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Approved Vehicle Aquilla - Anseri mk.I - II

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  • Intent: A fancy new Speeder for Civilian or Military use.
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Low Altitude Hybrid Speeder
  • Role:
    • Escort
    • Luxory Sport
    • Rapid Response
    • Reconnaissance
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light
  • Armaments: None (Mk.I) / Low (Mk.II)
  • Defenses: Very Low
  • Maneuverability Rating: Extreme
  • Speed Rating: Extreme
  • Propulsion: Repulsorlift
  • Minimum Crew: 1
  • Optimal Crew: 1
  • Passenger Capacity: 3
  • Cargo Capacity: Low (Mk.I) / None (Mk.II)
  • Air Breaks: Floating fins which allow the ship to use wind resistance to aid its turning.
  • Earlybird Activation: An early-bird activation system linked to the vehicles shields.
  • Fuel Injectors: The Twin Ion engines of the Anseri have direct fuel injection systems
    to allow extreme bursts of speed.
  • Gyroscopic Stabilizers: Several Gyroscope systems combine to form an array to
    improve maneuverability.
  • Holographic Display: A 200 degree emersive holographic control display allows
    the driver total control of all systems.
  • Insulated Circuitry: Copper Ultrachrome Circuitry affords protected high performance electronics.
  • Identity Beacon: A unique beacon that can be tracked by allied long distance scanners.
  • Maneuvering Repulsars: Micro Repulsars peppered across the ship combine
    to afford incredible agility.
  • Micro Maneuvering Controls: Advanced system controls integrated with the
    ships systems to allow ease of their control.
  • Power Compensators: Compensators and Dampeners allow the ship to go low
    profile to avoid some scanners.
  • Scanner: A scanner is equipped on the ship to scan and map locations and track energy signatures.
  • Shield Booster: A direct link to the ships power converter allows the ships shield
    to be recharged once quickly in emergency circumstances.
  • Shield System: A shield System to allow the Driver to resist G-Force and protect
    the ship from singular impacts.
  • Solar Fins: Allow the ship to convert solar energy into power, as well as maintain
    control in atmospheres.
  • Weapons: Twin linked Hawk Anti Material Machine Gun Systems, available in the
    Anseri Mk.II. Though they can be changed.
  • Angelic Speed: The Anseri is an award winning speeder craft modeled after the light-weight craft that are seen in many pod racing tracks across the outer regions. Combining the borderline illegal blood-sports brutal practicality with top shelf modern technology, House Aquilas Quartermasters guild created a product that was low profile, that could pitch and yaw on an Imperial Credit and function at incredible speeds. Segregated floating coupled components allow the ship to be lightweight and have incredibly low wind resistance combined with the lightweight Ultrachrome B Alloy to allow it to maintain its integrity at high velocities. The ship stabilizes itself through an array of gyroscopes which spread out across the ships body and ion coupled fins, using the ships own momentum to keep it steady against gravity while microrepulsars, air brakes and its own internal gyroscopic steering in conjunction to curve and turn at insidious velocities.
  • Zero to X: Fuel injectors and a next generation Dual Ion Engine combined with its light frame and low friction materials allow the Anseri to reach forces as high as 1G within a handful of moments and accelerate past them with gusto. The Aquilas Anseri in both its Mk.I and Mk.II variants affords the driver a level of speed and control that without the shielding systems in place would be immediately detrimental to the pilot due to the acceleration and the forces of friction that would act upon them.
  • Hybrid Speeder: The Gyroscopes and Repulsarlift systems afford the Speeder a level of control as to how much gravity the ship wants to be effected by. With the coupling fins loose and separate, the ship at even its highest speeds cannot gain the lift to fight against the force generated by its gyros which increase in grounding force in tandem with the ships momentum. However, these fins can be retracted and coupled to the ship, giving the central ship a higher aerodynamic profile and much more lift, allowing it to skim across the air in low altitudes.
  • One Shot Wonder: While this ship has almost no active defenses which can shield it against incoming damage hardwired into its plating, the CROSS system compensates by allowing it to take a single heavy impacts before taking structural damage that would see it spiral into a highly volatile explosive fireball. Although it fails to hold up to any concentrated assault due to the CROSS' weakness to continuous fire, it protects the vehicle from some of the more dangerous initial impacts that would see speeders like this typically annihilated in an opening volley and little more. Thankfully, combined with the ships Earlybird Warning System, the Anseri is somewhat defended against even should it be struck with a heavy weapon during an ambush.
  • Mk.I & Mk.II: The Mk.II of this ship gives up its undercarriage storage compartment to put in place the rangefinders, targeting systems and required components to place a single twin linked Hawk Heavy Blaster Guns. The Guns are capable of firing simultaneously or in a staggered nature for a more consistent stream of fire. These weapons, although light for a vehicle are more than capable at dealing with light vehicles and personnel of most kinds.
  • Lightly Plated: The Aquila Anseri while it has a shield system which can protect it against singlular heavy impacts due to the reactive armour, the speeder itself's plating is made to resist the elements and friction of its own motion and speed... not the impact of a blaster making it exceedingly fragile should it or its systems be struck by any weapon with some gusto to it. In truth, without the vehicles limited shielding, it may as well be made of paper.
  • Ion Prone: Ion weapons are key at disrupting the one and only defensive system this ship has against external damage. Shutting down the ships CROSS not only makes the ship more vulnerable, but it compromises its ability to recharge in any sufficient manner due to putting intense pressure on the direct to shield power supply.
  • Fractured Acceleration: Should the shield of the Aquila Anseri be compromised the, full force of the friction of the ships speed imposes itself upon the Pilot and passengers, potentially causing injury and forcing all but the most endurant passengers to be able to fly the ship at its standard speeds unprotected at forces that'd break the ribs of a Wookie.
  • Altitude Restriction: Air breaks require air or other heavy gasses in order to give resistance to the fins, momentum to the gyros allowing it to maneuver at its incredibly high speeds. Forcing the Anseri to keep under 250m before its performance begins to get negatively afflicted
  • Limited Weapons: Able to carry no more than a single twin linked heavy blaster underneath the ship.
The Anseri began as little more than a thought experiment, having witnessed more than his fair share of Pod Racing while his family were in bed with the Hutts. It was difficult for Felix to comprehend the intense speed and agility of mind that it would take in order for a person, human or otherwise to operate at such extreme velocities. Figuring that the concepts that are in play with these stitched together barely functioning junk craft using parts of discarded starships could be applied to a speeder of more repute, the beginnings of the Anseri were created. Using high octane and quality parts with a chassis made of a material capable of holding back the environments, the Anseri 'ae' would become the first in a line of performance speeders that would culminate with the Anseri.

