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Approved Starship Altorius Vicar-class Cargo Frigate

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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

  • Intent: Make a variant for personal rp usage, mainly to be used as the temporary head of a future fleet sub.
  • Image Source: Click - FractalSponge
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: Here is the permission. Modification of this nice ship.
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Container Transport
  • Length: 462.8m
  • Width: 214m
  • Height: 120m
  • Armament: Average
    [6] Quad Turbolaser Cannons
[*]Defenses: Average
  • Armor
    Deflector Shields
  • Reinforced Hull
[*]Defensive Weaponry
  • Point-defense Cannons
[*]Electronic Defenses
  • Cap Drain
  • De-Ionizer
  • Socketguard
[*]Hangar Space: Average

[*]Hangar Allocations:
  • 1 Starfighter Squadron
  • 1 Support-Craft Squadron
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Average
[*]Speed Rating: Average
[*]Hyperdrive Class: 3.0

  • N/A
  • Armed Transport: Larger than most cargo haulers, the Vicar-class is outfitted with six quad turbolaser cannons capable of defending the ship from equal or smaller size as well as pesky starfighters. Additional point-defense turrets contributes to a tighter defense grid.
  • Floating Barracks: Although the families and civilians of the cult are now gone, the residential improvements made to the ship over the years have now been repurposed into fairly comfortable barracks and living quarters, not to mention an armory or two. This allows for a military force, although a rather small one, to be kept aboard the ship and deployed when needed.
  • Makeshift Hangar: A result of extra cargo space in the ship, a very makeshift hangar extension has been made to allow for ships larger than Starfighters to land in.
  • Limited Stern Weaponry: The Vicar shares the same weakness as its larger Imperial contemporaries, that being minimal defensive weaponry towards the rear of the ship. While each quad turbolaser cannon can spin 360°, the engines often obscure enemy ships directly behind the Vicar.
  • Poorly Optimized For Combat Endurance: Though possessing adequate weaponry and shielding for short bursts of engagements, the Vicar is not even closely optimized for long, drawn-out affairs. Enough persistence on behalf of marauders can wear down the Vicar's systems.
  • Missing Features: Unlike many other active Vicar Frigates, the Altorius was in the process of being decommissioned before it was "acquired" by the cult and as such, it is missing all Anti-Missile defenses and a number of other more miscellaneous systems.

The Vicar frigate line had served the Sith Empire well, as most ships of the Sith had. However, by the time of the latter days of the Empire many ships were being decommissioned or downright mothballed in order to provide more materials for more important fleets as well as take some strain off of the stretched naval logistics. Various parts and systems would be taken as needed from ships that were still intended to return to service at a later date, as such many of the decommissioned ships still in the process of being decommissioned and disassembled were usually relatively intact and usable.

The Altorius, previous designation unknown, was one such semi-decommissioned ship.

As the inevitable fate of the Sith Empire slowly became more and more evident, many groups and figures within began to start securing their own future. Darth Strosius Darth Strosius and his cult were some of the last to begin planning for a life without the safety of the Empire, but they were quick to the draw. As the fleets pulled back with each system lost, more and more smaller and less militarized ships were brought to safer worlds for decommissioning. Not even the capital world of Dromund Kaas was safe from having to hold some of these ships. Whilst the multiple wars of the Empire were starting to see and end, the cult struck on one of these hangars full of decommissioned vessels.

Using what few connections they had to the people and soldiers of the planet, as well as some convincing and honest offers of assistance with the instability of the Empire, they were able to requisition and secure the ship that would soon be dubbed the Altorius with not too much trouble or cost. The cargo frigate would be their method of escape from the planet and would serve as their home until Alisteri could find a new place for them to settle and live. This ship, unwanted and destined to be made into spare parts, would be their salvation and their sanctuary. Their Altorius.

After making their Dark Exodus aboard the Altorius the cult began their long pilgrimage across the stars, the frigate serving as their only real asset for a long time. Whether carefully disabling a pirate ship or station, ferrying their High Priest to whatever planet he desired, or simply housing the families of the cult, the ship would serve them well. Finally though, after some years the long pilgrimage would end and the Altorius would no longer be burdened by being the cult's home.

With the cult now established on Formos in their Dresuoti, the frigate underwent some slight modifications and was soon retooled to fit a full military purpose once more. Although still lacking in systems, most all the residential areas were modified and revamped to become a barracks of sorts, allowing for the ship to become a sort of troop carrier rather than a simple cargo ship.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

Hello! I'll be your judge today!
  • First, you need to link Carni's permission to the permissions. Please make a screenshot about this, and link this picture to the proper place.
  • The TSE's link is broken, please fix it.
  • You forget to add the "Market-status" to your template, please fix this too.
  • There is no ratings "Moderate", please add the proper ratings to your template.
  • Hangar is "Hangar space", and you forget to add the "Hangar Allocations" to your template. Please fix these too.
  • The SI-Suzerain System Suite and SI-Vestige Communications Suite links are boken, please fix them.
That's all, please let me know if you edited these. And you can find the actual template here.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

I believe I have gotten everything in order! I also looked over the template you provided and added or moved one or two things that were missing from the submission as well, my only guess is that the template must have changed since the original ship was first submitted by Carnifex. I apologize for the inconvenience and please let me know if there is anything else in need of fixing.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

Thank you, almost everything is fine! Only three things remained.
  • Permission, I need to see what was what you asked permission for, so please include your ask/question to the picture.
  • The TSE's link under the Manufacturer still broken.
  • And your ratings now a bit underpowered (-2), you can keep this ratings, or you can change them.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

I think I've fixed the permission and changed ratings to be low, however I can't seem to find the Manufacturer's page anywhere. No other links that I've found have worked and the searches haven't turned up anything either. Would it be best for me to try and find another ship?
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

  • The Manufacturer was the TSE (the faction), so you have to link the TSE's current link to there, just like you did at the Affiliation.
  • Underpowered, not overpowered. So you now have -4 points. I.e. you can spend more 4 points to reach the balance.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

Ah, I see, you never made any Factory sub before. So a quick guide, yes here, we use point system:
Production Scale
Mass Production0
Minor Production-1
Limited Production-2
Semi-Unique Production-3
Unique Production-4

And the ratings:
None or Base (hangar)-3
Very Low-2
Very High2

So these together give the ratings of the sub. Production and ratings must be 0 together for balance.
  • In your case, this is what it looks like:
    • Production: Minor: -1
      Armament: Low: -1
      Defenses: Low: -1
      Hangar Space: Low: -1
      Maneuverability Rating: Average: 0
      Speed Rating: Average: 0
  • 4*(-1) + 2*0 = -4
  • All you have to do is increase your value because you can spend 4 points.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

Yes, it can be underpowered without a problem. Now one more thing before I accept it, the hyperdrive. It’s independent from the ratings, so you give it that number what you want:
  • Hyperdrive: (Does this ship have a hyperdrive? If this ship has a hyperdrive how fast is it? The lower the number, the faster the ship is, you may choose decimals. Any speed below 1.0 requires the hyperdrive to be added to the ship’s strengths and accordingly balanced with weaknesses. Links: Hyperdrive, Hyperdrive Comparisons)
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

This is your ship, not the original onee. You write what you want, really, its only depends on, how fast the ship you want. You can delete the "average" word as well, if you want, it is not too customary to give them such a value, the number is more than enough.
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