Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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After wars and conflicts, everyone needs rest and relaxation. Even to soldiers, nobles, possible crusaders. A tropical planet where everyone can go party and relax. Huge oceans, sandy beaches, big waves, cocktail bars! Everything you need for people to relax and have fun.

Numerous entertainment opportunities await visitors: swimming, slides, water sports, beach sports, surfing, swimming with dolphin-like creatures. Outside from the water on the beach volleyball, football / soccer, other beach games. Countless bars and cold cocktails await those who wish to chill. The visitors can also fight each other with water guns and water bombs in the jungle close to the shore.

On the beach, even barbecue is free. The only thing forbidden is to bring a weapon to the planet. The most dangerous weapons are the water rifle and water bomb filled with holy water. This day is not about fighting and war, but about rest and fun.



Objective 1: Beach Party
Bring your own objective, whatever you want. The point is to have fun. Feel free to figure out what each venue/area looks like, you have completely free hands this time.


Links: The Empty Hex

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Beach
Objective I.: Have fun, and try to seduce get Zachariel.
Equipment: Bikini || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Open
[ Summernight City ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

Another vacation. This time she had already obtained adequate sunscreen, which made the sunlight only less painful. She was still wearing only a bikini, sitting in the comfort and shadows of one of the palm trees in a comfortable chair and watching the beach and ocean from there. Other times, her shape in a uniform is less advantageous, but in the bikini her airy/ethereal physique was especially striking.* She was lean, but also muscular, just enough, which isn't striking yet, but it still looks.

The red-haired woman had snow-white skin, there is no sign of Dark Side corruption on her skin, after all, she was only a neutral Force User, just as much as is natural for a person living on an ice/tundra planet. What was perhaps striking was that there were no moles on her body, her skin was perfect. And so it even seemed at least fifteen years younger than her real age. She looked like she was only in her early twenties. Especially with her long natural red hair reaching under the hips and her hair this time isn’t in a bun. This also highlighted her sky blue eyes even more.

Most of these were not even due to shape-shifting, the lack of moles and the youthful appearance were all due to her genes. The lack of scars were the work of the plastic surgeons in the past because, as an agent whose main area of expertise was seduction, scars were not acceptable.

At times she walked or just went down to bathe in the water, that’s when it looked on her, her movements were like a big cat or predator, so now she could see even more than in armour how unique her movement culture was, both military and non-military. Something very exotic, just one thing is sure, she was ready to fight at every moment and death was in her every movement. Fast, graceful, elegant and deadly. Her heritages from the Shadow and Frost Company.

For now, she was busy with this and reading, waiting for Tubrok Ragal Tubrok Ragal to arrive sometime, though at the time she didn't know that anyone else will find her and not her husband

*Her ethereal physique means she is 184,5 cm tall (6'1) and 65kg (143lb).



Location: in the waves at the beach
Objective: surf, chat, and maybe meet a like minded companion
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Isla smiled to herself as she sat in her board enjoying the sunshine. She wore her red and white one piece and she looked great, the moment her parents had spent on her genome made it easy for her to keep a great figure, and martial arts had toned it further. She proudly wore the faint marking on her arms that came with being a designer child. She had light skin that tanned to a very light gold with very little sunshine, her improved melalin more efficient at protecting her from the sunshine. Isla was 5'8" and absolutely rocking her suit. Chosen because it looked good, and wouldn't end up floating out to sea when she caught her first wave.

The invite from Ingrid had come at the perfect time, she hadn't had much chance to speak with the Empress personally, but she looked every bit the beauty that the rumours made out. She needed this, the last months with the crusade had been monstrous and had sapped her reserves.

Looking around at the other people at the party it was a mixed bunch, all senior leaders if different types, all sworn to remain at truce for this part under pain of, whatever pain Ingrid could think up she guessed.