The Anseri made its controversial Debut in entering pod-racing competitions, challenging ace racers with their custom machines and narrowly edging ahead of them in a series of victories with occasional losses that pitched it as a competitive ship that could be raced across the galaxy. All the while its leather interior combined the sheer performance of an ace pilots ship with the decadent experience of a luxury craft.

The Military variant came out afterward, with the establishment of the House Aquila Security Force the need was established for a high speed scout vehicle that was capable of delivering up to four soldiers to a location with the gear they carried in order to rapidly respond to threats, escort VIPs or scout locations. As such, though its an expensive system it was put to limited use to begin with, outfitted with some of House Aquilas weaponry be it the DS or C series, its ability to keep a low energy profile, engage at speed and out maneuver and perform almost any and all of its competition has seen it be one of the highest profile vehicles in House Aquilas employ.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Felix Aquila Felix Aquila

Very nice and detailed submission! But I found some problem, and I have serious concern.
  • The art's link is broken, no images appear on the page.
  • The civillian version is overpowered (+1). Please fix it.
  • And my concern is the defence rating. you write very low, yet you mention the shield system, the shield booster and the earlybird system in the special features, as well as among the strengths. You also talk about average defence among the weaknesses. Submission does not reflect the rating, but goes far beyond it because defence also includes the shield system, the booster and the earlybird system, not just physical resistance. Please try to find a solution to this.
Found an alt that wasn't their official one.


I saw no mention of average defense ratings in the weaknesses. It doesn't have a defense of 'none' it has a defense of very low. It has a shield, which can take a few hits before its totally vulnerable to anything. The armour rating of an average civilian armoured car is an example that its armour rating as a military vehicle is exceedingly low.

