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Approved Tech B2A "Comet" Heavy Air Assault Droid

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Commodore Helix

Disintegrations done dirt cheap.

  • Manufacturer: Helix Solutions
  • Affiliation: Helix Solutions
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: B2A Comet
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Durasteel, Phrik, Impervium, weapon components, jetpack components, repulsor pack components
  • Classification: Fourth-Degree
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Height: Large
  • Movement: Bipedal (Walking) Repulsor/Jet (Flying)
  • Armaments:
  • Misc. Equipment: Jetpack, Repulsorpack, Density Projector
  • Resistances (Optional):
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: High
    • Ion: High
    • Flame: Low
    • Cryo: Very Low
  • Extremely heavy armor.
  • Capable of sustained flight in or out of atmosphere.
  • Redundant secondary droid brain.
  • Falling Star: The Comet droid is capable of flight, albeit sluggishly, and as such is often used to accompany Shrike squads expecting worse than normal resistance. When it lands, it does so with great force, often attempting to land on or crush foes below it. The force of impact is often enough to create a shockwave, knocking away nearby enemy troops.
  • Air Brute: The B2A, being essentially a flying B2H, is used to much the same effect: a violent, blundering mound of armored metal muscle that can kill with its bare hands, batter down defensive lines, and take a horrendous amount of punishment before toppling.
  • Redundant Systems: Like the B2H, the Comet possesses a secondary brain in its chest cavity, allowing it to keep fighting even after sustaining grievous injury.
  • Unintelligent: Yet another feature it shares with its earthbound cousin, the B2A is somewhat dim, prone to fits of rage when seriously injured, which can cause it to act recklessly and self-destructively. Sergeants assigned with one are advised to observe it closely.
  • Hot n' Cold: While it is highly resistant to ion discharges (much like the smaller Shrikes it is often seen with) it is similarly highly vulnerable to both weaponized heat and cold. Both can damage its flight systems, causing it to fall.
  • Lazy Flier: Owing to its great size and weight, the Comet flies somewhat sluggishly compared to the smaller air troops.

The aptly-named "Comet" droid was designed to serve a similar role for Helix's elite air troops as the Linebreaker did for their ground forces. Being essentially a B2H with jet and repulsor propulsion systems, this droid is most often seen accompanying Shrikes in the pursuit of their duties.

A bulky, three-meter tall giant, it is notoriously bloodthirsty, eager to rush into the thick of an air assault, and as such will often launch itself at the ground at high speed. Upon landing with enough force to hurl away surrounding hostiles, it lashes out with armored, bone-cracking fists, razor-sharp saber-resistant vibroblades, and a pair of Suppressor Rifles attached to each arm. With these, it can unleash a flesh-melting hail of armor-piercing projectiles over short range, or concentrated blasts of incendiary compounds at longer distances.

As such, this droid excels at aerial attacks, being a near-unbreakable strongpoint air infantry can rally around. It is unpleasantly resistant to nearly all forms of damage, owing both to thick armor and the redundant secondary brain it shares with the B2H.

For all that these brutes share the virtues of their land-based counterparts, they also share many of the same weaknesses. They are fairly dim-witted, and are known to fly into a frenzy when seriously damaged, disregarding their ranged weapons and charging into melee.

While the droid is designed to resist ion discharges, it is highly vulnerable to flame or cold weapons, either of which can damage its repulsors and send it hurtling to the ground.

Lastly, it is no more a speed demon than its cousin, and while capable of flight is a fairly large, obvious target when doing so.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Commodore Helix Commodore Helix

I accept and do not ask you to rewrite the descriptions to avoid misunderstandings. But for this very reason, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is always the opponent who decides what effects their units are affected, how much they are damaged, etc., not you (no matter you wrote this in the sub). So I would like to ask you to try to pay more attention to the wording at other times.

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