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Faction Ad Imperium


Ad Imperium
An Age of Strife Story


The outbreak of the upstart Chiss Ascendancy within the Western Frontier of the Empire was sudden and brutal. Niruaun had once again become a front line world, with the planet's defenders being nearly overrun until Imperial reinforcements were hastily deployed in its defense. Yet, in true Imperial fashion; both the planet’s garrison and reinforcements had dug in, and refused to move an inch. Eventually, the fighting had swung into the Empire’s favor, with the combined tactics of both the Empire’s army and naval forces pushing the Chiss rebels on the back foot; and eventually, out of the system entirely.

Meanwhile, the Empire set itself upon decapitating the head off of the proverbial snake of the uprising with a clandestine assault upon The Redoubt. Due to the coordinated efforts of both High Lord Lucien Dooku and his strike team of Imperial Knights, along with Grand Moff Ignacious Korvan and his patchwork armada of capital ships and patrol flotillas assembled together; the formidable installation the Chiss had hoped to utilize as a forward operating base had been overwhelmed and reduced to rubble. In the aftermath, Lucien and his forces made haste back to Niruaun in the hopes of regathering their strength and aiding in the remobilization of Niruaun’s depleted strength.

Grand Moff Korvan, on the other hand, set about effecting his own ‘fighting withdrawal’ from The Redoubt. But instead of mimicking the forced retreat of the Chiss forces from Niruaun, Korvan directed his forces into a systematic and concentrated campaign to hinder and intercept what forces they could as they made their way to the galactic-east of the sector.

Despite early successes, both of these men would be greeted with arguably an unwelcome surprise, in the form of a summons bearing the register from the highest level.

“The Moff Council and senior members of state are to convene by decree of the Triumvirate. Immediately.”

Many may well question why such a summons would be sent on the trail behind arguably one of the Empire’s most crucial times post-Tython, but such inquirers likely did not belong within the upper echelons of Imperial society. One may question silently, but one did not dare to question such things publicly, just as one would not dare to ignore such a missive.

Korvan and Dooku would not be alone in their receipt of such a message. Across the Empire, several such senior figures of state would receive the same summons. The purpose of the assembly remained unaddressed, yet given the state the Empire currently found itself in; it would not take an ISB Cipher Agent to divine what could likely be discussed. Who all would be in attendance - whether it would be any or all three members of the Triumvirate; that was a bit more uncertain. Regardless, the Moff Council was instructed to gather - and they would do so.

All of those invited to the assembly would be granted clearance to land within the capital of the Empire itself - Bastion; and they were given explicit instructions concerning the date and time of their arrival.

To be late would almost be as deadly as to fail to show up at all.


Date: 876 ABY
Location: Bastion
Tags: Open


It was days like this in which he really, really detested bureaucracy.

As a self-avowed Tarkinist, Ignacious Korvan stood firmly upon the belief that a strong Empire was one in which power was centralized; where the indulgences of those who believed themselves above rule of law and a centralized authority needed to be kept in check with the most brutal of decisiveness.

Even still, he would never get over the lunacy that came with a centralized state, such as having to answer for his efforts to save the very Empire he had fought for, while the battle still raged hundreds of parsecs away. It was against his very nature to leave his men at the most crucial point of a campaign, yet he also knew well that he could not reject the call sent forth. Despite his misgivings and obvious annoyance at having to be here, on Bastion, walking from the landing pad housing his shuttle and into the capitol building nearby; he would be remiss if he did not consider the opportunities such a meeting afforded to him.

He did not rise to his current station within the Empire by ignoring opportunities when they presented themselves. While he did not know who all would be in attendance, it stood to reason that senior members of the Imperial Elite would be present. Given the state of affairs in the Western Frontier, Ignacious had a feeling he would need all of the friends he could marshal at his side; particularly if that fool Lucien showed his face.

The former Jedi-turned Imperial had cultivated a hub of ‘civility’ and ‘freedom’ within the heart of the Empire in the form of Niruaun. Given his special status as heir apparent to the Empire, he was largely uncontested in his stewardship of the entire Western Sector.

And look where that decision had led them all.

Ignacious couldn’t be certain whether he was walking into a trap or a platform to demonstrate that the trust placed upon his shoulders was not unwarranted. As he approached the security checkpoint guarding the entrance with his bodyguard in lockstep, the Grand Moff thought carefully about how he would proceed.

Much depended on who would be present.

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Imperial Arbiter of the Outer Rim


A D _ I M P E R I U M

Location: Moff Council

Tag: Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan

Everytime something happened in the Empire, Julius was away. This was not to displease him the slightest, but he realised how committed to his own followers he had been. Spending most of the time on Yinchorr or smuggled inside of Alliance space – in which he had been forbidden to enter –, the diplomat had paid very little attention to the various reports the Diplomatic Corps forwarded him; in truth, only the announcement of the Triumvirate had urged Haskler to come back to the capital, in hopes of talking with the Admiral Regent before any meeting larger was convened. As always, he was too late.

The situation had not necessarily evolved in a way that pleased Julius, but he was determined to prevent further instability. Emperor Fel had done a very good job at keeping the Assembly under his will, and curtailing the power of the Warlords had been a necessary step towards pacification. It was important to build on this.

He was waiting, now, to see the first Moff arrive. Who would come first ? Clevenger, Bastion, or perhaps one of the Triumvirs? All those that would be in this very room could be considered to be potential threats. Under other circumstances, the Council would have been looking for the weakest's throat. Julius had no illusions regarding the ambition of the people bearing the title of Moff. Each and every one of them craved something, and it was mostly power. He would be content, himself, if he was granted the power to take over his home planet.

There could be no mistake, this time. Julius had well in mind the past meetings of the Council, and continued to fear instability in the Empire, both because it could spell the end of the ideal he was fighting for, and because it pulled him back from using Imperial assets to achieve his goal in the Core.

Julius watched as the newly-minted Grand Moff Ignacious Korvan came into the room. It was a mystery to him, how a man could rise so quickly and effortlessly through the ranks of the Empire, a mere Captain at the outbreak of the rebellion, now only answerable to four individuals in the Empire. Perhaps skill, maybe something else entirely. It struck him, now, how unfocused on climbing the ladder of power he had been. His own rebellion predated even the founding of the New Imperial Order, yet he had allowed himself to focus too much on the Core Worlds to really look interested in gaining anything else than his planet back. Once Yinchorr had been established as his operations base, he had neglected any kind of promotion, perhaps the only Moff that had not shivered when the Assembly had been dissolved. In fact, his own ambitions and power did not lie there. He could not care about a more prestigious title: the Diplomatic Corps and his own men made up for what others could gather in terms of pure political weight. He had even allowed himself to make enemies of the Regent and one of the Triumvirs. It would not be appreciated, he thought, to mention the Tormentor's heist on Nirauan ever again.

With a reluctant sigh, Haskler got up of his seat and went to greet the Grand Moff. He was a staunch Tarkinist, if he recalled. Maybe it was the best man to ally with in the room.

