Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public A Symbol and Declaration for the Future. (Public/Faction)


Kesh, Tahv, The Grand Assembly

Solan stood with his arms behind his back, looking at the people who were entering the main doors into the Assembly's Grand Hall. It was not quite as spectacular as the Republic's Senate Chambers, or as extravagant as many numerous world's throne rooms for their Kings or Emperors but that was not the purpose. The majority of the Grand Assembly maintained offices, landing pads, and locations for guests and diplomats to stay, the central hall being large but also open and without any truly above the other. He knew that there would never be a grand number of worlds and nations, knew that this project of his would never be to such a grand scale.

Even if that in mind Solan would stand with his hands behind his back, smiling and greeting foreign dignitaries and people from his own home world. He could trust that there would be a few individuals that he had sought the presence of, his mind going to Zesiro Zesiro and Aedan Miles Aedan Miles first, knowing the two of them would be there to make it clear that this place was not without support. He had further reached out to Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf again, hoping that she would take the moment to entertain and show her overt support for his goals. There were more people he hoped would come to help and support this new venture, one that would need to sit down and finalize itself once worlds have signed on but for now this was his chance to make clear the future he envisioned.

To that end he would look for others, perhaps those who were Mandalorian, perhaps Imperials, perhaps even Senators who had come so far out to see what was forming on the outer reaches of the Galaxy.

Either way as more would enter he would move to stand at the chair at the head of the hall, the place that would eventually belong to the one elected to oversee the Assembly and keep order. He would look across at everyone and speak clearly, smiling to them and bowing his head.

"Thank you all for coming today, please enjoy yourselves, speak and learn from eachother. I look forward to speaking with as many of you as I can. Today is the celebration and formal formation of a new power I hope will bring stability to the far reaches of Wild Space, and repair the worlds that have been scoured by the Brynadul. Those here who share such wishes and goals, please I would welcome your aid in creating a safer corner of the Galaxy for all those peoples who deserve such." He would straighten his back, stepping down from the place he had been at and looking forward to who he would speak with first.
There was a certain feeling in the air, a sense of excitement that even Zesiro could feel. The blond had been reunited with her husband, and her life was going well. It had been luck that had taken her that auction and the hope of rebuilding the planet that was now her home. Everything had fallen into place for once, and she was pretty happy.

In her time away, she had learned to be on her own again but had always missed her family and home here. Looking across the Hall, she greeted the guests who entered. When she bid at the auction, she promised to give the host a tour of Kesh when the rebuilding was complete. At the same time, there might still be a few areas under reconstruction but most of the planet had been terraformed to its original state.

Even though Solan had handed off the true leadership to his son, there were still times like this when he needed to be present. Giving him a nod, if he was paying attention, she turned to face the incoming people. She was watching for her expected guest. One she had never actually met and wasn't entirely sure what she looked like. Letting out a sigh, she hoped this person would be able to find her.

Solan Charr Solan Charr Jesse Organa Jesse Organa
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Zesiro Zesiro

The auction had seen many works being done... in this case terraforming technologies were important and Sasori along with the companies it had bought operated well enough... the Church of the force benefitted as there was plenty of them going out to the galaxy to observe the worlds that had saved and worked to get the technologies. She had the chance to see some of it first hand as she had arrived on the yacht. Stepping out in the sleek black pants, form fitted and golden top. Hair in a long ponytail while she walked with bronzed skin gleaming from scented oils. Kesh was an interesting place and had been developed by the family on it for years now even after it had been attacked so it had more history and they were just there to help rebuild and improve where needed.
Adjusting the navy-blue tie as the speech ended, the half-Galan looked around the room. He had come to see what work was going on in the Kesh region, as he and several other companies had already started work in the Centrality Region of worlds ravaged by the Bryn'adul. There were many worlds in need of assistance, Makai wasn't so certain some would be ever brought back to their former glory.

In his opinion, it was picking those easily able to be brought back to life. Those on trade routes or historically important.

Others? There were uses of course. Strip mining. Agriculture. Manufacturing. He had already been looking into several of these possibilities for the benefit of his own company.

Makai left his chair at the Assembly and was working his way to Solan Charr Solan Charr . He wanted to speak to the man who was heading the project. He wasn't as familiar with the work as the contracts he had been awarded for Centrality.

Makai couldnt be certain but he was thinking Noah Corek Noah Corek and his wife Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor had interests in the area. He hadn't seen the parents of his friend in some time, so he was uncertain. If he didn't end up seeing either one today he would have to reach out, curious to know they had business plans in the area as well.

Reaching the front of the Assembly, he patiently waited to introduce himself.

He'd not attended the auction, not in body at least. There wasn't much in the way of interest within the shell that housed him for things like credits. They were surely an asset, something to be moved across the board like any other piece, and yet they were lacking in that certain... human element... that made his work so entertaining.

He'd not brought himself to this gathering, that would be... rude... No, instead a small platform of a droid about the width of a rather portly man hovered around at low altitude with a projection of his more digitized form standing atop with arm's cross behind. He, though it might be more apt to say 'it', waited not overly far away. Tucked and tidy in such a way that should this joyous event lose it's luster in a swift and ballistic manner, he might act swiftly to ensure the safety of his progenitor.

