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A Strange Meeting

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
The Terraforming Operation was in full swing now.
I stood upon the bridge of the Absolution Class Star Destroyer Sound of Justice.
I had made the rank of Commodore. I was one step away from achieve a flag officer rank. My hard work had paid off.
This combined with my status as an Agent of the Crown under the Intelligence & Security Bureau had granted me an extraordinary mandate of authority and power.
My assignment by the Empress Kista Fel to this project was possible the most trying and stressful undertakings thus far in my life.
My objective was to turn Kalee into a new commerce hub.
Our recent diplomatic maneuvers with the Republic was bringing us a wealth of new opportunities. Several companies from Mandolarian space had begun to clamor to gain access. In fact one such company desired to forge a new hyperspace route through our territory. Lastly Operation Grave Cart had begun. Soon I would have my own Imperator Star Destroyer III.
A grin of sincere joy slowly formed on my face.
A bridge officer had tapped my shoulder.
The grin dissipated from my happy thoughts.
“Sir a vessel has just dropped out of hyperspace broadcasting a request for an audience from a [member="Darth Arcanix"] of a Krayt Industries?”
How a Sith managed to travel here in person, was surprising to say the least.
“Grant them authorization and hail them that they will be received on board our vessel in the wardroom
“Yes Sir!” The Ensign clicked his heels and saluted before making a sharp 90 degree turn and strode away to broadcast the message.
My attention returned to what I had been originally holding my gaze. The Gas Giant Remsh. Its forty three moons were quite the mesmerizing sight…
I broke my trance and went down to the wardroom. It was time for some tea, well caffeinated tea…
Taeli stretched as she was guided towards a rather large Star Destroyer. There was always something about the Empire that she liked, that clean and efficient style, and that drive that was unique to Imperial society. She felt she would get along well with them while she was visiting. Adjusting the gray synthsilk dress she had worn for the occasion and keeping her lightsaber on the ship as a show of good faith, she descended down the boarding ramp to find a small welcoming committee of Imperial troopers and an officer.

The troops snapped to attention and the officer informed her to follow him to the wardroom. Entering the room, she was immediately bombarded with the sweet smell of tea, tea that would mostly likely be of quite a high quality.

"Commodore Flavian, correct?" Taeli asked the man already in the room. "Darth Arcanix, at your most humble service."

[member="Caius Flavian"]

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
When [member="Darth Arcanix"] arrived there was a single table out with two chairs across from each other. The wardroom was a basic modular design with tables that unfolded and detached from the walls. With these tables stowed in this manner the room was quite empty but when general quarters is called or the ship received damage, No one would rightfully say they would want to be in a room with tables being tossed about.
Mi’lady Darth Arcanix welcome. I must say this is a first in all my years to be greeted by a Sith in such a refined manner.” I spoke with sincerity to the elegant dress which complimented her physique quite well.

My own standard olive grey uniform had been ironed myself and pressed. Second nature to me at this point. However I remained true to the Imperial naval Code of Conduct just as I expected of all my officers.
I had had several midshipmen prepare the reception to my own exacting measures. A light blue table cloth. Several fat and stout candles glowed inside orange decorative glass bowls adding ambience to the room. A basket with covered with cloth held some warm pastries. A kettle filled with piping hot water sat on a wooden lazy susan. A variety of tea packets sat in a small metal tin.
Now you have come all this way to seek business with us? How may I assist you?”
I proffered my hand in greeting.
Taeli took the proffered hand and allowed herself to be seated before she would begin business. The man before her was definitely the epitome of what it mean to be an Imperial, from his uniform and manners, to his upright bearing and posture. He also showed style in how he had arranged their meeting room, everything was in perfect place and she couldn't wait to partake of the tea or pastries.

"You certainly know how to show respect, Commodore Flavian," she said, unfolding her napkin slowly and placing it on the lap of her dress.

"I come here representing Krayt Industries, the company I own with my partner Alex," she said, choosing her words very carefully. A good first impression was always important. "We had heard the Empire was looking to expand and grow and we are in the very same mindset. I thought perhaps we could sit down and discuss a mutually beneficial arrangement, for my company, the Empire, and perhaps even your own personal holdings."