The skin on her legs tingled as she felt the familiar pull of the water from behind as the wave began to invisibly gain mass, she lay on her board and began paddling just as the wave hit her and it took her. She smiled across the stunning blue wall of water, her board cutting smoothly across, and the wind whipping at her blonde hair.... bliss.

As the wave began to pipe she crouched and gained speed, wholly enclosed in the tube of water she felt momentarily serene, as if time stopped just for her, a lone butterfly had caught itself in the draft of the pip and it clung to her arm for dear life, terrified to allow its gossamer wings get wet.

Isla exited the pipe and slowed, her heart was pounding, but it was the pounding of exhilaration, she stretched out her arm and her passenger took to the skies, she was sure it pumped the air for a good ride as it ascended into the heavens.​
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O B J E C T I V E I: Beach Party
Sitting on the sand this time felt...odd. Before, she had her master to stand beside her. Now? She was by herself in a similar situation now, just without Nyxie there to encourage her. Again, she had wrapped herself in a white robe, concealing the embarrassing clothing she had worn for her 'duty'. She disliked these 'bikinis' that everyone seemed so found of. They lacked everything that Lilanna thought essential to defense. Not to mention she had let her hair grow another two iches longer than normal; a fact she still hadn't unearthed her feelings about. There was no armor, no intimidation value, and absolutely no concealing anything. She knew why that was of course, the very function of the garment was to call attention to the wearer, but what if the wearer didn't want to have attention brought to them?​
No one had ever given Lilanna a good answer to that question. One thing that did help however, was the rather potent drink she had in hand, and the white shawl she had draped across her form. The red fabric covered her essentials, and that much would have to be enough, as she was still under orders to 'relax' and 'enjoy herself'. Something that was far easier said than done. Crossing her legs, Lilanna's eyes remained on the empress, then swept about to try and identify a possible threat; something she was glad to see was in no risk of developing at current; least, not that Lilanna could tell. She took another long sip of her drink, and felt a tinge of lightheadedness strike her, giving the warden pause.​
She inspected the drink once more, and found she hadn't even gotten through a quarter of the glass, which only added to her confusion. Maybe the heat was getting to her. Her gaze set to the surfer in the distance, seemingly striking out against the waves. It made her wonder if she could handle going into the water like that. Her digits traced the cybernetic connected to the stump that had been her leg.​
Probably best if she didn't try and find out today. One crisis at a time.​

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Location: Beach
Objective: Have fun.
Stuff: Parasol, Bee Patterned Picnic Blanket, Troublesome Deck Chair, Food, Inflatable Duck Feline Companions
Weaponry: None
Tags: Open

Tovald had found the Planet well enough, how could he not? The invite also stipulated no weaponry, which was fine by him, why attract unwelcomed attention to himself? So, he had found a parasol in Cyclone's cargo hold, and it is surprisingly good condition. After finding other Beach related items he headed to the shore. This time his many pets joined him as it wasn't dangerous, lethal or in any form hazardous, it was but only mildly so.

The sand was immaculate and rolled into dunes of various sizes and lengths. It looked like waves but drier and coarser than actual water. No matter, sand isn’t all bad unless your feet are wet, and it sticks stubbornly to your toes. Tovald never experienced it himself, but he has listened to an old Zeltron friend whine about it for 5 hours.

Once the parasol was up and giving decent shade, the Ubese set about sorting out the deck chair, the thing was stubborn and kept snapping closed nearly trapping his fingers and looking like a sculpture on each attempt at construction. Calm, he has to stay calm and not stomp or kick it in frustration. Finally, it opened properly and without any more shenanigans from it. Now he can sit and just enjoy the fact that there is no danger, no lava and no danger of being menaced or having to be on high alert, well he did have to shoo a crab away as it did scuttle too close, it could get stepped on or eaten.

