Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Admiral and Angel

Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Recover and speak with Isla.
Location: Hospital, Ession
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With:: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Another day at the infirmary at the hospital. Eina was still very weak, so she was not allowed to leave. She couldn't go back to the Nether either, it was Völva's concern about who knew what was happening to her. She needs to get a little stronger before coming home. So the woman was now sitting on her bed and looking out the window at the nearby park. No, it wasn't the Golden Forest nearby, it was far enough away from here, the hospital, this was just a simple park surrounded by the industrial buildings.

She was alone, Gei was dealing with something, or maybe he was just visiting Heinrich, Eina wasn't entirely sure. The Valkyrja tried to meditate while she was alone, but she got tired too soon, so she was a little worried she would have fallen asleep in the middle of the meditation. She had a hard time with her own idleness, after being locked in her own mind for months, she wanted to do things. Train, fly, run, do anything; but she didn't really have any strength yet.

So she rested and read most of the day. Also, some sisters brought her movies because they heard that Eina had never seen a single holofilm or holoseries before. Not very surprisingly, because of Gei, she got mostly romantic movies and series, and of course war movies. Eina soon realized that she may not have should learn from these about human behaviour because they are embarrassing or just exaggerated.

In any case, she also saw some shows that were fun, but it was mostly the war movies that she liked. They were simple and understandable, about camaraderie, courage, loyalty. About virtues that Eina also considered important. She also received flowers that day in the morning, placing them on the table in the room. She was just packing things - mostly Gei's armour's pieces - in the room when Isla arrived to visit her. The Grand Admiral and the Valkyrja have not met since the planet Mirial. Eina stopped when the door opened and she saw the woman.

"Oh, Lady Isla! I'm happy to see you!" she smiled kindly as she packed some pieces of Geiseric's armour away from the table.




Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Isla walked across the park in front of the infirmary, it was a warm day so Isla had decided against wearing her usual heavy overcoat and wore a much lighter and more casual dress to go and see her friend. This was a personal visit and not professional after all. Birds squawked loudly from a nearby tree as she passed. It was interesting how nature just ignored the qars around them. Isla hadn't revisited Ession since they captured the planet, but she looked forward to seeing the Crown or Ashla, the Sister's that had already travelled her all told of its beauty. But first she wanted to check on Eina. She scanned her ID in at the infirmary and walked to where Eina was staying, finding the room and tapping on the door gently.

When Eina opened the door she was so relieved to see her looking at least on the way to being herself again. She couldn't help herself but she gave the Valkyr a big hug. "its so good to see you Eina, I know you don't really do hugs, but we were so worried about you, I was worried about you.". She stepped back from Eina and let her continue her packing, Isla wondered where Gieseric was, it was an unfortunate truth though that the Ashlan life did make close relationships tricky as you could spend months apart at a time.

"How are you feeling?" she asked her kindly, suddenly remembering that she had brought flowers, and a box of confectionary, she knew the Valkyr didn't need to eat, but she might still enjoy them, particualry as Isla was now aware from Ingrid that they could eat, even if she gained no sustenance from it. She handed the sweets to her "Try the brown rod shaped ones, they are a kind of curd covered in chocolate, I hear they are delicious."

Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Recover and speak with Isla.
Location: Hospital, Ession
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With:: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The process of embracing was really strange for Eina; quite exactly when she got it. She was used to being the one who gives, not the one who receives it. It’s true that she didn’t really embrace others either, because she used to keep the distance from others, I mean physical contact was usually from her, just not the hug. But last time she talked to Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust , the Valkyrja had to hug the man to try to comfort him. And Geiseric was another matter, meaning their hug was different anyway. Her embrace or hug was also mostly used to protect others, mostly the injured and cover with her own body, or just to help the injured peers get cover. The embrace used by mortals was still really new to her.

As Isla said she was worried about her, Eina's smile disappeared. Again, guilt overwhelmed the Valkyrja about how worried they were about her and how many could have been in trouble because of her. And the question is how she is. Always, everyone asks that, even though the answer was the same. And she never said she was okay because she hadn’t lied, so her condition generated further anxiety, which only made her worse. She didn't want anyone to worry about her, it was plenty enough for her that Geiseric Geiseric knew exactly how she was, through the dyad.

"You don't need to worry, I'm already here." she said, a little confused. "I am not well, I feel empty and light as if I'm about to disappear from all worlds. The parasite has almost consumed my whole soul, it will take time for the whole thing to heal and regenerate. The doctors do not really understand my physics, but I feel my soul regenerating. They are not let me to travel yet, and Lady Ingrid is unable to come here, even if she might able to help on my condition."