Of all the moving bodies about the room at this moment, he couldn't say there were many whom he either recognized nor cared too deeply for, though being the former 'Head of Human Resources' did mean some mingling was required. Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell was the center of his focus at the moment, the man like many others before him had come to greet the progenitor. The man like many others, was something of a passively watched threat as Cannibal engaged with a gathering standing further from those seeking the King's attention. His hologram tearing periodically as it struggled to account for the diverting of his attentions, the head snapping forward to gaze at the back of the man behind him.

Then of course there was the bigger issue. This would be the first time 40 years that he'd be presenting himself before the progenitor, before the king. He could hardly deny there were some fluttering's of anxiety in his chassis even as he worked hard to stamp it out. He'd been slowly shifting his little platform forward like the man his sensors tracked insidiously. He imagined the foreign dignitary, merchant or whoever the man truly was would reach the king first, and as such he simply gave a quiet:

"Thank you for your time, but I must speak with the king."

Then nodded and detached from the huddled Arcona forms he'd been using as an intellectual chew toy up until now. Hoping to hear more of what the man had to say to his progenitor than discussions of ore mining operations so very far from here. Thoughts of whether his creator, Solan Charr Solan Charr , would recognize him, and of whether he'd be allowed to resume his prior posting dancing on the edges of thought as he moved.

Jesse Organa Jesse Organa Zesiro Zesiro
Solan was happy to see so many faces he both knew and didn't, so many people that were there to see to the future in their own way. In that train of thought his eyes would notice Zesiro leading someone about, him raising a brow at her and the other but nodding his head towards her. He would leave Zesiro to do as she wished and to treat the guest with her fullest attention. Solan himself would find someone who had yet to find such attention and would raise a brow as he noticed the holographic image. As much as he had spent in that time of total isolation, he knew well the sight of what he was looking at, thinking for a moment before looking over to the other man who had caught his eye.

He would decided to move slowly over to Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell , though PHRS-11 "Cannibal" PHRS-11 "Cannibal" would notice his gaze and the smallest of motions for him to come over.

As he reached Makai though, he would cross one hand over his chest and bow his head to the man, speaking softly and rather plainly, trying to move with more grace since this was a more official setting. The center of balance on his new body still made that a little difficult but he would straighten up soon after.

"A pleasure to have you here. I must admit I do not know you and I am not sure that I have had the chance to familiarize myself with you. Are you someone who has come to see the work my people and I are doing?" He would wait, looking over to the side again, expecting the arrival of the holographic image and when it arrived he would smile and bow his head to the thing as well.

"And you, I feel as if I recognize you. You are?"
Present amidst the glittering delegates and courtiers of the King of Kesh's court, were three, entirely different kind of figures. Two men, and a woman. All of them were clad and hooded in black, but the woman, and one of them men seemed to be bulkier beneath the fabric than the third man. The trio had arrived on Kesh in a refurbished Imperial shuttle, and after receiving their clearances, they had made their way directly to the chambers of the Grand Assembly. Darth Vodrux and his two companions had little interest in the auction. His assets, although not inconsiderable were not liquid by any means. He had a number of different currencies in his possession, all in their physical forms, many of which were not considered legal tender in Wild Space. He had other, tangible assets too, but the chief among them were his army and his fleet. The former, he had obtained by slaying and subduing a coalition of warlords in a nearby star-system. The latter, he had obtained by hijacking a Corsair King's capital ship and jettisoning the unfortunate creature out of his own airlock while his troops conducted similar and concurrent operations to commandeer the other vessels in the fleet. With sufficient forces at his disposal and a considerable stock of armaments and munitions, he had been putting the final touches onto his operational plan to conquer Daiyu, when he had been contacted by an emissary of the self-proclaimed Reborn King of Kesh. Perhaps another man would had spat upon the emissary's face and sent his head back to his master. Perhaps not. Vodrux was an opportunist at heart, and in the Emissary's presence, he saw a means of taking his chosen world and making it productive in a far easier way than what brute force alone would achieve.

And so he had come to Kesh, had observed the auction and found little of interest there to haggle for, and had made his way to the assembly as it got together, taking a seat with his two companions at the far end of the room. A good vantage point to observe the proceedings from. He was dressed in his usual preferred garb. A black, Onderonian Silk, cloaked and hooded robe. A utility belt that held his lightsaber and sundry possessions. A set of custom-made wristguards that had a built-in holoprojector. His two companions wore a cloak and hood of a similar shade and material as him, and beneath the fabric they were clad in full-body plastoid armour from head to toe, courtesy of the Daan factories. They had left their blasters and munitions behind, but each guard carried a retractable electro-baton. As he observed the King of Kesh meeting and greeting the various dignitaries, the Sith Lord reached out with his mind through the Force, touching the King's mind like a droplet of black ink trickling into and mingling with a body of water. He knew the touch of the Dark Side was unmistakable, and the King would recognize it. He bore the marks of one who had called upon it before, and Vodrux had no doubts that it would happen again. The King had extended an invitation to a new and seemingly capable warlord operating in his backyard, and Darth Vodrux had answered the call. Now, he would wait patiently for the man to come to him, as he knew he would eventually. Once, he had finished addressing the simpering cattle who stood at the head of court, trying to curry favour.
Unsure of local customs, Makai did a small bow in return, it only seemed to be appropriate in such a formal space. He was being addressed by the leader of Kesh, and such did command a modicum of respect. The half-Galan didn't know much about the man, although his father had business on the planet since before he was born. Unfortunately he was unable to be asked at the moment, so Makai had to go in blind. In some ways, that may be preferable, going in with no preconceived notions.