This is certainly a trip well made.
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Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps

Omen walked with full armor on his companion Skotah into what looked like an abandoned warehouse with guards and mercs out front. The Terentatek carrying ten metal kegs of his Tihaar with ropes in a chain from the beast's spines and another three in its arms. As they stepped into the warehouse a Rodian and two Huk enforcers came out of the shadows, one of the Huks carried a suitcase that must have the payment. The Clone motioned for his beast to set the kegs in its arms down, he started untieing the different kegs from his back and put them upfront of the trio, saying in huttense. <"Like I said, anytime, anywhere."> The Rodian gave a small chuckle as the Huk checked the various kegs for proof of product. <"I will admit, you did pull up your end of the deal."> When one of the Huk's nodded that all of the Kegs were full and with the desired product and the other with the case handed it to the Rodian who then handed it to Omen. The Clone quickly opened it and counted the stacks of EE credits inside and grinned inside his helmet when he found the full amount is there. He then extended his hand and let the Rodian shake it. <"Now you know who to call when you need Liquor. Till next time"> The doors open, indicating their business was done and both He and Skotah walked back out of the warehouse, his right hand never leaving his holster throughout the whole interaction. Once they got and were back out at the landing pad with the Rebirth on it, he changed out his armor and into a t-shirt with "Where is my Covie at?!" with the shorts with different styles of Mando helmets in rows on them and flipflops with a straw hat to tie the whole look together. He quickly patted his companion's head as he gnawed at a bantha bones, whispering that he would be back soon before going to the beach to see if he could pick up more business.

It was there that he found the cyborg bodyguard stewing in her thoughts. She probably wasn't a talker but someone with that amount of tech keeping them alive was bound to be important. He slowly approached her seat in the sand and offered a wave hello. "Is this seat taken? And before you say no, I don't find you disgusting. I even a little bit like you... Unwhole...." He plucked his fake eye out and started to juggle it to demonstrate his point before putting it back in and giving the cyborg a small smile, hoping to be accepted into the fold.
Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor
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Location: Beach
Tags: Open
Wearing: Flip flops, knee length swim shorts, button down short sleeve, headphones
Listening to: This
Activity: Cooking

Asmus was quite happy sitting beneath the umbrella that was stationed over the grill. The steam and slight bit of smoke curling beneath the fabric as he quietly mumbled words and danced back and forth while flipping burgers, kebabs, a few other things. He'd not asked who would be cooking, instead requisitioning a supply craft and having the grill delivered while nodding appreciatively as he held tongs in one hand and kept an eye on the waves.

He'd had company earlier, a human looking woman with shimmering platinum hair that had left to hang out with her friends. The mirialan had waved her off, a confident smile growing in it's place as he had watched the woman leave, pausing to glance back before scurrying off.

Now he let himself ponder on nothing else, arms pumping in the air as he shook his hips in time with the beat that no one else could hear. In his own little world on the beach. Anyone that came up would get the same treatment from him. Eyebrows raised as the tongs pointed to what they wanted before a plate and napkin were given. Drinks were on them, but he at least brought something for everyone to eat.


Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana


It was as unceremonious of a greeting as someone could give, but Kahlil gave it anyway. The tall figure entered the shade beside Ingrid as he loosely began to tie up his hair in some semblance of a manbun. Beach day. When was the last time he'd gone to a beach? It'd been.. About a decade, at least. One thing didn't change, though. His choice of swim attire.

Unlike others who probably took it as a chance to show off some skin he was the opposite. He still had swim trunks, sure. But he kept on a loose fitting shirt. He had things he didn't exactly want to show others after all. The 6'8" figure would plop down in the sand behind the Empress, yawning loudly.

"This is.. Nice, I think. Good place to relax with new.. Allies? Is that what the Crusade is now?"

Water vapor slipped across the breeze as the short hairs at the nape of her neck tickled her shoulders. An almost irritating feeling as she stared across the beach and grasped the edge of her hat to block out the bright sunlight. It was bad enough that she could only spend a little bit of time out in the sun as it were. And the measure of each planet's sun was usually just enough to throw off her scheduled idea of when to reapply sunscreen. Even with the latest information regarding the astral bodies in a system, she had always found a simpler solution existed.

