Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ari's Codex

  • Intent: Flesh out a rogue/independent military unit dedicated to freeing Imperial-occupied planets
  • Image Credit: Wookieepedia
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links:
  • Fleet Name: Ari's Rogues
  • Classification: Rebel Fighter Wing
  • Affiliation: New Alderaanian Government-in-Exile
  • Fleet Symbol: The Rebel Starbird is the primary piece of heraldry used:
  • Description: A ragtag fighter wing of rebels and exiles from Imperial Space, the Rogues
  • Headquarters: [ Where is this fleet based? Link to either the planet or location if applicable. ]
  • Ports of Call: [ Assigned patrol sectors / routes, places visited frequently, secret bases, space stations, or other relevant canon locations or Codex / Factory submissions. ]
  • Goals: [ What are the goals of this Fleet? If it has an official mission, what is it? ]
  • Reputation: [ Is this fleet known by people outside of itself and how do they view it? With pride? With concern? Wary or neutral? Describe your fleet's reputation here if it has one. This can include multiple views, from enemies and allies, depending on the type of fleet. ]
  • Fleet Size: Small
  • Lead Ship: [ The name and model, with canon or Factory link, of the command ship. For maximum lead ship meterage, refer to Table 1: What Can Be Fielded. ]
  • Composition: [ A sample of the ships in this fleet. This is an example of what may be seen, not a hard meterage number. Include in a list format the names and models, with canon or Factory links. Only include ships that the fleet affiliation and Factory meterage limits allow, and keep your Size category in mind while creating your list. If desired, list different configurations / versions / subdivisions of your fleet. ]
[ List any PCs or NPCs who play a role in your fleet, as well as their ranks or functions. Designate the leader of your fleet. Link any relevant characters or NPC subs. If desired, you may include a blurb including name, rank and a brief explanation of this character if there is no bio or sub to link - alternatively link to a blog post with this information if you would like to keep an active player roster. You may also request sub mods to add/remove members. ]

[ Include a description of the fleet's history. Who started it, how and why it was formed, modus operandi, any events tied into its creation and existence, prior allegiances, notable battles, etc. ]
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  • Intent: Give Ari Naldax Ari Naldax 's ratag band of rebels a base to fly out of.
  • Image Credit: Gaelle Marco
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Military Base Name: Maelstrom Station
  • Classification: Secluded Rebel Base
  • Location: Jabiim
  • Affiliation: Ari Naldax Ari Naldax , Ari's Rogues
  • Population: Sparse
    • The base's population is made up entirely of the pilots, spies, mechanics, and planners that make up Ari's Rogues, making up enough people to keep a couple of squadrons of fighters and a few teams of insurgents.
  • Demographics: Being as Ari is herself New Alderaanian and the effort is lead by New Alderaanians, it should come as no surprise that the majority of the personnel on the base are Human or Near-Human (incl some Chiss), though generally any race whose world still has an Imperial presence could likely be found here.
  • Accessibility: Hidden within a muddy jungle marsh in one of the stormiest parts of already-stormy Jabiim, Maelstrom Base is likely only to be found by those who already know the location or carry out an extremely extensive search or scan of the area. The virtual impossibility of using repulsorlift technology on the planet makes this base even more inaccessible to all but the most determined of attackers.
  • Description: [ Provide a description of this base at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest. ]
[ What areas within the base are significant? Give a description of each point listed. ]



[ Include a description on the base's history here. Detail how it came to be constructed and why. Talk about the people/factions involved in this base's creation; and what role it plays. For historical bases, if you so desire, you can include historical events from the Chaos Canon timeline or board history where appropriate. ]
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  • Intent: Codify a document that forms the justification for Ari's new squadron
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Media Name: Project Nightshrike: Proposal for the Establishment of Fang Squadron
  • Format: Flimsiplast document
  • Distribution: Rare
  • Length: Minuscule
  • Description: Authored by Colonel Ari Naldax, this document advocates for the formation of Fang Squadron within the GADF Starfighter Corps. It systematically presents the case for a hybrid force capable of executing a broad spectrum of operations, from intelligence gathering to direct action. The proposal outlines the envisioned operational doctrine, unit composition, and strategic significance of Fang Squadron, drawing parallels with the legendary Wraith Squadron to emphasize its potential impact on future conflicts.
  • Author: Ari Naldax Ari Naldax
  • Publisher: Galactic Alliance Defense Force
  • Reception: Though kept a secret to the public at large, the proposal has garnered attention within the upper echelons of the GADF and Strategic Intelligence Agency, with discussions primarily centered on the unit's potential to fill existing operational gaps. Feedback ranges from enthusiastic support, highlighting the innovative approach to modern threats, to cautious optimism, with some officials questioning resource allocation and integration with existing forces.