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It was to be expected that upon His Highness the Emperor Fel's demise, nefarious forces would immediately rise up to seize their moment under the sun. Of all the enemies to the Emperor's Peace, it was the ingrate Chiss who had the gall to rise against the Empire in a bloody conflict that had nearly spelled the fall of the Western Borderlands. Their treachery had begun in the ranks of the Empire's entrenchment at the Redoubt against the encroaching Mawite forces, where the Imperials had managed to halt the cultists' advance after the disaster that was the Winter Contingency.

To be surprised at the Chiss' insolence was to have been a fool. Their independent, foreign culture had been allowed to fester under the supervision of the so-called Warden of the Empire Lucien Dooku. Saigo's calls to assimilate and indoctrinate the Chiss refugees had fallen on deaf ears and so had his demands to deny entry to any Chiss refugees.

And now the Imperials convened to address the issue. Studying the reports of the Empire's reclamation of the worlds that had fallen to the Chiss, Gideon's features burrowed in thought wondering how much the death of His Highness Emperor Fel would dent the strides the Empire had taken in the right direction - rigid centralization and strong authority; a far cry from Tavlar's warlordism and a certain recipe to Peace and Order in the galaxy.

The Grand Moff of Sector II took a brief sip from the water glass before him, eyes scanning the Moff Council chamber that still remained partially vacant. Surely, no one was foolish enough to arrive late.

Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan

Date: 876 ABY
Location: Bastion
Tags: Julius Haskler Julius Haskler | Akash Guul Akash Guul | Open


In short order, Ignacious made his entrance into the meeting chamber. His bodyguards awaited outside with the security detail posting near the entrance, leaving him alone with two other individuals. The first one he noticed was someone familiar to the Imperial Court; a man by the name of Julius Haskler. If memory served, he claimed to be the true ruler of Anaxes, and had led an unsuccessful coup many years prior in an attempt to make good on his claim.

Now, he was the head of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps, and he served as Moff of Yinchorr where his loyalist Anaxsi had resettled within Imperial space. ’Intriguing...’ He thought, observing this would-be king making his way over to greet Ignacious personally. He decided to meet Julius half way, striding casually to close the distance near the edge of the long table dominating the center of the chamber. As they neared each other, Korvan extended his hand in greeting to the diplomat while simultaneously offering him a faint yet cordial smile.

”Moff Haskler, I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure of meeting in person as of yet. Your reputation precedes you, of course.” He began. As pleasantries were exchanged, the second person in the room would rise to Korvan’s notice. Gideon Saigo had definitely made a name for himself during the reign of Emperor Fel. Ignacious couldn’t say he knew Gideon personally, and there was a foundation of professional respect and courtesy that Korvan felt for the man. Respect, which stood alongside an equal measure of trepidation. While he hid it as well as any seasoned figure within the Imperial elite could (for he had not ascended to the role of Grand Moff for nothing), Saigo’s presence did not necessarily reassure Korvan over the nature of this meeting, despite his Tarkinist leanings. He was known for speaking his mind without pause or reservation, and had been well utilized by the late Emperor due to such unabashed convictions.

Although they aligned closely along the political spectrum, Korvan perceived that any real relationship or support that could be offered by Gideon was directly proportional to how strong Korvan projected himself. Gideon projected strength and respected it. If this meeting turned into an assault and Korvan could not rebuff the expected jockeying for position or poking by rivals, then he doubted he would find a friend in the fellow Grand Moff. Even still, he would at least make sure to start off on the right foot. He gave Saigo a slow nod of acknowledgement, yet said nothing. The eyes would say everything that needed to be said. Respect, yet reserve.

After initial introductions, Korvan would find his seat at the table and settle in. As he made his way over to the spot, he slowly removed his gloves from each finger and placed the set into the folds of his jacket. An attendant removed the pins attaching his cloak to his uniform, and set about placing the article onto a rack near the back wall. Without further delay, he then took his seat - settling comfortably into the chair as he let out a soft sigh.



Location: Moff Council, Bastion
Tag: All in attendance

Adera arrived early, almost as early as the security officers who were there to clear the area for the meeting. She sat quietly at her assigned seat, careful not to give out any stares or comments that might see an inopportune accident end her career; instead, Adera kept her eyes focussed on the dataslate in front of her. The newly-promoted Moff had no illusions about the men she now rubbed shoulders with. Snakes and wolves, every last one of them. Loyal to the Empire as a whole now, yes, and hyper-competent, but every bit as poisonous and dangerous as the last. As top bureaucrat on a planet, she would have been free to just do her job and manage any competition between subordinates below her, while managing directives from above. But here?

I'm a buttered shrimp in an ocean of megalodons.

And they knew it. She could see the glint in the eyes of those Moffs that bothered to give her more than a cursory glance: sizing up the newest of their number, wondering if she would sink or stay afloat. Adera was not sure which she was, but regardless, she knew what was right and would do her duty, and to hell with those that would impede that.

Julius Haskler Julius Haskler was early too, and watched the entrance like a hawk. Diplomatic Corps, Adera's old posting, long ago, though of course their time in that service never overlapped, and she started as a mere Associate Negotiator while he was head of the Service. In truth, no overlap, and the information was about as useful as knowing what his favourite colour was, but it gave Adera a sense of security to feel as if she had some commonality with at least one Moff here, an angle that gave her a handle on him.

The Grand Moff Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan himself swept into the room, cape dramatically billowing. He carried the look with gravitas, every inch the Tarkinist, enough to stop Adera from rolling her eyes. At the very least, one could not call him pretentious. That implied he did not fully inhabit his role, and that he definitely did, Haskler got up and the pair exchanged pleasantries while Akash Guul Akash Guul watched, calmly sipping his water.

The newest Moff of the Empire continued to read her datapad, trying to focus back on the issues she had listed ahead of the meeting which it likely would be about. The Western Region crisis, Tion expansion, and so on. Of course, there was all the cloak and dagger 'internal restructuring' the Triumvirate would likely be participating in as a result of it.

Dooku's appointment was some really, really bad timing. Wonder if there's a connection... Adera dismissed the idea. She did not want to go down that path of wondering about any Chiss connections to Imperial factions. Unproductive, and besides, she knew enough about the men of the Triumvirate to hazard a guess that at least some were planning to begin shifting their political pieces around, regardless of any possible collusion, a process that would be lubricated by a crisis meeting in front of the Moffs about the dire state of the present Empire.

Adera couldn't help from grimacing at the thought. She was a Felist through and through, and the fractures that were beginning to show (and the ones that will form due to stopping said fractures), were bound to undo years of Rurik's work in forging a unified Imperial polity and identity. She had hoped that a populist Pellaeonist figure like Dooku would, ironically, be the glue needed to continue the Felist project, but the appointment of the Triumvirate and the unsteady balance of power...