She explained she didn't know how much Isla would understand, since she wasn't a Force User. Not knowing that Heinrich really understood it or not, but Gei felt it, he felt what Eina was feeling. But even the woman couldn’t have imagined this in a different situation, if anyone told her what it was like. The Valkyrja hoped no one ever needed to stand what she had to.

"Thank you!" she said about flowers and sweets. However, the opportunity to taste one just shook her head. "I have never eaten anything in my existence. Maybe I should try something simpler first! Or maybe... I think I'll wait for Gei to come back and ask him to taste it and so I'll know what it tastes like." she said it was clear to her that she is able to experience what her partner did, even if it was incomprehensible to many.

However, Eina took the presents with a smile, put the flowers next to the other, and the sweets on the table. Then she turned back to Isla.

"How are you?" she asked.




Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Isla smiled at the slightly quirky and misunderstanding tone in Eina's voice, she was returning to herself again. "As much as I am proud of who I am, sometimes I do wish I was able to comprehend all that force stuff, parasites, souls regenerating and all that. But if there is anything I can do, I am happy to help. It makes me happy to see you safe." She thought for a moment about the absence of Ingrid, "Its a shame you're mother can't attend, I can't image why it would be, but if it is some diplomatic thing, just say the words and I will make sure any barriers are removed." She was fairly certain that Ingrid could get here regardless of politics, but it was a good idea to make sure she knew protocol wouldn't be a reason to stay away.

"Myself, I am doing OK actually, peace seems to have wriggled its way into my life for a little bit, I will likely only last until after lifeday, but it is good to have a break, even if politics still rears its head, absent Admirals showing up to wave their junk about in from of your mother at the worst possible times." she laughed at her own joke then it dawned on her to be careful how she worded things when Eina tool things so literally. "don't worry about that last part, just a little personal joke; Oh!" She suddenly remembered, "when you get better you need to come to Lur, just built a castle there and it is beautiful, it's a shame you couldn't come and stay there whilst you recuperate before you return to the nether?" she said the last part with a slight hope that Eina might answer in the affirmative and come to stay for a while.

"Have you heard from Lord Geiseric?"

Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Recover and speak with Isla.
Location: Hospital, Ession
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With:: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"Oh, I'm sorry! It had nothing to do with the Force… that species, the Touched, uses a parasite to take the place of other people. To replace them. With a ritual they were able to put one into my energy body as well. These parasites devour the memories, personality, and soul of the host. They absorb everything. At the end of the process they will have all the personalities and memories of the host, they will be able to play them, replace them… And yes, the original host did not survive this, the parasite will use their body in the future as their own." she explained. "Since my soul is my body in the physical form as well, just in physical form like for all the Valkyrja. So for me, it is not my body that needs to be healed, but the missing part of my soul."

She didn’t even think that explaining it might be of even greater concern, as this type of injury was very uncommon. In fact, not even the members of the Völva had seen much such kind of injury before what had happened to Eina, and they were worried too. They feared her condition could get worse at any time. She shook her head at the next as Isla mentioned diplomacy.

"The Nexus is the reason. Gei and I almost killed her by accident when Nexus was created… earlier one of the Sith trapped her, even before I was born. What happened then changed her. The proximity of Light side Force users also causes her pain. And a Nexus can kill her… so she's already torturing herself by staying around the planet just because she's worried about me. But thank you for the offer, I think on her behalf as well." she said sadly.

She was glad that Isla had some quieter and calmer days now, too, and she thought it might have all been since Ession had belonged to the Ashlan Crusade. Even Eina knew how much they wanted to get this planet back. The Valkyrja looked at Isla in surprise and incomprehension in the last part. She really wanted to literally interpret what she was saying, and then that’s why she didn’t understand anything about it. In the end she tried to imagine the situation, but it became even more meaningless.

"Wave their junk about in from of my mother?" she asked incomprehensibly.

Lur? The name of the planet was not familiar to the girl, though she was not surprised. There were quite a few planets in the galaxy and she didn’t know the majority. She knew the Nether, not the Realspace. Unfortunately. But she found the invitation kind and cute. However, she did not know when she could leave Ession. Not even herself was able to judge the speed of her own recovery.

"Thanks for the invitation, if I’m already allowed to leave from here, by all means, I'll visit your planet. But the Nexus here helps me heal, so I have to stay here for now." she explained.

As she finally asked Geiseric, Eina blushed and involuntarily glanced at the two single beds in the room, which were now pushed together, leaving little doubt as to why. Gei spent the night here, and did not leave her side.

"He has to deal with affairs, but before that he visits Lord Heinrich. But he'll be back in the afternoon at the latest. But if you want to talk to him sooner, I can ask him to come back." she offered.


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Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

"That description kind of makes sense to me, don't ask me to begin to understand the mechanics behind it, but it sounds awful. I want you to make a full recovery, if there is anything I can do to help, you have only to ask me."

