Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back to the Chaos!

'lo! Not sure if anyone will know who this is, but after nearly a full year of abrupt hiatus, I return to this board! My apologies for the sudden departure. Next time, I'll make sure to post a LOA thread. >_>

Since I've been gone since August of 2014, has anything changed since then? I'm sure it has, and my brief perusing of the factions directory had less factions listed than I previously recall, but anything major that has happened?

Asking this, as I plan to create a second character, and tweak this one, so I want them both to fit. The character I was thinking of would be a Sith... but I'm not sure where he'd fit in. The two big groups I noticed were the "One Sith" and "The New Order", although I'm not sure how active the latter is. Are there any groups that I've missed? What would be the procedures for entering these?

Please excuse my inexperience, as I'm still getting used to this place again. Hope to get involved in some cool RP soon! :D

P.S: Posting on the character account, rather than the user account, since absolutely nobody is going to recognize that name.

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