Adera looked up from her dataslate to drink from her own glass of water. She was going to need several by the time the meeting was through.
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Iago Zacarias


Longs ways from Jaminere, the Imperial-Nationalist was. Here in the beating heart of the Empire with no ties to the New Imperials whatsoever, the only common thing he shared was the love and belief in Imperial rule and doctrine. Only reason he was here was on political and diplomatic business he was scheduled with the very leaders of the Empire, with a certain Galidraani Imperial welcoming the interaction. In short, Iago was wanting and willing to support the Imperial cause and support from the Empire in a bloody ambitious scheme of his.

To initiate civil war in his homeworld.

With the Tion Republic having its grasp on every system within the Tion Cluster, institutions of democracy began to rise throughout its systems. Policies and laws were changed to conform to its new liberal regime. Bureaucracy sparked incompetence and corruption, something that infested Jaminere all for the pursuit of freedom. If one were not to act soon, then Jaminere would be doomed.

Following the instructions of Barran, arriving at the Imperial Assembly with an escort of stormtroopers to lead him to the Galidraani Triumvir.
1st post




Lord-Regent of the Empire
Grand-Triumvir of the Tarkinist Administration

Tags: Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan Akash Guul Akash Guul Julius Haskler Julius Haskler Adera Vellas Adera Vellas Iago Zacarias


The Hall of the Old Assembly, Fort Imperator,
Ravelin, Bastion (Spring of 877 ABY)

As all the others were making their discussions, Lord Erskine would keep the other officials from ordering mass stand to attention upon his entry into the Hall of the old Assembly, purposely chosen for the reason of showing the new Moffs how far the Empire had come since the Imperial warlords' Grand Imperial Assembly rose to prominence. Much had been learned and unlearned alike since, but of the history that forged the Empire, nothing was to be forgotten under the Lord-Regent's reign. The realm had suffered too much already, and in the absence of both Tavlar and Fel, it was apparent that more strife would be on the way, more suffering to endure at the hands of the vultures who patiently waited for Irveric's brainchild to falter.

Good to see Saigo an' Korvan here though, I know we accord on a few matters at least.

As for the others though....

Sitting on the middle seat of the Tirumvirs' podium seats, Lord Erskine would watch as the back-and-forth discussions continued rifling off around him, and in these, the old Woad saw a familiar face, another of the many Tarkinist old-heads of whom Lord Carlyle's prestige had beaten claims for the role of Lord Erskine's third Triumvir-elect. But in seeing the two new faces in the crowd, the Lord-Regent would be left in a contrastingly intrigued state, especially with that Iago fellow, knowing of Zacarias' ambitions from the offset before Barran even ventured to beckon him to the Triumvirs' podium. As none with status within the Empire (and especially not those with ambitions similar to those of WIllan Tal in the earlier years of his own Imperial career) could slip by the old Woad's attention undetected, something of a prerequisite for rulership drawing into play quite handily already.

'You there, yes you.... Here - now.'

If one was to even have a hope of having one's own homeward journey ordained by higher powers, then convincing the ones with all the power to believe (in causes just or otherwise) would no doubt gain the attention of a former Imperial revolutionary either way. Many other appeals for the Imperial caste to aid revolutionary wars had failed in the attempt with both of Lord Erskine's predecessors, and while the old Woad was well aware that it could just as easily have been that way for the Galidraani Free-State, Zacarias still had some chance of finding hope in his endeavours - though still in that ultimatum where that same hope had died in it's infancy for many others before him.

'As for the rest - continue with your discussions.'
Imperial Arbiter of the Outer Rim


A D _ I M P E R I U M

Location: Moff Council

Tag: Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | Akash Guul Akash Guul | Adera Vellas Adera Vellas | Iago Zacarias | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran

As the Moffs settled inside the council room, Julius could not help but feel that the last few years had created a political shift in the administration: with the death of Tavlar and the betrayal of Halketh, the Pellaeonists had been marginalised in the Assembly, and it seemed that the Felists had suffered the same fate when Fel had fallen. In truth, the people assembled here were almost all Tarkinists, with one or the other rumoured to have sympathies for the Felists. This was all right in the eyes of Haskler. He could not blame people for wanting to stand on two legs when he had done so all these years ago.

It posed a problem, though, since the Triumvirate had been chosen without any sense of political stability in mind. Three hardcore Tarkinists had been appointed as Triumvirs, two of which being Galidraanis and the third being a secretive, independent ex-Warlord of the Empire. The unbalance between the leading three was yet to spell some kind of catastrophe for the Empire, but Julius was certain this uneasy way to fill the power vacuum would break down one day or another. Maybe sooner than expected, if the damned Jedi came to put his nose in there.

Instability was Julius's nightmare. He had fought for most of his life to prevent the power structures he had been into from collapsing, and he had always been vocal in his fears of division and civil war inside of the Empire. What some mistook for ambition in his words and acts was merely the pursuit of the ideal of a stable Empire. In truth, aside from his homeworld, there was not much Haskler desired. They didn't know, of course, but he had trouble not feeling content with what he had managed to accomplish.
Haskler met the Korvan in the middle of the room, and he went on to analyse his composure. He was one of the newly-appointed Grand Moffs, and there was something that indicated, in his way of being, that the man was satisfied with this promotion. Who wouldn't be? Grand Moffship was one of the most honourable positions in the Empire, save for the Lord Executor, and the Triumvirs. The cape Korvan wore was showing as much.

"Moff Haskler, I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting in person as of yet. Your reputation precedes you, of course."

So, they were exchanging pleasantries. This was fine by Haskler. When the time came, the need for these pleasantries to break the ice would be needed. And, after a long time serving as a diplomat, he was getting used to this exercise. Though his military background had moulded the Anaxsi into a frank, direct person, he had also learned subtlety and patience. If the conversation was to be light-hearted, then so be it.

"Grand Moff, it is a pleasure to see you on Bastion. I heard you were heavily involved on the frontiers of the Empire, and I hadn't had the chance to congratulate you on your promotion. How is the Chiss Subjugation going? I have read troubling reports, and I understand they took the Redoubt, too."

Haskler listened to the answer as he saw Saigo get up to greet Korvan. He did not wish to bother the two, so he made sure to stay out of the Grand Moffs' conversation, and walked away.
Having greeted the Grand Moff, Haskler went back to his seat but noticed the Lord-Regent had entered the room. He had wanted to exchange a few words with him, and he would have his moment, probably, but he noticed Barran had ordered one of the unknown officials to come to him. Julius painfully went through his memory to try and figure out who this man was but could come up with nothing, except assuming he was Tionese, for the way he walked indicated something of the manners the Cluster favoured. If he was a revolutionary, he would have to talk to him and make sure his movement was funded properly. Julius now had a habit of encouraging rebellions and garnering support for worlds seeking the help of the Empire, as he had done with Pantora in the last weeks. He could talk to this man, and make his acquaintance.

He also noticed a woman, perhaps the first he had seen in the room until now. It was unusual, and it was noticeable. There had been few women that had climbed up the ladder of power since the birth of the New Imperial Order. Sure, there were the Knights, and there had been some First Order personnel that had kept their rank, but they were quite rare. As such, he assumed she was from a foreign background, and given her age, she was probably a Sith Empire defector...