She was pleased to hear that Geiseric had been able to spend time with her, she wished that Eina had told her who the man was when she was suffering on Mirial, but she supposed she had her reasons for keeping it private. Eyeing up the clearly shared bed Isla had a cheeky grin on her face "Good news on that front then, need to find myself one of those at some point, but I think after seeing what you went through I can stop complaining about being single for a while. Apparently their are worse fates, who knew?"

It was a shame that the Nexus wasn't closer, the gardens here were pretty but the nexus was supposed to be a place of astounding beauty. "I hope to see this Nexus you created, the Sister's have already started treating it as a sacred pilgrimage and there a large amount of them that wish it to be recognised as a miracle. Now I know you likely have a complicated explanation as to how it was created by entirely non-miraculous means, but I think you have created something truly special." Isla took off her glasses thoughtfully and wiped them as she spoke "They have no idea you know, the Sister's I mean, they don't know about you transformation or any of that stuff. And I don't want them too. You are pure, and you got sick, but you stayed and remain pure as far as I am concerned. I think they would take it too hard to have to comprehend their mascot going through all that, maybe they would be fine, but they didn't grow up learning how to process difficult truths like we did." She realised she was rambling a little now. She looked out at the glorious sunshine. "would you like to take a walk?"

Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Recover and speak with Isla.
Location: Hospital, Ession
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With:: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"Yes, it was. To constantly relive the way Gei leaves, the way he leaves… or when I have been abandoned on that planet so that they can live. I was alone and I was scared." a few tears rolled down her face. "I mean, I would never want them to get in trouble for me, or anyone get hurt because of me. But there, for nearly two weeks, they tried to break my mind and soul. Bogan was too strong and I believed what they were showing me. That they abandoned me when Gei promised me minutes earlier that he would never do it again. I… gave up the fight and the parasite, then Bogan won. I feel terrible about it because I was selfish, I was desperate…"

She said bitterly, with a huge amount of guilt. Since it was no longer a secret that she and Gei were together and forming a couple, she also uttered his name. She didn't have to protect him here anymore. Eina didn't even mention that she was so weak that she wanted to die several times. The Valkyrja could no longer bear the pain caused by Gei leaving her again and again. It felt like her soul had been torn apart. Another issue is that it really happened. At the end, she looked at her questioningly. She knew that her mother had suffered a lot because of Eina's father's death, she too…

"If it’s always so painful and full of suffering… why does everyone want to be with someone?" she asked.

From her own and her mother’s experience, and now from Isla’s words, she thought it might be commonplace and customary for everyone to have to suffer so much before being with someone she loves. Of course, the best feeling in the world was to be near Gei and therefore she was ready to endure any pain again. Well, yes, she was terribly inexperienced in this area. As Isla mentioned the Nexus, Eina blushed deeply, her whole face red. She clasped her hands in front of her chest as if to pray as she looked up.

She thought back to what happened at that minute…

In that moment he held Eina even tighter. "I will never let this happen again so long as Ashla's light is upon me, my love. I swear to you on the graves of all those I have lost before."

"And I swear I’ll be by your side all the time, I'll support and help you with everything for as long as you need me or want this. I will help you fight Bogan, I will help save your world and everyone from the Sith rule, and I promise I won't be your burden again… my beloved crusader… no, my beloved Gei!" she said softly.

At the same time as her words, she stroked the man's cheek kindly and gently, then for the first time she leaned over to the man and kissed him softly. As she kissed, she held the man's uninjured hand, weaved their fingers together just above the rosary so that the rosary rested in the palms of the two of them at once. During the kiss, the rosary shone again…

"We just made a vow to each other and kissed each other, at the first time in the reality, not just through our bond, not in our minds or dreams, but for real…" she told Isla in great embarrassment. "There were two of us, not just me… both of us… although in the Force there is no such thing as Gei or me… there are only us, there, in the Force we are one." she said softly, so caringly, in love that Isla had never heard from her before.

She knew it was their common desire and what they felt for each other that brought the Nexus to life, but she never thought it would happen. They did it together, as they were one in the Force, able to share each other’s strength and strengthen the other. No one could ever take that away from them. She was surprised when Isla said the Sisters didn’t know what had happened. True, perhaps Gei was the only one who knew she never was that creature. However even Gei thought this before Zygerria.

"I… I did not fall over to the Dark Side. They just locked me in my mind and controlled my body. But it wasn't me. Nevertheless, I understood, betrayed them, let them down with my weakness, just like everyone else. I don’t deserve the love I get from them or from any of you." she answered and more tears streamed down her face and she had to sit down for a while until the crying stopped.

She finally looked up at the question and answered hesitantly.

"I think yes …" she replied.



