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Approved Tech Aayla's Second Lightsaber

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  • Manufacturer: Aayla-Senn Shan
  • Affiliation: Aayla-Senn Shan
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Lightsaber
  • Modularity: Yes
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Durasteel, Chromium, Beskar-Engravings
  • Classification: Standard Lightsaber
  • Size:Small
  • Weight:Light
  • Force Attunement - This weapon, when activated makes Aayla more aware of herself in the Force. Abilities come easier, as does saber combat; This makes it a useful tool for training
  • Its a lightsaber- and it can cleave things in to by accident, much less on purpose. There isn't much metals, or materials in the galaxy that can withstand prolonged contact with this weapon
  • My Lineage- While it is just a lightsaber, for Aayla this weapon speaks to her more deeply that even her own. Within it carries a dual force ownership that bleeds into her at times. Speaking to her in moments of need, or even desire. Her combat effectiveness can be unpredictable to even her until she learns how to wield it properly
  • Modularity - Effectively recrafted to somewhat replicate her original, this new saber gives Aayla the freedom to dual-wield, or create a dual-saber with a simple click and twist.
  • Its a lightsaber - And its a loud weapon, in more ways than one. Activating one of these is at the very least a statement for anyone standing nearby.
  • Lineage - Given its previous ownership, this weapon may bleed information into her that may not always be relative to her current task. For instance, the kyber cystal within may whisper sweet nothings into her ear that cause her to deviate from a mission, or go searching for mysterious things
After Aayla 'found' the Kyber Crystal Fragment belonging to Satele Shan on Fellucia, her and fellow padawan Kadan Scipora Kadan Scipora barely escaped with their lives; engaging a Dark Lord of the Sith known as Darth Levo in combat. Aayla had destroyed his armory, which gave the Sith reason to see her dead. Guided by the Force Spirit of Satele Shan, Aayla unbeknowingly put int he coordinates for Brentaal IV. There, with the Kyber Fragment in hand, the Astrian was viciously attacked by the Force Spirit; with her fellow padawan Kadan Scipora being relatively powerless to assist. In the end, Aayla was able to pass this trial, and recovered a whole kyber crystal by adding the fragment to its whole. She kept this yellow Kyber crystal for some time, not sure about whether she wanted to use it or not, until her and Kadan traveled to the planet Rekkiad. Grave robbing as usual, but within she found another reagant for lightsaber creation; this time the husk of a saber once owned by Bastila Shan; mother of Satele, another woman in her family lineage. She found this to be the Force guiding her to recraft the saber, and did some post-haste. She has yet to field it.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Aayla Shan Aayla Shan

Very nicely made submission! I really like the "My Lineage" strengths. However I found some problems.
  • Image Source, please link the proper link, the site where you found the picture, and not just the jpg.
  • Small aesthetic remark. I suppose you wants to delete this. if you put a simple N/A instead of the text, it would be good.
    • (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writer’s submissions as part of the submission)
    • (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • And the last one, under the Manufacturer, please link your bio.
That's all, please let me know if you edited these.
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