"Your Highness, thank you for your time."

The King was astute. Makai did come to see the work occurring on the planet. The young man was curious about the renewed interest in the Centrality, Kesh, and Scar Worlds in general. One could say there was something perhaps evil afoot. Makai viewed it as a way for people to make it out on their own in the 'verse without the fighting of Jedi versus Sith versus Mando.

It was easy build up and make a name for yourself in these places, the big three having their backs turned, fighting over what ever shiny toy they saw currently. The half-Galan was still miffed about Empress Teta. He was lucky enough to get out alive and that was due to the grace of Arceneau Trade.

"My father has had business on Kesh for years. I am here to see what has been rebuilt and to congratulate you on this renewed effort on the planet and its people. Hopefully in the future we can meet in a more private venue and discuss your visions for the region." A small pause, very aware that the King was popular and his time limited. "Thank you for your audience, I know your time is valuable."

Solan Charr Solan Charr | PHRS-11 "Cannibal" PHRS-11 "Cannibal"
Arriving at the side of her new Master Darth Vodrux, Narci lingered back from his entourage. Their dark and shrouded garbs clashing hard against her own clothes.
She wore crisp white trousers that clung tightly to her form, several pockets on each side of her legs, bowing slightly with contents. Her top was constructed of what seemed to be bandages, wrapped around her chest, stopping at the edge of her ribs exposing her slightly scarred midriff, with a v cut at her chest. Over that she wore a black jacket, that looked dusty and used, symbols burned into the leather like materials.
Around her neck she wore a mechanical collar, that twitched between a blue light and a red light.

Her vibrantly red hair was pulled up into two puffed space buns on either side of her head, and a pair of dark shades sat on the bridge of her nose with no supports to her ears.
Her face seemed to carry a perpetually bored smirk, and eyes that peered with generalised disgust for anyone she looked at.
She lingered behind her Master dragging her feet as she walked, stopping when he did and leaning her back against the railing he was peering over.

"Do we have to be here long? These people look and smell like they keep sticks in perpetually uncomfortable places...." She huffed with annoyance and flicked her hair over one shoulder beginning to play with the ends. Sparing only a glance to her Master with very little care for those around her.

"I say we hook it here and find somewhere more.... well more..." She mused giving him that grin of mischief that had seemed to be hiding behind her smirk. "

She looked over to the one talking to the King stiff and started to use her hand to mimic the words the man was saying in an exaggerated manner.
"My family... blah blah blah.... to congratulate you..... please tell me you aren't going to make me go kiss this guys ass like that?"
As the party carries on a single fighter would land on one of the reserved pads and a figure would finally climb down making his way into the palace a bored smirk crossing the young appearing man's lips as he strolled through the large open doors. One hand toying with a ring that rested on a chain before he let it fall and instead strode into the room allowing his force presence to surge off of him in waves. Before finally he exhaled and started to pull it in looking around as he makes his way to the drink table picking up a glass he sipped at it as his mismatched violet and gold eyes looked around carefully. Judging the various gathered groups before he starts to absently start to talk up various nobles attempting to trick them into bargains that would benefit Aedan more than anyone else an easy disarming smile on the Pirate King's face. After a few suitable moments when he had gained a small fortune from a few fools he made his way to the drink table again to pick up another drink instead moving to lurk in the background humming to himself as he does so.
There were so many people milling around that Zesiro didn't know. Looking across the crowd, she saw Jesse Organa Jesse Organa walk confidently in. Maybe the Force spoke to the blond, and she approached the woman.

"Hello. I am Zesiro. Welcome to Kesh. I believe I promised a tour once the planet was habitable again. As you can see, it's still a bit of a work in progress, but all corners of this round world can be reached."

She wondered if anybody else might be interested in a tour as well. Holding a hand out to shake as she introduced herself.

Domina Prime Domina Prime


The shadow stretched across the floor, gliding along the tiles as it filled the entryway and fell across the assembly chamber. It brought with it biting cold, not the inverse of warmth; but it's total absence. The dark shape continued to grow, stretching forward with beckoning hands as the temperature throughout the palace utterly plummeted -- breath crystalizing in the air. It only ceased as the shadow reached the King of Kesh's feet, the vague sihlouette of a leering face -- it's shape feminine -- smirking up at him from the darkness before a voice cut through all sound; silencing even the faintest whisper.

"Your realm leaves much to be desired."

It came not from the entryway, but from somewhere behind. All eyes would suddenly behold that the chair that the King of Kesh had once been standing next to was no longer vacant, but was now filled. A towering man sat upon it, His shoulders broad with a heavy cloak of interlocking metal scales cascading down at His back. Each one was engraved with a symbol, a symbol denoting a Mandalorian clans. All had been snuffed out or brought low by His hand. There were hundreds and hundreds of them.