A solid opening pitch, she thought, as she waited for the commodore to reply.

[member="Caius Flavian"]

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
I took a seat as well.
I plucked a packet of tea from the basket. As I listened to her opening statement. The Imperial Remnant needed business, capital gain so to speak. Krayt Industries came from a faction whose ideology of the Imperial Way differed from that of our own. The Sith were a self-destructive lot, killing themselves as often as they killed their enemies. Her words were well chosen. However the last few words the way they were phrased perturbed me.
Wonderful, well our Imperial Empire is still quite fledgingly. I’ve been making a number of commerce contracts as means of stimulating growth out here on the outer rim. In fact I’m striving to make the Kalee system an economic hub of sorts. A large corporation is seeking to establish a new hyperspace route that has the potential to rival the Correlian Trade spine. As well as the massive under taking of terraforming Kalee and reviving the Kaleesh Civilization,” I paused for a moment before pushing the tin of tea packets toward Arcanix. We have a few different flavors, the Yavin Spice tea or the Dantooine herbal are my two recommendations. Help yourself to any of the pastries as well.” I gestured toward the basket.
My thoughts drifted to those last few words. ‘perhaps even your own personal holdings’

I did not want to be quick to judging or perhaps overthinking what she inferred by that. However I decided to ask for clarity along with a little finesse keeping things light. “Mi’lady if you could clarify what you mean’t by personal holdings? Also it appears my dossier is incomplete, forgive me for asking but who might this Alex who might that be?” For all I knew he or she was another Sith lord of sorts. I had to strive to be cautious in our dealings. The One Sith were known for a number atrocities.

Our Emperor and Empress had recently clarified Doctrine on the Base Delta Zero protocol that only the Imperial Crown or Supreme Commander could issue the order. The Empress Kist Fel’s benevolence was becoming a beacon of reform to the old Imperial Ideology. The Monarchy had recently announced the revival of the title of Moff. Her Majesty had stated that it may be in my future to be appointed this title after I made Flag Officer. Rumors were abound as the Imperial Government continued to change for the better.

I hoped what Lady Arcanix referred to was something else rather than an insinuation of the warlordism that plagued those who rose to the rank of Moff. Perhaps she referred to my families company Flavian Star Corporation. I sighed inwardly ‘I really need to take some leave. I’m becoming paranoid…’ Of course it didn’t help that I was conversing with a Sith, a lovely one though.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
"Why thank you," she said, helping herself to a pastry and selecting a brand of tea she had been particularly fond of when she had been a student on Lorrd.

"My apologies, sir, if I have offended you in anyway for my last few words," she continued, placing some of the cream spread onto her pastry slowly and deliberately. She needed to address his concerns directly, or negotiations might stall out and she didn't want that at all.

"My partner, Alexandra Feanor, is a member of the Order of the Gray. She's not a Sith, if that assuages your fears about her. I myself don't always condone the actions my superiors take, but I try to think of myself as a different sort of Sith as I was originally just a university student on Lorrd. As for what I meant by your personal holdings, I was merely referring to your own company. I had heard that your family was having problems expanding and I was just inquiring as to the possibility of helping you grow said company."

She could understand his caution, the Sith did have a reputation after all and her last few words might have been taken as a suggestion towards warlordism. She couldn't stand that idea, and she knew that several Sith had their own personal fiefdoms that they would retain if the One Sith ever collapsed.

"I admire your ambition for transforming the Kalee system into an economic power house and reviving their culture, it is truly a project worthy of the Empire," she added, the praise carefully said, but also genuine.

[member="Caius Flavian"]

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
Thank you for the clarity
I took a small sip of my tea.
A warm and earthly flavor to it.
It is not my ambition that drives this. It is the vision of my Empress. Despite the hardships she suffered under an old regime which sought to instill its own perverse version of the Imperial Way onto the galaxy. Her Majesty has made this undertaking a cornerstone of our new Empire. We are all simply organic beings striving to build a better life.

I raised my tea cup up to her before taking a hearty sip.

