Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Asani Windsong

Asani Windsong

AgeYoung Adult
Height0.4m quadrupedal, or 0.8m when standing upright.
Force SensitiveYes


She resembles a large rabbit with a long bushy squirrel-like tail. Her large eyes are most often turquoise-green but can change color to mimic the eye color of the person she is focused on. She also has a small pink nose with whiskers sticking out to either side and slightly puffy cheeks rounding out her lagomorphic face. Her large ears can be turned in a particular direction to enhance her already acute hearing and indicate her mood as well as if she's paying attention. Her fur can also change color to indicate stronger emotions. When calm it is pale white with a slight tinge of brown, black would indicate depression or sorrow but can also indicate serious illness. Other colors are more subtle changes, with a more golden color indicating feelings of happiness or excitement, a light green tint indicating love or affection, a pinkish tint indicating anger and aggression, and light blue indicating fear.

She may be small in stature, standing about three feet tall, but her arms and legs show clear muscle tone even through her fur. Her arms are each nearly as long as her body, and end in hand-like paws with three short fingers and a thumb, each with a short sharp claw. Her legs are shorter but more muscular, and her long rabbit-like feet have three clawed toes. She prefers not to wear clothing as it can contribute to her fur getting matted, so when she does she prefers loose clothing to help avoid this, and also to allow for better freedom of movement.




Curious, intelligent, and friendly would have nicely described Asani as a child, maybe a little rebellious. Her wanderlust led her to learn the hard way that the galaxy beyond his quiet home can be rather cruel, especially for the small, weak, and cute. She is more guarded in who she trusts now, knowing you can’t always tell the good people from the bad just by how they look on the surface, but on the other hand, she still wants to experience what the galaxy has to show, things she could scarcely dream of, so while she doesn’t always shy away from others out of fear, she is careful.


+Small Yet Mighty:
Asani may be weaker than most humanoids due to how small she is, but she is deceptively strong for her size, which can serve to surprise people who assume she’s a pushover due to her slight stature. She can lift more than double her body weight, has a really mean kick, and can deliver a painful bite as well.

+Acrobatics: Asani is fast, agile, and capable of impressive leaps into the air. This combined with her small size and quick reflexes, makes her a very difficult target to hit. With training, she could likely harness his agility and learn to fight with a flurry of quick strikes against foes, helping to make up for her lack of real brute strength.

+Keen Senses: Kushiban have excellent hearing, an above-average sense of smell, and very good eyesight, including the ability to see very well at night. This can make it a challenge to sneak up on her and also gives an advantage when she is trying to track down someone else, or trying to listen in on a nearby conversation.


-Sensitive Senses:
Having hearing and vision that is far better than that of an average human comes at a price. Loud sounds, like for example being blocks away from a concert, would be quite painful for her to endure. She can mitigate this somewhat with earplugs, but without such protection, she could be rendered temporarily or even permanently deaf if exposed to very loud sounds at close range. Similarly, bright lights can disorient or temporarily blind her. In this case, however permanent damage is unlikely unless she is forced to stare into a bright light and not close her eyes.

-Heart On Her Sleeve: With her mood indicated through the hue of her fur, someone who understands how to read this could potentially use such insight against her by taking advantage of a moment of emotional vulnerability.

-Small and Weak: Asani may be strong for her size, but that won’t stop her from getting overpowered by a larger and stronger opponent, assuming they can catch her. Being small also makes her more frail, so if someone does land a solid hit on her, it’s going to do some serious damage to her little body. Being small can also just be very inconvenient and frustrating when the whole galaxy seems to be designed with humans and other larger species in mind.


Asani was born on the homeworld of her species, Kushibah. Her family consisted of her father Attili, her mother Talith, and her younger brother Sindrit. In her younger days back home, she often played music on a clay flute her mother passed down to her. This is where her nickname 'Windsong' came from as on occasion while playing, she would unknowingly manipulate the air through the Force, creating a soft wind that would blow outward from where she was sitting. Otherwise, her life was pretty uneventful until she was captured at a rather early age, along with several others of her kind by an unscrupulous trader who proceeded to shuttle them and other exotic species around to different worlds, trying to sell them as pets. The conditions were less than sanitary, the treatment was rough, and food was scarcely given in adequate amounts. Some creatures died before they could even be sold, but Asani held on, hoping for the day she would be free from this horrid life, caged on this awful ship. Eventually, she was sold to a man only to be given as a gift to the man's daughter. They underestimated her intelligence however and she escaped when the daughter tried taking her on a walk. Now, lost on a strange planet far from home, Asani wonders where life will take her next.
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