Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Early Life:
Aoki Mira was born on Atrisia and raised in her uncle and aunt's household in a remote island village. Mira only has a few, warm and fond, memories of her mother. The Mirialan woman had been killed by bandits when the child was only a couple years old. Her entire life, Mira was raised by her uncle, aunt, and father. Her father was an Atrisian who went by the surname Aoki. The man frequently left their home in her earlier life, leaving her with her aunt and uncle on Atrisia as he set out on his job, which required a lot of travel. Eventually, he explained just what he was doing to the young girl. Aoki, in fact, had once been a member of the Jedi Order, a Jedi Knight. However, he was jaded and weary of their never ending cycle of war in the galaxy and left to find his own path. Still loosely following the Jedi Code, he travelled the galaxy taking out criminals in a justice he believed was swifter and more secure than the Jedi's.

Since she was a toddler, Aoki Mira was rigorously trained in various Atrisian martial arts. Her family was determined to help her learn to protect herself. Furthermore, while her father wanted her to make choices for herself, he wanted her to be a cut above the rest if she chose a path similar to his own.

Sadly, when she was fourteen, a surprise attack by followers of Mythos burned her village and slaughtered her aunt and uncle. Aoki arrived in time to save his overwhelmed and traumatized daughter, whisking her away to another part of the planet. It was there that Mira declared her desire to train to be like her father, and he officially took her as his apprentice.

For another five years, traveling Atrisia's hemispheres and flying across the Galaxy, he taught her to perfect the martial arts she grew up in. Furthermore, he also started slowly training her in the lightsaber forms and how to use the Force. As much as he wanted more time, however, after hearing enough about the outside galaxy and the escalation of war and death at the hands of the Brotherhood Of The Maw, he reluctantly started taking Mira out on his missions of peace keeping - through force, of course.

It would be further unfortunate that during one of their travels, their ship was ambushed by pirates and crashed. On the surface of an unfamiliar planet, Mira was too dazed to act as her injured father fought valiantly... but fell in defense of his daughter. Memory eludes her on how she survived. She only remembers the agony of losing her mentor, friend, and father...

She was alone now, only with his philosophies and training to carry her on.

New Imperial Order ~ Imperial Squire Part I, Beginnings:
In the shipwreck of her father's ship, still weeping over her father's fallen body, Aoki Mira was saved by the Imperial Knight Jan Beroya Jan Beroya , who took her in as her apprentice and gave her a home in the New Imperial Order.

Mira's new sensei treated Mira very well. Between staying at the Demici family mansion on Sereno, Raina and Mira roamed the edges of NIO space as Inquisitors dedicated to stopping Sith and other threats at their borders. For Mira, it was the lifestyle of a Ronin warrior. She became at home here, continuing to advance her Imperial equipment and weaponry. She especially grew close to the sensei who had saved her and given her new purpose in life.

In her line of duty as a Squire, she went on several defining missions, such as the time she ran into a Sith apprentice spreading decay. Eventually, however, all roads would lead to Tython...

New Imperial Order ~ Imperial Squire Part II, Tython's Stain:
After the adventures and escapades of New Imperial life, Mira found herself at the legendary Battle of Tython. During this time, she was found by the deadly Sith Nyaeli Nyaeli and mentally corrupted and broken, turned to the Dark Side via mind control. It was thankful that her beloved mentor, Raina Demici, was able to save her once again.

After Tython, she met the Imperial Agent Hunter Stark, who would aid her in a crucial mission which would reveal much about her late mother...

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