Ah, he had it! Her face seemed to match one he recalled from the archives. Did she serve in diplomacy? It was likely, but it must have been before he was put in charge of the Diplomatic Corps, or he would have remembered her more clearly. One way or another, she was sitting alone at the moment, and she had been analysing the face of each Moff since they had entered the room. Julius decided to get to her. Out of curiosity, he wanted to make sure he had not met her beforehand, and that she had indeed not worked under him some time ago. It was worth a short talk, either to awaken old ties or to meet a potential ally. He did not know where she leaned, politically, but he was always curious to understand what ambitions fueled a new Moff.

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Location: Moff Council, Bastion
Tag: All in attendance

As all the others were making their discussions, Lord Erskine would keep the other officials from ordering mass stand to attention upon his entry into the Hall of the old Assembly, purposely chosen for the reason of showing the new Moffs how far the Empire had come since the Imperial warlords' Grand Imperial Assembly rose to prominence.
Adera had been one of those who almost stood to attention before the Lords Erskine signalled for the Moffs to continue their discussions before he began conversing with Zagarias. It was clear he had his own small business to attend to before things truly got underway. She could not say that pleased her; while the other Moffs would relish the chance to reconnect with allies in person or some light verbal sparring with rivals, Adera knew now was not yet the time for a newly-minted Moff like her to do any of that.

Julius decided to get to her. Out of curiosity, he wanted to make sure he had not met her beforehand, and that she had indeed not worked under him some time ago. It was worth a short talk, either to awaken old ties or to meet a potential ally. He did not know where she leaned, politically, but he was always curious to understand what ambitions fueled a new Moff.

Adera got up from her chair to greet the senior Moff as he approached, extending her hand.

"Greetings, Moff Haskler. It is a pleasure to meet you, I have been very intrigued in following the course of the Diplomatic Corps under your stewardship." Humble, understated, direct, and establish a point of connection. Try not to step too far forward at this moment. In truth, Adera had not heard much too much praise, but neither too much condemnation from old contacts still in the Corps. Haskler was performing about as well as was expected given the current state of the Galaxy. Better, even, considering the continued recognition of the Empire accorded by the Alliance and the friendly relations with the Crusade.
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Location: Moff Council, Bastion
TAG: Those Present.

Moff Bastion fidgeted with his collar, despite his years of service in the military, in intelligence and as a Moff the tight collar would occasionally itch and bother him, often he found when his nerves were unsettled. Like he was still a boy entering his fathers office, or a cadet at the academy. It was what was known as a tell, often used by sabaac or pazaak players to indicate a poor hand. In Moff Bastions world such an obvious sign of nervousness was a weakness he could not afford.

Occasionally there would be a good memory associated with itch like when he had flirted with a particularly beautiful Zeltron while on leave, not that he'd ever admit that publicly. Such an indulgence was unsuitable for an Imperial Officer and cause for concern when it was with a human let alone someone of an inferior species let alone social class. It would be a scandal that could impact his position for favour. Hence the itch at the time of the flirtation.

Marcus knew of the habit however after having been warned by someone who had once been a friend and later an enemy. The lesson of that always sprung to mind whenever his collar started to itch. Both the habit and the lesson never to trust anyone. Particularly those who would notice such a habit.

Trust the itch… just don't show it

Bastion would tell himself, it meant he was nervous, vulnerable. Particularly in the type of meeting he was attending. Although Bastion was relatively young for a Moff his rapid rise to his office had been.. stalled as of late. Bastion was a had played the game well initially playing the sides as a hardlined Tarkinist and so that he had risen in the ranks, even been given the important task of rooting out rebel insurgencies. A task and command many Tarkinist would envy. In truth Bastions position rather reminded him of an old childrens game, Whack the Womp-Rat. The object of which was to smash the heads that popped out of holes on the holoprojector, even when you hit one and gained points it seemed there was another half dozen that popped up and hid while you were hitting one. No matter how many you hit there was always another one popping up or hiding again.

The Chiss Insurgency was a potential embarrassment on his record. Only Bastions severe hard line against the use or trust of non humans might have saved him. That and the insistence of certain superiors, such as the Grand Moff in attendance to handle the situation themselves. In truth Moff Bastion had either been above reproach or beneath the raider. He still wasn't sure which one, or even if which one would work in his favour at this meeting. Blaming someone else for your own failures was a time honoured political ploy after all. One Bastion might have to employ today.

Best case scenario of the meeting was an increase in power and position, maintaining his position and the status quo could be considered breaking even. As long as he still held the office, he still had a hand to play and was still in the game. Much like those sabaac and pazaak games. Hence

Trust the itch… just don't show it

Bastion took a breath straightened into military posture and entered the room.

"Greetings Officers"

Too many new faces was Carlyle Rausgeber's perspective. New blood risen from the ranks. It sickened him. None of them had fought as he had. None of them had served properly. They were all leaches in Rausgeber's opinion. Rancid leaches. The Admiral Regent wheezed as he strode into the council chamber, taking long strides, as he breathed deeply from his respirator. Trying to avoid the unfortunate gagging which came with entering at speed. He despised being summoned from Prefsbelt IV. He loathed the palpable humiliation wrought when forced to appear before his supposed 'peers'. It was disgusting honestly. The way they would glare and stare at his disfigurement. He could feel them, almost peeling away at his skin. As if he was a lesser being. When clearly, a man of his storied career was far from it.

Rausgeber took off his large, black great coat, and hoisted it onto the back of his seat at the table. He was attired rather conservatively in a jet black tunic. Prefsbelt Command sigil carved from raw Sith infected kyber, on his lapel. And beneath that, the aged, yet still proud symbol of Grand Admiral. Something he wore simultaneously as to not forget his roots. But also, as a means to remind those around, that despite the decieving looks, Carlyle Rausgeber had clambered to the heights of imperial power not once, but twice now. And he would be damned if he let anyone get in the way of that.

Each breath Rausgeber wheezed, was punctuated by a hiss. He had, strapped to his face, a large mechanical respirator. A blue, glowing tube was slung from the left side of this crude mask, wrapping around his torso to his waist. Where a small mechanical tube was attached to his side. It was anyone's guess what the tube contained. Some suspected the Admiral Regent had become a spice addict since the 'incident'. Others suspected it was air. But more whispered it was perhaps some sort of healing agent. They were all, not necessarily wrong.

Despite the respirator, Rausgeber's shiny blonde hair was clean, and neatly parted to the right. As he finished examining the assembled members of the council, he reached behind his head. Unstrapping the respirator, and revealing perhaps the true reason he wore it. Letting the mask fall, revealed the hideous wounds he carried. The respirator disguised them. But it became clear to their extent. There was a large cavernous wound in the left side of his face. One so large, and so deep, one could see inside his mouth.