The document is produced on high-quality flimsiplast, secured with a military-grade binder clip, and bears the insignia of the GADF Starfighter Corps. Its presentation is professional and concise, designed to convey the strategic proposal to a select audience of military strategists and decision-makers. The circulation of the document is intentionally limited to ensure focused discussion among stakeholders.


  1. Introduction to Fang Squadron
    • Overview of the strategic necessity for a unit like Fang Squadron within the GADF.
    • Inspiration drawn from Wraith Squadron's historical successes and adaptability.
  2. Strategic Imperatives for Fang Squadron
    • Discussion on the evolving landscape of galactic conflict and the need for versatile, multi-role forces.
    • Identification of specific strategic gaps that Fang Squadron is designed to fill.
  3. Legacy of Wraith Squadron: A Model for Innovation
    • Analysis of Wraith Squadron's operational history, highlighting successful strategies and tactics.
    • Lessons learned and how they inform the formation and doctrine of Fang Squadron.
  4. Organizational Structure and Personnel of Fang Squadron
    • Detailed breakdown of the squadron's proposed composition, including pilot specializations and support roles.
    • Criteria for selection and the envisioned command hierarchy, emphasizing flexibility and cross-functionality.
  5. Mission Profile and Operational Capabilities
    • Description of the types of missions Fang Squadron will undertake, including reconnaissance, sabotage, direct action, and support for larger fleet operations.
    • Examples of operational scenarios and the squadron's expected contributions to strategic objectives.
  6. Recruitment Criteria and Training Program
    • Outline of the recruitment process, focusing on identifying candidates with diverse skills and the potential for cross-disciplinary operation.
    • Overview of the specialized training regimen designed to prepare squadron members for their multifaceted roles, including combat, intelligence, and technical skills.
  7. Implementation Strategy and Operational Integration
    • Step-by-step plan for the squadron's establishment, from initial approval through to full operational capability.
    • Discussion on integrating Fang Squadron into the broader strategic and operational frameworks of the GADF and the Galactic Alliance.
  8. Expected Strategic Outcomes and Force Multiplier Effects
    • Analysis of the potential impact of Fang Squadron on the Galactic Alliance's military and intelligence capabilities.
    • How Fang Squadron is expected to serve as a force multiplier, enhancing the effectiveness of conventional forces and contributing to strategic flexibility.


The initiative for Fang Squadron's formation was spearheaded by Colonel Ari Naldax, a seasoned officer within the GADF Starfighter Corps, in response to emerging security challenges. Recognizing the limitations of traditional starfighter operations against asymmetric warfare tactics, Colonel Naldax drew inspiration from the historic achievements of Wraith Squadron, advocating for a modern counterpart. The proposal is the culmination of extensive operational experience, strategic foresight, and a commitment to enhancing the Galactic Alliance's military capabilities. Through Fang Squadron, Colonel Naldax aims to pioneer a new era of hybrid warfare, combining the precision of starfighter operations with the versatility of special operations forces.