Which was why she had an assistant dragging a chair over while she carried an umbrella. Clearly though, as she invaded the quiet space of Ingrid and Khalil, she was not of the Eternal Empire. Brown eyes beneath the red bangs stared at the tall being for a short moment as the smile reached her eyes.

"A vacation would be pleasant for all. And allow for a less formal setting of discussion. At least I believe that is the intent." The assistant folded out the chair as she situated the umbrella, large enough to cover her seat without barging into other's space. As though she hadn't already done that. The assistant left without much fuss, set about with a drink order as she watched Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana in the distance surf.

"Millia Brimarch, well met." There was no sarcasm to her tone, managing a subtle warmth to the words as she finessed herself into the seat she had brought.
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Objective: Survive!
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

Stepping away from the drink's stand, Corin said her farewells to the owner and his staff as she began to walk back down the beachfront to where her friends waited. Moving nimbly, the Major navigated the crowd with a fluid grace not expected of one who spent most of their days in heavy armor. Clad in little more than a black swimsuit, the Ultranaut blended in well with those who moved around her. Tourists, party-goers, sports enthusiasts, all were dressed in accordance to the weather, which was hot and humid and surprisingly pleasant.

A steady breeze pulled at her unbound hair as she stepped off the boardwalk and onto the golden sands of the beach. Breathing in, Corin let out a contented sigh as she carried on. After the events on Panatha and Rhand, it felt good to finally relax. Having taken a dip in the sea that morning, the Ultranaut had spent most of her day lounging around. Chances were she would do that for the remainder of the day, too, but not before she had made a very important delivery to a very important person. After all, she was in possession of two drinks, and only one of them was for her.

Passing by her party's designated chef, Corin raised an eyebrow as the smell of cooking meat reached her. Enough to make her mouth water, she gave the food on display a cursory glance before looking to the one known as Asmus. He seemed to be in his own little world, and for a moment, the Ultranaut contemplated leaving him in it. Then, she thought better of it.

"Keep an eye on the food, friend. Our Empress likes her meat well-done, not cremated." Winking, she didn't pause in her stride, passing beneath the shade of the umbrella and back out into the sunshine. Palm fronds danced and shivered as a particularly strong gust of wind set her skin to crawling. Beneath one of those trees, the Empress sat. Making for her, Corin noticed her friend Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor out of the corner of her eye and raised a glass in recognition. By the time she'd turned away, Ingrid had been joined by two people the Ultranaut didn't recognize. Not that it would stop her.

Stepping into the shade, Corin nodded to the two strangers in turn. "Hello." She said before holding out a horn of mead for Ingrid to take, all the while trying not to stare. "Your order, My Lord. Hope you don't mind, but I put it on your tab." Smiling, Cor waited for the Empress to take or reject the drink, before taking a seat a few feet distant.

Location: Beach
Objective: Deal with Deck Chair Troubles first, then have fun
Stuff: Parasol, Bee Patterned Picnic Blanket, Troublesome Deck Chair, Food, Inflatable Duck, Feline Companions
Weaponry: None
Tags: Open

The heat was not an issue for Tovald, but he did give his Feline friends fresh water and a bite to eat. Because they looked both thirsty and hungry. It wouldn’t do to not feed them because well cared for pets are happy pets. His favourite was the very fluffy white Loong cat playing with a seashell. It was good for them to get some outdoor time.

A whining creak and then the Deck Chair gave way and the troublesome beach furniture snapped shut with its hapless occupant still sat in it. So now he was sandwiched in, grateful for a flexible spine he stewed there for a second, like a sandwich filling before finally losing all patience and composure. If his brother was here, it would be on The Holonet's Funniest Videos faster than you can say "Fluffy Pink Lightsaber".