See the fractious bone and smashed, yellowed teeth. But perhaps more concerning was the ring of red irritation. Something had crudely smashed part of his lower jawbone. Meaning it was replaced with crude cybernetics. Cybernetics, which evidenced by the red, itchy skin, had not melded well with his body. Or by the pus which oozed from the top of his mouth, almost like a cave. Around Rausgeber's mouth, where deep, red marks. From where the suction of the respirator had taken hold. There was evidently some form of pressurisation involved. Carlyle drummed his fingers, and eyed the assembled membership with a contemptuous gaze.

"Are... We all.... Assembled... And correct?"
Imperial Arbiter of the Outer Rim


A D _ I M P E R I U M

Location: Moff Council

Tag: Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | Akash Guul Akash Guul | Adera Vellas Adera Vellas | Iago Zacarias | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber
"Greetings, Moff Haskler. It is a pleasure to meet you, I have been very intrigued in following the course of the Diplomatic Corps under your stewardship."

Haskler was slightly taken aback when he heard the woman mention him so directly his occupations. As if he was the only one to get reports and intelligence. What a wishful form of thinking, to imagine he was the only one to have cards to play. She must have some intel organisation, perhaps an advisor, well-versed into the intricacies of the Imperial Administration. Of course, she had come prepared, and she knew what people here were about. She was not a defenceless swimmer in a pool of cysharks.

He assumed, given the way she complimented him, that she had indeed served the DiploServ, some time ago. Not that he remembered any of it, but she seemed to have kept an eye on the Corps, and there was only one way to get the information he wanted. Turning to be next to her, rather than directly in front, Julius thought of his next words. He did not know much about her, except there was something about diplomacy in her background... but she seemed to know a lot more.

He settled on questioning her about the recent events to better understand her point of view on the internal policies of the Empire. There were plenty of matters to complain or rejoice about, either in the political or military field. A quick set of questions would give him a clear picture.

"I very much appreciate it, when hard work is acknowledged, he modestly answered, but most of the credit would go to the diplomats travelling far and wide to make sure the Empire is respected throughout the galaxy. In this regard, the Imperial Mission plays a role more important than ever, and we are trying to recreate ties with the scattered Warlords of the South... But the task is arduous, alas. As for myself, I have mostly retired from field service, and the late Emperor had tasked me with coordinating the efforts of our agents, rather than travelling in person.

He let some time go, as he watched her react to his words. How would she interpret them? He could only go so far before saying something stupid or out of place.

In this regard, I think our approach to the Chiss Ascendancy, before the Maw started to be menacing, was flawed, seeing how these aliens have rebelled and how Grand Moff Korvan, over there, and gave a discreet shrug in his direction, was forced to handle the situation. I heard the Redoubt was in rubbles, and I must say it is a pity we were forced to go to such lengths to keep our territories safe.
You worked in diplomacy if I am not mistaken. What is your assessment of the situation? How do you think we should react to this insurgency?
Julius was interrupted by the sudden entrance of Rausgeber in the council room, wheezing and hissing as he went, a large rebreather attached to the lower part of his face. He had been wounded on Kuat, Haskler recalled, but he had trouble remembering exactly how the Grand Admiral had handled the attack. It had not prevented him from becoming the third Triumvir, and he was still ruling with an iron fist. Far from having weakened him, Julius suspected the wound had only strengthened Rausgeber, bolstered his will and sharpened his resolve.

Then, he unclasped the mask, and the Moff could not help but let out a small whisper of horror. There was a gaping hole in his mouth, and the wound did not look to have healed the slightest. Did Rausgeber know of bacta, or of anything else than crude cybernetics? Out of mercy for him, the diplomat would have commandeered his whole medical service on Yinchorr to make sure he could get in better health. But he could not just offer that publicly, or he would be seen as spiting him in front of the people he was supposed to command.
Instead, Julius gulped disgust and turned back towards Vellas, eager to hear what she had to say about the Chiss. He tried not to think about the Grand Admiral's face, one that had been pleasant for the least, when it was not contracted in fury. Now, Julius felt like Carlyle's face was just reflecting a truer, more interior self that he had kept under the carpet for so long.



Location: Moff Council, Bastion
Tag: All in attendance

"I very much appreciate it, when hard work is acknowledged, he modestly answered, but most of the credit would go to the diplomats travelling far and wide to make sure the Empire is respected throughout the galaxy. In this regard, the Imperial Mission plays a role more important than ever, and we are trying to recreate ties with the scattered Warlords of the South... But the task is arduous, alas. As for myself, I have mostly retired from field service, and the late Emperor had tasked me with coordinating the efforts of our agents, rather than travelling in person

The Imperial Mission. It was not lost on Adera that the Moff specifically singled this out when talking to her. An acknowledgement of her past and a statement of fact that he at least knew some details of it.

"Though I have not worked in that organisation in a long time, I fully agree with you. The Mission demonstrates, at the Empire's own expense and by direct action, the fruits of the Empire: unity, harmony, and security. That the Empire is not merely a machine to crush its enemies, though it is that, but also to oversee and nurture its people through wisdom and action."

Stop it Adera, you're beginning to sound like a sister of the Missionaria Promulgata. Though charged with rhetoric, Adera knew she believed most of it. Else she would not have sacrificed so much for the Empire.

"Incidentally, I do believe it also acts against the problems that might be faced in integrating the warlords. The Mission also acts inside the Empire, especially at its frontiers, and from experience, I know its actions bring about a sense of Imperial unity and identity in the new citizens. It is much easier to befriend a hound when it is fed and warmed, and so it is a vital instrument in carrying out the vision of unity of our past Imperators."

Past Imperators? Adera tried not to cuss out loud at the slip-up. In this politically charged environment, even such a comment might be taken as a snub at the incoming administration. "Late" would have worked better.

Could have gone worse. At least I did not appear Pellaeonist.

In this regard, I think our approach to the Chiss Ascendancy, before the Maw started to be menacing, was flawed, seeing how these aliens have rebelled and how Grand Moff Korvan, over there, and gave a discreet shrug in his direction, was forced to handle the situation. I heard the Redoubt was in rubbles, and I must say it is a pity we were forced to go to such lengths to keep our territories safe.
You worked in diplomacy if I am not mistaken. What is your assessment of the situation? How do you think we should react to this insurgency?

Spoke too soon. Adera, though technically a professional diplomat, had always done her diplomacy her own, inefficient way: blunt and mostly truthful. It would be near-impossible for her to play the straight Tarkinist convincingly. And she knew for a fact her opinions on the Chiss would not be sufficiently vengeful for the answer Haskler sought.

She was partial to the differing interests of subjects, preferring negotiation and consultation to imposed dictation. But the Chiss that masterminded the secession had gone too far. They needed to be brought back into the fold, and stay there.

"We should grab them by the horns and act swiftly and with purpose. To my mind, Imperial forces have done well to blunt and halt the Chiss' advance, offering them no room to accelerate. We need to take the initiative and continue onward, to take back control of the systems they still hold, not allowing the rebellion to take root."