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  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Crew Name: Spectre Squadron (AKA "Ari's Rascals")
  • Crew Type: Starfighter Squadron
  • Base of Operations: Blackdock Nightfall
  • Crew Size: 11 (12 including Ari)
  • Loyalties: Ari Naldax Ari Naldax
  • Description: Spectre Squadron is an elite unit of starfighter pilots, inspired by the legendary Wraith Squadron. Comprised of 12 members, each pilot is selected for their exceptional skills and unconventional methods both inside and outside the cockpits of their fighters. These individuals come from diverse backgrounds, often with unique specialties, united by their unparalleled abilities and commitment to high-risk, high-reward missions. Operating the advanced "Nightshrike" fighters, they specialize in a wide variety of spaceborne and commando operations.
  • Name: Jaxen Varr
  • Age: 30
  • Species: Human
  • Role: Executive Officer, Intelligence Officer
  • Languages: Basic, Sy Bisti, Huttese
  • Description:
  • Name: [ Member name, feel free to include nicknames and aliases. ]
  • Age: [ Member age. Please keep this reasonable. ]
  • Species: [ Remember to consult the Banned Species List. Don't use anything on it. If the species is uncommon or custom it should be linked to the correct Wookie Article or the Codex Species Sub. Droid or Artificial Intelligence NPC's submitted to the Codex must have an Approved Factory Submission, canon model or class, without significant technical changes. That can be listed here in lieu of an actual Species Name and it should be linked. ]
  • Role: [ What role/job does this crew member serve? Give a brief description of what they do. ]
  • Languages: [ What languages do they know? For example, it's very common to know Basic and Huttese, and many droids know binary droidspeak. Please provide links for any unusual languages. ]
  • Description: [ Briefly describe this member's personality and history of how they came to join the crew, how they interact with others, and any other special skills or attributes to note. ]
  • Name: [ Member name, feel free to include nicknames and aliases. ]
  • Age: [ Member age. Please keep this reasonable. ]
  • Species: [ Remember to consult the Banned Species List. Don't use anything on it. If the species is uncommon or custom it should be linked to the correct Wookie Article or the Codex Species Sub. Droid or Artificial Intelligence NPC's submitted to the Codex must have an Approved Factory Submission, canon model or class, without significant technical changes. That can be listed here in lieu of an actual Species Name and it should be linked. ]
  • Role: [ What role/job does this crew member serve? Give a brief description of what they do. ]
  • Languages: [ What languages do they know? For example, it's very common to know Basic and Huttese, and many droids know binary droidspeak. Please provide links for any unusual languages. ]
  • Description: [ Briefly describe this member's personality and history of how they came to join the crew, how they interact with others, and any other special skills or attributes to note. ]
  • Name: [ Member name, feel free to include nicknames and aliases. ]
  • Age: [ Member age. Please keep this reasonable. ]
  • Species: [ Remember to consult the Banned Species List. Don't use anything on it. If the species is uncommon or custom it should be linked to the correct Wookie Article or the Codex Species Sub. Droid or Artificial Intelligence NPC's submitted to the Codex must have an Approved Factory Submission, canon model or class, without significant technical changes. That can be listed here in lieu of an actual Species Name and it should be linked. ]
  • Role: [ What role/job does this crew member serve? Give a brief description of what they do. ]
  • Languages: [ What languages do they know? For example, it's very common to know Basic and Huttese, and many droids know binary droidspeak. Please provide links for any unusual languages. ]
  • Description: [ Briefly describe this member's personality and history of how they came to join the crew, how they interact with others, and any other special skills or attributes to note. ]
  • Name: [ Member name, feel free to include nicknames and aliases. ]
  • Age: [ Member age. Please keep this reasonable. ]
  • Species: [ Remember to consult the Banned Species List. Don't use anything on it. If the species is uncommon or custom it should be linked to the correct Wookie Article or the Codex Species Sub. Droid or Artificial Intelligence NPC's submitted to the Codex must have an Approved Factory Submission, canon model or class, without significant technical changes. That can be listed here in lieu of an actual Species Name and it should be linked. ]
  • Role: [ What role/job does this crew member serve? Give a brief description of what they do. ]
  • Languages: [ What languages do they know? For example, it's very common to know Basic and Huttese, and many droids know binary droidspeak. Please provide links for any unusual languages. ]
  • Description: [ Briefly describe this member's personality and history of how they came to join the crew, how they interact with others, and any other special skills or attributes to note. ]
  • Name: [ Member name, feel free to include nicknames and aliases. ]
  • Age: [ Member age. Please keep this reasonable. ]
  • Species: [ Remember to consult the Banned Species List. Don't use anything on it. If the species is uncommon or custom it should be linked to the correct Wookie Article or the Codex Species Sub. Droid or Artificial Intelligence NPC's submitted to the Codex must have an Approved Factory Submission, canon model or class, without significant technical changes. That can be listed here in lieu of an actual Species Name and it should be linked. ]
  • Role: [ What role/job does this crew member serve? Give a brief description of what they do. ]