<“Feth you, you karking piece of chit!”> He growled very much annoyed. He seemed to be in a fugue of bad luck lately and it wasn't letting up.

Tovald ground his teeth in irritation, the frustration building, he wriggled free and grabbed the offending furniture after finally giving up on trying to fix it, he marched up to the shoreline and lobbed it into the ocean with a satisfying splash. Much more subtle than kicking or stomping on it and making a scene.

He’ll use the big inflatable duck as a seat instead, it is big enough. This would be much less hassle for everyone. Tovald nodded in satisfaction before walking back to his Beach spot. Why would someone invent such a pain in the derriere, to begin with? Most likely a troll, with a skewered sense of humour. Either way, he never has to deal with it again.

Sir Blair

Location: Beach
Outfit: Orange swim trunks with green thistle design all over
Objective: Get rid of Order and then make friends
Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

The Star Thistle were a Band of Bastards on a good day, and on a day as great as this? They were downright blasting Blair's ears off with their chatter. He sought to make friends here and now, and particularly today. "Get away from me lads and lasses. Get to the water already. Consider yourselves dismissed!" They listened, and for all their excitement to be out and about with Blair? They flocked to the water like he had told them they could find treasure in it. Which he wouldn't deny even if they asked. They could have their silly fantasies all they wanted. Blair was the type to let you have your cake and eat it too, and he prided himself on that peace of kindness he had retained. Orphan son of none or not, all his manners he had taught himself. Time to test out those old social skills eh?

Seeing Aibne spending time with his wife was definitely a motivator. For so many reasons. Bril was a Mirialan lass, and he knew her well, friends was not the way to put it. Truth be told they had always been at odds, she came along just before Aibne joined Blair, and had never been a big supporter. Granted, he understood why, metal legs up to Aibne's thighs had always torn at Blair. In a way they were Blair's own fault, the Star Thistle had a rough start suffice to say. She blamed Blair for it, for her husband feeling phantom pains in his metallic legs every night, and Blair could never hold it against her. He blamed himself too.

Yet Aibne was happy, and alive, and with a beautiful child on the way. Assuredly all great things. Beyond the legs, one thing irked him the most. Jealousy. Not of either or, but of what they had. They were his only example of love growing up, he never got to see it between the father and mother he never knew. There they were though, and he could never admit he didn't want something akin. Maybe even a little Star Thistle running around one day. The dreams of a soldier.

Alas he knew better than any, dreams were something you snatched when the time was right. Though dreams aside it was time for a chat. The Grand Admiral was here, and surfing better than he himself was capable. That was for sure. Maybe it would be cool to see one of the higher ups chillaxing and talking like normal. No orders on this beach, well aside from to relax and take it easy. "Miss Isla! Nice surfing, if you're done how about we go get a drink! On me!" The Star Thistle had a nice tab set up.




Location: in the waves at the beach
Objective: surf, chat, and maybe meet a like minded companion

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor
Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand
Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a
Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

Jedi Master Sir Blair Jedi Master Sir Blair

Hearing a familiar voice on the beach offering her a drink, it seemed as good a time as any to hit the sand, her heart had calmed down and she sat on her board bobbing gently in the water, it was hard not to picture her board as a battlecruiser and the fish around her legs as little frigates, she kicked a foot out disturbing them and laughed.

Leaning forward, she stretched out on the board and paddled herself to the shore. Once in the shallows she hopped off and began wading in toward Blair. She reached the beach and stood tall, allowing a moment or two for the sea water to run off her body, before pulling a white sarong from a waterproof pouch and wrapping it loosely around her waist.

"Good to see a friendly face Sir Blair," Isla responded, then more quietly, "we aren't the most popular here, but ingrid leads a powerful faction that nobody wants to upset so here we are loving the sun."