And of the peoples received back into Imperial fold?

The Admiral Regent wheezed as he strode into the council chamber, taking long strides, as he breathed deeply from his respirator. Trying to avoid the unfortunate gagging which came with entering at speed.

Her train of thought and speech was interrupted at the entrance of the Grand Admiral. She cared not for his disfigurement, though she could not help but feel a sting of emphatic pain at his state. No, his appearance sharply reminded her of the political leanings of many in this chamber, leanings that were in spite of the late Imperator's design.

"As to the populations received back into the fold, the collaborators must be swiftly and openly punished by the law of the Empire. The Empire can rare afford dissent-" choosing her words carefully, "-least of all, open rebellion and conquest of Imperial worlds."

Adera bit her tongue, trying not to add on to that well-crafted, safe sentiment, but she felt the comment slip out anyway:

"In my opinion, the populations of the worlds that broke away should not be wholesale punished with anything more than increased security as necessary and temporary military presence."

Why did she say that? Her political belief that perhaps some of the grievances were justified? Sympathy for those caught between empires? Personal bias over the circumstances of her defection? She scrambled to cover her mistake.

"The last thing we need is to put paid to the rhetoric of the secessionist leaders, and with the Maw still at large and the Alliance growing ever more hostile, we cannot afford an expensive large-scale crackdown and occupation on another front, nor a depopulation of the worlds the secession has taken."
Last edited:

Iago Zacarias


The Assembly was large and awesome, enough room to fit every moff in its chamber and surely it would increase with time as more systems would be annexed into the Empire. Clearly, he knew little of these political leaders except maybe a few such as the notorious Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber , having both political and military power within the Empire. The Age of the Warlords was extinct, thus ending any autonomous rule in the Empire; however, there were systems such as Galidraan or Prefsbelt that had its own culture and sects.

Approaching the old Woad and accepting a spot at his podium, in the center of the Assembly, with a hand out to shake the Triumvir’s hand.

“Lord Barran, a pleasure to finally meet in person,” a nod and a pleasant smile, while taking a quick glance at the rest of the Assembtly, “I hope I won’t be distracting you from the meeting with your council?”
2nd post




Lord-Regent of the Empire
Grand-Triumvir of the Tarkinist Administration

Tags: Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan Akash Guul Akash Guul Julius Haskler Julius Haskler Adera Vellas Adera Vellas
RIP Carlyle Rausgeber RIP Carlyle Rausgeber Iago Zacarias



The Hall of the Old Assembly, Fort Imperator,
Ravelin, Bastion (Spring of 877 ABY)

'Are... We all.... Assembled... And correct?'

Before Lord Iago could begin, the arrival of Lord Carlyle forced a slight pause in his introductions with Lord Erskine, giving the old Woad no other choice but to hold his hand up and place a cursory index finger in front of his lips for momentary silence.

A sorry sight he was in his elderly years, but not even the blights of disfigurement or ruined lungs could keep the man down, and in appraising the current state of Lord Carlyle's health and wellbeing, it became quite obvious that the issue of succession on Prefsbelt IV would become a problem if no heir could be named. But the old goat still had fight in him yet, and was secretive enough that Barran could easily believe Rausgeber was capable enough that such matters had already been handled with the usual level of discretion expected of Prefsbelt Command in these times. Rising from his seat to help the Lord-Triumvir into that which was placed to his left, the Grand-Triumvir humbly replied,'It would appear so, Carlyle. Wall to wall with Tarkinist leanings, as predicted. In any case, its good to see you again - just a shame it couldn't be under better circumstances, eh?', before sitting down again and silently waving off the guards who were accompanying Lord Carlyle at the time.

Then, as soon as eye contact was made with the stalwart gaze of Ignacious Korvan, Barran nodded with a cursory,'Begin.', mouthed in silence, the old Triumvirs settled into their seats before the livelier of the two finally turned to the patient young Moff, still standing with posture as straight as it was when he first stepped up to greet the old Lord-Regent. Clean-shaven but for the stylised moustache, much akin to the junior-officer regulation aesthetic, if but a little more-closely styled to a native-leaning variant, the long, shaven creases in his uniform would complete the Free-State revolutionary standard Lord Erskine often looked for in his own officers - and as far back as Barran's promotion to cadre-leader in the golden age of his early military career.

Fits the mould in almost every sense of the word, though I need more to go on.

'Lord Barran, a pleasure to finally meet in person,', the patient young Moff began, giving off something of a revolutionary's flair already, that which emanated from the likes of Tal and Barran in abundance. In their time as the Galidraani Free-State, the Northerner and the Goidel had become quite the experts in the art of government overthrows, and in the moment they exchanged the fated first handshake, the understanding of a budding revolutionary talent in the making would bring out an eyebrow-raised curiosity in the Lord-Regent almost instantly.

'I hope I won't be distracting you from the meeting with your council?'

Chuckling heartily as he rose to let the handshake draw to a more proper, standing conclusion, Lord Erskine replied,'Not an issue, and I believe the pleasure would be mine on this occasion.... One, Lord-Triumvir Carlyle here never misses a beat, and two, we're speaking quietly enough not to interrupt the proceedings.', with a cursory hand directing the conversation to the small reading-table by the bookshelves as he led the way. With two chairs at either side for Barran and Zacarias to choose from, it mattered little which opposites on the other sides were elected as the old Woad continued,'So, I hear you wish to prevail on your homeworld.... This is an aspiration I understand quite well, lad.', in a tone much more hushed than before.

'While it is true that Imperial revolutions are born under the banner of Tavlar, Fel and yours truly of course; not all are fated to get too far off the ground, but all participate full-commitment in our wars, or at least in one fashion or another.... So tell me, knowing how far I've gone to earn my place as Chieftain of my people for a second time - how far is Iago Zacarias willing to go to earn his rightful place as a master of his own?'

Date: 876 ABY
Location: Bastion
Tags: Julius Haskler Julius Haskler | Akash Guul Akash Guul | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Iago Zacarias | Adera Vellas Adera Vellas | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Open



As Ignacious occupied his seat at the table, he regarded those around him with the hawkish demeanor of a man appraising even the most minute of details. Another Moff was apparently present in the room upon his arrival - a woman who appeared content in keeping to herself as opposed to the posturing and niceties of Haskler. He would have to keep an eye on her to be sure. What was the old saying? ’You have to watch the quiet ones.’

Ignacious made a mental note about following up with her at a later time. Perhaps she would be a valuable ally to him depending on the outcome of this meeting. Soon enough, a handful of other moffs entered the chamber, only to be eclipsed by two specific individuals. His eyes traced the trajectory of Erskine Barran as if he were a Super Star Destroyer cruising past him. The man was a living legend; every bit the example of Imperial dominance and perseverance. During the days of the Civil War, Barran had transitioned from being an exiled warlord to a crucial figure of the movement. Korvan had the privilege of serving among his staff near the tail end of the conflict and in the early years of the New Imperial Order’s formation into a proper government, and he could attest to the fact Erskine was every bit the man he was rumored to be. The Lord Regent's gaze met with Korvan's, with the former mouthing the word 'Begin' before redirecting his attention to the younger Moff at his side.

