she always acted in the best interests of her people and the Empire. That's why she was able to work with people she'd otherwise had a hostile relationship with. Duty takes precedence over personal emotions.

<"I hope the CIS knows about this too.">

Ingrid waited a few seconds for the man to answer the words, then she spoke again.

<"What did you expect from coming here? That the words fix and heal what you did? Maybe I will forgive you for feeling romantic emotions in my direction? No, you may have caused irreparable damage to EE-CIS relations and to the reputation of the Eternal Empire. I don't care how you were offended and betrayed me, but how you were offended and betrayed the Eternal Empire, yes I care.">


Frank nodded to the women as he sat in the chair. He knew and expected this outcome the damage he could have caused would have been much worse if the programming succeeded

"For the good of the empire my Lord, I'll make things right I'm sorry."

He would ask to be dismissed and would leave the room afterwords.

A few months later

Ghost would enter the palace without saying a word and leave a package for the empress sliding it over with his foot before nodding in her direction

Inside was a holovid 1,000,000 credits and the old Eternal empire jacket that ingrid gave frank when they first met during the day of her attempted assassination via shadow empire.

When activated the Holo vid would play with frank speaking and standing in parade rest.

"Greetings my Lord, if your seeing this then I have most likely died for good this time. I won't say that we ever left on good terms or not but I wanted you to know I enjoyed the time I served you and got to know you, I took the time to make this and patch up the old jacket you gave me to return it. It was a honor serving alongside you for however short it was. There's a chunk of credits in the package as well do with it as you wish I wish I would have gotten to know you better or even became your friend before I passed but that's the life of us soldiers full of regrets and what we could have done differently. Goodbye my Lord may the Eternal empire prosper and fight the good fight."

Ghost would remain in the room until dismissed gasmask still adorning his face.

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