You are an intriguing individual Darth Arcanix. It seems you are quite selective with whom you associate with. I attended a few seminars from professors who taught at the University of Pangalactic Cultural Studies. It was quite enlightening to see and hear the perspective of an Outer Rim institute of education such as Lorrd. I went to University of Ferrhast. A once proud Imperial Institution now it is some sort of republic brainwash facility. Espousing ideals that continue to fail. I recall attending a few sport matches between our schools back after the plague had receded enough to allow such things to return to the galactic stage.

I paused and began to ponder the possibilities of working with Krayt.

Ah yes well there are a number of prospects I feel we could work out. Despite our humanitarian efforts and political maneuvers the true number one priority is bolstering our military might to better protect our citizens and territories. I am striving in concert with a number of other resources to begin producing a new addition to the Imperator series. We have discovered in our expansion with the Valc System a ship graveyard of sorts. There seems to be a number of old Imperator Star Destroyer wrecks and decommissioned vessels all mothballed from times past. My goal is to send a few of most operational of keels back to our present shipyard. Three these chassis and keels would undergo the ship breaking process and be forged into new war vessels. The Imperator III series.

I paused again to sip my tea. I set the tea cup down and clasped my hands together onto the table while sitting a little straighter.

However a number of these older vessels we wish to bring back to life are beyond the hope of making a hyperspace jump again let alone getting them mobile enough. Our goal is maneuver the following wrecks and decommissioned vessels into orbit around Valc VII our fortress world and Capital. There we would like to construct a new shipyard. If Krayt Industries is looking to expand its business ventures this would be the place to do so. We would prefer orbital shipyard with a minimum capacity for three capital ship vessels of a thousand meters to at least 3000 meters. You would have our manpower to rely on for the construction of this facility. We would also like an additional facility for vessels of a thousand meters and less to be built as well. There are more details to this however I would first like to know more about the desire of Krayt Industry. What are your long term goals from making an endeavor with us?” It was a question phrased not out of suspicion but more of genuine interest of an enterprise's success.

Unclasping my hands I too moved to place a napkin upon my lap. I also took a warm doughy pastry to my tea cup, dipping it and held it above the cup for a moment to let it run free of excess. I then took a plate and held it under the pastry and brought both to my mouth to get a delightful bite.
Nothing more enjoyable then warm food and drink and pleasant company

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
Taeli took a long sip of her tea as she ordered her thoughts. She knew that the current shipyard that Krayt had built, a leftover from Darth Banshee, could only one vessel above 1000 meters at a time, but then it was also an anti-matter research station. Her long term goals, well they were a bit ambitious both for her company and the Sith in general. She wanted to eventually gain an alliance between their two powers, but as of now, she needed to build a bridge and that would be the business dealings with Krayt Industries.

"Apologies for not giving proper credit to your Empress, I would someday like to meet Empress Fel as she sounds like a very strong leader and wise," she began. "As for the company I keep, I find it best to deal with those that are more intellectual instead of bloodthirsty, such as yourself Commodore. I do hope you got a chance to see some fencing at Lorrd, we have one of the best fencing teams in the Outer Rim, not to boast or brag for the home team. Although I may be biased a twinge since I was on that fencing team throughout my schooling.

She paused a moment to take a bit of her pastry, and enjoyed the rich flavors and warm texture.

"My long term goals are to establish a very powerful presence of Krayt Industries within the Empire. We are looking to expand into many markets, not just shipbuilding, and we want to help the Empire grow. A long term, prosperous relationship between Krayt and the Empire is what I desire, not so much unlike what we already enjoy under the Sith. Securing a contract with your Empire for helping build and design new ships is one outcome I desire, but it doesn't stop there. We want to help all aspects of Imperial industry and economy grow."

She took another small bite of her pastry, and washed it down with some of her tea before continuing.

"Our current shipyards we build can handle building and retrofitting one ship of 1000 meter or more at a time, but can build other smaller ships in more numbers," she said, swirling her tea around as she spoke carefully. This next part could be a clincher and deploying one of these yards to Valc VII or the deal breaker. "They also double as anti-matter research stations, hence why their building capacity for larger ships is limited. We are already at work designing a new shipyard that can handle your request as those I just mentioned are holdovers from my predecessor."

She took another sip of tea.