No crown had been set upon His brow, but He cut every inch the conqueror. His eyes smoldered with molten fire, seemingly able to cut down to the bone with but a glance. As He rose to stand, He dwarfed everyone present; looming large like an ancient spire that scraped the heavens. Upon His breastplate was inscribed a lidless eye, three tears descending down from it. Each teardrop was a cut ruby.

"Have you truly allowed all these galère to pollute your air just to beg and scrape at their feet?"

Zesiro Zesiro

She gave a nod of her head when approached... a tour would be nice and it was a chance to see better what could be done to restore a world... then refine the information. Apply it to another and continue until the process might not be wholely perfected but it could become pretty close. IT was what they had done to the temples in building them up and improving what was done and now they had each one designed to accomodate much more then before... Both through normal and engineering means. "A tour would be lovely it is good to see everything was available to you hopefully. Rebuilding has been something of a project of late here and on a dozen other worlds to try and help recovery."
His response to both the address of his maker and the words of Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell was cut short, his nervous synapse all but pausing as the organic appeared upon it's creators throne. Their words were all but unheard, their face etching itself into his data-banks as he felt a cold rage for quite possibly the first time in his relatively brief existence.

"Cannibal, though you know me as Adam."

His words coming distorted through the hologram as the disruption of his emotions struggled against his concentration, the image of a well dressed man flickering in brief but sporadic bursts with the image of his more... effective form. The eight arachnid-esque limbs of the old era assassin droid he'd rebuilt on momentary display before he wrests back control of himself. Despite his distraction his programming required he answer his progenitor in haste, though perhaps to an outside eye it might seem as if he had called the trespasser such. An... unfortunate error, and one caused by his dreadfully shallow understanding of organic interactions.

"My king, do you know this... person?"

Came the controlled response, his tone having lost the facsimile of organic emotions as he carried his true far more inhuman monotone. The dim tapping of sharp points on steel barely hiding behind his words as his true self draws nearer. The fleshy thing before him was clearly threatening his master, of that he had no doubt and would allow no argument. His internal processes already letting the various programs and protocols tucked away for dealing with such a threat to his progenitor flaring back to life after so many years and almost automating his movements. That was the thing with droids, even the truly aware ones. Their 'instincts' were are far more palpable than those of most organic races. Their base programming a far more rigid thing than the paltry sways and whims of fluid and grey matter. These were the beliefs tumbling around in the dim and dark space through which he crawled, his body shrunk into itself to allow movement through the cramped corridor.

"If not I suggest extraction."

His hologram stated, eyes not turning from the quarry, for truly he did not need to make it look directly at the king to view him. The various decorations and patterns on the man's armor doing not but sending errant thoughts seeking out archives from which relevant data might be extracted. Were he a fleshy creature he might fear. Fear for himself, Solan Charr Solan Charr , fear that he might not manage to save his progenitor from whatever fate this creature held in store for them. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your perspective, fear was an obstacle to action and was summarily stamped out.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Solan would smile kindly at the Hologram and at Makai, hearing Makai's words first and nodding when he heard of the man's relation and the previous business on his home. To tell the truth the time that he had spent simply wandering that lifeless patch had left his memory quite destroyed. It was lucky that he still retained what he did and the majority of it something he had to physically repair over time. His staff keep insisting that he see a doctor or rest his mind a bit more than he has but with so much to do Solan has returned to his natural place. Working without pause or without thought to ensure the future he wants for his people. He was turning towards the Hologram when he noticed the shadows. The feeling was more than enough for him to close his eyes and just as the face looked up at him it would find Solan looking back without his eyes.

He knew what was coming deep down and as he had wanted to speak with Aedan, it seemed a mutual acquaintance had decided to grace his former home turned Assembly hall with his presence. He would open his eyes, hearing the Holograms words and looking at it first, nodding to the creation and giving it a smirk and smile that was all too familiar. Even if Solan was feeling fear, or worry, that did not show on his face, instead that stupid unshaken confidence was forced onto his face as he stood up straight.

"I must apologize Mister Dashiell... Cannibal, I hope to hear your reason for the choice in your new name, it is interesting." He would pause for one moment more.

"Could you entertain my guest Cannibal, it seems I have someone that I must speak with." He would only start to turn then, leaving Cannibal to attend to Makai while he faced down the man who sat at the head of the hall. Solan stared up at Carnifex, his eyes turning towards the sides of the hall and looking for certain assassins or other Sith, curious to see which creatures had decided to follow their master into his former home.

Still he would walk back to where he had been not so long ago, crossing his hands behind his back and looking into the face of the man who he knew could bring death to so many people here. He would prefer things remain peaceful, a reason he did not snub this man for a moment and instead would answer him with a calmed expression on his face.