She thought foe a moment on his drink offer, "I need something cold, something frozen," she spoke briefly in the barman's native language and ordered the local equivalent of a strawberry daquiri. "It is nice to be not be standing on ceremony for once, although I don't think I would feel as comfortable as you had I brought my direct subordinates along." She knew her men respected her, but still felt keenly that she didn't have the power of the force backing up her position, and a few wrong words or actions whilst relaxing could cause her all kinds of issues. It also meant she was only responsible for her own actions, looking around, this place was a diplomatic incident waiting to happen and she was much more comfortable knowing that only she could mess things up for herself.

"To your health, to that of you men and to the Crusade," Isla made a private toast with Blair and took a swig from her glass, momentarily forgetting it was frozen and taking a mouth of ice. She laughed at herself and smiled at her ally.


A party, that's what it had been called. Zachariel couldn't remember the last time he'd been invited to a party. Oh there had been celebrations and feasts over the millennia, get togethers that were similar to parties. But they weren't actual parties, because there was always some deeper purpose to the get together. This however, this was simply there to have fun, to lay off some steam. Oh, Zachariel didn't doubt there was some other reason for him to be asked here, no doubt some bonding or another. But it was still something he felt he could indulge in.

Did that mean he was coming without a plan? Of course not, one did not rise to his station or his age without backup plans. As such, a personal ship was waiting in orbit. In it was his armor and weapons, ready to deploy at a seconds notice. He sincerely hoped it wouldn't be needed. Granted, he doubted anything on the planet could harm him, but as the old saying went, better safe than sorry. Still, his musings of planning ended and Zachariel focused on the present.

That present was a watery one, as Zachariel found himself swimming in the waters off the beach. He had decided to give it a try, both as a test of security, and to do something he had rarely done in years. Swim in the depths of the water, and to indulge in something other than violence. Still, his senses told him that there were now people on the beach, including Ingrid. Swimming closer, Zachariel's feet touched the sandy water and he stood to his full height. Slowly and calmly, he emerged from the water, walking calmly out of the depths with ease.

As water slid off the smooth, lighter bodsuit, Zachariel glanced about himself. His gaze shifted from the two individuals in the water towards those on the beach. Without a single care in the world, Zachariel simply kept going, eventually fully walking from the water and striding out at his full three meters/ten feet of height. Pausing a few feet from the edge of the water, he rolled his shoulders, even as the helmet he wore slid back into the rest of the bodysuit. Now his gen'dai head was revealed to the world and Zachariel fixed his gaze towards Ingrid and the little coterie around her. Grinning wryly, Zachariel made his way towards them without a care in the world.

Location: Beach
Wearing: Pink Bikini │ SunglassesOversized Hat
Tags: Conn Dagorian

The hot summer months demanded relaxation, long hours of work once more calling her back to the beach, along with many other personnel in the Eternal Empire’s military. And yet, Ivixa didn’t plan to relax entirely. The diminutive Asa’nyx had arranged to meet an ex-partner, someone who had believed in her early in her career when she was still largely unproven, little more than an rank-and-file Wild Huntress with a particular talent for marksmanship. While Ivixa still felt like she was that same person, things were vastly different now. She was now a Special Agent in Blackwatch, the premier intelligence organization of the Eternal Empire. Her eyes were more attuned to the galaxy, having seen many worlds beyond the Scintilla, all across the Unknown Regions and beyond. Not to mention, Ivixa could not deny that her career with Blackwatch had changed her beliefs. Where she had once feared an Unknown Regions bearing the distinct crimson banner Eternal Empire, she now worked towards that goal.

If not the Empire, then it would likely be the Maw or the Ssi-ruuvi.

With a deep breath, Ivixa leaned into her beach chair, letting her cyan skin soak up the sun, albeit protected by an invisible layer of nano-sunscreen. A pair of sunglasses were placed over her eyes, a holobook in her lap which detailed a history of criminal and cartel operations within the Unknown Regions, relevant to her recent missions to restore stability in the Empire’s underworld.

Even while relaxing, she was working.