"If we do secure a contract with you, well that would help our plans of expansion along much faster, so we could be of even more use to the Empire."

[member="Caius Flavian"]

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
I chuckled “There is no need to apologize for something you were unaware of. Thank you for the politeness. With certainty I will say you shall at some point meet the Empress and Emperor Vederric Pallopides. Depending of course how our initial proposal is drafted. One day I would love to travel freely to such places. Perhaps when I am old and can take my family to Lorrd and see off kids or grand kids

I took a nibble of the pastry I had plucked while mulling over her goals. I took a sip of my tea and set it down on the one of the tea plates

Peace is a lie, is the first phrase of the ancient sith code. There is an ideological divide between what you and I represent. In the larger picture it is the same difference between the One Sith and the Imperial Remnant. Our iteration of the Imperial Empire strives to maintain its own borders. I doubt conflict will occur any time soon. However considering the beliefs held by the Sith war will happen unfortunately. How do you plan to maintain such operations and relations between our two governments?”

I pulled out a pen and a note pad from my pocket. An archaic method to most these days of note taking but I felt putting the ink to parchment often helped memory. An R5 astromech trundled into the room with a tray. On top of the tray was datapad along with a small basket of fruit. “Ah R5 if you could hand that over to the lady please.

The datapads contents would show the basic overview and order of battle for the future Imperial Star Fleets.
Once we can iron out these little details of political conundrums we begin to talk true production numbers

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
"I'm surprised you know part of the Sith Code, not many do today," she said, accepting the datapad and reading over it as she thought the quagmire he had pointed out.

Thinking it over in her head, she knew war between the two factions was always going to be possible, but that wouldn't happen for quite some time in the future, hopefully far enough in the future that she would actually have some in the matter amongst the upper hierarchy of the Sith. As it stood, she couldn't refute the point that war would happen in the future. But for now, it wasn't something the Sith were considering as the Empire was half a galaxy away and on the other side of two rather large enemies. To keep relations going, she knew she would need to cement an official alliance with the Emprie. She didn't have the authority to embark on those, but a solid military alliance might forestall war indefinitely, especially if the Empire was able to eventually expand and prove a useful and reliable ally.

"I can't say how things will lie in the future in regards to working with both governments," she began slowly, thinking over her words carefully. "Krayt Industries was state-owned under Darth Banshee, but Alex and myself have moved it away into a more private sphere. We are still primarily a Sith company, as I said, but business is business. If we were forced to choose between sides, it would be the one we have the closest ties to at the time. Personally, I would not want war between our nations at all, but a rather an alliance and binding agreements."

Looking back down at the datapad in her hand, she continued, "At a glance of the overview of the plans for the Imperial Starfleets, I have no problem with supporting the building of these ships, even with the possibility of eventual war."

Smiling, she looked up again and added, "Although, looking at the eventual order of battle, these don't seem to be designed for an Empire desiring to stay within its current borders. I would almost say that you're being extremely careful in how the Empire is portrayed, but underneath beats the heart of a true imperialist that wants to reclaim former territories once the Empire is strong enough."

[member="Caius Flavian"]

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
I returned the smile.

Mi’lady you certainly have a diplomatic flair. I’ve made it a personal mission to understand the ways of the Sith, the Jedi, and many other force user organizations,” I paused to take a sip of tea “Yes these eventual formations are intended to be able to respond to a multitude of situations. From peacekeeping to combat operations. Emperor Vedarric is quite ambitious with the expansionary vision he has for the Imperial Military. You desire to produce larger vessels? We have a need for superior capital ship capabilities. With the Imperator, the Secutor, and the Allegiance class vessels as the first step to this contract for completion I feel your company would most likely find itself to bloom wonderfully under our umbrella. If you are up to the challenge?”

I took a moment to lean back in the chair. “I was curious if there would perhaps be a chance to meet Alexandra? It is fascinating that you a Sith would be working with a member of the Order of Gray?”

Unlike my abrasive dealings with the republic this discussion and overture of sorts was absolutely refreshing.