His presence brought some degree of relief to the Grand Moff, with said relief quickly replaced with apprehension upon the arrival of the second aforementioned figure.

Caarlyle Rausgeber was equally as well known throughout the Empire, but for vastly different reasons compared to Erskine. Where Erskine was considered even-handed and, to a certain degree, magnanimous; Caarlyle had cultivated a reputation of brutality and paranoia verging on the edge of total mania. Over the years, the man had ascended into the position of Grand Admiral of the New Imperial Navy (and subsequently, the Imperial Navy in light of recent reforms), and had wasted little time in methodically consolidating his power within the confines of the Second Great Hyperspace War. His service record was distinguished and peerless in his years of service, which had thus far shielded him from a long overdue removal from his position.

Although he had not voiced it, Ignacious was quite bewildered at the decision to appoint Rausgeber into the position of a Triumvir in the wake of Rurik Fel’s demise. Over the past few years, it had become increasingly obvious how volatile and erratic Rausegeber had become, particularly revolving around his vice grip over the Navy as a whole. Korvan suspected that Rausegeber would likely have something to say over the Grand Moff’s rapid deployment of naval assets in neighboring systems to combat the Chiss threat, yet thankfully he had prepared himself for such a scenario.

No sooner had he thought about such an occurrence did the meeting get called to order, before he could really begin anything. A corpulent man bearing the rank placard of a Grand Moff strolled into the chamber, giving a nod of acknowledgement to those he passed. Grand Moff Leonid Gandy bore a distinct air of self importance, which was accentuated by his heavily waxed handlebar moustache. Although he held the rank of a Grand Moff, his only real status amongst the men in the chamber was that he served more or less as an adjutant to the triumvirs and the moff council at large.

’An administrator to the administrative body of the Imperial Government - truly a bureaucrat if there ever was one.’ Korvan thought to himself. Korvan’s thoughts mirrored almost perfectly how Gandy was viewed by the majority of his peers.

An ass wiper for those who actually made the Empire spin about and function. But Gandy’s own demeanor suited him perfectly for the position. He carried himself with a sense of purpose and position that bespoke actual authority, and it was a spectacle of political theater at its finest which allowed him to continue on in his self delusion. Be that as it may, he still had a purpose, and he carried it out with as much dignity as a man bereft of self awareness could when he approached the upraised row of chairs the Triumvirs sat within, gave both present Triumvirs a respectful bow of, then turned about at a dais below them to face the assembled members of the Moff Council.

He gave a broad smile to those before him before he spoke: ”The Moff Council shall be brought to order.” Despite the well contained scorn in which Korvan viewed the man with, he had to admit - his high pitched voice possessed a certain quality which disrupted surrounding conversation and garnered attention. Korvan was already seated in his position at the table, and Gandy awaited for others to comply as well. Several moments passed for everyone to finish their conversations and take their seat, after which Gandy cleared his throat and continued: ”This session of the Moff Council has been called to address the state of the Empire; specifically, the outbreak of hostilities with the upstart Chiss Ascendancy, the state of affairs in the Empire’s ongoing crusade against the Brotherhood of the Maw, as well as matters of import which need to be brought to the attention of the sitting members of the Triumvirate."

Gandy extended a hand to Ignacious, then added: "Grand Moff Korvan, you have the floor. We await your report."

Ignatious' gaze rested upon Gandy for a few moments, a faint smile on his lips as he seemingly gathered his thoughts. Without much further delay, he rose up on his feet and straightened the light creases in his uniform. He then proceeded to the dais, of which Moff Leonid departed and took a vacant seat at the table. Upon approach, Korvan gave a respectful tilt of his torso into a bow to both present members of the Triumvirate before assuming his place at the dais. Then, he began: "Thank you. Grand Moff Gandy. And thank you all for your presence here today."

'As unnecessary as it is.' He mentally added. Without skipping a beat, he continued:

"As you all are undoubtedly aware, the Western Frontier of our Empire has erupted into a state of chaos." His tone was even and matter or fact, possessed of a cadence bespeaking a man in his element. "Niruaun had, yet again, become a front line world in the wake of the Chiss Ascendancy's bid to decapitate the Empire's regional capital in the sector. Nearly all of the sector fell in a matter of days. But their advance has been halted, and they have been forced to retreat into the ashes of the Redoubt's ruins."

His reference to Niruaun was an obvious dig at the failure of Lucien to contain the situation - an opportunity Ignatious would not pass up on despite himself. Korvan's gaze met that of Saigo and Haskler, and diverted briefly to Vellas before he continued: "The Chiss are on the back foot, but are not beaten quite yet. The Empire's forces in the region, under my guidance, are poised to capitalize upon the momentum we have gained since breaking their advance. As you can imagine, I am eager to return to the task at hand to do so. But, I stand at the Council's pleasure to answer any questions and provide what answers i can before doing so."

At that, Korvan scanned the gathered Moffs, clearly allowing for what questions needed be asked to be given. He kept his tone and posture neutral, with a slight cant which indicated the faintest hint of urgency. To him, this meeting was marginally more than pointless, save for the opportunity to rally further support for his cause and cut through the red tape he had thus far avoided. Yet, the irony was not lost on him.

He could easily become ensared within it.


*Banner credits to Avelion

Iago Zacarias


“If I have to pick up a shovel and dig a trench to fight for the future of my planet and that position, then I shall,” he said with a few moments silence between the two men, not thinking too much in Barran’s question. “That’s how far I am willing to go for Jaminere and perhaps even further.”

Many winters ago he did not have these thoughts. He was simply a man of the military, to serve and fight for his people and had no interest in political power. Certainly he was a mild visionary, especially returning Jaminere to its former glory and expand it when they were an empire with their influence stretched to different worlds. Now seeing the decadence of bureaucracy, a spawn from the false promises of democracy, he was extreme in his visions and evolve Jaminere from the gutter.

“It’s such a tragedy to witness, Lord Barran. We routed out the Sith only to find ourselves in another dilemma. Much of our resources and wealth are being allocated to the pretentious Tion Republic, and I’ve even heard whispers to the Alliance.”

Jaminere was, arguably, the crown jewel of the Tion Cluster with having a strong manufacturing industry. No doubt the Tion Cluster would want to hoard Jaminere to serve its agendas.

The room livened up as the Imperial elite trickled into the chamber, greetings were exchanged and small talk ensued, and agendas loomed in the shade of faux, polite smiles. Gideon was once young, burning with a cause but as the years withered away behind office desks, star destroyer bridges, conference rooms, and exalted galas, that fire was tempered and a lesson had been learned. Ideas ended where personal and economic interests and dependencies began. Statesmanship was nothing less and nothing more than striking the perfect balance between the two. Something the youngest among them, Moff Adera Vellas Adera Vellas , must surely learn... or fail.