Isla tried to hug her friend to console her as she cried. "we all know it wasn't you, and we know you were not betraying us, why do you think we went to such lengths to bring you back? Because you were still one of us and I have no doubt you would go to similar lengths to rescue any of us should we needed. You are absolutely deserving of the love from the Sisters and from us, there is nothing to be ashamed of for what happened to you. if someone shot me in the stomach and I was bleeding out? Would you expecting me to be ashamed or withholding your friendship? I know it isn't the same situation, but it also is."

She listened to what Eina said about relationships, it was true that they could be painful, Isla had only had one proper boyfriend who had hurt her, but it was a while ago and it wasn't something she still dwelled on.

"If it’s always so painful and full of suffering… why does everyone want to be with someone?" she asked.
"What you experienced is a special case, if it weren't for the intervention of that parasite, you and Gei could have dealt with your initial issues more easily, probably. They aren't always that painful and and usually don't always involve suffering. I'm not going to lie, they can do, they can really hurt, but I think Ashla allows the intense pain in because without that there would be nothing to balance the intense pleasure that love can also bring. She just isn't always equitable with how she portions it out." She laughed slightly, wondering how many long happy marriages Eina just bought for people with what she went through.

"We should walk, I feel like metaphysical conversations about the will of Ashla are more thing for Lord Demici, I am just thankful that she allowed you to come back to us."

The two women could walk out and enjoy the local park, Isla dropped a few hints about visiting the golden forest with Eina, but she was reluctant to put pressure on her, she knew the woman was still vulnerable, and might not be up for being surrounded by the Sister's of Ashla, several of whom had had to be ordered away from the hospital after setting up a vigil outside.

"So once you are healed? Do you have any plans for where you might stay, will you and Geiseric live together? Maybe marriage or children together in the future?" she had no idea if that was even possible, but she was aware that Ingrid had children so felt it was a reasonable expectation that Eina might. She laughed again "by the way, that is another mortal thing, everyone will ask you that until it happens and you need to meet their next expectation. I am currently at the 'when are you going to get a boyfriend' stage."

Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Recover and speak with Isla.
Location: Hospital, Ession
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With:: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

While crying, Eina didn't lean away when Isla hugged her. Despite her words, it was no easier to accept that. It wasn’t easy to accept that Bogan was stronger and it was able to deceive her. After all, this was the hardest for her to accept. That she let everyone down betrayed them, she was unable to do what she exists for. To protect others. And these spiritual wounds healed much more slowly than anything else. She nodded at Isla's words; yes, she would have to do this for anyone too. She did the same when she was looking for Gei, even before they fell in love with each other.

"How is a stomach shot related to this?" she asked in confusion, then shook her head. "No, I don't want to. But I don’t think it’s my duty to decide if you or the sisters look at me as a friend."

She listened intently to Isla as she said. In the meantime, a thought or two came to her mind, or something she still didn't understand.

"I don’t think he would have come back if it hadn’t happened. He did everything he could to exclude, forget, and avoid me, because I think he thought he needed to choose between Ashla and me. I never wanted him to choose between Ashla or me. I know she is the most important to him, and I accept it. I … I didn't even know this feeling was love. I would have been accepting happily if our relationship remained as it was before the ball. That I can see him, talk to each other, train and fight together. The concept of love or lust was also unknown to me. I never felt that way, I didn’t even know I was capable. If he doesn’t show it, teach it, I wouldn’t even know it today either." she explained. "Do you think this was Ashla’s test for Gei to learn that he can deal with himself and be able to serve the goddess even if he lets others close to himself at the same time?" she asked.

ShHe thought it was conceivable that she shouldn't have asked Isla about it, but now there was no one else nearby. Eina finally nodded for the walk, following Isla as they set off. And yes, the woman also confirmed that this should be discussed more with Lord Demici. She looked at the woman in confusion at the following questions. Too many questions arrived suddenly and she blushed for some of them.

"Gei wants to come to the Netherworld with me. He likes the opportunity to be with me for months, while only days pass here at Realspace. So here we can help you too and I can recover at home." she smiled in confusion.

After that, she fell silent and sad, Isla reminded her that she was not mortal and she did not belong here.

"We haven't talked about these… All our conversations and encounters since Zygerria have been such that they may be the last. I asked him if he is not able to save me, then he needs to kill me. Kill the parasite with me." tears began to pinch her eyes again. "I don't know if I can have a child. I mean, I consider all Valkyrja to be my child, but we’re all neuter. This is true to my original body as well. Although my shape-shifting is more perfect than the other Valkyrja and I have always had a female identity. But... I don't know if I'm capable of that…"

Maybe it would be best to let go of Gei already? After all, chances are she will never be able to give him a family, and mortals always want that. Should she really accept that she is not mortal and has nothing to earn in the world of the living? The two of them can never be really happy because they came from two different worlds?



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