It is funny that you mention Darth Banshee. I believe she is now calling herself Dux Kotass. I’ve recently been approached by her and a former compatriot of yours who once went by Darth Veles now calling himself Dux Pontus. Quite an interesting pair.” I mused and took another sip.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
"Krayt is at your disposal in terms of producing those ships, along with any joint projects or designs you wish to have us work on," Taeli replied with a smile while internally, her mind was racing. If Darth Banshee, or Dux Kotass now apparently, and her traitors were trying to cozy up to other organizations in the galaxy, that could only mean her fledgling order was trying to gain strength to oppose the Sith. That would not be good, but she wouldn't interfere in the affairs of the Empire, she wanted to keep a good relationship going, and nothing was more annoying than a neighbor pestering you about your decisions.

"Well I hope you found your discussion with them . . . worthwhile," she said neutrally, fishing for the small holoprojector she had brought with her. "As it happens, I suspected you would wish to speak with my partner, so I brought this."

Taeli placed the projector on the table in-between her and the Commodore and activated it, the image of the silver-haired and very pregnant woman appearing with a smile.

"May I present Grandmaster Alexandra Feanor of the Order of the Gray," Taeli said, giving a dramatic flourish.

[member="Caius Flavian"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Caius Flavian"]

Alexandra blinked as she heard the sound of an incoming holocall, blinking the sleep out of her eyes, it being the dead of night on Alderaan. "She couldn't have chosen to call when i was awake, for force sakes Taeli." She started moving and found herself pulling up her hair quick as she rubbed her neck and slowly lowered herself into a chair, her body not really cooperating like it used to in the mind of ease as the bulge from her pregnancy was more than obvious as she sat there in the same pure white robes she always wore. "Yes Taeli what i-..." She heard the introduction and blinked as she rubbed the bridge of her nose and spoke. "My apologies for my appearence.... commodore right? The time differences between the time on Alderaan and Galactic Standard time are quite... large."

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
I was honestly surprised for a number of reasons.
Grand Master Feanor, Mi’lady I trust your health is well? My apologies for the intrusion” I averted my eyes for a moment out of respect. I put my tea cup down. “Darth Arcanix and I were just discussing the possible expansion of your joint company of Krayt Industries. The Imperial Remnant desires not necessarily a larger number of ships but just capital ships of significant quality and size. I believe we are about to agree to a draft proposal that I may bring before the Imperial Crown for approval. You both will have to forgive me for my confusion lies on how you two know each other, let alone are running a company together” I mused with a polite inquiry.

This was certainly shaping up to be one of the strangest meetings I had ever conducted. A Sith working with a Grey Force user,. Let alone the Grand master of such on organization. Now I’ll never forget this moment. The circumstances however that led to this moment must have been quite varied. For once I would have to trust in the force to have brought such interesting minds together. Anti-Matter technology would perhaps prove quite useful. I wondered as to the opinion of the Grand Master on the circumstances of this deal. Our iteration of the Empire sought to remain neutral and our own order of the Imperial Knights were of grey force users.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Caius Flavian"]

"I will be able to answer that one for you Commodore, you see Taeli there was once the apprentice of Darth Praelior, one of her successes... i on the other hand could be considered a failure in the realm of my training as a Sith, though i like to think i succeeded where others failed as Praelior remains a strong friend of mine." She spoke as she looked at a droid that gave her a glass of tea, still warm as she held it and drank from it, continuing her speech. "And excuse me to correct you Commodore, i am no grand master, the order of the grey has no such thing. My official title is Historian, and i have no idea why people insist on labeling me as the sole leader of the grey."

She retained the smile as she said that and drank from her glass once more before looking at Taeli. "I assume, seeing as you had brought me to this meeting that it is near its end or are we just getting started, i would love to hear what had been discussed already my friend."
[member="Caius Flavian"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

"So far, we've discuss building shipyards in the Valc system to help with the building and refurbishing of the Star Destroyers and other ships there," Taeli said. "One shipyard that can handle three ships up to 3000m in length and another to help construct smaller ships. I was thinking we could provide one of our standard facilities, including the anti-matter research facility within, and also build a new class of shipyard for us that can accommodate the Commodore and his Empress's request. We also very very briefly touched upon assisting a few of the companies already present within the Empire, as well as possible joint projects."

Taeli didn't think it was important to discuss the political side of things, Alex would be well aware of the difficulties that were present there.

