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Approved Tech Adherence-Type Marine Armor

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“Don’t you know who my relatives are?”

  • Manufacturer: SularenCo
  • Affiliation: Final Dawn
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Adherence-Type Marine Armour
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Several modular hardpoints are used to hold packs, components, weapons, etc
      • 1 large hardpoint on the spine
      • 2 medium hardpoints on the thighs (1 per thigh)
      • 6 small hardpoints around the belt-line
      • 2 small hardpoints on the forearms (1 per arm)
  • Production: Limited
  • Material:
  • Classification: Elite Marine Armor
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances:
Very High
Very High
Very High
Force Powers:
Cryo Ban:
Very Low

HUD User Interface Features
Modular hardpoints for Additional Equipment
  • 1 large hardpoint on the spine (for jetpack or magnetic heavy weapon retainer)
  • 2 medium hardpoints on the thighs (1 per thigh)
  • 6 small hardpoints around the belt-line
  • 2 small hardpoints on the forearms (1 per arm)
Misc. Electronic Hardware

Hard to hit
The anti-tracking components are configured to make it difficult for enemy aim assistance systems to accurately target the wearers of these suits.

Marksmanship Assist
Many of the components in this armour are intended to give the wearer enhanced accuracy with ranged weapons. Components such as MFTAS, TECMIS, HUD, and the ECM suite (when combined with TECMIS)

Combat Spacesuit
The vacuum sealing, life support, mag-boots, and jetpack hardpoint are all intended to allow the wearer to fight efficiently in the vacuum of space.

Fighting Mystics
The armor offers decent protections against relatively standard force user attacks, via a Phrik armor layer and Force Mask.​

Still Detectable
Despite the fact that these suits are built with anti-tracking hardware installed, they can still be detected by military grade sensory systems. This is because the anti-tracking systems are configured strictly for countering enemy aim assist systems, and not for stealth.

Tight Spaces and Rough Terrain
The vacuum sealing, heavy plating, and high amount of electronic equipment in this armour put it at a massive disadvantage in places where flexible limbs are required.

A sufficient EMP blast or ION bolt will render the target assist and anti-tracking features inoperable.

Forced-Freezing Stress Fractures
While this armor is rated for the cold hard vacuum of space, the extreme thermal stress of forced freezing weapons, such as Cryo Ban Rifles will destroy the structural integrity of the armor plating.
The Final Dawn has always strived for naval dominance. It's warships are a testament to it's powerful doctrines. The soldiers are varied and also enforce their interests in a wide range of environments. This armour is one of many tools which help the Final Dawn soldiers project their strength.

The armour is proficient, offering some fairly standard layers of protection against a wide range of combat damage types. But it goes just a little bit further in adding anti-tracking hardware so that the plating doesn't have to take as many hits. The anti-tracking equipment is not perfect, since a good marksman that prefers to not use target assistance systems would not be affected. But for enemy droids and well-equipped enemy soldiers, they would certainly see a decrease in accuracy when confronted by troops in these suits.

These suits are also ideal for enhancing ranged combat accuracy. As long as the wearer is using weapons that utilize something like a computerized interface scope, this suit will significantly improve their accuracy. Most notably, however, the TECMIS software is designed to created false-positive weapons discharges and projectile trajectories to coral and fool enemies that are equipped with their own sensor systems.

One major drawback of these suits is the fact that their electronic hardware is vulnerable to ION bolts or EMP blasts. The suits do come equipped with a small de-ionizer assembly, but it takes time to properly de-ionize these suits once they've been disabled. In battle, time is death. Even without the electronic gear, the armour plating is still very tough, but the aim assist features are completely disabled. The wearer must then rely strictly on experience, training, and skill to maintain some effective marksmanship.

Additionally, these suits offer great protection in EVA combat. They are, essentially, armoured spacesuits, with generic EVA features that would normally be expected. A jetpack of any kind can be easily installed on the hardpoint on the back, the boots can magnetize for zero "g", and there are many smaller hardpoints on the suit for holding gear so that it doesn't float off into space while fighting. Therefore, there aren't many environments that these suits can't fight in, but limb flexibility is highly limited. Tight spaces and extremely rough terrain prove a challenge for the wearers of this armour.

However, given the higher costs to this armour, it is not commonly used by generic troops, and only specialized, or elite units are typically seen wearing them. But, whenever a soldier unit arrives wearing this gear, their enemies will know; The Final Dawn means business.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Brodan Dobson Brodan Dobson

Nicely made. About the permission. I cannot accept it. I see it is Sully's, but it is not clear this is this sub, or not. Because we cannot see the name of the sub for which you requested permission, you can copy this permission into any of your subs. So please link the permission where your question also visible.
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