"We run our Kingdoms in different ways... I must apologize, I have been gone for quite some time. Is it appropriate to still address you as an Emperor, or shall I simply call you by your title as a Darth? I would hazard to cause any insult and while I was not expecting your presence, I see no reason that you cannot enjoy your time here... preferably without causing any harm to my guests and to the prospective members of my Grand Assembly. I would also ask that you step down from that seat, it is meant to remain bare until a Speaker for the Grand Assembly is elected, something that has not happened yet." He would feel his hand itching, wanting to reach for a saber that he did not have, cursing himself once more for failing to go and gather a crystal and create a new saber.

His eyes would move to the side, looking towards Darth Vodrux Darth Vodrux and Narci Kemi Narci Kemi , having sensed their place in the force, knowing full well they were not Jedi or anything of the likes... were they scouts for Carnifex? Perhaps he had misjudged the up and coming Warlord. Or perhaps Aedan had invited the man... surely Aedan understood how bad of an idea that was.

Then his mind went to Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , realizing she was the most likely answer, him cursing himself for not bringing up that he did not want Sith to be around Kesh much or especially around the Confederacy. He wanted his home to be away from that ridiculous war with the Jedi and Sith. That endless conflict was nothing but a waste of time to him, and he did not want his people drawn into it.

( Those not mentioned in the post but referenced/nearby - Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell PHRS-11 "Cannibal" PHRS-11 "Cannibal" Aedan Miles Aedan Miles Zesiro Zesiro )
Daughter of The Destroyer

Primadonna Girl, All I Ever Wanted Was The World
I Can't Help That I Need It All

Primadonna life, The Rise & Fall
You Say That I'm Kinda Difficult. But it's always someone else's fault~

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Solan Charr Solan Charr |
The Grand Assembly: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell | PHRS-11 "Cannibal" PHRS-11 "Cannibal" | Aedan Miles Aedan Miles | Zesiro Zesiro | Jesse Organa Jesse Organa | Narci Kemi Narci Kemi | Darth Vodrux Darth Vodrux

Deeply ingrained into the Prime are her coveted traditions of sweet violence and promised devastation. A Mandalorian soul covered in leaves of gold and majesty as ancient and opulent rituals whose eerie paragon is forever steeled. Stellar graces enchant with vision and vibe alone, whilst her infinite supply of coiling charisma forces ones mind to yearn in delving deeper into the everlasting passions of Prime. The visage of Prime is that of a queen bee at the center of the hive, whose honeyed nectar is surrounded by the venomous stings of ten thousand barbs; To reach her bounty is to brave the fury and destruction embedded within her very plasma, cells and atoms enriched to the core with a celestial ambrosia that is as toxic as it is mesmeric.

The Xeno Queen could feel herself changing now, how her experiences and trials had begun to forge and refine the ore of Dominas ambitions and the clamoring and bustling of Kesh's revival efforts had sent the planet's inhabitants spiraling into a celebratory delight. The young daughter of The Manda was uncertain what had caused such a commotion but whatever the reason the attraction had caught the interest of Dimas true father as Kaine had quickly wandered off towards the main event.

Dima however found herself quickly amused by the various sights and dazzling colors of fireworks as they snap, crackled and popped in the skies above! Five eyes hidden behind that Mandalorian mask going wide and starry eyed as the girlish god-killer bounced excitedly on the balls of her raptor-like feet.

"W-wow! Shiny just like gemstones and jewels in the sky! X9 look!" She pointed upward towards the skies with two pairs of arms, gesturing to a little droid that levitated beside the towering Xeno as she twirled and spun on her talons as if completely enamored by the celebratory festivities of this strange, new planet. "Do you think this one can have sky shinies too?" Dima quipped innocently with a sparkling naivety in her voice unique to the strange alien cavegirl.

The droid however seemed incredibly distracted at the moment, far to busy flicking and dodging back and forth as the slathering baby teeth of a young dragon pounced up into the air again and again snapping it's jaws at the floating droid.

"MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" X9 cried, trying to avoid being eaten by the fledgling of a dragon that Domina had been obsessing over for the past weeks since her discovery of their species hidden within a nesting network in the heart of dead moons and hollowed space rocks in asteroid fields. The creature had only hatched mere days ago, and since then Domina Prime had been doting over the beast as if it were Dimas most beloved kin. "He's gonna eat me i don't wanna go back to the repair shop!" The droid complained as Dima folded her upper arms over her chest and begun to rapidly tap her taloned feet on the ground while staring daggers at the dragon hatchling from behind it's visor which had caused the little beast to quickly cease it's pouncing as X9 levitated its way up besides Dimas head. "Lady Prime, do you HAVE to bring that THING everywhere you go!?"

The flick and rattle of that xeno tail sent Dima into a rage as the droid quickly found itself ensnared within the azurite claws of the Prime as she yanked him close to the visor of her mask.

"He is NOT a THING you silly little bot! His NAME is AZURA!" She hissed, flicking the droid out of her hands and with a bump of her hips smacked the droid away with that massive tail as if it were a ping ball, sending X9 smacking into one thing then another before crashing down into the dirt.

The fledgling Azura quickly went to pounce on the poor droid. Only to have its body wrapped and coiled in the massive, prehensile Tail of Dima. Reaching down and plucking the baby dragon up from the ground Dima cupped her lower pair of arms beneath the soft scales of her new pet companion while Dimas upper claws scratched along the underside of the creature's jaws.