  • Languages: [ What languages do they know? For example, it's very common to know Basic and Huttese, and many droids know binary droidspeak. Please provide links for any unusual languages. ]
  • Description: [ Briefly describe this member's personality and history of how they came to join the crew, how they interact with others, and any other special skills or attributes to note. ]
  • Name: [ Member name, feel free to include nicknames and aliases. ]
  • Age: [ Member age. Please keep this reasonable. ]
  • Species: [ Remember to consult the Banned Species List. Don't use anything on it. If the species is uncommon or custom it should be linked to the correct Wookie Article or the Codex Species Sub. Droid or Artificial Intelligence NPC's submitted to the Codex must have an Approved Factory Submission, canon model or class, without significant technical changes. That can be listed here in lieu of an actual Species Name and it should be linked. ]
  • Role: [ What role/job does this crew member serve? Give a brief description of what they do. ]
  • Languages: [ What languages do they know? For example, it's very common to know Basic and Huttese, and many droids know binary droidspeak. Please provide links for any unusual languages. ]
  • Description: [ Briefly describe this member's personality and history of how they came to join the crew, how they interact with others, and any other special skills or attributes to note. ]
  • Name: [ Member name, feel free to include nicknames and aliases. ]
  • Age: [ Member age. Please keep this reasonable. ]
  • Species: [ Remember to consult the Banned Species List. Don't use anything on it. If the species is uncommon or custom it should be linked to the correct Wookie Article or the Codex Species Sub. Droid or Artificial Intelligence NPC's submitted to the Codex must have an Approved Factory Submission, canon model or class, without significant technical changes. That can be listed here in lieu of an actual Species Name and it should be linked. ]
  • Role: [ What role/job does this crew member serve? Give a brief description of what they do. ]
  • Languages: [ What languages do they know? For example, it's very common to know Basic and Huttese, and many droids know binary droidspeak. Please provide links for any unusual languages. ]
  • Description: [ Briefly describe this member's personality and history of how they came to join the crew, how they interact with others, and any other special skills or attributes to note. ]
  • Name: [ Member name, feel free to include nicknames and aliases. ]
  • Age: [ Member age. Please keep this reasonable. ]
  • Species: [ Remember to consult the Banned Species List. Don't use anything on it. If the species is uncommon or custom it should be linked to the correct Wookie Article or the Codex Species Sub. Droid or Artificial Intelligence NPC's submitted to the Codex must have an Approved Factory Submission, canon model or class, without significant technical changes. That can be listed here in lieu of an actual Species Name and it should be linked. ]
  • Role: [ What role/job does this crew member serve? Give a brief description of what they do. ]
  • Languages: [ What languages do they know? For example, it's very common to know Basic and Huttese, and many droids know binary droidspeak. Please provide links for any unusual languages. ]
  • Description: [ Briefly describe this member's personality and history of how they came to join the crew, how they interact with others, and any other special skills or attributes to note. ]
  • Name: [ Member name, feel free to include nicknames and aliases. ]
  • Age: [ Member age. Please keep this reasonable. ]
  • Species: [ Remember to consult the Banned Species List. Don't use anything on it. If the species is uncommon or custom it should be linked to the correct Wookie Article or the Codex Species Sub. Droid or Artificial Intelligence NPC's submitted to the Codex must have an Approved Factory Submission, canon model or class, without significant technical changes. That can be listed here in lieu of an actual Species Name and it should be linked. ]
  • Role: [ What role/job does this crew member serve? Give a brief description of what they do. ]
  • Languages: [ What languages do they know? For example, it's very common to know Basic and Huttese, and many droids know binary droidspeak. Please provide links for any unusual languages. ]
  • Description: [ Briefly describe this member's personality and history of how they came to join the crew, how they interact with others, and any other special skills or attributes to note. ]
  • Name: [ Member name, feel free to include nicknames and aliases. ]
  • Age: [ Member age. Please keep this reasonable. ]
  • Species: [ Remember to consult the Banned Species List. Don't use anything on it. If the species is uncommon or custom it should be linked to the correct Wookie Article or the Codex Species Sub. Droid or Artificial Intelligence NPC's submitted to the Codex must have an Approved Factory Submission, canon model or class, without significant technical changes. That can be listed here in lieu of an actual Species Name and it should be linked. ]
  • Role: [ What role/job does this crew member serve? Give a brief description of what they do. ]
  • Languages: [ What languages do they know? For example, it's very common to know Basic and Huttese, and many droids know binary droidspeak. Please provide links for any unusual languages. ]
  • Description: [ Briefly describe this member's personality and history of how they came to join the crew, how they interact with others, and any other special skills or attributes to note. ]
[ Include a description of the crew's history here. Describe who started it, how and why it was formed, any events tied into its creation and existence, etc. ]

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