Briefly checking her HoloLink, Ivixa quickly scanned her texts with Conn, before taking a sip of her lemonade as she anxiously waited for the cute swordsman to arrive...
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Beach
Objective I.: Have fun, and try to seduce get Zachariel.
Equipment: Bikini || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood
Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch | Corin Autem Corin Autem | Jedi Master Sir Blair Jedi Master Sir Blair
[ Summernight City ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

Ingrid also watched the area as he read; everything and everyone, with eyes and through the Force. After all, even if it was very well disguised, the Empress was paranoid. For a former and current intelligence agent and spy, this is a part of the job, the duty. Anyone who does not have such qualities is not a good agent or is already dead. Maybe both. And she was damn good. Now on the shore, in the water she saw and perceived several familiar people. Such was, among other things, Kahlil behind her.

"We need allies. Lord Grayson may have played a big role in the fact that the NIO and GA did not attack us in the end. After Ziost, he spoke on our behalf to the delegates of the Triumvirate, telling about his Ziost experiences." she replied.

After answering him, Corin then walked over and brought her drink. The red-haired woman raised her eyebrows for a moment, and then took the drink. This drink was perfectly fit in winter places, but it didn’t bother her. She wouldn't have drunk a glögg here, but mead is mead.

<"Thank you, major!"> she replied.

It was at this moment that a strange figure threw some furniture into the ocean. Interesting. Then she turned to the beach because she could feel Zachariel's presence. She had never seen a man without armour, but she had known for a long time which species he belonged to, so it didn’t come as a surprise to her. However, now she had the opportunity to see the man for herself. The trophy, though, might be someone calling the man just a pet. In addition, she already knew gen’dai perfectly in the Force, due his Force pattern.

A predatory smile appeared on the red-haired woman's lips as Zachariel looked at them with a grin.

"I apologize!" she said to Corin and Kahlil.

She put down her drink and got up from her chair, then walked over to Zachariel. Ingrid's movements were elegant, graceful and seductive at the same time. Perfect harmony, it wasn’t overplayed. Her body language promised a lot, excitement, danger, jeopardy, inaccessibility and death at the same time. Almost all of the nearby tourists looked at her, she almost mesmerized the average person and the woman looked only at the Gen’dai man all the way. It seemed to most of the locals that they would be very happy to replace Zachariel with themselves, and it was unclear to them why she chose him.

"Zachariel, I'm happy to see you!" she purred.

If the man let her, she stroked it all over his chest as she did on the Lipsec, only now none of them were in armour. As she reached the man's side, she now maintained eye contact all the way, then she walked around him with a similar movement culture, stroking it over his shoulders and the top of his back in a soft motion until she came face to face again.

"I didn't expect you to come!" she said.

The dance between them continued…

//OOC: I tried not to go beyond the PG-13, to us, in my country this has no age limit, but I don’t know too much about American rules, what they are allowed and what doesn't. If that were too much, please tell me and I'll fix it, although I've seen much more spicy things in other threads. //

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Conn Dagorian


The contact had been welcomed. After Scintilla, after Sweven, after the Wild Hunt and some wild nights, after they had both moved on, Conn had done what he had always done, found work under someone's banner as someone's sword arm, someone's soldier. As he walked the sand, feeling the warm grains between his toes, he thought of how unlikely a place it was to come within the Empire, to meet with one of their most deadly assassins. Unlikely, of course, unless that killer was Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas . A smile touched his whiskered lips at the recollection. Yes, a trained professional soldier, an elite sniper, a battle veteran... and a pint-sized diva Asa’nyx who had rocked his world.

It wasn't the lack of armor, or little clothing, that made Conn feel a bit naked. He work black shorts and a gray short sleeve shirt. It was the lack of arms, the weight of some weapon on his person that felt odd to him. Maybe that was a bad thing, that reliance on some thing for defense. It was a necessity for most of his work, or lifestyle, though. But Ivixia noted that that place was a place of rest, not fighting, and weapons were left behind.