The arrival of the His Highness the Lord-Regent and the Triumvir Rausgeber muffled the chatter as bows were offered to the two. Kneeling was solely reserved to the Emperor, as per Imperial customs. A figure the Empire currently lacked. The sole thought of that brought a sour taste to Gideon's mouth. How long could the realm remain intact, how long could Barran hold the order within before the inevitable chaos erupted, how long before it was complete; the greatest project ever known to the galaxy, the key to everlasting peace and order; the true solution to the eternal question.

The Death Star.

...yes, dissent would be crushed. Fear of the Death Star's planet-killing superlaser would keep the galaxy's star systems in line.

Peace... at last--

The dream shattered under the strain of Grand Moff Gandy's falsetto. Or shrill. The oval shape of a man brought the meeting to a start with Korvan taking the dais first, as was expected. Beyond what was already mostly known by the Imperial's elite, Grand Moff Korvan offered nothing more, other than reassuring that the Chiss traitors were on the back foot.

"Surely..." he cleared his throat, "... surely the answer we are all eager to hear is -- who will bear the responsibility for this abject failure." his voice was calm, cold even, with mere hints of irritation sneaking in. Hazel eyes stirred only faintly at DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran 's direction, before returning to face Korvan, "Perhaps you could start from there, Grand Moff Korvan." he leaned back comfortably into his chair, "As the Western Frontier is under your supervision."

Julius Haskler Julius Haskler | Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Adera Vellas Adera Vellas | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion



Date: 876 ABY
Location: Bastion
Tags: Julius Haskler Julius Haskler | Akash Guul Akash Guul | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Julius Haskler Julius Haskler | Iago Zacarias | Adera Vellas Adera Vellas | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Open



A feral smile lined Grand Moff Korvan’s lips as Saigo cleared his throat and spoke. ‘So an ambush then.’ he mused. The question itself was not unjustified, but the undertones were quite clear. Saigo meant to imply this uprising had occurred under his watch. From a purely technical standpoint, he was right - in the same manner as in a bomb exploding in a man’s hand was due to his own negligence for being handed the package only moments prior to detonation.

Ignacious had only just replaced his predecessor months prior to the uprising taking place, largely due to the unremarkable man being little more than an empty suit who allowed Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku to run the sector as he wished while he basked within the Imperial Garrison. The Triumvirs were right to replace Grand Moff Pietro when they did, but one could argue they were easily six months too late in the decision. Saigo meant to undermine him, but Ignacious would not fall so easily. “You are correct, Grand Moff Saigo. The Western Frontier is under my supervision, and has been for the past few months after Grand Moff Pietro’s retirement. It would seem the Chiss Ascendancy couldn’t have picked a better time to initiate their rebellion, with the transition process and attempts to reinforce the areas lacking proper Imperial Garrisons for years prior.” Korvan’s tone was equally even and measured, pouring forth from his mouth as if wrapped in silk.

“It is quite a pity that the forces under the charge of Lord Dooku were ineffective in compensating for my predecessor’s severe lack of foresight. Yet, the situation is being contained and corrected. I will not rest until order has been restored, nor will I forgive the inadequacies which led to this woeful under preparedness. At least one of those responsible for this uprising that I’ve mentioned has been dealt with, and I will ensure the other will not be allowed to weaken the Western Sector further in the process.” Korvan’s words grew colder and more forbidding as he finished his response. It was obvious who he felt was responsible for this unmitigated disaster, and to make matters more convenient for him - Lucien was nowhere to be seen in the chamber.


*Banner credits to Avelion

Rausgeber had no protestations as Barran helped him to his seat. Although he was perfectly able to do so himself, Carlyle draped his greatcoat on his chair. The Admiral Regent sat next to Barran and steepled his fingers. Drumming the gloved digits against one another for a time as he assessed the room. Haskler. Saigo. Those were the one's he recognised. Although it was this... Korvan who drew a sterner gaze from Carlyle's bloodshot eyes. "Tarkinists have the will to pursue, and grasp what is... Theirs. At any cost." Rausgeber icily proclaimed, before briefly extending a hand, "Although the pleasure, Lord Barran," Rausgeber wheezed, as his face twisted and contorted into what looked to almost be a snarl, or an anguished look. It was difficult to gauge with those teeth, oozing with a sickly mix of blood and yellowed pus, "Is mine." Rausgeber proclaimed before turning back to the assembly. He felt that odd craving which still hit once in a while.

With some skill, he reached back, and rummaged briefly through the left thigh pocket of his coat, retrieving a small box. The Admiral Regent placed it on the table. It was an obsidian, wooden affair. Carved with the old First Imperial sigil on the lid. Rausgeber lifted its lid with the hinge, and then revealed to at least Barren and Zacarias character what lay within. There was a brief, sharp glare to Barren as he mentioned his name, before Carlyle's attentions left to the articles in front of him. Cigars. A lighter. And ashtray. All packed neatly, and tautly. With a silver lighter. Carlyle lifted one roll up delicately, and up to his nose. He sniffed it, although it came out as something of a snort. Before placing it between his pale, almost blue lips. He lit up, and took a deep drag from the cigar. While most entered his lungs, a large, wiry plume escaped from the gaping maw of the Admiral Regent's wound. Wafting toward the ceiling as Gandy decided to begin proceedings.

He watched as Saigo went in for the throat, rather bemused by the charge into attack. It was clear, there was some underlying tension as the fate of the Western Reaches was discussed in rather spirited terms. It appeared this Korvan character was quick, or at the very least had prepared his statement sometime in preparation for this. But Carlyle smelled blood. And there was no better time to snipe than now. Rausgeber decided to get in on the action. Taking another drag, Rausgeber waited for Korvan to finish, before beginning, "
What, Grand Moff.... Is the timeline to resolving this.... Crisis?" Rausgeber began eyeing the man. His voice, a husky drawl as he dragged out each syllable.

The longer this issue... Under your watch persists," Each 'S' sounding like this hiss of a reptile, "The more vulnerable other sectors become. The Chiss.. They may be put down... But if allowed to persist... They inspire... Even in death." He put in another drag, "They prove, we are not... Insurmountable." Carlyle glowered, "You have allowed... This issue to ferment, and sit here... Attempting to assure and console us. While we bleed men... Vessels.... Material... Needed at the front!" Carlyle snapped, "You jeapordise the Empire for having let things continue to the point we are convening a meeting about it!" Blood seemed to return briefly to Carlyle's face. And the man continued, "This insurrection should have- should have-!" He was cut short, by a gagging, spluttering, and then coughing. As mucus spewed from the table. Carlyle wheezed, reaching for his respirator, and raising it to his mouth. He took a brief hit from the mask, before placing it down with a dull thud. He was now composed, and filled with icy, and cool contempt.

"Unless Grand Moff... You have some plan of action to present here before us.... I dare say this meeting should be converted into a tribunal for your.... Dismissal from office."

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