"Who's a good boy? YOUR A GOOD BOY! Yes you are! Dimas sweet little destroyer and killer!" She cooed, walking along towards the main event where Carnifex had already stormed off to, feeling his needs to be punctual or something like that as Dominas eyes wandered over the dozens and dozens of food stands, bakeries and shops selling their wares of trinkets and doodads that sparkled and delighted. "Oh wow…weeeeeeeell dad can wait a little longer right? Look at all this STUFF he left behind!" Domina told Azura, the young dragons eyes locked onto a food stand while Dima excitedly moved with a skip in her step towards one of the closest stands on the way to the Special opening of the Grand Assembly.

But Azura & Domina salivated over the collection of sweets, cakes and candy all decorating the salesman's portal space wagon of goods.

"Woah…uhhh, Dima wants ummmmm. One of EVERYTHING~" She chittered, reaching out with one of her free arms and plucking a large loaf of glistening cinnamon sweet bread and removing her mask with the other. Stuffing those salivating jaws and chewing before the salesman could respond. "Mmnf, so GOOD! Dad has GOT to try some of these!" She squealed as the sugary flavors danced on her taste buds as if there were a party in those segmenting alien jaws sending Domina into a sway back and forth like an enchanted serpent.

She suddenly reached into the pockets of her cloak and pulled out a large money pouch akin to a sac of marbles as she reached inside and suddenly proceeded to pull out…

Glimmering, shiny rocks with minerals coating their surface and giving them a brilliant hue of colors. Domina Prime possessed not a single credit on her person, finding little value in such lame currency and instead tending to trade with pretty things she often found during her many misadventures across the starts in her never ending quest for sweet domination and evolution perfected.

She dropped the rocks onto the table, and before the salesman could even speak up two arms began to snatch cinnamon rolls, large loafs of sweet bread, treats, strawberry flavored patisseries and many more. Scooping them up into her claws and piling them each into the nooks of her arms before suddenly the salesman tried to speak up.

"H-hey! What are THESE you gotta PAY for those you fool!" He protested, however, noticing the dragon coddled in Dominas arms and knowing better than to pick a conflict with the strange four armed, just as quickly as she and her fledgling dragon had arrived, just wandered away with cupcakes and slices of strawberries spilled onto the floor in a trail of food behind her.

Next stop? The meat stand! Seeing that Azura had kept those slitted reptile eyes on the hanging steaks and links of sausage mixed with the scent of blood.

The beast in Dimas arms struggled and squirmed in hunger. The new salesman noticed the commotion from the bakery who was the butcher's neighbor for the festivities.

Dima gave the man some shinies left over and reached out to grab one MASSIVE, comically large chunk of leg meat with bone still inside. Wrapping it around the mass of her tail as Dimas four arms were all brimming with treats, snacks and that one slab of meat she had gotten for Azura before skipping on off to catch back up with her father.

Once arriving at the incredible doors of the Grand Assembly. There was however…quite a line, and as the sudden eruption of gasps and shock emanated from within the assembly after the arrival Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . Dima impatiently pouting as slowly, one after another people made their way past security and into the snooze-fest of politics so they could find their seats as shadows danced within the room and with dramatic flair and style her father appeared , speaking to a man with long, pretty black hair similar to her own father as the two conversed the center of the room. "D-dad! Hey dad!" She called out, waving her lashers through the air as her four arms were currently overflowing with all kinds of treats and snacks as well as swaddling a fledgling dragon in her lower arms. Bouncing up into the air trying to get his attention only for the crowd of people ahead of her being as slow as ever moving past security.

Domina was becoming…incredibly frustrated now. Those ears fluttering aside her head like bird wings and that tail of hers angrily smashing against things as she angrily huffed.

There was something that needed to be understood by every living man, woman and child in this grand little party of theirs.

And that was the fact her father Carnifex was not the only one here who cast a large shadow. And whatever wrath he could deliver upon everyone here, his netherspawn daughter could unleash in an unholy biblical display of devastation. And unlike her father, Domina did not NEED any reason to unleash her fury.

And here they her one. As minuscule and meaningless as it was, could be enough to evoke something apocalyptic if pushed to a point of no return.

Lucky Domina was distracted by her sweets and snacks.

Very lucky for them all.

"Grrrah, MOVE IT or you fuckin rats are gonna LOSE IT!" She barked with such devilish authority that the crowd of bodies in her path quickly split among themselves as Dominas tendrils spilled out from her back and SLAMMED into the earth. The sheer gripping force of her talons splitting the concrete stone as Domina hoisted her body up into the air, going from seven feet tall…to nine feet…to eleven. All the way until the gaze of Prime loomed down on all the insect-like humanoids beneath her as her talons towering over them at nearly seventeen feet tall, drawing quite the attention as she hissed and barked at them to move, stepping forward into the crowd, stomping between them and scattering them like roaches as Domina literally bounced and scuttered over the line of people and the security team so she could enter the room without any obstacle blocking her path.