Apparently there were a lot of the military on R & R, and the aristocracy as well, on that nameless beach on a backwater world. He understood why, even just arriving in EE space. Conflict seemed a constant way of life there. Rest was a critical part of the strength of a military force, and one to be taken seriously.

Conn found it difficult to think very seriously about military policy as the sun beamed down and the sounds of water and fun surrounded him. The heat on his skin contrasted with the chill of the glass in his hand, in it some liquor concoction he had snagged up at one of the many beach bars. It had a citrus zing to it.

The ex-Jenasaarai had spotted his destination not long ago, A lone beach chair where the cyan-skinned Ivixia lounged. Approaching, his smile grew wider as he picked up a beach chair and set it next to hers, not yet taking a seat. He took a long look at his former partner, finding whatever life she was leading seeming to treat her well. Her body was still all in one piece and very much how he remembered it.

"Can an Asa’nyx tan?" He asked out of the blue, in way of greeting.



Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch | Corin Autem Corin Autem | Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood

"That so.." He half mumbled to himself to Ingrid's answer. This Greyson person might have an unhealthy obsession with Kahlil's family, but anyone willing to help Ingrid like that is someone he'd consider a friend. Maybe. Depends on how gun ho he might be about prosecuting the now Jedi of the Zambrano family. Before he had the chance to continue the conversation though some other figure arrived. Prompting a brow to raise curiously. He said nothing and shrugged. Provided the guy wasn't some brutal war monger of the Maw or something, who was Kahlil to care who Ingrid spent her time with?

So he turned his attention to the other woman who'd arrived. He half raised a hand in greeting, flashing a kind smile.

"Kahlil Zambrano. Pleasure, ma'am." No reason to hide who he was. At least here, with Ingrid and the Eternals to back him up if there was some kind of issue brought about his namesake. He turned his gaze to the water, still resting comfortably on the sand and leaning back on his hands. "If diplomacy was more akin to this, it'd be much more manageable in my opinion. It's always good to see people relaxing and having fun."
Objective - have fun!
Location - beach side under the shade
Weapons - only myself

Beaches, stardust was quite familiar with them. A good portion of her houses were on different islands and such where she could hide away, today however it was more about mingling best she wanted with those of the eternal empire, she had a few thanks to them for things as of late and stardust needed a break herself after all life was chaotic and she had much to enjoy and plenty of time so there was zero worry in mind

So now here she was away from most people under the shade of a tree genuinely showing some of her emerald skin off. Felt nice to feel without worry them again why should she? Ahe was a literal walking weapon! But she didnt want or need to think about war or weapons or anything related to that instead she shut her eyes and let a calm breath out as a relaxed smile formed upon her hardened face

Was nice to be out

O B J E C T I V E I: Beach Party
Lilanna had been intent on sitting in silence and watching her empress as was her job, however, the arrival of...perhaps a tourist caught her attention. The man approached, though Lilanna merely stared at him, sipping twice on her drink, trying to process what in the world the man was on about. Her expression turned into a scowl as he attempted to placate her, remarking that the noticeable implants in her face didn't make her repulsive; it wasn't exactly the worst pick up line she'd heard, but it didn't exactly lighten her mood. Seeing Corin make a motion towards her, Lilanna returned the gesture, raising her glass towards her friend as she seemed to be intent on joining the Empress.​
"If you're attempting to woe me, it's a poor showing." Lilanna scoffed, eyeing the man once more, her fingers bruising against the artificial skin graft that had replaced where the armored face-plate had been secured to her face months ago. She wasn't fond of being reminded of her scars, and she liked it even less that strangers took notice. "If you intend on sitting, then do so. Last time I checked, this wasn't private property." She raised an eye to the man, and took another drink from her glass.​
Long as this man didn't get in her way of protecting the Empress, there'd be no issue.​


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