T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Felix Aquila Felix Aquila

"it has no better armour than an average civilian armoured car" - I mentioned this, because of this.
In this case, please specify how weak the shield is and the CROSS system, both in under the Strengths and in the Special features, as well as that of the shield booster. And why is this value very low with these. Most of the vehicles doesen't have shields, especially the similars like this. This is why I'm asking these specifications, and because your CROSS system for example gives Very high resistance to many things. So please specify the ranges, because this is very different case from that "it has a very weak deflector shield", what is really very weak.

yeah, but the important words there are the following three words. Armour ratings for ships and vehicles are based on what the classification of the craft is. This craft, is, technically in the same vehicle category as a LAV. 4 man lightly armed light scout transport. So saying its armour is equivalent to a standard armoured car is several tiers below what this should be. I mentioned throughout that the shield is only really good for a single hit, the shield booster only helps in recharge, not shield strength. I dont know what else to change, i shored up some wording, but i thought it was already pretty clear. The ability is even called one shot wonder. Emphasizing its basically a one shot shield.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Felix Aquila Felix Aquila

I understand what you want, but your descriptions don’t reflect that to me. You write it thanks to the shield it can withstand a strong blow and impact. It may not be able to withstand constant attacks, but it feels like if the vehicle is not under constant attack, there is nothing wrong with it. And since the shield recharges quickly, it makes you feel that the next one doesn't affect it because the shield protects it again, and so on. Especially if it has time to recharge. It provides protection against strong impacts, "more dangerous initial attacks" while it is a very weakly protected vehicle, yet it can withstand more than an average with these systems.

This is still well above my very weak for me, I feel like you are looking for a loophole to circumvent the system and you only used the very low rating to earn points. If it were an average or high rating vehicle, I would accept it right away without any problem. But you write, it’s able to protect you from some stronger things, good against heavy impacts (in the start) and "allows the ship's shield to be recharged faster in an emergency.". These do not fall into the very weak category.

I would like to see that this is a vehicle with very weak defences, essentially unprotected something, and not that you write how many things it is able to survive thanks to the complex defence system.

If you do not agree with me, you have the opportunity to do so and request a new judge in the Second Chance thread.

I think you misunderstand how the CROSS shield works and its abilities / drawbacks. Where most energy shields have an amount of power which depletes as you hit it, and if you overwhelm it, it pierces through, a handgun weapon would bounce, but a sniper rifle might pierce through with some depleted power and it would weaken the shield the more its hit allowing more and more to pierce over time. CROSS shields literally detonate as they're struck by something that could hurt it. So, it doesn't matter if its a rifle round or a rocket launcher they're VERY good at protecting you from a single round. Normally CROSS shields have layers, all depending on the strength of the shield. So each big impact would cause a new layer to detonate outwards and protect the ship, and these layers recharge over time depleting their power source. It means that rapid fire weapons, which pop the layers super fast are the best against them, rather than the big high impact weapons usually used to pierce shields. (CROSS shields are a bit of a role reversal)

This vehicle has one layer, allowing me to have a reason to write it surviving from a single hit. Which i think falls well into the well of being very low armour. To be basically defenseless would be to have the 'none' armour, because then you're defenseless. With the recharged, it would mean if i could run away, slap the emergency button and maybe get one more layer.

But also, i did take additional weaknesses, like when the shield is down, the ship can't go anywhere NEAR as fast. Because the shield is also what protects the pilot from friction etc.

So i touched up some stuff, made that stuff clearer. There ARE drawbacks, im not trying to circumvent anything, im trying to give something a niche in which it can operate.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Felix Aquila Felix Aquila

I still have my concerns, and still don't like the wording, and I still feel the rating far over than very low rating, but I see where we not agree with each other. You forget that the material from which the vehicle is made is usually included in the defence, not just the shield, the shield is just extra thing above the materials. So a vehicle, a ship, etc. can have a very high defences even without the shield system, because the materials made also protect it from impacts, injuries and damages. But for you, without a shield the defences is not exist.
But I approve it, even with the weaknesses, this is a powerful submission, use it responsible and try to not abuse it.But I approve it, even with the weaknesses, this is a powerful submission. Use it responsible and try to not abuse it.

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