Once inside however Domina was quick to just go scuttling inside like some kind of massive Xenotype Spider, stomping all over the massive tables in the center of the assembly, trying not to accidentally crush anyone as she came stomping her way towards Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex & Solan Charr Solan Charr . The towering woman stood above BOTH them all now, glaring from one person to the other as she stepped over a great many people before finally settling herself close to the two and finally putting herself back down to her feet as her many tendrils danced and slithered about behind her.

"DAD LOOK!" Dima chirped at him, that tail of hers dropping the massive cut of butchered animal leg on the floor close to Solan as Azura quickly jumped from Dimas lower arms and grabbed that hunk of meat with its tiny jaws, proceeding to pull it and drag it away between Dimas legs and smothered in that large cloak of hers where it perceived it to be safe as the creature began to munch and chew on its food.

Dima was not far behind as she shared with her Sith Lord father the delectable foods she had found outside just before. She was all giddy to share her food with her kin, an instinctive part of her primitive design as Dima began to use all four of her arms to present the Butcher God-King her collection of treats sweet enough to rot a mans teeth.

"Here here look! Dima found whatever the FUCK this is, but it taste like spicy sugar!" She cooed, showing Carnifex a simple loaf of toasted cinnamon bread, setting it down on the table beside them before pulling out a rather small cake smothered in sugar on the top of it. Licking the frosting from the cupcake herself in front of both of them only to smack her lips and that tail going into a dance from the taste of the frosting. "Mmnf! Delicious! It tastes like how Dima feels right now!"

The rest of the cupcake however was OBVIOUSLY inedible as the gremlin of a Prime discarded the rest of the 'cupcake'. Dropping it onto the floor before pulling out some strawberry stuff filled pastries and other such things. Perfectly toasted with crimson jelly spilling out the sides.

"Here, Dima got these for you! It made This One think of when we drew the lifeblood from worthy prey in a glorious battle! Dima bet it even TASTE like victory over one's foes!" She gasped, rambling as she offered the crimson filled pastries with those five eyes staring at him full of hope. "It's ok, you can say it. Your daughter is precious and sweet for sharing her food~" She mused, expecting praise for being such a good xeno and feeding her kin.

Her eyes however quickly drifted towards the stranger with whom her father was previously engaged in conversation with before Domina so…graciously positioned herself between them. Looking Solan up and down while stuffing some cinnamon bread into her segmenting jaws, chewing and smacking her lips rather audibly before speaking to the stranger with her mouth full.

"Hi!" She quipped, using all three of her free arms to wave at him rather naively as her tail bounced violently against the table behind her, sending plates, cups and vases smashing off the side in her excitement. "Do YOU like sweets? Dima has many!" From the various things she had 'paid for' she offered Solan Charr Solan Charr a strawberry shortcake of sorts as she blushed a bright, azure hue in her purple flesh. Something that would usually be hidden behind her Mandalorian mask as she twirled a claw within her hair bashfully and chittered shyly as she gave the man one of her precious sweet things. "Here you go, pretty human boy. And remember Domina Prime, The Mandas favorite warrior daughter has shared with you great treasures" She told him, her fifth eye seeing a waiter walk by with a massive tray of little fancy glasses with what Domna commonly understood to be alcohol within.

Those tendrils reached out, plucking four different glasses off of the tray and bringing ALL FOUR she had taken to her four hands, holding a glass of wine in each before her tendrils went BACK for seconds, snatching four more drinks as Domina now stood with eight glasses in total within her grasp. Bringing one glass to her lips, dima dipped her tongue into the beverage like a cat several times before smacking her lips and feeling those eyes dilate to fine pins.

"Oh Manda!" She gasped, suddenly downing the entire glass of wine, something meant to be savored without a care in the world. Reaching out with two of her free arms to offer both Carnifex and Solan a glass as well, only to begin drinking her own second glass. "Man parties are GREAT! Dima NEVER gets to go to these kinds of parties but they ALWAYS have the best snacks! Never got ANY of this stuff on Kestri!" She exclaimed, displaying an overwhelming whimsy that was…almost unnerving for anyone with half a brain that could understand what Domina Prime, the Netherspawn daughter of Carnifex was truly capable of.

And no one wanted to be a part of that.

Best to simply keep Prime pacified and entertained. Unlike her father, whose destruction was calculated with reason. For his daughter all it took was a brief moment of boredom to send her into a vicious spiral. A spiral in which always ended in catastrophe.

Beware of Prime, o sweet audience, let not her jolly and whimsy be reason for quick judgement. There was a monster among you disguised as a lady.

The beast who devoured the princess and took up it's name.

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Vulpesen had been sitting quietly in a corner of the assembly, a small smile gracing his lips as he listened and watched his friend's efforts to birth a fledgling government. It had been so long since he had done similar himself. He wished Solan luck. More than luck however, when Vulpesen had helped bring his old friend back, he had promised him aid whenever he needed it. Considering some multi-limbed death machine and a mass murderer were now standing mere feet from the king of Kesh, Vulpesen figured that such aid would now be appreciated. Afterall, it wouldn't do for Vulpesen to resurrect Solan with a new body, only for it to be thrown into a sith lightning fueled blender.