"I want to contact you and bring you into the conversation before we went to far," Taeli added, looking at the Commodore and smiling. "Commodore Flavian has been very receptive to the idea of working together."

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
A flicker of a frown crossed my face before returning to a look of contentment. Certainly it was confusing, but no matter. “My apologies Historian, Darth Arcanix introduced you as such” I nodded over to the Sith Lord “Honestly I’m quite unfamiliar with your Order. Perhaps at a later chance we can discuss this more!” I stated with genuine interest.

I wish her Majesty the Empress Kista Fel could attend this meeting. She would be quite interested in learning your ways. She however like you is also pregnant and presently is away from the Imperial Court. As an Agent of the Crown I’ll be acting on her behalf for finalizing this contract

I paused and drank a hearty gulp of tea. The warm liquid relaxed my throat and the caffeine would soon aid in keeping my weary body awake and focused.

Let us be clear however on specifics with these shipyards. These will be 51% state owned. These will be operated and staffed entirely by the Imperial Military. With exceptions granted for specialists for the Anti-matter research facilities along with other technical experts necessary to facilitate the production operations. As a means of testing this partnership. We the Imperial Remnant will initially seek Krayt Industries to produce for us the original Imperator one and two Series.”

I paused for a moment to allow that to sink in

As I said 51% state owned meaning that the Imperial Remnant shall be the primary shareholder of this venture and thus also be responsible for losses incurred. Krayt Industries 49% still grants the freedom to produce ships for other groups. However these will be expressly non-combatant if possible. We would prefer that we did not find ourselves fighting against vessels produced by our shipyards. What are your thoughts on this matter?”

I moved to refill my cup with a fresh bag of tea and hot water.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
"My apologies Commodore, I do like to poke fun at my partner every once and awhile," Taeli said with a small smile. Alex just gave her an amused look, but gestured with her head for Taeli to continue speaking, she would merely observe and clarify if needed apparently.

"As for your terms Commodore, they are . . . agreeable, but a strict stipulation will be in place about the anti-matter research as it is a closely guarded secret of the company and we don't want anyone having access except our own technicians," she said, switching to formal tones in an instant. "Any Krayt shipyards developed within Imperial space will be subject to this deal, and we will be happy to produce not just the Imperator I and II, but also any range of ships that the Imperial Crown and Military wish for us to produce."

She took a sip of tea, placing the cup down.

"We understand, of course, that your issues with the rebels have made the military . . . uneasy about civilian contractors, so you will be allowed to vet our technicians to make sure they have no ties to any of the rebel groups fighting against the Empire. We only ask that you do not impede their work as anti-matter is touchy and they are trained to handle it."

[member="Caius Flavian"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
These terms are acceptable. You are also welcome to provide your own security teams for these particular sections of your facilities within the shipyards
A grin grew on my face.
Lastly the ugly beast in such discussions. The cost. My analysts project a total of a roughly 600,000,000 credit estimate on total resources and supplies. Now the materials for this shipyard would preferably come within our territories. Quite obviously the facilities that your company will be using will be have to come from your own pocket. The Imperial Remnant is willing to shoulder the primary costs and expenses. Does Krayt Industries have a mining vessel among its portfolio? If so I would like to make arrangements for purchasing some directly now to aide our present operations

I took a small plate and set it on top of my cup to let it steep. We were perhaps a moment or two away from sealing this deal completely

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
Taeli set her cup down onto its saucer, bringing the napkin up to her lips and wiping away some crumbs from the pastry before answering. It would give her a moment to think.

"As of right now, we have a mining ship in the prototype stages," she began. "Our predecessor didn't see fit to actually design a mining vessel, preferring to buy the materials instead of harvest them. As a show of good will, when the ship is out of the testing phase and is in production, Krayt will be happy to provide several from the first production line free of charge. We will, of course absorb the cost of producing those and the shipyards in orbit over Valc VII. I see nothing wrong with everything you have proposed."

Her lips curved into a genuine smile.

"On another topic, as I broached before, how can Krayt be of assistance to your family's company? As I understand it, it is an agricultural focused one, yes?"

[member="Caius Flavian"]

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