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Approved Tech AI-800 "Auriel" Combined Energy Bow

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  • Classification: Combined Kinetic and Energy Bow
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light
  • Ammunition Type:
    • Sianteria-enhanced Plasma (Energy Bolts)
    • Nanite Constructed Arrow (Physical Projectile)
  • Ammunition Capacity:
    • Average, the power pack can generate the plasma string at all times and 48 Energy Bolts before it needs to be replaced (Energy Bolts)
    • Average, at full capacity the quiver can generate 36 Arrows before the internal molecular furnance needs to be fed to create more nanites (Physical Projectile)
  • Effective Range:
    • Average (Energy Bolts)
    • Average (Physical Projectile)
  • Rate of Fire:
    • Average (Energy Bolts)
    • Low (Physical Projectile)
  • Damage Output:
    • High (Energy Bolts)
    • Very High (Physical Projectile)
  • Recoil:
    • Average (Energy Bolts
    • Average (Physical Projectile)
  • Continuing the general design philosophy of Aurora Industries' weapons, the Auriel Combined Energy Bow has versatility when it comes to projectiles:
    • Energy Bolt
      • The standard energy bolt released by the Auriel, utilizing the extra energy from the Sianteria in the power packs, have increased damage output.
      • The user of the Auriel can also overclock the power pack to generate a slightly unstable energy arrow that, when it impacts against a target, explodes in a small plasma eruption (this does reduce the amount of energy bolts the power pack can generate by 4).
    • Physical Projectile
      • A nanite fabricated arrow that has the same toughness and durability as alusteel. The user can dictate the length, thickness, and fletching fins, and the various arrowheads that can be attached:
        • Standard Arrowhead - A monomolecular edged tip allows it to pierce through many types of armor (not beskar or phrik).
        • Flechette Arrowhead - When this arrowhead nears a target, it will splinter into a swarm of four to eight smaller projectiles depending on the length and thickness of the original arrow.
        • Explosive Arrowhead - When this arrowhead is fabricated, the molecular furnace creates a small amount of detonite within the the arrowhead, and when it impacts on a target, the kinetic force is transferred to it and it explodes in a 2 meter circumference.
        • Acid Arrowhead - When this arrowhead is fabricated, the molecular furnace creates a small amount of corrosive acid within the arrowhead, and when it impacts on a target, it releases the payload of acid to start dissolving or damage anything coated in the acid.
        • Ion Arrowhead - At its base, this arrowhead is the same as the Standard Arrowhead, but as the bow is drawn, energy is channeled into the arrowhead to ionize it. This arrowhead is very effective against droids and cyborgs.
  • The quiver issued with each bow fielded or purchased utilizes Aurora Industries' miniaturized molecular furnace to fabricate the nanites needed to create the various arrows and arrowheads the user can fire. To fabricate arrows, the user only needs to place a chunk of material and the furnace will break it down and reconstruct it into the base nanites. By using either a connected HUD or a control pad located on the standard issue bow glove, the user can cycle through and create the desired arrow(s) and arrowhead(s). At any Aurora Industries kiosk or facility, or if the user is skilled in technical modifications and the buyer can personalize and even create new arrowheads for their own personal use.
  • In case the power packs and nanites run out, in the heat of combat, the bow itself can be used as a melee weapon as the edges of the bow have a trimantium and mullinine edge.
  • Like all Aurora Industries' weapons, the Auriel Combined Energy Bow has a great deal of versatility for its wielder, allowing them to deal with multiple situations on the battlefield with a high degree of stopping power in various formats.
  • The quiver of the bow, using a molecular furnace, can generate nanites that create the various physical arrows and arrowheads. The quiver is connected to the bow glove's control pad for ease of fabrication, but can also be connected to a user's helmet HUD or even ocular cybernetics.
  • The Auriel can be used as a melee weapon if needed due to its trimantium and mullinine edge.
  • Due to it being a bow weapon, the Auriel does have a low rate of fire due to the time it takes to nock and fire, especially when compared to a standard firearm. A trained archer might be able to overcome this after a great deal of practice with the bow, but standard infantry will not be able to.
  • If the quiver runs out of nanites, it cannot generate the physical projectiles until the wielder places materials into it and the quiver is given time to breakdown and reassemble the material into more nanites, a process that can take between a couple of seconds to several minutes depending on how many arrows have been used previously.
  • While Sianteria plasma is stable, if the power pack is overloaded or shot, it will still explode and likely greatly injure the target due to the plasma discharge.

While the weapon design team of Aurora Industries was busy preparing the next generation of their handheld weaponry, they received a request from individuals within the CEO's power base to develop something a little more unique, especially compared to what the team had designed before. While the request had been for a new type of energy bow, the team assigned to creating the new weapon decided that was just too simple for them.

The AI-800 "Auriel" Combined Energy Bow is the result of that decision mixed with the design philosophy of the company in marrying vast versatility with increased damage output. Using ferroceramic and fiberplast for the main body of the bow to keep it light, the team edged the weapon in trimantium and mullinine to allow it some melee potential. A Sianarc Power Pack was added to generate the plasma filament that acts as the string and a second one was included to exclusively generate the energy bolts the wielder can unleash. Because of the Sianteria used, the energy bolts released by the Auriel pack more of a punch and the user can even overclock the power pack to create an energy bolt that explodes on impact.

The design team then moved onto the second part of the Auriel, a quiver that could hold and fabricate physical arrows and arrowheads. Utilizing the same technology used in Aurora Industries' engines, the team used a miniaturized molecular furnace to breakdown material that gets loaded into the lower portion of the quiver and then reassemble the matter into a pool of nanites or other materials as needed for the arrowheads. The specially designed nanites, at direction from a control pad located on the bow glove that comes with every purchase or through a connected helmet HUD or ocular cybernetic, can then create a shaft and arrowhead as the user dictates. A few options are preloaded into the fabricator, but additional types can be requested for personal orders at Aurora Industries facilities.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

I love bows! This is a very cool and creative submission! I have one question:
  • "Size: Average, Small"; which one? Because with the small rating your submission is overpowered. Please specify this.
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