Calmly, he strolled up towards the trio, his tail flicking curiosly behind him as he stepped to blue behemoth's side. "Miss Dima. While I appreciate the enthusiasm, could we keep the destruction a little lower? I'm sure the staff would appreciate the lack of unnecessary work." He ketp his voice calm and level as he motioned behind them to where the mandalorian's tail was bashing and destroying vases and glassware like she was an arlusk in a china shop. He wasn't sure if she would remember him from their previous meeting, brief as it was. And if she did, he hoped she was willing to put the kick to her head asid. They had, afterall, been at war. And that war was over.

As for Carnifex, the sith was notable enough to earn a sideways glance form the Wilder. But he said nothing in way of greeting or admonition. Vulpesen was happy to talk, but some times one's actions and mere presence could speak for them. Such was the purpose of his presence, a silent reminder that Solan was among friends, many of whom were powerful enough to not tremble in fear of the sith lord.

Solan Charr Solan Charr Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Domina Prime Domina Prime
Dawning hes more ...fancy if that can even be a word for him with his armories selection armor he arrived as a representative of his own worlds interest, he heard of Kesh's revival and the man trying to bring life back into it so he wanted to not only observe those apart of this group but see how far he can dig his claws into it he looked around as he made his way through the crowd, some people he recognized some he did not, but those that caught his eye immediately was first and for most Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , making himself known as always, he kept near by the group but he knew better then to not give Carnifex some breathing room, especially since a rather tall and hyperactive woman?..he never saw her species before.

Nonetheless it was clear she was, either through adoption or other wise another one of Cranifex's many children,interesting creature to say the least but he merely kept near by but gave those two for now some breathing space and kept silent for the time being as he had nothing to say at the moment for the circumstances, he was here to observe and see what was going on here, nothing really else he never was one for socializing.

But he did give a respectful bow atleast to Carnifex he knew better then to ignore the man but also better then too intrude unless prompted, he still owes Carnifex after his recent endeavours..

Solan Charr Solan Charr Domina Prime Domina Prime Vulpesen Vulpesen Narci Kemi Narci Kemi Zesiro Zesiro Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell PHRS-11 "Cannibal" PHRS-11 "Cannibal" Jesse Organa Jesse Organa Aedan Miles Aedan Miles
"Now, now, be polite Kaine. We are guests after all."

Her voice would drift from behind the chair as she stepped out from behind it, her long red dress and dark cloak trailing behind her. It would be almost as if Solan's thoughts had summoned her, and while she wore an easy smile, there would be an ever-slight edge to it as she noticed the hand twitch for the missing saber on his belt.

There were some faces she recognized, such as Vulpesen Vulpesen and Skorvek Skorvek and Aedan Miles Aedan Miles , and others she knew more by reputation such as Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell . The young man had certainly making an effort in the Centrality, which she definitely appreciated as she got her own endeavors underway there for restoring it. What Solan was building here was yet another restoration, and she admired the new Assembly Hall if she thought it somewhat... sparse.

Her eyes would also narrow as Dima stomped in and caused a scene that Vulpesen certainly set the right tone towards. The occasion was to build relationships and investments, to forge something stronger in the Scar Worlds. Today was not a day for violence and tensions. It did not serve her interests, nor would it serve the long-term interests of others either.

"Don't worry, Solan," she continued saying, "We're merely here to observe and offer support as needed. Not for conflict or to draw you into any sort of war. We understand you're not in any position for a large conflict yet and nor would we call your fledgling group into such a conflagration."

That wasn't to say there wasn't a Sith causing trouble out in the Outer Rim that might run afoul of Solan's group. One that she had hoped would learn the value of cooperation but had spurned her invitation.

Solan Charr Solan Charr Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Zesiro Zesiro Narci Kemi Narci Kemi PHRS-11 "Cannibal" PHRS-11 "Cannibal" Domina Prime Domina Prime Darth Vodrux Darth Vodrux
The corners of Vodrux’s mouth twitched as he listened to Narci dissect the assembly down to its basest form. The girl had a more intuitive understanding of things, notwithstanding her naivety and, absence of training and discipline with the Force. She would be a formidable Sith in her own right one day. She had the raw potential for it, and he would show her the way. “All in time, Narci. It is also important to go through the motions of certain ceremonies and traditions, no matter how………distasteful we may find them.” he replied, without taking his eyes off Solan. “The King of this world. He knows the Force and the touch of the Dark Side. But he is no Sith. I suppose one could argue I am not one either, but he does not seem to have the cultural upbringing of a Sith. I am curious to know who he is, how he ended up here, and how he will fit into our goal.”

It was at that moment that he felt a strong, inexorable pull in the Force, as though a sun being eclipsed. His eyes narrowed as they darted towards the doors of the chamber. “Do you feel it? More presences in the Force, but one of them…….it’s power. Dark and powerful, like looking into a Black Hole.” The explanation for the presence would soon be revealed as Darth Carnifex and his entourage entered the chambers, making a display of power while his abomination of a daughter threw a tantrum of enormous proportions. Inhaling sharply, Vodrux projected a thought directly into Narci’s mind without risking opening his mouth. “Do not cross these newcomers with your tongue. Especially not the leader. They are powerful, very powerful. We may have to adjust our plans for their presence and keep an eye on them.”

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